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In Actual Play

8/31/2004 Mikko Lehtinen: Playing Trollbabe and missing Kicker
Hello. I will be gamemastering Trollbabe sometime in the near future with a new group. There will be two or three other players, and I will probably be the only…
In Actual Play
Participants: Mikko Lehtinen, Ron Edwards.

8/30/2004 TheLHF: Writing the end game. Or: How do you write a good ending?
I've been struggling for a bit now with question for writing a good end for games I GM. If you're playing a clasic dungeon crawl, do you end the game…
In Actual Play
Participants: TheLHF, Paka, jdagna, DannyK, Jasper, S'mon, Negilent, StalkingBlue, Bob Goat.

8/30/2004 Negilent: [Burning Wheel] Breaking the Fellowship
This summer social commitents and work kept my game shedule at an all time low. Then this game happened and it was at first to painful to post, I threw…
In Actual Play
Participants: Negilent, abzu, Ron Edwards, stingray20166.

8/29/2004 LordSmerf: [D&D 3.5] Looking back and seeing yourself behind you
So, with school and work it has been more and more difficult to make time to play around my area with the regular group. I ended up looking up the…
In Actual Play
Participants: LordSmerf, Ron Edwards, Tobias, Vaxalon, ffilz, Alan, Doug Ruff, eef, Ian O'Rourke.

8/29/2004 Tobias: [Universalis] - Finally, a first session...
Unexpectedly, I finally got to run my first game of Uni yesterday. It was my birthday, some people were over, and we had somewhere between one and two hours to…
In Actual Play
Participants: Tobias, ScottM, Valamir.

8/29/2004 bluegargantua: Breaking the Ice -- Double Dating in the Dome [LONG]
Hey, I can speak without fear of contradiction when I say that Friday night I participated in the weirdest game of Breaking the ice ever. Bryant, you're very sorry you…
In Actual Play
Participants: bluegargantua, Jere, Emily Care.

8/28/2004 lumpley: [kpfs] A Startling Postscript
It's Friday, maybe, toward the end of the GenCon day. I'm standing around the booth not being too useful, and this guy comes up to me. He shakes my hand,…
In Actual Play
Participants: lumpley.

8/28/2004 hix: The Pool: Capes vs. Tentacles
Finally after 2 years, I get round to running the Pool. We played Paganini style (see this thread): a group designed setting and each player providing kickers. Quick decision to…
In Actual Play
Participants: hix, DannyK, Trevis Martin.

8/27/2004 hix: Metal Opera: A One Night Band
We played Metal Opera three weeks ago as a fill-in one shot game while a player was away. Thanks to everyone for their help in this thread. The group decided…
In Actual Play
Participants: hix, Ron Edwards.

8/27/2004 ffilz: How to describe my play style
I'm not sure if this is the right forum for this...If it isn't and a moderator wants to move it, or whatever, please feel free to do so... I've been…
In Actual Play
Participants: ffilz, TonyLB, Ron Edwards, Christopher Weeks, Sean.

8/27/2004 lumpley: Prime Time Adventures: Moose in the City
I've been telling and telling this story. Usually I save it for the end of my GenCon story telling because it's so good. I guess I'm going to lead with…
In Actual Play
Participants: lumpley, Ron Edwards, Lxndr, Matt Wilson, Calder_Johnson, anonymouse, Caldis, Gordon C. Landis, b_bankhead, Meguey, John Harper, Mike Holmes, nikola, Lisa Padol.

8/25/2004 Paka: [Dogs in the Vineyard] Eden's Prophet
This game ambushed me at Gen Con and this Thursday I'll get to play it. A gaming buddy from ye olde D&D game is visiting and so we're getting together…
In Actual Play
Participants: Paka, lumpley, bluegargantua, Manicrack, Grover, nikola, DannyK.

8/25/2004 TonyLB: [Capes] Mutants and Snitfits
I playtested Capes again last night. Details of how the rules worked out can be found in a much longer post here. What I found fascinating in terms of the…
In Actual Play
Participants: TonyLB, Ron Edwards.

8/24/2004 Aman the Rejected: [D&D 3.5e] Changing GM styles met with resistance
[url=]My group[/url] is a fairly gamist group. I recently began a second setting with them because I was tired of what I will call 'bad decision baggage'. Briefly, to describe,…
In Actual Play
Participants: Aman the Rejected, Valamir, Ron Edwards, Bob Goat, StalkingBlue, ADGBoss, Russell Impagliazzo, DannyK, Scripty, dalek_of_god.

8/24/2004 Darcy Burgess: Campaign Seed -- is this the place to post?
I'm working up a campaign for a Star Wars game (using The Riddle of Steel as a mechanic). I've posted over at the new RoS forum, but traffic is very…
In Actual Play
Participants: Darcy Burgess, Ron Edwards.

8/23/2004 Bob Goat: [Conspiracy of Shadows] Liars, Swords & Money: Part One
Hi, Before GenCon we played part one of this three Episode story. You can read about the Episodes that came before it here. This one layed the groundwork for the…
In Actual Play
Participants: Bob Goat.

8/23/2004 StalkingBlue: Write NPCs into a game - tools and techniques wanted
I've always liked to get player input in when I GM. I currently run a DnD Midnight game - hence a system that doesn't support plot input from players. This…
In Actual Play
Participants: StalkingBlue, Bogie_71, DannyK, aplath.

8/22/2004 plosiguant: [Universalis]They Only Come Out at Night 1 (Very Long)
Here is a transcript of the Universalis session I ran on Friday, I will post some of my thoughts about it a bit later, in another post. Players: Nenad Adam…
In Actual Play
Participants: plosiguant, kwill, Valamir.

8/22/2004 bcook1971: [Traveller] Writing Myself into the Back-Story
I just had a euphoric gaming session. This continues from I'm Just Here for the Celery, and what a contrast! People were literally jumping up and down and clapping. Some…
In Actual Play
Participants: bcook1971, ScottM.

8/21/2004 ks13: What makes a solid game demo/playtest session?
I am preparing to gather a small group of players to run a playtest of a game I have been designing. Because this will not be a regular gaming group…
In Actual Play
Participants: ks13, Zathreyel, jdagna, ffilz.

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Subsequent Topics
In Actual Play

9/1/2004 Lee Short: The Azeel Campaign
In this thread, Ron said M.J., when your "decentralized Simulationist" play does acquire theme through the decisions of the people involved, then it's Narrativist play. I've got…
In Actual Play
Participants: Lee Short, Ron Edwards, Marco, Sydney Freedberg.

9/1/2004 Nev the Deranged: Universalis - The World's Biggest Theme Park, session 1
Finally got to run/play Uni at my FLGS. Wee! Playing are myself, Shannon, and Todd, a recent graduate of the 8th grade. Tenet Phase: 1. Worlds Biggest Theme Park 2.…
In Actual Play
Participants: Nev the Deranged, Christopher Weeks, Vaxalon, Valamir.

9/1/2004 LordSmerf: [Capes] Rough Justice - New Beginnings
So, we played Capes over IRC Monday night. You can check out Tony's most recent posts over in Game Design to see what changes he is considering after this playtest.…
In Actual Play
Participants: LordSmerf, Ron Edwards, TonyLB, b_bankhead.

9/1/2004 Tobias: [Universalis] - Terrorists in the Caribbean
Ok, so yesterday it was take 2 for Uni for me. E, with one game under her belt, was back for more, and also present were M and NI. Interestingly,…
In Actual Play
Participants: Tobias.

9/2/2004 Ron Edwards: [Burning Wheel] Bad-ass elves in action
Hello, At last! We made up characters for this over a month ago, but conventions, illnesses, and many late-summer obligations have hammered our play-schedule. As I discussed in Prepping my…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, rafial, Negilent, abzu, taepoong.

9/2/2004 Paganini: [Trollbabe - Vampires] End of adventure number 1 - L1000NG
Alternatively known as "Darkbabe" and "Nightbabe." Here's the transcript from the game, formatted up in a nice readable (I hope) stream. This is the first adventure, which took us 8…
In Actual Play
Participants: Paganini, John Harper, Bob McNamee, suffusionofyellow, b_bankhead.

9/3/2004 Paka: [Dogs in the Vineyard] New Gidea Above is the link to the creation of New Gidea. We talked about the game itself and I mentioned that I'd like this to be a five session game…
In Actual Play
Participants: Paka, hix, Christopher Weeks, bluegargantua, Manicrack, ErrathofKosh, DannyK.

9/3/2004 Dr. Velocity: My 21 Hour D&D Session Summary
If this is in the wrong place, I apologize, but it is an actual play summary. Aug 31, 2004 "Tabletop" Role-Playing Games. Yes, some of my friends actually got the…
In Actual Play
Participants: Dr. Velocity, Tobias, rafial, Ron Edwards, Noon, Eric Minton.

9/3/2004 Bob Goat: [Conspiracy of Shadows] Liars, Swords & Money: Part 2 (L
Hey, So with GenCon and RPG burnout because of it, we finally got around to playing Part 2 of Liars, Swords & Money. It was all about choices and how…
In Actual Play
Participants: Bob Goat, Ron Edwards.

9/3/2004 Lee Short: The Reformation in Surt
Thinking about The Azeel Campaign and some others like it that I've run, brought to mind the following campaign. I picked this example because I can very vividly remember…
In Actual Play
Participants: Lee Short, Ron Edwards, DannyK, John Kim.

9/4/2004 Marco: [JAGS] After The War
A GM I like came down for the weekend and we agreed to run a two or three day game using most of the available time (dawn-through-dusk).Here are the results:…
In Actual Play
Participants: Marco, JamesSterrett, Tobias, Ron Edwards, AlHazred.

9/7/2004 sirogit: What have you done with incoherent games?
Its a fairly common claim to say that incoherent games are popular because of their incoherency, that it allows the game to be whatever the players of it desire. I…
In Actual Play
Participants: sirogit, Mark D. Eddy, Frank T, Marco, Ron Edwards, contracycle.

9/7/2004 TonyLB: [Amber] The Trap of Self-Sufficiency
The ongoing, possibly-doomed, experiment in Amber Narrativism continues! When last we joined our persistent playing group, they had finally sidestepped the tangled ways in which the game mechanic itself undercuts…
In Actual Play
Participants: TonyLB, inthisstyle, Vaxalon, Blankshield, Grover, Marco, Ron Edwards, Lisa Padol, jdagna.

9/7/2004 Michael S. Miller: [DitV] Sins of BoxElder Canyon
It was Labor Day, and a gamer friend of ours had come over for the afternoon. We were discussing the merits of Puerto RIco versus Cities & Knights of Catan…
In Actual Play
Participants: Michael S. Miller, inthisstyle, lumpley, Paka, Emily Care.

9/7/2004 ffilz: Crisis of faith in what I'm doing to prep for my campaign
So after spending a long weekend preparing for my Fudge Tekumel campaign, I've having a crisis of faith. I'm feeling like I'm doing the wrong thing. I'm not even sure…
In Actual Play
Participants: ffilz, Alan, jdagna.

9/9/2004 Bob Goat: [Conspiracy of Shadows] Liars, Swords & Money: Part 3
Hey, So a day early and a dollar short we concluded our little story arc. On a whole it was a successful enterprise and the Players enjoyed themselves. We also…
In Actual Play
Participants: Bob Goat, Ron Edwards.

9/10/2004 Dr. Velocity: Running a Forum-Based RPG
I've done this before, long ago, and asked for help from some of you helpful folks, because of a couple of problems I was having, mostly with one player who…
In Actual Play
Participants: Dr. Velocity, TonyLB, Lxndr, DannyK, greedo1379.

9/10/2004 Paka: [Sorcerer] Rocking Mu's Bed, Finale with Paula and Robert
[u][b]Out of Game[/b][/u] Getting together to make up Kickers is a nice little half-session activity that I find is best done over lunch or dinner. We're gearing up for the…
In Actual Play
Participants: Paka, Ron Edwards.

9/10/2004 Ron Edwards: [Burning Wheel] Bat-things, Spite, love, and God
Hello, Continuing from Bad-ass elves in action, we played our second session! I was pretty well-loaded for this one, in terms of numerical prep. The bad news from…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, abzu, Paka, jrs, Bob Goat.

9/10/2004 stingray20166: [Elfs] Just a short bit
With all of the great advice Ron was giving me on this thread: I thought I at least owed an Actual Play post even though things didn’t go quite…
In Actual Play
Participants: stingray20166, Ron Edwards.

more subsequent topics >>