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In Actual Play

3/28/2002 Dav: Charts & Charts
We played a brief (oh so brief) round of C&C tonight before another onset of Violence Future. Let me just say that the game went as well as I expected…
In Actual Play
Participants: Dav, Ron Edwards.

3/27/2002 Matt Snyder: My group's motivations & rewards
[url=]Clinton posted an excellent thread[/url] in GNS Model Discussion about rewards (among other good points). I was going to reply there, but realized this is a thread that's been incubating…
In Actual Play
Participants: Matt Snyder, Bankuei, C. Edwards, Clinton R. Nixon, Gordon C. Landis.

3/27/2002 xiombarg: Court Intrigue
This is the best place I could think to post this. I have faith that Clinton or Ron will move it if it's in the wrong place... I'm considering running…
In Actual Play
Participants: xiombarg, Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards, Christopher Kubasik, unodiablo, Gordon C. Landis, Kenway, Ayrizale, Matt Gwinn, Blake Hutchins, rafael, morien.

3/25/2002 Paul Czege: character envy
Last Friday we had a character session for Whispering Vault. My girlfriend's character is defined by having grown up in the Warsaw ghetto and her experiences there fighting Nazis during…
In Actual Play
Participants: Paul Czege, Valamir, Rich Forest, hardcoremoose, Christopher Kubasik, contracycle, unodiablo, Misguided Games, Mike Holmes, quozl.

3/25/2002 hyphz: About to give it a try; need advice..
Well, I've just had another lame session of That Game Related To Medieval Underground Prisons (Which Aren't) And Fire Breathing Lizards. Lame because the GM was really trying to get…
In Actual Play
Participants: hyphz, Ron Edwards, Christopher Kubasik, Mike Holmes, Clay, Le Joueur, contracycle.

3/23/2002 Eric.Brennan: Sorcerer game last night
I received a review copy of Sorcerer from, and after buying a copy for my buddy who's interested in something "different" we set up a game and got a…
In Actual Play
Participants: Eric.Brennan, Ron Edwards.

3/22/2002 Gordon C. Landis: Peter Adkison now owns GenCon
Per, WotC is out of the convention-running business, and Mr. Adkison is "set to take over the hosting and managing of the GenCon Game Fair in 2002", although WotC…
In Actual Play
Participants: Gordon C. Landis, Mike Holmes, Matt Gwinn, Jason L Blair, Armin D. Sykes.

3/22/2002 Valamir: ForgeCon
You know I just had a crazy idea. There is a substantial number of Forge gamers between Michigan, Illinois, and Wisconsin. We should pitch in rent a hotel conference room…
In Actual Play
Participants: Valamir, Matt Gwinn, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes, xiombarg, jburneko, Clinton R. Nixon, Jason L Blair, Le Joueur, unodiablo, Dav, Laurel, Christopher Kubasik, Seth L. Blumberg, Zak Arntson.

3/22/2002 Matt Gwinn: Choosing Games at a CON
In a recent thread over in Indie Game Design I asked the question "what is your ideal system?" Ron brought up that there is no "ideal" system any more than…
In Actual Play
Participants: Matt Gwinn, jburneko, Noble, Ron Edwards, Clinton R. Nixon, Jason L Blair, wyrdlyng, Mike Holmes.

3/21/2002 Steve Dustin: The Pool for Pulp
I'd don't know if this fits under Random Order Creations forum or here, so I'm gonna stuff it here. Finally played the Pool last night, and had a blast. I'm…
In Actual Play
Participants: Steve Dustin, Michael Bowman.

3/21/2002 Ace: What games do you think are borderline Indy games?
My guesses on the matter would be Over the edge. It was published by a big (for this dinky industry) company and had a card game. But it was quite…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ace, Clinton R. Nixon, Jason L Blair, Ron Edwards, Matt Gwinn, Valamir.

3/20/2002 Kenway: Your worst campaign ever?
Hi. Do you think this is a valid subject to talk about? In particular, lessons to be learned could be summarized at the end.
In Actual Play
Participants: Kenway, xiombarg, Ben Morgan, Ron Edwards, Ferry Bazelmans, Mike Holmes, Valamir, wyrdlyng, Zak Arntson, J B Bell, joshua neff, Balbinus, contracycle, leomknight, Joe Murphy (Broin), blackmanxy, Trav.

3/19/2002 jburneko: Scenario Conclusion, Various Observations
Hello All, On Saturday the current story arc of my Deadlands game came to a conclusion. The session was a landmark in my gaming career since it ended what was…
In Actual Play
Participants: jburneko, joshua neff, Paul Czege, Christopher Kubasik, hyphz.

3/16/2002 Valamir: Profile Comments
Hah, Bailey. I never thought I'd find anyone else even willing to admit they'd HEARD of the Street Fighter Story Telling game. That game rocked. A far better use of…
In Actual Play
Participants: Valamir, Bailey, Le Joueur, Rich Forest, Jürgen Mayer, Ron Edwards, Bankuei, Sidhain, Jared A. Sorensen, razar, unodiablo, xiombarg, amiel, Matt Gwinn.

3/15/2002 Clinton R. Nixon: Sorcerer One-Sheet: In His Service
I'm starting a Sorcerer campaign next week, and whipped up this one-sheet after talking the game over with my group last night. I'm posting it here, as I plan to…
In Actual Play
Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, Christopher Kubasik.

3/15/2002 Ron Edwards: Profiling strikes again - EVERYBODY play!
Hey everyone, Every few months at the Forge, we play this game. It goes like this: answer the following three questions. No essays, no annotations, no explanations - just the…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, Clinton R. Nixon, Bankuei, Valamir, Robert Leal, erithromycin, Ferry Bazelmans, jburneko, Tim Denee, Chris Passeno, Zak Arntson, Fabrice G., C. Edwards, hyphz, Rich Forest, Bailey, unodiablo, Christopher Kubasik, joe_llama, Blake Hutchins, Matt Snyder, Rod Anderson, Silent Tamatama, Michael S. Miller, hardcoremoose, Galfraxas, Seth L. Blumberg, Armin D. Sykes, Jürgen Mayer, Ace, joshua neff, Sidhain, Gordon C. Landis, sdemory, Walt Freitag, lumpley, Paul Czege, Ayrizale, xiombarg, GreatWolf, Laurel, Dave Versace, Eric.Brennan, Kenway, AndyGuest, Le Joueur, gentrification, Yasha, amiel, Dav, Mytholder, Balbinus, rafael, Trav, Andrew Martin, Matt Gwinn, Steve Dustin, Michael Bowman, Jake Norwood, wyrdlyng, Jared A. Sorensen, contracycle, Wolfen, J B Bell.

3/14/2002 Ron Edwards: Violence Future: disgusting! And only myself to blame
Hi there, We're playtesting the alpha-alpha version of Dav's new RPG, Violence Future (check out this thread for previous discussions). It's totally over-the-top techno-future cyberpunk with lots of demons. Dav…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, Blake Hutchins, Jürgen Mayer, Dav, hardcoremoose.

3/14/2002 Mytholder: Replays
A random idea: A lot of problems and miscommunications arise in discussion of rpgs because rpgs are essentially a private affair. Sports or theatre has an audience. Cards and chess…
In Actual Play
Participants: Mytholder, Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards, Gordon C. Landis, hyphz, Jürgen Mayer, Ferry Bazelmans, Matt Gwinn.

3/12/2002 Kenway: My pitiful attempts at World, Flesh and the Devil
First of all, I apologize profusely in advance to the creator of WFD and anyone who has played it for my mangling of the game: I tried out WFD today.…
In Actual Play
Participants: Kenway, Ron Edwards, Ben Morgan, Emily Care, Paul Czege.

3/9/2002 Tim Denee: Wuthering Heights
I've been going through Wuthering Heights in preperation for a game next friday. Two thoughts: 1) The game should be organized into 'books'. You know, 'Book the First', 'Book the…
In Actual Play
Participants: Tim Denee, Philippe Tromeur.

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Subsequent Topics
In Actual Play

3/31/2002 Ron Edwards: Dust Devils - first session
Hi there, We played Dust Devils yesterday! This represents the first serious foray into a new system for this group after eighteen months of Hero Wars. This group's players are…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes, Matt Snyder, Valamir, jrs, Gordon C. Landis, unodiablo.

4/2/2002 Dav: Godlike
Anybody; I have been hearing much fanfare regarding this game (and not just in the Profiling thread). I was wondering if anyone had played this game, and would take a…
In Actual Play
Participants: Dav, Matt Snyder, contracycle, Blake Hutchins, Ron Edwards, Mytholder, Clinton R. Nixon, hyphz.

4/3/2002 Jürgen Mayer: The Son of Profiling Comments
[quote="wyrdlyng"][b]What are the last three role-playing games that you actually, really played?[/b] 3rd Edition D&D, Blue Planet v2, Worldtree[/quote] Can you tell me a bit about your Worldtree experiences? I…
In Actual Play
Participants: Jürgen Mayer, wyrdlyng.

4/3/2002 Paul Czege: Real life partners, in-game depravity
Hey Dav, So, my girlfriend just produced an incredibly creepy Whispering Vault character for our upcoming game, a surprisingly visceral character that kind-of took me by surprise. And it got…
In Actual Play
Participants: Paul Czege, jrs, S'Nora, Mike Holmes, Dav, Ron Edwards, Clinton R. Nixon, J B Bell, Bankuei, contracycle, Gordon C. Landis, Clay, Valamir.

4/5/2002 J B Bell: Drawing the line, drawing the veil
In another thread, Valamir brings up the salient point that there are different lines to be drawn as far as different kinds of depiction. Famous in the culture I was…
In Actual Play
Participants: J B Bell, Ron Edwards, Balbinus, contracycle, Valamir, Seth L. Blumberg, Bankuei, hyphz, Daredevil.

4/6/2002 Andrew Martin: Playing "Before the Flood"
Played "Beyond the Flood" last night. The world was the GM's fantasy world after previous adventuring characters had made great changes. We played the new gods that had taken up…
In Actual Play
Participants: Andrew Martin, furashgf, lumpley.

4/7/2002 Clay: Dust Devils Play
I played Dust Devils for the first time last night. We hit a few snags, but none of them related to the system. Overall we really liked the narration mechanic,…
In Actual Play
Participants: Clay, Matt Snyder, Ron Edwards.

4/8/2002 Valamir: Donjon this weekend
Played Donjon some this weekend. Here are some thoughts that came up, in no particular order other than the order in which they occur to me. 1) There are clearly…
In Actual Play
Participants: Valamir, Mike Holmes, Clinton R. Nixon.

4/9/2002 Ace: Problems with getting the players to quip and quote (long)
One of the problems I have been having in my RPG campaigns is been getting the players to put a little dialog into the game, I think it may be…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ace, Ron Edwards, jburneko, Eugene Zee, Paul Czege, contracycle, Tim C Koppang, TSL.

4/9/2002 GreatWolf: Whispering Vault in play
Hopefully that isn't a misleading title.... I'm actually looking for general comments, thoughts, etc. on Whispering Vault. I was in Peoria, IL this weekend preparing for the big move, and…
In Actual Play
Participants: GreatWolf, hardcoremoose, Petter Sandelin, Blake Hutchins, Jared A. Sorensen, Jürgen Mayer.

4/10/2002 mallninja0088: A question...very odd too.
The only people I know around my very small town that play RPG's are my brother and I. Now for the question. How could I GM and play a character…
In Actual Play
Participants: mallninja0088, Jürgen Mayer, Matt Gwinn, Ron Edwards, contracycle, GreatWolf, Dav, Clay, Laurel, Zak Arntson.

4/10/2002 Matt Gwinn: Combat-Free Campaigns
I've been thinking. Why is it that every roleplaying game I've ever player has involved combat at one point or another? Is combat necessary to create a compelling story? There…
In Actual Play
Participants: Matt Gwinn, Eugene Zee, Kenway, Clay, Ron Edwards, J B Bell, Bankuei, jburneko, Le Joueur, Jared A. Sorensen, hardcoremoose, Bailey, contracycle, Buddha Nature, Fabrice G., hyphz.

4/15/2002 J B Bell: J B Bell's (nee TQuid) Sorcerer game--The Last Girl on Eart
A while back in this thread, Ron wrote: I suggest that prior to your next game, simply do all the Humanity checks and gain rolls from the last run…
In Actual Play
Participants: J B Bell, Ron Edwards, Matt Gwinn, Henry Fitch.

4/17/2002 Ron Edwards: More depravity and Violence Future
Hello, Having played our final session of Violence Future last week, I thought this was a good time to return to the topic explored previously in these threads: Violence Future:…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, Jürgen Mayer, Fabrice G., Dav.

4/18/2002 Zircon Senshi: Power Of The Wake (RPG)
This rpg will be kinda like the anime Blue Submarine 6, and focus on a race rather than humans, but look exactly the same. Note: A Vykozen is human in…
In Actual Play
Participants: Zircon Senshi, Ferry Bazelmans.

4/18/2002 Jürgen Mayer: short C&C session
It's 1:14 am and I just came home from a gaming session at our FLGS. I'm very tired and will keep this short. We played a game of C&C before…
In Actual Play
Participants: Jürgen Mayer, Ron Edwards, Dav.

4/20/2002 Russell Hoyle: X-Games continued discussion
Hiya Blake! (2) Is there a less intrusive means of conveying the plot immunity of principal antagonists to the players than breaking into the narrative with a warning?…
In Actual Play
Participants: Russell Hoyle, Buddha Nature, Ron Edwards, Blake Hutchins, Mike Holmes.

4/22/2002 Henry Fitch: Leaping into the Fray
Okay. I've been a "daydreamer" for too long, it's time I actually got out and played. Or, way past too long. So I need a group. Don't have one, don't…
In Actual Play
Participants: Henry Fitch, Clay, Ron Edwards, Paul Czege, Bankuei, Valamir, leomknight, Buddha Nature, Blake Hutchins, Philippe Tromeur, Le Joueur, Mike Holmes.

4/22/2002 Clay: Dust Devils Session II
My fledgling group played its second session of Dust Devils tonight. If you recall my earlier posting on it, I said that the group was having some problems with getting…
In Actual Play
Participants: Clay, Matt Snyder, Ron Edwards.

4/22/2002 Jared A. Sorensen: InSpectres (omigod, Jared's posting in Actual Play...!)
Yup. I played three games this weekend at a Maine game con (well, three RPG's and a few games of tag-team Superior, rockin'). The games were Unknown Armies, Deadlands: Hell…
In Actual Play
Participants: Jared A. Sorensen, Ron Edwards, Bob McNamee.

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