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In HeroQuest

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In HeroQuest

5/18/2001 Blake Hutchins: Getting started
Alright. Thanks to Clinton for putting up this forum. Since I asked for it, I'll get the ball rolling. One of the things that intrigues me about the design of…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Blake Hutchins, Ron Edwards, james_west, Clinton R. Nixon, Alai, contracycle.

5/19/2001 james_west: core rules freely downloadable
If anyone's interested in this game but doesn't have a copy, chapters 1-3 of Hero Wars are on issaries' web site, as well as everything important in chapter 4 as…
In HeroQuest
Participants: james_west, Ron Edwards.

6/2/2001 joshua neff: my take on hero wars
okay, i finally got around to plunking down the cash for the boxed set & started reading thru the books... & certain things struck me right off the bat--like greg…
In HeroQuest
Participants: joshua neff, james_west, Ron Edwards, Levekius, Pyske.

6/3/2001 Ron Edwards: God damn it, I love Glorantha
Yes, Glorantha is highly derivative. Yes, nearly all the mythic details can be traced to their historical and literary antecedents. Fine. It's a rockin' setting. In yesterday's game, the characters…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Ron Edwards, epweissengruber, Clinton R. Nixon, Zak Arntson, Blake Hutchins, John Wick, Stefan Drawert.

6/27/2001 Uncle Dark: Where to begin?
I like Hero Wars (I have to disagree with Josh and state that I think the rulebook is buggy as hell... No set of rules should require a 4 page…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Uncle Dark, Blake Hutchins, Ron Edwards, james_west, joshua neff, Alai, Valamir, Jonas, Stefan Drawert, epweissengruber.

7/5/2001 John Wick: Basic Rules Download
I understand the basic rules are somewhere on the website, ready for me to download. Anybody got a link? Thanks in advance, John
In HeroQuest
Participants: John Wick, james_west, Blake Hutchins, mikeryan, Christopher Kubasik.

7/6/2001 Ron Edwards: Hero Scape / Plane Wars
Hi there, I went and did it. We're starting a Planescape game, using the Hero Wars system, or, if you like, we're playing Hero Wars using the Planescape setting. It's…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Ron Edwards, Blake Hutchins, joshua neff, Peter.

7/20/2001 Stefan Drawert: Examples Of Extended Contest, Anyboby?
Hello to everybody, recently discovered this forum about Hero Wars, which I'm gonna start gaming next week! Still I feel somehow uneasy about extended contest when it comes to relate…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Stefan Drawert, mikeryan, Uncle Dark.

8/20/2001 Coleslaw: I just picked up Glorantha
Not that I think too many people will care, but I just picked up the Glorantha boxed set today. I must say, I am very, very pleased with the system…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Coleslaw, Jason L Blair, joshua neff, Blake Hutchins, Ron Edwards, Jeffrey Straszheim.

9/7/2001 GB Steve: Dune
Just a quickie really to note that we are playing Dune at the moment using the Hero Wars rules. It works OK, except of course where we have to fudge…
In HeroQuest
Participants: GB Steve, Ron Edwards, Blake Hutchins.

9/17/2001 pacific_steve: Glorantha - It's been a long time!
Well, well....once I got over my intial shock at seeing Glorantha back in tradeback format, I picked up a copy and from what little I saw of the sstem....I was…
In HeroQuest
Participants: pacific_steve, Ron Edwards, Ben Morgan, wizardattic.

10/3/2001 pacific_steve: Started reading Hero Wars and.......
Ok, I've finally started to read Hero Wars. It's badly organised, that much is obvious. They need to do a serious rework of this. If I was a complete newbie,…
In HeroQuest
Participants: pacific_steve, Mike Holmes, Valamir, Blake Hutchins, epweissengruber.

10/5/2001 joshua neff: mildly disappointed
I just popped over to the Issaries website. Their revised production schedule has pushed the Lunar sourcebook back to next spring. Bloody hell! The one book I was looking forward…
In HeroQuest
Participants: joshua neff, pacific_steve, Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards.

10/21/2001 Blake Hutchins: Hero Wars 2nd Edition changes
Just curious: the Issaries website refers to Animist rules being totally rewritten and Sorcery rules being partly rewritten. Does anyone know the gist of what these changes will be? Thanks,…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Blake Hutchins.

12/7/2001 Blake Hutchins: Hero Wars in S-F setting
Hey all, I've been bitten by the idea that Hero Wars might work very, very well as a substitute rules set for White Wolf's Trinity setting, in which the players…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Blake Hutchins, Bankuei, Ron Edwards, Ian Freeman, Ayrizale, GB Steve, contracycle, Mike Holmes.

12/20/2001 Blake Hutchins: Alternate settings
OK, I have a group interested in Tribe 8. (This is a different group than the X-Games crowd, for what it's worth.) I'm intrigued by some aspects of the Silhouette…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Blake Hutchins, Ron Edwards.

12/27/2001 James V. West: Picked it up cheap!
I'm on vacation. I had some bucks. I went to the local comics/game shop and browsed the used/discounted stuff as I'm a terribly poor cheapskate. Lo and behold, I stumbled…
In HeroQuest
Participants: James V. West, hardcoremoose, Ron Edwards, Ranko.

12/28/2001 Ron Edwards: Goddess of rape?
As I've mentioned before, I've been running Hero Wars for the same group of three players, in good old "campaign" style, for well over a year. The players are Tod,…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Ron Edwards, James V. West, Blake Hutchins.

12/30/2001 Ian O'Rourke: Aaarrgggh, but great
Am I the only one who read Hero Wars and felt that, just beyond their perception that it was something great, but just could not pull it all together due…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Ian O'Rourke, Uncle Dark, Bankuei.

1/29/2002 contracycle: known outcomes
So a thought on the implementation of the HW mechanic. There's something I've been toying with but presents some social contract concerns which I'd like to poll opinions aboyu. On…
In HeroQuest
Participants: contracycle, Ron Edwards, Bankuei.

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