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In Publishing

8/24/2006 jasonm: Revision concerns
Hey independent designer-publishers, So The Roach has been available for a little while now and done well, and I'm getting a lot of good actual play and critical feedback on…
In Publishing
Participants: jasonm, Ron Edwards, MatrixGamer, Justin D. Jacobson, abzu, Gregor Hutton, Doyce, Paul Czege, Lxndr, Marhault, Jake Richmond, Thunder_God, tj333, Jonathan Walton.

8/24/2006 a302b: POD quality
Hello, I have heard many different things about the quality of POD (Print on Demand), and I was wondering what experience you guys have had. I am loking for something…
In Publishing
Participants: a302b, Andrew Morris, JakeVanDam, Ron Edwards, Clinton R. Nixon, btrc, nikola.

8/18/2006 Andrew Morris: Looking for the right printer, need some help
Does anyone know of a POD or small run printer that can handle all of the following, or at least the first two? 1. Small trim size (4.25 in. by…
In Publishing
Participants: Andrew Morris, Valamir, Ron Edwards, andrew_kenrick, Jake Richmond, joepub, AvalonPOD, nikola.

8/17/2006 Nick_Bergeron: Basic Publishing Guide
Are there any resources floating around the site on how to actually publish an indi game, from step 1?
In Publishing
Participants: Nick_Bergeron, Zach, Iskander.

8/16/2006 Justin D. Jacobson: Please Find Me a Typo in Burning Empires
It's not often that I'm humbled upon reading a game, but nevertheless here I am. I snagged a copy of BE at GC for a couple of reasons. Principally, I…
In Publishing
Participants: Justin D. Jacobson, Andrew Morris, TonyLB, Iskander, abzu, Matt Wilson.

8/16/2006 Jake Richmond: Panty Explosion (print version) available now
For those of you who didn't run into me at Gencon, the print version of Panty Explosion is available now from our site at Atarashi Games. It's a very handsome…
In Publishing
Participants: Jake Richmond.

8/16/2006 Denise: 2007 ENnie Awards
Just so you guys know, I'm going to be starting the voting for the coveted positions of ENnies judge some time in September.  To be a judge you need to…
In Publishing
Participants: Denise.

8/15/2006 DLChuck: Very impressed with the indie games at Gen Con
Hi guys.  I'm a new poster here, but I've lurked a bit bit before.  I run a gaming podcast called the Dragon's Landing Inn, and my Co-Host and I, along…
In Publishing
Participants: DLChuck, Ron Edwards, Denise.

8/15/2006 Andrew Morris: Unistat available online
A nice PDF of Unistat is now available online, thanks to the efforts of Remi Treuer, who was great to work with. The game fits on a single sheet of…
In Publishing
Participants: Andrew Morris, RobNJ.

8/15/2006 John Harper: Agon (print version) now available!
My game of ancient Greek heroes, Agon, is now available in printed form, thanks to the good folks at You can order the book here. The game website has…
In Publishing
Participants: John Harper, demiurgeastaroth.

8/7/2006 Justin D. Jacobson: News About RPI
I just got a letter from RPI and "Alphagraphics", and I know a lot of us around here have used them and intend to use them in the future. So…
In Publishing
Participants: Justin D. Jacobson, TonyLB, jasonm.

8/6/2006 Jasper: Getting a wide audience (nevermind the profit)
I'm at the point of deciding what the final, presented form of City of Birds will be (that is, how to "publish" it). Print? PDF? Creative Commons license...? First, though,…
In Publishing
Participants: Jasper.

8/5/2006 Sovem: Profit in PDFs?
Wow, an entire forum for indie rpg publishing! First, lemme say, this is awesome. My wife and I have been trying to get into indie publishing for a long time…
In Publishing
Participants: Sovem, daMoose_Neo, timfire, Nathan P., Justin D. Jacobson, demiurgeastaroth, Gregor Hutton, guildofblades.

8/4/2006 daMoose_Neo: "Card" games and paper stock...
Forgive me, as this is something of a poll, but not a "iz this kewl or wat?" - I'm back at my experimental publishing of card games, again using my…
In Publishing
Participants: daMoose_Neo, Thomas D, Veritas Games, Adam SBG, ocasta.

8/4/2006 KeithBVaughn: PDF size for downloading?
To the Group, My game Planets of Peril is close to done except for the artwork. As I plan on selling in PDF format first from online outlets, I need…
In Publishing
Participants: KeithBVaughn, Justin D. Jacobson, Joshua BishopRoby, MatrixGamer, Adam, timfire.

8/3/2006 komradebob: Other ways of rpg publishing?
Has anyone explored the idea of "publishing" a game as a magazine article/submission? I think Ryan ( Guildofblades) mentioned the idea in another thread a while back, although I don't…
In Publishing
Participants: komradebob, preludetotheend, Joshua BishopRoby, guildofblades, David Artman, Bardsandsages.

8/3/2006 thwaak: Going from Mainstream to Independent?
Heya, There are plenty of games that started off as independent ventures and made the jump to mainstream publishing/success, but what of the reverse? Have any games started as being…
In Publishing
Participants: thwaak, Joshua BishopRoby, MatrixGamer, Gaerik, abzu, Kesher, Ron Edwards, Matt Snyder.

8/3/2006 preludetotheend: Asian Publishers
A while back I remember a thread popping up about a person looking to print in asia but not sure if the cost was worth it. I have recently been…
In Publishing
Participants: preludetotheend, Clinton R. Nixon.

8/2/2006 Gordon C. Landis: [SNAP] Publication history, publication future
The design history of SNAP (a generic “system” to build & run Narish games) I can trace back to this May 2001 post, but the publication history . .…
In Publishing
Participants: Gordon C. Landis, MatrixGamer, Adam SBG.

8/1/2006 SilentScope: [Insurgency: The RPG] Published! What next?
A bit about the game first. Insurgency: The Game is a Roleplaying Game created by Silent. Players take on the role of Insurgent Commanders, leading a growing insurgency, uniting…
In Publishing
Participants: SilentScope, daMoose_Neo, abzu.

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Subsequent Topics
In Publishing

8/25/2006 Paka: Writing a Dictionary: so many people to thank
Inspired by: Brennan's Mortal Coil: From Concept to Product Thor's Making of Burning Empires One , Two.  ]Three. Four. and Five The Dictionary of Mu began with this: I am…
In Publishing
Participants: Paka, iago, Keith Senkowski, Andrew Craig, abzu, RobNJ, Ron Edwards.

8/25/2006 baron samedi: (RPG Layout) Questions on layout for 6"x9" format
Hello Forgers! I am looking for the advice of people who have some experience with layout for RPGs or books in 6"x9" format. I'm an amateur at doing layouts, I'm…
In Publishing
Participants: baron samedi, MatrixGamer, KeithBVaughn, Adam, Matt Wilson, Zach, Wolfen, madelf.

8/28/2006 Jonathan Walton: Push Sales: Our First Month
In case anyone's interested in what sales figures might look like for a new product with a reasonable amount of hype, I've posted a summery of our first month's sales…
In Publishing
Participants: Jonathan Walton.

8/29/2006 gains: Horizontal format books (split)
I have similar layout concerns to Jason's so I'd like to continue this discussion. I like the advice already given but there is a content reason that the landscape format…
In Publishing
Participants: gains, joepub, nikola, Ron Edwards, jasonm, MatrixGamer, David Artman, KeithBVaughn.

8/30/2006 Sovem: Query: Indie Presses accepting submissions?
I was wondering, do indie presses every look for game ideas beyond their usual repertoire? My first thought is that, no, indie presses are too small and focused to branch…
In Publishing
Participants: Sovem, Clinton R. Nixon, Wolfen, Lxndr, Valamir, Paka, daMoose_Neo.

8/30/2006 Grant: Trying to get a handle on crossover appeal
First of all, I'd like to apologize in advance if this isn't the right place for this kind of thing, but I've been thinking a fair bit about how to…
In Publishing
Participants: Grant, Jake Richmond, epweissengruber, JustinB, joepub.

9/2/2006 IronMessiah: Writing for a game to which I have no license...?
Okay, first let me say this is my first post to The Forge.  I've long watched things going on here while I write my game materials and rules, but I…
In Publishing
Participants: IronMessiah, daMoose_Neo, Gordon C. Landis, guildofblades, greyorm, Blankshield, Thunder_God, Ron Edwards.

9/3/2006 eyebeams: Mongoose (split)
[quote author=lumpley link=topic=20139.msg210551#msg210551 date=1150477918] Matthew Sprange wrote me a little while back, offering to publish Dogs in the Vineyard under a new imprint that Mongoose is launching (or considering launching).…
In Publishing
Participants: eyebeams, Ron Edwards.

9/5/2006 sean2099: what to do if you suspect someone used your material?
Hi all, I wasn't sure where to post this question.  I know there have been several questions about copyrights but I have a question of a different bend.  I admit…
In Publishing
Participants: sean2099, TonyLB, Ron Edwards.

9/5/2006 Troy_Costisick: [My Idea] New Business Model- Inspired by Ken Hite
Heya, What a trip my path towards game publishing has been lately.  Recently I read This Post by Ron.  There’s a road of no return that people walk when they…
In Publishing
Participants: Troy_Costisick, Eero Tuovinen, cpeterso, pells, komradebob, MatrixGamer, sean2099.

9/5/2006 qhudspeth: Come Together: A rant on editing
I'm annoyed. I just spent several bucks on an e-edition of a relatively new indie RPG, and while, conceptually, I give it an A+, technically, I'd have to give it…
In Publishing
Participants: qhudspeth, Clinton R. Nixon, Ron Edwards, Justin D. Jacobson, PatSully98, Eliarhiman6, Rich Forest.

9/6/2006 gds: Art for arts sake?
Hi all, I'm new here, so play nice! Like it seems everyone else in the world, I have been designing my own rpg, and am reasonably happy with it. It's…
In Publishing
Participants: gds, devilbunny, c, Ron Edwards, Troy_Costisick, Storn, Sovem, JakeVanDam, daMoose_Neo.

9/8/2006 sean2099: looking for advice on RPG promotion
Hi all, I have tried to promote Divinity but I feel like I am not taking advantage of everything that is out there.  I have seen some good resources in…
In Publishing
Participants: sean2099, Trevis Martin, TonyLB.

9/8/2006 JustinB: Marketing
Has anyone found any really good places to advertise games? Alternatively, can anyone recommend a marketing strategy or a place on this site where this has already been discussed?
In Publishing
Participants: JustinB, daMoose_Neo.

9/11/2006 gds: Art pricing
So, this is a really vague subject I know, but I'm just wondering... I have a 200-or so page book, which will be digest size. I want some art -…
In Publishing
Participants: gds, Technocrat13, Ron Edwards, Paul Czege.

9/14/2006 MatrixGamer: Learning curves on new computer programs.
Recently I purchased Adobe Creativity Suite 2 (with a college discount so I'm not in hock for the next year!) I got it so I could start converting product files…
In Publishing
Participants: MatrixGamer, guildofblades, David Artman, nikola.

9/15/2006 Steven Stewart: Need Suggestions for Simple, Easy Webpage to Put Games on...
I have been fiddling with game design for a little bit. I would describe myself as a casual designer, meaning that I want to get my ideas out to people…
In Publishing
Participants: Steven Stewart, c, Technocrat13, JakeVanDam, joepub.

9/18/2006 joepub: Pushing a game outside the RPG scene.
So, I randomly decided earlier today to start at the VERY beginning of the Publishing forum. Just start scanning through the pages, and reading any threads that jumped out at…
In Publishing
Participants: joepub, Eero Tuovinen, TonyLB, b_bankhead, daMoose_Neo, komradebob, guildofblades.

9/18/2006 komradebob: Making a boxed set? What goes into it?
[url=]This thread[/url] got my mind turning back again to the idea of a boxed set rpg. I know a coupple of people around here have put out board games and…
In Publishing
Participants: komradebob, Ron Edwards, Technocrat13.

9/18/2006 Keith Senkowski: Game Design Seminars from GenCon 06
I have just posted the first session from the Game Design seminars at GenCon 2006 (in seven parts).  If you missed the sessions at GenCon here is your chance to…
In Publishing
Participants: Keith Senkowski, c, Michael S. Miller, Adam Dray, KeithBVaughn.

more subsequent topics >>