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In HeroQuest

12/11/2003 Jaif: Glorantha at sea?
I'm still reading the rules to heroquest, but I've already decided that "me likey". So at times when I can't read the rules (work is so pesky), I've been thinking…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Jaif, simon_hibbs, Donald, Calithena, droog, Mike Holmes, RaconteurX, Ian Cooper, Ludoch, buserian.

12/8/2003 MrWrong: Heroic Tales competition
Apologies in advance if this is an inappropriate place to post this. Heroic Tales is a new section on the Ring of HeroQuest Narrators' website( which features Adventure seeds…
In HeroQuest
Participants: MrWrong, Brand_Robins.

12/7/2003 doubtofbuddha: Greetings and Campaign Notes....
Hello, I just wanted to send my greetings to the forum, as I just joined. :) I am a big fan of HeroQuest (and was of Hero Wars before it)…
In HeroQuest
Participants: doubtofbuddha, Donald, Mike Holmes, simon_hibbs, Calithena, Russell Hoyle, Paul Watson, Valamir, Scripty, Ron Edwards, J B Bell.

12/4/2003 Draigh: Stupid Question
Is the same HeroQuest that Milton Bradley put out? Or did that become WarhammerQuest?
In HeroQuest
Participants: Draigh, pete_darby.

12/3/2003 Der_Renegat: Ratings and Masteries
I´ve created this new topic because it somehow connects all the other threads, like „HeroScale2“, „HQ for Cyberpunk and strength ratings of cyborgs“ and especially „HQandLOTR“. Assumption one: a rating…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Der_Renegat, soru, RaconteurX, Scripty, simon_hibbs, Spooky Fanboy, Paul Watson, Calithena, Mike Holmes.

12/3/2003 kalyptein: DnDQuest
With all the threads about porting the HQ system to other games, here's just what you need...another one! I've been DMing a long running game (3 years now). It started…
In HeroQuest
Participants: kalyptein, hix, soru, Scripty, Calithena, Der_Renegat.

12/1/2003 simon_hibbs: HQ and LotR
I'd like to address this subject more directly, and in a way that isn't just concerned with assignign ratings and heroic scales to characters, but addresses the whole issue of…
In HeroQuest
Participants: simon_hibbs, soru, HMT, Mac Logo, newsalor, Mike Holmes, Donald, Der_Renegat, Valamir, Jaif, Eero Tuovinen, RaconteurX, Calithena, Ian Cooper.

11/27/2003 Der_Renegat: The Hero Scale 2 (split)
Very impressive post mr. Mike Holmes! Enlightening for the understanding of HQ rules and the understanding of the lord of the rings, too - really! I wonder how you would…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Der_Renegat, Christopher Kubasik, RaconteurX, newsalor, soru, Ron Edwards, HMT, Mac Logo, Scripty, Donald, simon_hibbs, droog, Mike Holmes.

11/26/2003 Der_Renegat: HQ for Cyberpunk and strength ratings of cyborgs
Hey! I love the whole cyberpunk genre, especially in manga comics like Appleseed, Ghost in the Shell, Eden and Blame! While its really easy to adapt most aspects of HQ…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Der_Renegat, Donald, soru, Mac Logo, Scripty, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes, Valamir, simon_hibbs.

11/23/2003 Calithena: Anaxial's Roster
Are they planning a new version for HeroQuest, or has that already been done, or are they just going to stick with the old version even though there have been…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Calithena, Peter Nordstrand, Der_Renegat, Ron Edwards, pete_darby, Mark Galeotti.

11/21/2003 Jabberwocky: Feng Shui -> Heroquest Conversion
I'm currently in the midst of running a campaign of Feng Shui, and am toying with the idea of converting to the Heroquest rules. So far, I've decided to treat…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Jabberwocky, Mike Holmes, dunlaing, Scripty, RaconteurX.

11/20/2003 dunlaing: What should I do this week?
My players are playing a bunch of monster race characters. One of them has an order of priests* that he's feuding with. I decided that they had hired a sorcerer/demon…
In HeroQuest
Participants: dunlaing, pete_darby, simondale, Mike Holmes.

11/11/2003 Peter Nordstrand: HeroQuest demos
Hello, I have recently submitted three HeroQuest scenarios to my local convention, and I would like to hear your input. I haven’t written the scenarios yet, but the deadlines were…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Peter Nordstrand, bluegargantua, pete_darby.

11/4/2003 Mike Holmes: Shadow World Keywords - Races?
OK, I have a dumb question. Well, I hope it's not dumb, anyhow. Looking at my work on creating Keywords for the races in Shadow World, I note that one…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards, dunlaing.

10/31/2003 Gordon C. Landis: What is a HeroQuest?
[quote="Valamir"][quote]To veer over to the Illiad example. Greek heroquesters might look for ways to resolve the rift between Achillies and Agammemnon -- but if they suddenly turned it around and…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Gordon C. Landis, simondale, Mac Logo, Spooky Fanboy, simon_hibbs.

10/31/2003 a_verheaghe: help a lazy guy out w/what my Greek father told me
I'm working on keywords for a Heroic Greek campaign which I'll gladly share when finished. But, I really was hoping some creative writer could step up and help with a…
In HeroQuest
Participants: a_verheaghe, epweissengruber, Mithras.

10/31/2003 dunlaing: Gamma World HQ
It sounds like Gamma World D20 is bad (seperate from the "D20" part even). What would Gamma World HQ look like? Would you define Homeland keywords? Would there need to…
In HeroQuest
Participants: dunlaing, Scripty, RaconteurX, Mike Holmes.

10/28/2003 Ron Edwards: Slavery, morality, and changing times
Hi there, This thread is picking up from the final two posts in Humakt, Rashoran, and justice. The first of the post was still fairly-well integrated with the original thread,…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Ron Edwards, Donald, Ian Cooper, simon_hibbs, Mac Logo, Valamir, bluegargantua, Peter Nordstrand, simondale, newsalor, epweissengruber, soru.

10/27/2003 Scripty: Oh, the Horror... (An Invitation to HeroQuest Brainstorming)
Hello, all. First, let me qualify this by saying that it is more of a brainstorming exercise than an actual question or criticism of the HeroQuest system. HeroQuest is a…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Scripty, Mike Holmes, simon_hibbs.

10/25/2003 RaconteurX: Space 1889 using HeroQuest
This notion came to me while discussing which systems seemed best-suited to capture the flavor of the steampunk, pulps, and scientific romance sub-genres. The research and development of inventions, gadgets,…
In HeroQuest
Participants: RaconteurX, Donald, AnyaTheBlue, Stewart Stansfield.

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Subsequent Topics
In HeroQuest

12/16/2003 Smithy: Creating New Keywords
Hi All, I've recently picked up Heroquest and I have found this forum a great help in understanding the core rules and just how versatile the system can be. What…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Smithy, Calithena, Mike Holmes, Scripty.

12/21/2003 Jaif: This game reminds me of marvel (old game)
One of the major features of the marvel system was the one-size-fits-all mechanic: the FEAT table. Along with a consistant rating system for all abilities, this core mechanic made it…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Jaif, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes, Valamir, Michael S. Miller, Deacon Blues, Scripty.

12/27/2003 Jaif: Amber?
I'm curious - are there any amber -to- heroquest conversions posted out there? It seems a natural fit for someone who wants a bit more system in their amber game.…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Jaif, RaconteurX, Mike Holmes.

12/28/2003 Jaif: Fatigue?
Are there any fatigue rules in Heroquest? I've looked, but I haven't seen anything. In case that's not clear; Imagine a scene from Master & Commander - a particularily bad…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Jaif, doubtofbuddha, Scripty.

12/29/2003 Mortaneus: Sneaking
I was just reading the thread regarding the giant tick, and it has helped me understand quite a bit more about game-flow in HQ. A question, however: How do you…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Mortaneus, doubtofbuddha, RaconteurX, Mike Holmes, Der_Renegat, Scripty.

12/29/2003 doubtofbuddha: Hero Points
How does everyone handle the usage of hero points in their games for ability development? My main question is that it seems that most of the examples in the book…
In HeroQuest
Participants: doubtofbuddha, RaconteurX, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes, soru, buserian, simon_hibbs.

12/29/2003 xiombarg: Chargen and Magic
Okay, I finally got around to reading my copy of HeroQuest, and the most confusing thing for me was magic, particularly in chargen. In particular, I'm talking about list-based chargen.…
In HeroQuest
Participants: xiombarg, Peter Nordstrand, RaconteurX, joshua neff, Mike Holmes, TheLHF, Ian Cooper, Calithena, Nick Brooke.

12/31/2003 Balbinus: Xenophon, range and HQ mechanics
Which is probably a more interesting title than this thread merits. In Xenophon's the Persian Expedition at one point Xenophon and the Greeks are being harassed by Persian archers and…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Balbinus, Brand_Robins, Donald, contracycle, epweissengruber, Mike Holmes, soru.

1/3/2004 Paradoxdruid: Using HeroQuest for Exalted- play report and musings
On the advice of Ian Noble from, I'm cross-posting my group's first experience with HeroQuest here. I think it's a neat system, but we did have some problems. I'm…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Paradoxdruid, Brand_Robins.

1/6/2004 Balbinus: Spending or saving Hero Points
Hi all, I ran HeroQuest for the first time last night (of which more later) and one specific problem arose, one I very much doubt is unique. The characters started…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Balbinus, Brand_Robins, Nick Brooke, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes, buserian, simon_hibbs, lightcastle.

1/7/2004 Smithy: Transhuman Space & Heroquest
So I am almost finished reading the HQ rules and I have never been so excited about a system. I've already got plans to use it for a fantasy campaign…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Smithy, Mark Galeotti, RaconteurX, soru.

1/8/2004 Dev: GM wanted to demo HQ at Con (Vericon, Boston, MA)
ALong with my friends, I run a convention - VeriCon - that takes place Jan 30 - Feb 1st, 2004, and is lots of affordably kickassed fun. There will be…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Dev, RaconteurX, Deacon Blues, buserian.

1/9/2004 Balbinus: Incompetent starting characters
One of the things I've found a little frustrating in HQ is how often it seems that truly innovative mechanics are married to remarkably traditional roleplaying assumptions. One such assumption…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Balbinus, Ian Cooper, Der_Renegat, simon_hibbs, soru, Paul Watson, Mike Holmes, Donald.

1/13/2004 Balbinus: Historical HeroQuest actual play
Hi, I posted this originally on in response to a query there but thought that it would be of interest to folk here as well. Rather than go into…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Balbinus, Mike Holmes, simon_hibbs, Thierry Michel.

1/14/2004 bluegargantua: Providing Challenge in Adventures
Hi, So I'm assembling a quick one-shot for our local gaming group to test out the HQ system. We're just curious to take the system out for a spin and…
In HeroQuest
Participants: bluegargantua, Mike Holmes, Ian Cooper, Peter Nordstrand, Brand_Robins, RaconteurX, Scripty.

1/15/2004 doubtofbuddha: City of 10,000 Magicians: Heroquest Relationship Mapping
Well, I think I have enough information from my players to begin develloping a relationship map for my new HeroQuest campaign. So far I have six players, four of which…
In HeroQuest
Participants: doubtofbuddha, Mike Holmes, Peter Nordstrand, Donald.

1/18/2004 Shreyas Sampat: Creating New Keywords II
Trailing off this thread... I'm having a really icky time figuring out, and coming up with new, animist traditions; several reads of the animism chapter have started to clear up…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Shreyas Sampat, doubtofbuddha, buserian.

1/20/2004 pete_darby: Fishing for Bangs... (serenwyn campaign
Okay, it's another chapter in the Serenwyn game tonight... and, ladies and gentlemen, we are taking the training wheels off, and driving with bangs. I've mailed out the prologue to…
In HeroQuest
Participants: pete_darby, Mike Holmes, buserian, Peter Nordstrand, Ian Cooper.

1/22/2004 doubtofbuddha: Hesitance towards Glorantha as a Setting
AS you may know (See my City of 10,000 Magicians thread), I am working on starting a Glorantha HeroQuest game. Last night a player of mine brought up so concerns…
In HeroQuest
Participants: doubtofbuddha, Alan, buserian, RaconteurX, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes, Ian Charvill, pete_darby, soru, Kao Nashi, Scripty, contracycle, Bankuei, Emmerson, Deacon Blues, Brand_Robins, simon_hibbs, Christopher Kubasik, joshua neff, Donald.

1/22/2004 motherlessgoose: Need good intro to HQ
I am considering buying HQ. I have perused the rulebook in the store and was at first highly turned off by the price. I was also taken aback by how…
In HeroQuest
Participants: motherlessgoose, pete_darby, Mike Holmes, Bankuei, Scripty, Ian Cooper.

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