Previous Topics In HeroQuest 2/10/2005 Der_Renegat: A Gloranthafree Wizard I tried to make up a variant of the wizard that follows a more traditional rpg-magicuser without the religious aspects of glorantha.
This wizard works mainly with spells or spell-like… In HeroQuest Participants: Der_Renegat, Mike Holmes, soru.
2/8/2005 Bryan_T: List of 10 versus 100 words? I'm curious as to the reasons that people prefer either the list or 100 words methods of character generation for HQ. I was a pretty firm adherent of the 100… In HeroQuest Participants: Bryan_T, lev_lafayette, Adrienne, Brand_Robins, Mandacaru, KingOfFarPoint, Different Games, Mark Galeotti, Bankuei, nellist, Mike Holmes, Lamorak33, Gelasma.
2/2/2005 Adrienne: Mix of magic/non-magic characters? I'm about to start a HQ game set in Paul Zimmer's Dark Border books. Through eager reading of randomling's thread and the suggested articles, I've worked up a couple of… In HeroQuest Participants: Adrienne, CCW, Peter Nordstrand, CPXB, Bryan_T, Mike Holmes.
2/1/2005 StalkingBlue: [Actual Play] Midnight - A Dornish Cown 2 The first session of this scenario is discussed here: and my prep for this session here: .
In summary, last night’s session rocked. Here's what happened:
(Credits… In HeroQuest Participants: StalkingBlue, randomling, Mike Holmes, Bryan_T, Ian Cooper.
2/1/2005 Mike Holmes: MGF and YGMV This thread follows from this one:
Peter points out that I may have read MGF incorrectly in creating my heresy #10. So I'd like to look at that more… In HeroQuest Participants: Mike Holmes, Bankuei, Peter Nordstrand, Scripty, KingOfFarPoint, ffilz, Donald.
2/1/2005 soru: checklist If adapting a world to HQ, I'd go with a checklist something like this:
1. genre
The default genre for HQ is something like 'worldbuilding fantasy', which gives the default… In HeroQuest Participants: soru, Mike Holmes.
1/31/2005 Bryan_T: "equipment" and ratings I've gone a few pages back in the archives without finding a discussion of this, but I admit I did not dig back beyond last Spring, so please excuse me… In HeroQuest Participants: Bryan_T, Mandacaru, Mark Galeotti, Eero Tuovinen, soru, Mike Holmes, KingOfFarPoint.
1/31/2005 S'mon: Race issues (split) [quote="Ron Edwards"]Regarding race in RPGs, I think it's best to consider them forms of social cliques in combination with class - usually corresponding to high school stereotypes. "Clan" in later… In HeroQuest Participants: S'mon, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes, Bankuei, clehrich, soru.
1/30/2005 Peter Nordstrand: Good Mike -- Bad Mike I saw that Mike Holmes' has put up another piece of narrator advice on Issaries' website:
These are nine very good points (although some of them would probably benefit… In HeroQuest Participants: Peter Nordstrand, soru, Bankuei, Brand_Robins, Scripty, Mike Holmes, Eero Tuovinen, contracycle, Ron Edwards.
1/29/2005 randomling: Help creating a setting in HeroQuest? Um, I'm not even sure if this is an appropriate topic for the Forge, but I hope it is!
I was just going through some of my old D&D notes,… In HeroQuest Participants: randomling, StalkingBlue, Bryan_T, Minx, Mandacaru, Mike Holmes.
1/28/2005 StalkingBlue: Midnight game prep: A Dornish Crown The following are prep notes for the ongoing campaign, last session discussed here:
(Note: I’m adapting material from Fury of Shadow here. Thanks again to the authors for lots… In HeroQuest Participants: StalkingBlue, Mike Holmes, Paka, Bryan_T, KingOfFarPoint.
1/25/2005 Mike Holmes: Gender and other Norms in Keywords In this thread:
I said that I thought that the gender issues provided in keywords, such as what occupations were allowed for different characters, are important. And I'll stand… In HeroQuest Participants: Mike Holmes, Ian Cooper, James Holloway, StalkingBlue, xenopulse, Ron Edwards, Brand_Robins, Bryan_T, Donald.
1/23/2005 Bryan_T: Grabbier Heroes Using "Grabby" here to mean ways the hero can grab onto the story...or to put it another way "You don't like the way things are going, what are you going… In HeroQuest Participants: Bryan_T, Mark Galeotti, StalkingBlue, Ron Edwards, Mandacaru, Mike Holmes, CCW.
1/21/2005 randomling: [Actual Play] Heroquest Midnight: the first session Last night, my GM Kerstin (StalkingBlue) and I played the first session of our Midnight game since we converted our characters to Heroquest back in December. The other player couldn't… In HeroQuest Participants: randomling, Brand_Robins, Bankuei, StalkingBlue, Mike Holmes, KingOfFarPoint.
1/15/2005 soviet: Improving keywords Is there a good reason for not being able to spend HP on improving keywords?
It just seems strange that they are the one mechanical thing that stays static, when… In HeroQuest Participants: soviet, Eero Tuovinen.
1/10/2005 Der_Renegat: spontaneous HQ I have an idea i would like to introduce to you:
- i hate spending a lot of time writing adventures
- i dislike that you cant really play roleplaying… In HeroQuest Participants: Der_Renegat, Different Games, Bankuei, MikeSands, Mike Holmes, simon_hibbs.
1/4/2005 Gizmo: Shadowrun conversion discussion (split) reading this thread made me also want to try to use HQ system for shadowrun.
is this thread still alive? In HeroQuest Participants: Gizmo, Scripty, Ron Edwards, Minx, Mike Holmes, Bankuei, KingOfFarPoint, Bryan_T.
1/2/2005 Peter Nordstrand: Hero Points for Scene Framing Hi,
Ordinarily I tend to remove rules from HeroQuest when playing. The core rules are such a well-oiled and beautiful machinery that additions, such as the redundant Wealth rules or… In HeroQuest Participants: Peter Nordstrand, Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards.
1/2/2005 Christopher Kubasik: What is it About the HQ Rules and Bringing Out Setting? Hi all,
I was fishing about and came across Brand's thread on using HQ for Earthdawn.
Several quotes jumped out at me:
Mike: "Since using HQ, I've been, as… In HeroQuest Participants: Christopher Kubasik, Bankuei, Minx, Brand_Robins, Russell Hoyle, Mike Holmes, Scripty, KingOfFarPoint.
12/31/2004 Spooky Fanboy: Mage: the Ascension to Heroquest conversion notes? Pretty much what it says. I am looking for a way to "unleash" Mage and from what everyone here has said, Heroquest just seems to make everything it touches better.… In HeroQuest Participants: Spooky Fanboy, Bankuei, neelk, Brand_Robins, Eero Tuovinen, Jere, Mike Holmes, nichughes.
<< more previous topics | | Subsequent Topics In HeroQuest 2/12/2005 Adrienne: [Actual play] Dark Border My goal for this session was to introduce a bunch of NPCs, have the PCs interact a bit with each other, and provide a hook at the end to get… In HeroQuest Participants: Adrienne, StalkingBlue, Bryan_T, CPXB, Mike Holmes, CCW.
2/14/2005 StalkingBlue: Gender themes in Well of Souls Elsewhere Chris Chinn (who wrote Well of Souls) and I started to discuss the gender power issues in the scenario. Chris said:
I think its interesting because I put up… In HeroQuest Participants: StalkingBlue, Bankuei, Bryan_T, Peter Nordstrand, Mike Holmes, Donald.
2/15/2005 Der_Renegat: Lightsabres and Monomolecular Whips Im thinking about how to use high-tech weapons like:
lightsabres (as in StarWars),
monomolecular whips (as in Appleseed the movie or Jonny Mnemonic the Gibson shortstory)
vibrating weapons,
essentially… In HeroQuest Participants: Der_Renegat, MikeSands, Minx, Brand_Robins, Mike Holmes, Jinx, soviet, nichughes.
2/16/2005 Der_Renegat: Staging Abilities This is a split from the "Lightsabres and Monomolecular Whips" thread.
I think its sometimes really hard how to model something the appropiate way.
Like staging cutting.
Similar other examples… In HeroQuest Participants: Der_Renegat, soru, Jere, Bankuei.
2/16/2005 Mike Holmes: Religion and Homeland I thought I'd bring this up here. I was going to post it to the rules list, but I'm thinking it's really more speculative than the rules currently cover. Though… In HeroQuest Participants: Mike Holmes, Bankuei, Brand_Robins, Ron Edwards, Bryan_T, Donald, James Holloway, joshua neff, contracycle, lightcastle.
2/17/2005 Jere: Narrative Character Creation What responses do people find from their players about the Narrative Method? Do you find it gets used often? Any good strategies to make sure it gets adopted?
Jere In HeroQuest Participants: Jere, Different Games.
2/17/2005 Lord_Steelhand: Spooked By Canon Let me say upfront that I enjoy the idea of HeroQuest. The rules seem to be very empowering and I have no trouble with the weaker guy who has the… In HeroQuest Participants: Lord_Steelhand, Bryan_T, joshua neff, Bret Gillan, Bankuei, Mandacaru, Ron Edwards, nellist, Ian Cooper, Mike Holmes.
2/20/2005 Owl: Let me get this straight... A while back, when it came out actually, I bought Heroquest. I think I preordered it actually. Anyways, I read it, shrugged and then kept running the campaigns I always… In HeroQuest Participants: Owl, Eero Tuovinen, CCW, Gelasma, Jane, Bryan_T, Valamir.
2/22/2005 Jere: More Experienced Characters I'm currently working on a HeroQuest adaptation I'm calling tantaene animis caelestibus irae. This will be a game of Fantasy of History and Occult Fantasy that is best described… In HeroQuest Participants: Jere, Bankuei, Brand_Robins, LordSmerf, Tom B, Christopher Weeks, Mike Holmes, CCW.
2/23/2005 StalkingBlue: Religion in Midnight (split) Below is some discussion on religion in Midnight that I'm reposting from the Midnight prep thread. My player Lucy doesn't want to go into that other thread to avoid spoilers,… In HeroQuest Participants: StalkingBlue, randomling, Mike Holmes, Bryan_T, Scripty, S'mon.
2/24/2005 Der_Renegat: Why are bonuses weaker than ratings ?? At the moment im writing on a cyberpunk background for HQ, so im thinking a lot about how to do stuff.
Especially the whole weapon and armor category is something… In HeroQuest Participants: Der_Renegat, Mandacaru, Brand_Robins, Ron Edwards, Bryan_T, Gelasma, Lorenzo Rubbo-Ferraro, Eero Tuovinen, Mike Holmes.
2/25/2005 Lorenzo Rubbo-Ferraro: converted for a conversion So, I finally own a copy of Heroquest, and each page I turn I can hear the resounding sound of six inch nails driving deep into the coffin that holds… In HeroQuest Participants: Lorenzo Rubbo-Ferraro, Peter Nordstrand, Bankuei, Mike Holmes, Eero Tuovinen, soviet.
2/26/2005 doubtofbuddha: Eberron HeroQuest - Q'barran Lizard Men I haven’t been here in awhile...
Anyway the last time I tried to run HeroQuest it was an interesting experience, but it ultimately did not work between my mismanagement, and… In HeroQuest Participants: doubtofbuddha, Mike Holmes, Peter Nordstrand.
2/28/2005 Adrienne: Dark Border: questions about Bangs CPXB, or any other of my players reading this thread, shoo. I'm hoping to get a bit of advice about Bangs, to help me in the session coming up Wednesday.… In HeroQuest Participants: Adrienne, Mike Holmes, StalkingBlue.
3/2/2005 advachiel: Star Wars Quest Bionics Hi all,
I'm a long time lurker and now it seems, a first time poster!
I've been trying to move my gaming group away from D'n'D and onto Heroquest for… In HeroQuest Participants: advachiel, Mike Holmes, soviet.
3/2/2005 S'mon: Heroquest d20 Just mulling it over, occurred to me there's really no reason I can see not to use a version of Heroquest's simple-conflict-resolution rules for most D&D/d20 conflicts - I mean,… In HeroQuest Participants: S'mon, Different Games, Scripty, Mike Holmes, Adrienne.
3/2/2005 Peter Nordstrand: Practices, Traditions and other Animist Terminology Mike and I began discussing the animist rules in this thread. I don't want to hijack Jesse's Eberron HeroQuest topic, so I started a new topic.
Hi Mike,
You need… In HeroQuest Participants: Peter Nordstrand, Mike Holmes, James Holloway, Der_Renegat, Bryan_T.
3/4/2005 StalkingBlue: [Actual Play] Midnight - A Dornish Crown 4 Last sesssion (here) Katrin was having a bit of a bad morning losing a duel against the known misogynist, Roland’s new general Olec and then learning from Reifels that uniting… In HeroQuest Participants: StalkingBlue, Adrienne, Mike Holmes, BirdMan.
3/10/2005 soviet: (SWHQ) How would you run this as an extended contest? OK, so yesterday I ran my first game of HeroQuest (set in the star wars universe). I'm not going to go into too much detail because I may post something… In HeroQuest Participants: soviet, Brand_Robins, Mandacaru, Andrew Norris, Hobbitboy, StalkingBlue.
3/14/2005 StalkingBlue: HQ Midnight - New Bangs Thread This is the sequel to this thread.
We haven’t played out the Redgard map yet, but it looks like play may move around the region a bit over the next… In HeroQuest Participants: StalkingBlue, Mike Holmes, Andrew Norris.
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