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In Actual Play

5/1/2006 Malcolm: [DitV] For the kids!
There's a group in Edinburgh called the Open Roleplaying community which exists to bring new blood into the hobby and give a place where younger gamers can flourish. All ages…
In Actual Play
Participants: Malcolm, Paka, Dumirik.

5/1/2006 inthisstyle: [Capes] Inuyasha with the Family
My wife and kids are big fans of the Japanese cartoon Inuyasha, featuring a half-demon swordsman and a time-traveling schoolgirl from modern times. The series is about unrequited love and…
In Actual Play
Participants: inthisstyle, Matthew Glover.

5/1/2006 Mason: [d20] Carthage
I'm two sessions in to a new game and already there seem to be some creative disconnects among the group.  I'm the GM and its for my regular group that…
In Actual Play
Participants: Mason, Noon, epweissengruber, Wade Lahoda, donbaloo, wgrzanic, Caldis.

4/30/2006 Graham Walmsley: [Nighttime Animals] Cat Mafia
A night in with the girlfriend tonight. I was meant to buy a Scrabble set over the weekend, but I couldn't find a cheap one. So, instead, I suggested that…
In Actual Play
Participants: Graham Walmsley, jasonm, Bryan Hansel, chris_moore.

4/30/2006 Storn: [WotG] A game session that rocked!
Having delved into the HERO System, M&M and assessing incoherence thread here:, which also branched into some really interesting Exalted threads... especially this one,  Exalted: searching for my…
In Actual Play
Participants: Storn, Ron Edwards, Paka, dunlaing, Stickman, Maleficence, ptikachu.

4/30/2006 Artanis: [The Great Journey] Hike Morn's fantastic travels
[b]Intro[/b] Intrigued by the recent discussions about [url=]drills[/url] and having some time to spend with my mother and two brothers, I suggested a "quick" game of [url=]The Great Journey[/url], by…
In Actual Play
Participants: Artanis.

4/30/2006 Lisa Padol: [Sorcerer] Link to Seventh Session Write Up
I've posted the write up of the seventh session of our Sorcerer campaign here: For any who missed the link and want to read it, the write up of…
In Actual Play
Participants: Lisa Padol, Paka.

4/28/2006 Salar: [Inspectres] First game
Hi all, I've been lurking here for a while just getting my head around some of the ongoing discussions. It's certainly been an education! I've been roleplaying on and off…
In Actual Play
Participants: Salar, Ron Edwards.

4/28/2006 Precious Villain: [Shadowrun] Combat Monsters
I'm playing in a Shadowrun (4th edition) campaign.  Up until last Saturday there were three of us:  Myself (Rob), Sam and Kelsey.  Saturday, we invited an old fellow gamer from…
In Actual Play
Participants: Precious Villain, Tommi Brander, DagdaMor, Zamiel, TonyPace, TonyLB, Noon, Dav, JongWK, Ramidel, Wade Lahoda, Ron Edwards, BearKing, ffilz, Jaik, Web_Weaver.

4/27/2006 wgrzanic: Low-prep D&D with kickers, flags, conflict webs, and no-death
Hi all, This is my first post here, so apologies in advance if I break any rules, written or otherwise.  Just let me know. A couple of weeks ago (yes,…
In Actual Play
Participants: wgrzanic, Ben Lehman, TonyLB, Bankuei, donbaloo, Matthew Glover, BrendanC, Warren, John Harper, Alan, soviet.

4/24/2006 JMendes: [TSoY] Rat Moon Coolness
Hello, all, :) Well. My wife blew me away, the other day. We have a regular gaming group for Saturday nights. Used to play L5R. I've posted about it here,…
In Actual Play
Participants: JMendes, James_Nostack, Frank T, tonyd, oliof.

4/22/2006 pfischer: [Shab-Al-Hiri Roach] Fastaval 2006 Demo Game
I was invited to the Danish convention Fastaval over Easter 2006 to demo indie games. Apart from a lot of talk about indie roleplaying games and running 60 minutes demos…
In Actual Play
Participants: pfischer, jasonm, Joe Murphy (Broin), olleolleolle, pedyo.

4/21/2006 dsellars: Could I have some advice on getting my campaign started?
Hello All, This is my first post here so please be gentle I've probably misunderstood things round here, I have tried to read around things though :), I also hope…
In Actual Play
Participants: dsellars, rafial, Sydney Freedberg, ScottM, Wade Lahoda.

4/20/2006 Filip Luszczyk: [InSpectres demo] Solo play
Few weeks ago, while reading InSpectres demo it occured to me that the game could theoretically be played alone. And I tried it. All in all, it was fun and…
In Actual Play
Participants: Filip Luszczyk, Jared A. Sorensen, JMendes, greyorm, demiurgeastaroth.

4/20/2006 Zathreyel: [Criminal Element] Buenos Aires: the Mendoza Job
I'd known about it for about a week.  My regular Tuesday night crew had become pretty irregular for a little while, so our regularly scheduled game of Nobilis had sort…
In Actual Play
Participants: Zathreyel, Ron Edwards, CMWeck.

4/19/2006 GB Steve: [PTA] Animal Firm
We had a fine game of Prime Time Adventures this evening so here for your delight is a summary of play: Set in the town of Orville, Animal Firm charts…
In Actual Play
Participants: GB Steve.

4/19/2006 pedyo: (tMW) Demo-games at Fastaval
At this year’s Fastaval -, I demoed two games of The Mountain Witch as part of the Indie-RPG workshop. Both demos went great and at least two of the…
In Actual Play
Participants: pedyo.

4/18/2006 buzz: HERO System, M&M and assessing incoherence
Apologies in advance if this is posted in the wrong forum. I'm still beginning to wrap my brain around the theory discussed here. In Chapter Five: Role-playing Design and Coherence…
In Actual Play
Participants: buzz, Paka, Ron Edwards, Ramidel, jlarke, Gaerik, Storn, Brand_Robins, Caldis.

4/18/2006 matthijs: [Sorcerer] Action-packed first session
So I finally did a proper run of Sorcerer the other night. Three friends came to my house at around 3 o'clock. I'd figured we'd define the setting in one…
In Actual Play
Participants: matthijs, Ron Edwards.

4/18/2006 SpinyUrchin: [PTA] Red Sands Pilot/Real Life Soap Opera
We're for the most part a fairly traditional gaming group. Been playing together for decades. Our favorite RPGs are Champions, D&D3, d6/Star Wars, and Talislanta. Occasionally I've run some of…
In Actual Play
Participants: SpinyUrchin, Matt Wilson, Joe Dizzy, Warren.

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Subsequent Topics
In Actual Play

5/1/2006 Montola: Prosopopeia -- Playing on the Edge of Reality
Greetings, I guess Actual Play is the appropriate forum to post this paper discussing a pervasive larp Prosopopeia we staged in Sweden: Montola, Markus & Jonsson, Staffan (2006): Prosopopeia. Playing…
In Actual Play
Participants: Montola.

5/1/2006 sirogit: [Play Right!] Matrix Sequels
I gave Play-Write! a whirl last night. It was a bit more difficult to find a story 4 people were all familiar/invested in than either I thought or the text…
In Actual Play
Participants: sirogit.

5/2/2006 Ron Edwards: [D&D 3.0/3.5] Skill combat and blood drinking
Hooray! After an intervening family vacation and a couple of other interruptions, Dan and Christopher and I reconvened for our second session of D&D 3.25. (Definition: I have one of…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, Noon, Eero Tuovinen, James_Nostack, wgrzanic, Sydney Freedberg, Ben Lehman, Miskatonic, JamesDJIII, Melinglor, Bankuei, Valamir, IMAGinES, Blankshield, contracycle, buzz, Gaerik, ffilz, Glendower.

5/2/2006 John Kirk: [Gnostigmata] The Gospel of Michael
You can download the current version of Gnostigmata from here The Social Aspects of our first play-test The players were:  Bill Boucher, Kim Boucher, Ralph Buttner, John Kirk, Melissa Kirk,…
In Actual Play
Participants: John Kirk, drnuncheon.

5/2/2006 Technocrat13: [Red Box D&D] Module B4: The Lost City
A few months back I'd acquired a mint condition copy of the ol' Red Box edition of D&D.  After reading through it again for the first time in what must…
In Actual Play
Participants: Technocrat13, James_Nostack, JamesDJIII, Miskatonic, Bryan Hansel, Ron Edwards, Noon, Calithena.

5/4/2006 khelek: [DitV] Temperance and Accountability
[DitV] Temperance and Accountability Executive Summary: A long post, more about our personal discovery of Conflict Resolution during DitV play, than the story that played out. This is the Actual…
In Actual Play
Participants: khelek, lumpley.

5/4/2006 r_donato: [TSoY] Troublesome first session
Hello, folks, I'm pretty new to the Forge, so if I make a faux-pas, please let me know. I'm here to describe my first attempt at running TSoY. It fell…
In Actual Play
Participants: r_donato, Valamir, Glendower, rafial, sirogit, Paka, donbaloo.

5/4/2006 JavaApp: Jared Sorenson’s The Farm – How does it play?
I originally posted this on, and all I got in response was a bunch of people telling me, "Hey, let us know how it turns out." I used the…
In Actual Play
Participants: JavaApp.

5/5/2006 Paka: Burning Wheel: Elf vs. Orc
So, it is the weekly Burning Wheel group.  Excuse me while I kvell a bit. We took time off to playtest Luke's Sooper Seekrit Project but found out that one…
In Actual Play
Participants: Paka, Ron Edwards, Storn, agony, taepoong.

5/5/2006 bluenotebooks: Question - Not sure where to post it.
I have played d&d a bit, and like it for the most part.  But I do not care for how centered it is on combat.  I believe I would prefer…
In Actual Play
Participants: bluenotebooks, Storn, Ron Edwards.

5/5/2006 Bret Gillan: [Sorcerer] Charnel Gods - The Irthan Epoch
Last night was the first night of my Charnel Gods campaign, and it rocked. After my previous Sorcerer campaign left me feeling a little cold, I really wanted this one…
In Actual Play
Participants: Bret Gillan, Ron Edwards, Paka, Eric J-D, greyorm.

5/5/2006 dsellars: games 'in play'?
This query of mine has basically come about by reading this thread (a few times through now) here: It basically revolves around the following paragraphs, written by Ron.: First…
In Actual Play
Participants: dsellars, Ron Edwards.

5/6/2006 greyorm: [ORX] Forge Midwest Demo Observations
Juli, Tod and Tim (Kleinert) were gracious enough to play a quick game of Orx with me at Forge Midwest. This was also a milestone in Orx play as the…
In Actual Play
Participants: greyorm.

5/6/2006 nyhteg: [InSpectres] Demons in the Dinner Hall
There have been a couple of threads in recent memory about running games with/for kids so I thought this might be of interest to someone. In a nutshell, I ran…
In Actual Play
Participants: nyhteg, Bryan Hansel.

5/8/2006 eruditus: My Life with Father
My first attempt at running My Life with Master can be found here... This is a breakdown of the master and characters.  Tomorrow I will post the game session.
In Actual Play
Participants: eruditus, Ian Charvill, Michael S. Miller, Paul Czege, Ron Edwards, ObLaDan.

5/9/2006 kalyptein: [Charnel Gods] Fall of Sarantium, Story Real Soon Now
I started posting about this game down in the Adept Press forum, but I thought I'd move it up here as I'm getting away from the mechanical questions and more…
In Actual Play
Participants: kalyptein, Mister Six.

5/9/2006 jasonm: [PTA] Deep in the Blue
Last night Clinton, Remi, and I began a five-episode PTA season called Deep in the Blue.  I'm Producing.  We agreed over the week leading up to our first session on…
In Actual Play
Participants: jasonm, Clinton R. Nixon, Eric J-D, Storn, John Harper, Nicolas Crost, Emily Care, Roger, LeSingeSavant.

5/10/2006 IMAGinES: [Heavy Gear 2nd Ed.] Where's The GM Fun?
I’m trying something I read about over on The 20’ By 20’ Room, creating a campaign “design document” complete with a goal. Although there’s not much detail on what a…
In Actual Play
Participants: IMAGinES, Belinda K., Ron Edwards, eruditus.

5/10/2006 Belinda K.: [Vampire: the Requiem] Attempt at using 'Forge techniques'!
I’ve been running a Vampire game recently, about a crap vampiric band in Chicago, where I’ve been trying out some new GMing things, mainly attempting a character driven game as…
In Actual Play
Participants: Belinda K., Ron Edwards, Storn, Tommi Brander, joshua neff, JonasB, Nathan P..

5/10/2006 Warren: Dogs in the Vineyard for my Vampire group
It's occurred to me that I never got back and told people how running Dogs in the Vineyard for the Vampire group I joined went. The dysfunction I spoke about…
In Actual Play
Participants: Warren, Artanis, Glendower.

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