The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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In Publishing

12/30/2008 davidberg: quoting TV dialogue in your game text: legal?
So, I'm making a game that's inspired by X-Files, and I want to put some Mulder and Scully quotes in it.  Does anyone know what rules I have to follow…
In Publishing
Participants: davidberg, Eero Tuovinen.

12/19/2008 guildofblades: GOB Ecom & Your Brand on Custom Poker Decks
Hi All, Well, we are just about finished tweaking the code on our new e-commerce store for GOB Retail and we'll begin promoting it shortly. You can find the store…
In Publishing
Participants: guildofblades, otspiii.

12/17/2008 HiQKid: Poison Pages redux (split)
*I noted the warning above - this thread's been quiet for quite a while. But I'm not sure my point is worth making a whole new topic, and I feel…
In Publishing
Participants: HiQKid, Ron Edwards, guildofblades.

12/16/2008 davidberg: adding a PayPal button to my website
I need to sell a PDF.  I am fluent in HTML and know a teeny bit of javascript. How do I make it so that when you click on a…
In Publishing
Participants: davidberg, Eero Tuovinen, Nathan P., Wolfen, Zonetrooper1, Clay.

12/15/2008 casimps1: 2008 Intelligent Gamer Awards Nominations
First of all, my apologies if this is posted in the wrong place or is somehow against site policy. I found a few other awards threads in this forum, so…
In Publishing
Participants: casimps1.

12/14/2008 wunderllama: Designers with printed books: who do you print with and how's their service?
Hi, folks. So for my initial print run of Thou Art But A Warrior, I wound up going with Publisher's Graphics. I had very vague anecdotal reports about their service…
In Publishing
Participants: wunderllama, Eero Tuovinen, guildofblades, Ron Edwards, Pelgrane, Graham Walmsley, Gregor Hutton, jasonm, lorry.

12/5/2008 sirogit: Phases of Customer Involvement
I've been molling this over in my head for awhile, a model of various phases of customer involvement involved in the purchase of tabletop roleplaying games. If someone wanted to…
In Publishing
Participants: sirogit.

12/3/2008 First Oni: Recent Events for Third Eye Games
Hello all! I just thought I'd come onto the forums and let everyone know what's going on in my world. We launched Apocalypse Prevention, Inc. live on 11/25/08 and the…
In Publishing
Participants: First Oni, David C.

12/3/2008 David C: Has anybody used the pro fantasy map making software?
Ron, I'm not sure where this is supposed to go, so feel free to move it to . I was thinking about using the Pro Fantasy software to make…
In Publishing
Participants: David C, Dementia Games, MatrixGamer, Pelgrane.

11/27/2008 Rich Stokes: How to herd cats: getting 8 indie designers to work together on one book
This is a quick rundown of how the CE Journal came into existence.  Hopefully it'll be interesting to a couple of people and might even serve someone as a how-to…
In Publishing
Participants: Rich Stokes, Gregor Hutton.

11/18/2008 btrc: Poster printing
For those with a nearby OfficeMax: (an overly large 1 page flyer) Coupons for 11/23 and 11/24, including 50% off large format printing. So, if you have some posters…
In Publishing
Participants: btrc.

11/11/2008 big dummy: Open Game License independent?
Hi, I am an independent game designer, I wrote a combat system for the 3.5 OGL I have been on this forum before, a long time ago though I lost…
In Publishing
Participants: big dummy, Eero Tuovinen, Ron Edwards.

11/11/2008 lumpley: Announcing: the Indie Rpgs Un-store
Hi everybody. I'm launching a new service here under the banner of It's the indie rpgs un-store, and it lives at Go, check it out. Be sure to…
In Publishing
Participants: lumpley, Ron Edwards, Gregor Hutton, Eero Tuovinen, wunderllama, Artanis, Hituro, guildofblades.

11/6/2008 guildofblades: Game Design & Publishing Workshop - Sun, Nov 23rd
The Guild of Blades Retail Group is hosting a FREE game design and independent publishing workshop on Sunday, November 23rd at our new Game Retail Store in Madison Heights (…
In Publishing
Participants: guildofblades, Eero Tuovinen, preludetotheend.

11/4/2008 Peter Nordstrand: Lovecraft, copyrights, trademarks, and other horrors
If I wanted to make a game based on Lovecraft's fiction, could I do that? Or are his stories still covered by copyrights? What about trademarks and such, such as…
In Publishing
Participants: Peter Nordstrand, preludetotheend, Eero Tuovinen, Dementia Games, Graham Walmsley, Pelgrane.

11/3/2008 lumpley: Have we already reached everyone?
Here's Jesse from another thread: ...what I've observed is a general attitude that "everyone who can be reached, has been reached."  ...just last con I ran…
In Publishing
Participants: lumpley, preludetotheend, Cynthia Celeste Miller, iago, Pelgrane, Jake Richmond, greyorm, guildofblades, Valamir, jburneko, eyebeams, Ron Edwards.

11/3/2008 Cynthia Celeste Miller: Printer-Friendly PDF?
How does one go about making a printer-friendly version of an existing PDF product? This may sound like a rather silly question, considering that I've been involved with PDF publishing…
In Publishing
Participants: Cynthia Celeste Miller, Vulpinoid, iago, btrc.

11/3/2008 preludetotheend: Gaming store models
 Hello folks so I have my thread on;board=12.0 in regards to intellectual property purchasing, but I also have a business model for development that I am looking to get…
In Publishing
Participants: preludetotheend, Eero Tuovinen, jag, David Artman, Paul Czege, Wolfen, Ron Edwards, guildofblades.

10/31/2008 visioNationstudios: A Largescale Cross-Posting Idea
I said I was going to split this into a new thread, and so I have.  One of the marketing ideas that came up multiple times during my search here…
In Publishing
Participants: visioNationstudios, Eero Tuovinen, David Artman.

10/31/2008 visioNationstudios: On Marketing
Last night I came here intending to ask a few questions about marketing.  But I decided to do some searching through the archives here to see what had already been…
In Publishing
Participants: visioNationstudios, iago, Ron Edwards, Pelgrane, jburneko, Cynthia Celeste Miller, Paraplegic Racehorse.

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Subsequent Topics
In Publishing

1/5/2009 btrc: DVD/CD cases
I know a few people use these as an alternate packaging for game products. is having a sale on a few types, if anyone needs to update their stock.…
In Publishing
Participants: btrc.

1/14/2009 David C: About Publishing: Can I get an idea what it's like?
After pouring many hours into my game and seeing it become something closer to "complete", I've wanted to consider some of my options about things.  So, if you can give…
In Publishing
Participants: David C, Eero Tuovinen, guildofblades, Graham Walmsley, Willow, greyorm.

1/31/2009 preludetotheend: Preping files for making saddle stitched book
  Hello I am typing up a rough draft of an ash can that I plan to saddle stitch staple. I am trying to figure out how to actual lay…
In Publishing
Participants: preludetotheend, Eero Tuovinen, ccreitz, Blankshield.

2/1/2009 Christopher Kubasik: An Article About Print-on-Demand, Publishing, and the Future
Everyone's trying to guess how all this is going to shake out.  I think it says many of the things that have been argued here about RPG publishing.... and extends…
In Publishing
Participants: Christopher Kubasik, Wolfen, greyorm, guildofblades, MatrixGamer.

2/13/2009 Nathan: Contact Info for Key20
Hey folks, I noticed that Key20's website is down with a "We are closed." message. Has anyone heard word on this? All my emails have been bounced back recently that…
In Publishing
Participants: Nathan, iago, Ron Edwards, visioNationstudios.

2/21/2009 Paraplegic Racehorse: Packaging and Presentation
I'm definitely fishing, here, so please chime in with your opinions. Lots of us, here, provide or have provided adventure modules for someone else's game (D20 glut?). Lots of us…
In Publishing
Participants: Paraplegic Racehorse, Eero Tuovinen, Vulpinoid, preludetotheend, pells, MatrixGamer.

2/22/2009 Cynthia Celeste Miller: Book Sizes and PDFs
I'm currently considering going with a digest-sized book for my upcoming RPG, Slasher Flick. However, I'm also planning to release it in PDF format. And therein lies the problem. Most…
In Publishing
Participants: Cynthia Celeste Miller, Eero Tuovinen, KeithBVaughn, David Artman, Gregor Hutton.

2/23/2009 Hituro: The Indie Rpgs Un-store sales results
So I was wondering, in an anecdotal fashion, after a few months of operation, how people were finding the Un-Store in practice? I have had a sale through the Un-Store…
In Publishing
Participants: Hituro, lumpley, Darcy Burgess, Graham Walmsley, Ron Edwards, GreatWolf, Eric J. Boyd, Marshall Burns, Jake Richmond, rafael, Clay, iago.

3/2/2009 Jeremy Keller: Contracts for editors?
Hi everyone.  I've lurked around here for quite some time, but this is my first time posting.  I've just finished writing a manuscript for a game system and I'm starting…
In Publishing
Participants: Jeremy Keller, Luke, Adam Dray.

3/5/2009 apeiron: - Have you used it?
Google gave me a link to  They seem to be a PoD service connected to Amazon. Have you used them?  How was it?
In Publishing
Participants: apeiron, Graham Walmsley, Paraplegic Racehorse, visioNationstudios.

3/11/2009 Amadeo: Patronage and Publishing
I just took a look over at Monte Cook's new Dungeon-a-Day project and its got me thinking. What does everyone think of patronage for game designers? Wolfgang Baur did it…
In Publishing
Participants: Amadeo, iago, Vulpinoid, MatrixGamer.

3/12/2009 Graham Walmsley: Publishers' Graphics: Apparently they're a file storage facility, now
A rather odd email from Publishers' Graphics. Dear Graham, March 9, 2009 We are updating our data-file storage system, and have added new procedures to our safeguards to insure that…
In Publishing
Participants: Graham Walmsley, guildofblades, Ron Edwards.

3/15/2009 preludetotheend: Could 3.5 ogl open 4th ed
I have been pondering how best to publish for 4th ed, not being to fond of the gsl I was wondering if the ogl might be able to remedy things.…
In Publishing
Participants: preludetotheend, Eero Tuovinen, Rafu, Ron Edwards.

3/27/2009 Ben Lehman: Publishing a Gaming Magazine
So I've decided to publish a gaming magazine. A year ago, I wrote a game called XXXXtreme STREET luge, which has been shockingly successful given that I haven't even produced…
In Publishing
Participants: Ben Lehman, MatrixGamer, Calithena.

3/30/2009 jasonm: An Offer I Passed On
So Alderac Entertainment Group just got in touch with me, to offer me a job.  Here are the specifics: I’d sign an NDA and then they’d show me their new…
In Publishing
Participants: jasonm, Eero Tuovinen, lumpley, Capulet, Artanis, Wolfen, guildofblades, jburneko, greyorm, C. Edwards, Gregor Hutton, Ron Edwards, shaneivey.

4/1/2009 Luke: Full Color, 20¢ a page
Holy cow, has anyone seen or even used MagCloud yet? It's an endeavor by HP to create a Lulu-like service for short run, low page-count magazines. It seems utterly…
In Publishing
Participants: Luke, jasonm, mjbauer, Double King, Marhault.

4/1/2009 Seamus: New Publisher With Questions about GSL and OGL
Just getting started in the publishing world, and trying to decide if I should go 4E or OGL. We will have an original system or two in our lineup as…
In Publishing
Participants: Seamus, Ron Edwards, Eero Tuovinen, Luke.

I am creating a business plan for a small publishing business. We have one project in the works we want to focus on, and hope it will be successful enough…
In Publishing
Participants: Seamus, Eero Tuovinen, preludetotheend, Paul Czege, greyorm, guildofblades, xenopulse, Noclue.

4/5/2009 preludetotheend: Free give away contests to get some visibility?
I am currently playing around with creating one of those tweet books people have been buzzing about. As I am polishing up my little game chef entry (my first…
In Publishing
Participants: preludetotheend, iago.

4/6/2009 Seamus: LULU.COM
A few publishers have recommended Lulu.Com. Does anyone here have experience with lulu?
In Publishing
Participants: Seamus, rafael, iago, greyorm, Calithena, xenopulse, Graham Walmsley, Ron Edwards, Miskatonic, jerry, April L. Hamilton, redalastor, guildofblades.

more subsequent topics >>