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In HeroQuest

4/7/2004 Alan: Mythic Precedent
Hi all, Here's bit of trivia I heard from a History Channel special on Egyption magic. The written text would include a Historica, the full text of several stories relevant…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Alan, lightcastle, Harrek, RaconteurX, Alai, Jane.

4/5/2004 rylen dreskin: how do you get something to eat around here?
Thanks for the response to my last question. I did go a bit long. Shorter bites, this time. Saturday evening, I helped a friend put together a test character --…
In HeroQuest
Participants: rylen dreskin, Brand_Robins, Deacon Blues, Simon Bray, buserian, Mike Holmes, elgorade, Moah.

4/5/2004 Russell Hoyle: Final Days at Skullpoint, by Ron Edwards
Ron, are you the Ron Edwards mentioned in connection with this fine upcoming publication? If so, congratulations! Rusty
In HeroQuest
Participants: Russell Hoyle, jrs, Ron Edwards, Mark Galeotti.

4/3/2004 rylen dreskin: New Old Questions
Howdy, I’ve picked up HeroQuest and hope to run a game sometime soon. I’m still trying to work out some aspects, though. From the posts I’ve read here, I think…
In HeroQuest
Participants: rylen dreskin, Alai, Harrek, buserian.

4/2/2004 Janus: How do you manage augments?
Hi, I was wondering how HeroQuest GMs were managing augments. a) Do you pre-calculate some augments? (e.g. standard close combat augments) b) Do you decide the augments and then do…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Janus, Harrek, Bankuei.

4/2/2004 Simon Bray: UW - Calling for Contributors
Hi All, Do you have a manuscript you would love to see published? Do you have a flare for creative writing and design? Do you have a great idea but…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Simon Bray.

4/2/2004 Simon Bray: Gloranthan Maps
Hi All, As some of you may know the Unspoken Word has specialised in Gloranthan Maps since the companies creation. We already have a good product stock including The Lunar…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Simon Bray, droog, RaconteurX, Nils Weinander, Mike Holmes, Invain, Mark Galeotti.

4/2/2004 Simon Bray: Char-Un Sons of Kargzant
Hi All, just to let you know that UW has a new book currently in final layout and out very soon...... The eagerly awaited Sons of Kargzant, sourcebook on the…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Simon Bray.

4/1/2004 lightcastle: Newbie and some questions about AP
Hi everybody. I should write a long introduction about how much I love HQ, stumbling across it while trying to find a system that did what I wanted it to…
In HeroQuest
Participants: lightcastle, Wulf, Janus, Mike Holmes, buserian, simon_hibbs, Brand_Robins.

3/31/2004 Rich Forest: Starting characters and magic
Hi, So I finally have a chance to start a Hero Quest game, and I have a couple questions about magic and beginning characters. Now to put this in context,…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Rich Forest, Mike Holmes, Harrek, Alai, Bankuei, Brand_Robins, issariesguy, buserian, Simon Bray.

3/30/2004 Brand_Robins: Ring of Heroquest Narrators down?
Does anyone know what is up (or down, as the case may be) with The Ring of HeroQuest Narrators? (
In HeroQuest
Participants: Brand_Robins, Simon Bray, MrWrong.

3/29/2004 Deacon Blues: Adding A Little Crunch to Heroquest
I'd like to try and get my regular group hooked on HQ. I just love the system, and my gamers seem tailor-made for a story-heavy style of play. Most of…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Deacon Blues, Mike Holmes, Brand_Robins, simon_hibbs, Alai.

3/25/2004 Janus: SLA Industries HQ-system adaptation?
Hi, Has anyone done an adaptation of the HQ-system for the SLA Industries setting (i.e. appropriate cultural and occupational keywords, Ebb rules, etc.) ? Or has anyone interest in such…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Janus, 6inTruder.

3/20/2004 doubtofbuddha: Psionics
Psionics is a pretty major component of the Mindshadows setting, so I had to spend a bit of time deciding what, exactly, I wanted to do with it. At first…
In HeroQuest
Participants: doubtofbuddha, buserian, Mac Logo, Scripty.

3/18/2004 Lorenzo Rubbo-Ferraro: Bought HB.. Yipee.. Err how the?
Hi everybody. Bought the Hero's Book the other day. YIPPEE !!! I really dig it and can't wait for HeroQuest (have it on order). I have a question if anyone…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Lorenzo Rubbo-Ferraro, Mark Galeotti, buserian, Scripty, Harrek, Brand_Robins, Mike Holmes.

3/14/2004 Janus: HQ system and insanity mechanics
Hi, I was wondering if anyone has worked out some game mechanics for stress/sanity/etc. with the HeroQuest system. It would be to run in a contemporary (Call of Cthulhu) or…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Janus, Bankuei, Scripty, newsalor, Mike Holmes.

3/9/2004 buserian: d20 vs. 3d6 in HeroQuest?
In the recent Suggest a game system for me PLEASE! topic on the RPG Theory forum, Nuadha said the following: The problem with using Heroquest, is that it only uses…
In HeroQuest
Participants: buserian, Mike Holmes, Mac Logo, RaconteurX, Nicolas Crost, simon_hibbs, Valamir, Paul Watson, Brand_Robins, newsalor, Alai, Peter Nordstrand, Lxndr, lightcastle.

3/7/2004 Lorenzo Rubbo-Ferraro: Hero's Book?
Hi all. My local shop doesn't have HQ but they do have the Hero's Book. I have done a bit of net surfing and can only conclude that the Hero's…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Lorenzo Rubbo-Ferraro, buserian, hix.

3/6/2004 Lorenzo Rubbo-Ferraro: HQ Floats my boat
I have just read a few reviews on HQ and various posts at the Forge and it blows my mind that virtually all my game design concepts for Lila (a…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Lorenzo Rubbo-Ferraro, RaconteurX, buserian, Mike Holmes.

3/4/2004 Bluve Oak: A few questions
Hi there. Just asking about for an intelligent magic system and was advised to check out Heroquest. Before I part with my hard earned cash I was just wondering…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Bluve Oak, Harrek, Brand_Robins, Mike Holmes, buserian, joshua neff, Mac Logo, Lorenzo Rubbo-Ferraro.

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Subsequent Topics
In HeroQuest

4/8/2004 rylen dreskin: How to serve man, er ... ogres
Been reading more Glorantha background and have begun putting together some ideas for a clan to be the center of the action. I'd like to have an ogre lurking in…
In HeroQuest
Participants: rylen dreskin, Mike Holmes.

4/8/2004 lightcastle: Followers
Hi everyone, more newbie questions. :) This time, I'm concerned with followers and multiple attacks and such. Say we have our 3 heroic players squaring off with a villain and…
In HeroQuest
Participants: lightcastle.

4/9/2004 Mike Holmes: Plot Immunity
Brand had an interesting thought in another thread about deer hunting. I wanted to expand on it in a new thread. He said, that instead of having "Kill a deer"…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Mike Holmes, Paganini, C. Edwards, Scripty, lightcastle, Eero Tuovinen, Bankuei, soru, Christopher Weeks, RaconteurX, simon_hibbs, buserian, issariesguy, Alai.

4/11/2004 lightcastle: Consequences of failure
So a sudden thought occured to me, which is probably old hat to you HQ/HW veterans. One of the great advantages of HQ is the whole way you can augment…
In HeroQuest
Participants: lightcastle, Mike Holmes, buserian.

4/12/2004 Peter Nordstrand: GothCon Report
I ran HeroQuest at GothCon (Gothenburg, Sweden). A drop in event. I had brought a number of different scenarios, but I ended up running mostly The Assassin (described very briefly…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Peter Nordstrand, Henrix.

4/13/2004 Der_Renegat: Modern Firearms in HQ
Im still working on how to use HQ for a cyberpunk setting and started with the obvious: combat and modern weapons, because most of the rest is pretty obvious. Vehicular…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Der_Renegat, Donald, soru, Peter Nordstrand, Mike Holmes, MikeSands, buserian.

4/15/2004 Simon Bray: Sons of Kargzant at the Printers.
Comrades! SoK is at the printers now. We don't yet have a firm release date, because the company which handles the preparatory work for the fine colour covers is closed…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Simon Bray, Mike Holmes, Mark Galeotti, joshua neff.

4/16/2004 Deacon Blues: Animism for Dummies
Maybe it's my parochial Western upbringing, but I'm having a hard time getting Animism. I don't understand the relationship between a tradition and a practice, or between a shaman and…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Deacon Blues, Paul Watson, BPetroff93, rylen dreskin, Der_Renegat, Tim Ellis.

4/20/2004 a_verheaghe: D&D type keywords
I'm looking to trick my players into a game of Heroquest. They are really stuck in the D&D mentality. Setting must be Greyhawkish, races Greyhawkish etc. Can anyone help with…
In HeroQuest
Participants: a_verheaghe, Mike Holmes, buserian.

4/21/2004 TheLHF: Using simple contests for combat?
I ran my third HQ game yesterday. I'm introducing both my players to Glorantha and one of them to role-playing in general. I tried my hand at running a combat…
In HeroQuest
Participants: TheLHF, Nils Weinander, joshua neff, simon_hibbs, Peter Nordstrand, Nick Brooke, Valamir, rylen dreskin, Mike Holmes, Bankuei, buserian.

4/23/2004 lightcastle: Some simple contest combat questions
I almost put these at the end of another thread, but figured they might better be served as their own thread. Finally got a chance to play, running a couple…
In HeroQuest
Participants: lightcastle, Nils Weinander, Bankuei, Mike Holmes, buserian, kagemusha, simon_hibbs, soru, Donald, KingOfFarPoint.

4/23/2004 Wolfhead: How high can you go?
Just wanted to see high I could get a combat skill in HeroQuest - the experiment is below: Sartarite Warrior - Devoted to Humakt (built with the list method) Keywords:…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Wolfhead, BPetroff93, Bankuei, kagemusha, Andrew Norris, Mike Holmes, Deacon Blues, keithn, Paul Watson, buserian.

4/26/2004 bluegargantua: Group Extended Contests and Ganging Up
Hi, So I ran some heroquest yesterday and it went fairly well. We ran out of time before reaching the Heroquest portion of the game, but people seemed to have…
In HeroQuest
Participants: bluegargantua, Peter Nordstrand, Bankuei, Bryant, Brand_Robins, Mike Holmes, lightcastle, Alai, contracycle.

4/28/2004 Mark Galeotti: Mythic Russia: call for opinions
Comrades! As people may or may not have noticed, Issaries has licensed the HeroQuest game engine to me to produce a standalone game set in Mythic Russia, which with startling…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Mark Galeotti, kagemusha, Brand_Robins, BPetroff93, Invain, KingOfFarPoint.

5/4/2004 KingOfFarPoint: Ordering actions in Extended Contests
In the Mythic Russia thread Mark Galeotti suggested that initiative in an extended to the highest bidder, to encourage high bids and outrageous manouvres. …
In HeroQuest
Participants: KingOfFarPoint, soru, Bankuei, lightcastle.

5/14/2004 Simon Bray: Sons of Kargzant Reviews.
SONS OF KARGZANT, the HeroQuest sourcebook on the brutal and fearless Char-Un riders of Erigia, is now released by the Unspoken Word! The Char-Un are feared throughout the Lunar Empire…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Simon Bray, Moah, Mark Galeotti, Nick Brooke, MrWrong, Invain, keithn.

5/16/2004 Moah: A Eurmali Myth
This is being a little quiet, so i'm quickly (and probably badly) translating a myth i've written for a recent game. “Eurmal was exhausted from having supported his best friends's…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Moah, Mike Holmes.

5/16/2004 Moah: mark of destiny ability: a call for ideas
Hi, One of my players took an ability named "mark of destiny" (or some such). It's actually a birthmark, and he tells me it would allow people who know of…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Moah, Donald, keithn, KingOfFarPoint, simon_hibbs, Mike Holmes.

5/24/2004 rylen dreskin: Keyword Questions
Hey, I've got a few questions and two ideas I'd like an opinion on. **Most PCs start w/ 3 keywords at 17 -- a homeland, an occupation, and a magic/religion.…
In HeroQuest
Participants: rylen dreskin, droog, lightcastle, Mike Holmes.

5/24/2004 rylen dreskin: Masters of Luck and Death question
Hello, I'm about to go hunting for MoLD reviews but I've got a specific question. The table of contents says it has sections on running warrior, magic, healing, and other…
In HeroQuest
Participants: rylen dreskin, lightcastle.

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