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In HeroQuest

4/21/2004 TheLHF: Using simple contests for combat?
I ran my third HQ game yesterday. I'm introducing both my players to Glorantha and one of them to role-playing in general. I tried my hand at running a combat…
In HeroQuest
Participants: TheLHF, Nils Weinander, joshua neff, simon_hibbs, Peter Nordstrand, Nick Brooke, Valamir, rylen dreskin, Mike Holmes, Bankuei, buserian.

4/20/2004 a_verheaghe: D&D type keywords
I'm looking to trick my players into a game of Heroquest. They are really stuck in the D&D mentality. Setting must be Greyhawkish, races Greyhawkish etc. Can anyone help with…
In HeroQuest
Participants: a_verheaghe, Mike Holmes, buserian.

4/16/2004 Deacon Blues: Animism for Dummies
Maybe it's my parochial Western upbringing, but I'm having a hard time getting Animism. I don't understand the relationship between a tradition and a practice, or between a shaman and…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Deacon Blues, Paul Watson, BPetroff93, rylen dreskin, Der_Renegat, Tim Ellis.

4/15/2004 Simon Bray: Sons of Kargzant at the Printers.
Comrades! SoK is at the printers now. We don't yet have a firm release date, because the company which handles the preparatory work for the fine colour covers is closed…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Simon Bray, Mike Holmes, Mark Galeotti, joshua neff.

4/13/2004 Der_Renegat: Modern Firearms in HQ
Im still working on how to use HQ for a cyberpunk setting and started with the obvious: combat and modern weapons, because most of the rest is pretty obvious. Vehicular…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Der_Renegat, Donald, soru, Peter Nordstrand, Mike Holmes, MikeSands, buserian.

4/12/2004 Peter Nordstrand: GothCon Report
I ran HeroQuest at GothCon (Gothenburg, Sweden). A drop in event. I had brought a number of different scenarios, but I ended up running mostly The Assassin (described very briefly…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Peter Nordstrand, Henrix.

4/11/2004 lightcastle: Consequences of failure
So a sudden thought occured to me, which is probably old hat to you HQ/HW veterans. One of the great advantages of HQ is the whole way you can augment…
In HeroQuest
Participants: lightcastle, Mike Holmes, buserian.

4/9/2004 Mike Holmes: Plot Immunity
Brand had an interesting thought in another thread about deer hunting. I wanted to expand on it in a new thread. He said, that instead of having "Kill a deer"…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Mike Holmes, Paganini, C. Edwards, Scripty, lightcastle, Eero Tuovinen, Bankuei, soru, Christopher Weeks, RaconteurX, simon_hibbs, buserian, issariesguy, Alai.

4/8/2004 lightcastle: Followers
Hi everyone, more newbie questions. :) This time, I'm concerned with followers and multiple attacks and such. Say we have our 3 heroic players squaring off with a villain and…
In HeroQuest
Participants: lightcastle.

4/8/2004 rylen dreskin: How to serve man, er ... ogres
Been reading more Glorantha background and have begun putting together some ideas for a clan to be the center of the action. I'd like to have an ogre lurking in…
In HeroQuest
Participants: rylen dreskin, Mike Holmes.

4/7/2004 lightcastle: Another AP question
I thought this might as well be another thread. How do you deal with a player wanting to take out someone's augments and modifiers? Things like disarming a sword to…
In HeroQuest
Participants: lightcastle, Peter Nordstrand, Wulf, Brand_Robins, Mike Holmes, rylen dreskin, issariesguy, Alai.

4/7/2004 Alan: Mythic Precedent
Hi all, Here's bit of trivia I heard from a History Channel special on Egyption magic. The written text would include a Historica, the full text of several stories relevant…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Alan, lightcastle, Harrek, RaconteurX, Alai, Jane.

4/5/2004 rylen dreskin: how do you get something to eat around here?
Thanks for the response to my last question. I did go a bit long. Shorter bites, this time. Saturday evening, I helped a friend put together a test character --…
In HeroQuest
Participants: rylen dreskin, Brand_Robins, Deacon Blues, Simon Bray, buserian, Mike Holmes, elgorade, Moah.

4/5/2004 Russell Hoyle: Final Days at Skullpoint, by Ron Edwards
Ron, are you the Ron Edwards mentioned in connection with this fine upcoming publication? If so, congratulations! Rusty
In HeroQuest
Participants: Russell Hoyle, jrs, Ron Edwards, Mark Galeotti.

4/3/2004 rylen dreskin: New Old Questions
Howdy, I’ve picked up HeroQuest and hope to run a game sometime soon. I’m still trying to work out some aspects, though. From the posts I’ve read here, I think…
In HeroQuest
Participants: rylen dreskin, Alai, Harrek, buserian.

4/2/2004 Janus: How do you manage augments?
Hi, I was wondering how HeroQuest GMs were managing augments. a) Do you pre-calculate some augments? (e.g. standard close combat augments) b) Do you decide the augments and then do…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Janus, Harrek, Bankuei.

4/2/2004 Simon Bray: UW - Calling for Contributors
Hi All, Do you have a manuscript you would love to see published? Do you have a flare for creative writing and design? Do you have a great idea but…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Simon Bray.

4/2/2004 Simon Bray: Gloranthan Maps
Hi All, As some of you may know the Unspoken Word has specialised in Gloranthan Maps since the companies creation. We already have a good product stock including The Lunar…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Simon Bray, droog, RaconteurX, Nils Weinander, Mike Holmes, Invain, Mark Galeotti.

4/2/2004 Simon Bray: Char-Un Sons of Kargzant
Hi All, just to let you know that UW has a new book currently in final layout and out very soon...... The eagerly awaited Sons of Kargzant, sourcebook on the…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Simon Bray.

4/1/2004 lightcastle: Newbie and some questions about AP
Hi everybody. I should write a long introduction about how much I love HQ, stumbling across it while trying to find a system that did what I wanted it to…
In HeroQuest
Participants: lightcastle, Wulf, Janus, Mike Holmes, buserian, simon_hibbs, Brand_Robins.

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Subsequent Topics
In HeroQuest

4/23/2004 Wolfhead: How high can you go?
Just wanted to see high I could get a combat skill in HeroQuest - the experiment is below: Sartarite Warrior - Devoted to Humakt (built with the list method) Keywords:…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Wolfhead, BPetroff93, Bankuei, kagemusha, Andrew Norris, Mike Holmes, Deacon Blues, keithn, Paul Watson, buserian.

4/26/2004 bluegargantua: Group Extended Contests and Ganging Up
Hi, So I ran some heroquest yesterday and it went fairly well. We ran out of time before reaching the Heroquest portion of the game, but people seemed to have…
In HeroQuest
Participants: bluegargantua, Peter Nordstrand, Bankuei, Bryant, Brand_Robins, Mike Holmes, lightcastle, Alai, contracycle.

4/28/2004 Mark Galeotti: Mythic Russia: call for opinions
Comrades! As people may or may not have noticed, Issaries has licensed the HeroQuest game engine to me to produce a standalone game set in Mythic Russia, which with startling…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Mark Galeotti, kagemusha, Brand_Robins, BPetroff93, Invain, KingOfFarPoint.

5/4/2004 KingOfFarPoint: Ordering actions in Extended Contests
In the Mythic Russia thread Mark Galeotti suggested that initiative in an extended to the highest bidder, to encourage high bids and outrageous manouvres. …
In HeroQuest
Participants: KingOfFarPoint, soru, Bankuei, lightcastle.

5/14/2004 Simon Bray: Sons of Kargzant Reviews.
SONS OF KARGZANT, the HeroQuest sourcebook on the brutal and fearless Char-Un riders of Erigia, is now released by the Unspoken Word! The Char-Un are feared throughout the Lunar Empire…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Simon Bray, Moah, Mark Galeotti, Nick Brooke, MrWrong, Invain, keithn.

5/16/2004 Moah: A Eurmali Myth
This is being a little quiet, so i'm quickly (and probably badly) translating a myth i've written for a recent game. “Eurmal was exhausted from having supported his best friends's…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Moah, Mike Holmes.

5/16/2004 Moah: mark of destiny ability: a call for ideas
Hi, One of my players took an ability named "mark of destiny" (or some such). It's actually a birthmark, and he tells me it would allow people who know of…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Moah, Donald, keithn, KingOfFarPoint, simon_hibbs, Mike Holmes.

5/24/2004 rylen dreskin: Keyword Questions
Hey, I've got a few questions and two ideas I'd like an opinion on. **Most PCs start w/ 3 keywords at 17 -- a homeland, an occupation, and a magic/religion.…
In HeroQuest
Participants: rylen dreskin, droog, lightcastle, Mike Holmes.

5/24/2004 rylen dreskin: Masters of Luck and Death question
Hello, I'm about to go hunting for MoLD reviews but I've got a specific question. The table of contents says it has sections on running warrior, magic, healing, and other…
In HeroQuest
Participants: rylen dreskin, lightcastle.

5/24/2004 rylen dreskin: Looking for narrative adventures and tips on writing them
Hey, I'm putting this one in HQ and RPG Theory. I like what I've read about narrative games. But I'm not entirely sure how to put one together. I've read…
In HeroQuest
Participants: rylen dreskin, hix, Bankuei, lightcastle, Moah, Mike Holmes, Mark Galeotti, droog.

5/26/2004 Simon Bray: Continuum Convention (Issaries, Glorantha, Roleplaying)
Hi All, I just thought I would pass this on....... Continuum is a games convention featuring, but not exclusive to, games and worlds created by Issaries Inc and Chaosium. Held…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Simon Bray, MrWrong, Mr Darran Sims, MarkAdri, Ian Cooper.

5/26/2004 Simon Bray: Harem Nights (Gloranthan Freeform at Continuum)
Hi All, I will be running this freeform at Continuum 2004 in Leceister, UK this summer (see previous post about the convention). I am looking for sign ups. Cheers Simon…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Simon Bray.

5/27/2004 Steven B: Playing HQ in a chat-room
Hi all, Since this is my first post I feel I should first say how great I think this forum is. So that's the flattery bit over with. So to…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Steven B, rylen dreskin, Trevis Martin, Bob McNamee, Mike Holmes, Moah, Nick Brooke.

5/28/2004 rylen dreskin: Clan Profiling
I'm starting a Dragon Pass settlement game, so I've tweaked the "Orlanth is Dead" clan profile, creating my own ending. Play starts anywhere from 1 to 5 years after the…
In HeroQuest
Participants: rylen dreskin, Moah, Valamir, jrichard, Alai.

6/3/2004 The Goat: Question: How do I blow stuff up?
I just picked up HQ, I wanted to investigate for myself after hearing all the high praise this system receives. So far I like it, it is a departure from…
In HeroQuest
Participants: The Goat, Brand_Robins, Mike Holmes, Mac Logo, epweissengruber.

6/13/2004 Peter Nordstrand: Have you used the Clan Profile?
Hi, The Clan Profile from Orlanth is Dead is a neat toy. However, I would very much like to hear people's opinion of its usefulness in actual play. Have you…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Peter Nordstrand, Moah, Nick Brooke, pete_darby, rylen dreskin, Invain, newsalor, RaconteurX, Tim Ellis, keithn, Mandacaru, angelopampalone, Thor Olavsrud.

6/15/2004 Hobbitboy: Which are the HQ products?
Is there any way to tell which of the products found on HeroQuest website were written explicitly for HeroQuest (as opposed to being written for HeroWars)? Is there any significant…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Hobbitboy, Nick Brooke, Wolfhead, Mark Galeotti.

6/15/2004 Decurio: Introducing Narrativism to your Players
Hello All. After several discussions over at (and I recognize a lot of you), I picked up HQ. I am both pleased and impressed far beyond my expectations. Thanks…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Decurio, Bankuei, Nick Brooke, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes, soru, Peter Nordstrand, Wulf.

6/16/2004 Decurio: Return to River of Cradles?
During the Ralston RQ Renaissance, we had a blast playing with River of Cradles, Sun County (its funny how much sexual innuendo gets slung around when everyone is playing sexually…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Decurio, Nick Brooke, Moah, Mark Galeotti.

6/18/2004 Decurio: Gloranthan Sources of Conflict-Pre-Campaign Preparation
After sitting down with my group and discussing the upcoming campaign (and I'm happy to report that not only are they becoming more excited about the game, but that more…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Decurio, Nick Brooke, Mike Holmes, Ian Cooper, Ron Edwards, Moah, RaconteurX, lightcastle, Bankuei.

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