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In Actual Play

3/17/2007 Simon C: My thesis - maybe some people would like to read it?
A year or so ago I wrote my honours thesis on the gaming community in my home town.  It's got lot of stuff about roleplaying and things in there.  I…
In Actual Play
Participants: Simon C, Paul T, Nev the Deranged, Ron Edwards.

3/16/2007 Caesar_X: [1001 Nights] The Sultan's Favor
I hosted a game of Meg Baker's excellent '1001 Nights' at our Thursday night Story Gaming at EndGame this week.  I will start by saying that the players were unanimous…
In Actual Play
Participants: Caesar_X, Meguey.

3/15/2007 scholar_of_light: [ D&D 3.5 ] The world of Vangal. {a home brew world}
Greetings all,    Just stumbled across this site, and figured this would be the best way to introduce myself. Basic layout of game :    Home brew campaign.  About 500…
In Actual Play
Participants: scholar_of_light, Paka, Gaerik.

3/15/2007 tj333: [DitV] The End of the Dog in the Black Coat
Okay, this is the second half of a town that we played but didn't have the time to finish. It was a short session and it just wasn't working so…
In Actual Play
Participants: tj333, Mike Lucas, Web_Weaver.

3/14/2007 MatrixGamer: [Engle Matrix Game] Jack the Ripper Podcast
A group of gamers in Louisville Kentucky just posted a podcast of a game of Jack the Ripper. The show lasts a little over two hours. Podcast of an actual…
In Actual Play
Participants: MatrixGamer.

3/11/2007 Caesar_X: [Cat] Meredith's Big Night Out
One of my gaming goals for 2007 is to expose more non-gamers to Story Gaming in an attempt to understand more about what excites them from a gaming perspective.  So…
In Actual Play
Participants: Caesar_X, Noon, komradebob.

3/11/2007 Ian Charvill: [Questers of the Middle Realms] Under-prepping
In a nutshell: offering to run a game system that you've never run before while you've got a major project going on at work and at the same time you're…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ian Charvill, rafial.

3/11/2007 joepub: [Perfect] Swooping Vulture technique
So, I finally figured out how to run my own game (Perfect, that is). I submit, for the approval of the midnight society, a GMing technique that I tried out…
In Actual Play
Participants: joepub.

3/11/2007 joepub: Indie RPG Steals D&D's Thunder (Details on Page 6)
This is technically about a game in Playtest, but it felt like it fit the AP forum more. It's just a little anecdote which I quite enjoyed and want to…
In Actual Play
Participants: joepub, Andrew Morris, Calithena.

3/10/2007 Shia: Presentation and two little question ^^
Hello everybody ^__^ I'm a 32 year old, 5 year experienced gamer living in Rimini, Italy, and this is my first time here ^^ I've read with great interest the…
In Actual Play
Participants: Shia, Eliarhiman6.

3/9/2007 cydmab: [PTA] The hurricanes (Akira/Madmax hybrid)
So I finally got the group to try PTA last weekend. The last campaign of DnD/Freeform had pretty much puttered out and died, and some of the reasons I believed…
In Actual Play
Participants: cydmab.

3/7/2007 Noon: [PBP] Damn that lucky player!
I'm running a play by post at the moment - its in the same spot where I've run games before and commented about them here. This ones played different as…
In Actual Play
Participants: Noon, Filip Luszczyk, Simon C.

3/6/2007 jasonm: [Contenders] New York, 1913
Clinton, Remi and I decided to play Contenders, based on our extremely positive play experience at Gen Con and the fun I had running it later at a local con. …
In Actual Play
Participants: jasonm, Clinton R. Nixon, Caesar_X, Dantai, ShaneJackson, LeSingeSavant, Uruush.

3/6/2007 iain: [Mob Justice] Betrayal at Cold Cut
The 'Collective Endeavour' went to conflagration in Glasgow on the 24th and 25th of March. We had a good time and I got to run a full game of Mob…
In Actual Play
Participants: iain.

3/6/2007 lee-anne: Buy-In with Systemized Setting Design
Last week, our Primetime Adventures Director, Luke, had to cancel at the last minute. Instead of running pick-up TSOY, I told Scott and Tim about jonathan's nifty group setting design…
In Actual Play
Participants: lee-anne, Gaerik, Noon.

3/3/2007 Ron Edwards: [carry] Helicopters and Accuser role-switching
Hello, I decided to start a new thread as the first one, Gun-butts, dope, and non-mutual masturbation, seems like it hit a natural endpoint. We played our second and…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, droog, Nathan P., Noon.

3/1/2007 towishimp: [D&D] Trying to get more from D&D
Hey all, I've been cruising The Forge for a few weeks now, reading the articles and some of the threads.  The site was recommended to me by a buddy of…
In Actual Play
Participants: towishimp, Calithena, Thenomain, Glendower, Mike Sugarbaker, rycanada, Simon C, BWA, Rob Alexander, Noon, Jasper the Mimbo.

3/1/2007 Calithena: [Hero's Banner] The Madness of Tucaescu
Paul, Danielle, George and I have started playing this game, with Paul GMing. There will be lots to say, but first I want to get something out of the way.…
In Actual Play
Participants: Calithena, Tim C Koppang, Nev the Deranged, Paul Czege, geestar3.

3/1/2007 Pelgrane: [DitV] King's Marshalls - Part Two
Second part of actual play. First part here. After a slightly slow start, the conflicts began to flow nicely. Mage Livius had a conflict with the NPC sage  Intially, the…
In Actual Play
Participants: Pelgrane, GB Steve.

3/1/2007 Noon: [Almost Play - Best friends PBP] Random friends
Quickly typing this one, up late on a work night! A play by post game recently asked for one more player, and I enquired. Turns out they already went through…
In Actual Play
Participants: Noon, Graham Walmsley, Paul King.

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Subsequent Topics
In Actual Play

3/21/2007 Glendower: [Capes] Shadowrun!
As far as my experience is concerned, Shadowrun is a good example of "love the world, hate the system".  When Dave, friend and member of my Tuesday gaming night, suggested…
In Actual Play
Participants: Glendower, Gaerik, Andrew Morris, Jasper the Mimbo, Miskatonic, Madheretic.

3/21/2007 Nev the Deranged: Fortune-at-the-Very-Beginning?
Wasn't sure where to post this, so feel free to move it if this is inappropriate. I was wondering if there are any games where the die roll (or whatever)…
In Actual Play
Participants: Nev the Deranged, Paul Czege, greyorm, chris_moore.

3/24/2007 wgrzanic: [d20 Iron Heroes] Situation-driven, party-based play?
Hi all, I’ve been meaning to write this post for some time now, and am only now getting around to it, because I am a lazy-ass slacker.  My apologies if…
In Actual Play
Participants: wgrzanic, Noon, contracycle, rycanada, Gaerik, AJ_Flowers, RedPissLegion.

3/25/2007 Noon: [D&D 3.x] crouching cave, hidden MC
Lets see, there was Chris, Joe (brothers) Daniel & Matt (another pair of brothers) and myself. Chris and Dan are the elder brothers. This was played yesterday afternoon/last night. We…
In Actual Play
Participants: Noon, James_Nostack.

3/28/2007 gds: [Ruby] Battles on Crimson
Started a game of Ruby last night with my regular group. So there are four of us, three players plus me. This was going to be a bit of a…
In Actual Play
Participants: gds, Ron Edwards.

3/28/2007 Glendower: [DITV] The Bloated Blood River Valley
I have never made my own town in Dogs.  I usually took a town from the site to use instead, which has worked well for me the last little while. …
In Actual Play
Participants: Glendower, Web_Weaver.

3/29/2007 burnout02: [psuedo-Tokyo Heroes] Fade To Black
Let's face it. Tokusatsu (Japanese Live-Action programs) is cool. While, admittedly, some of the Sentai team stuff is pure cheese (Just look at the later variants of the Power Rangers),…
In Actual Play
Participants: burnout02, Nev the Deranged.

3/31/2007 xenopulse: [Inspectres] Case of the Flaming Pussy
Gamestorm 9 is going on this weekend in Portland. Last night, from 10 to 12, I played in a game of Inspectres. I've read about the game plenty of times,…
In Actual Play
Participants: xenopulse.

4/1/2007 phasmaphobic: [Classroom Deathmatch] Played at Gamestorm last night
Last night I had the privilege of playing in a convention-style demo game of <i><a href="" target="_blank">Classroom Deathmatch</a></i>, the new tabletop RPG by fellow Portlander Jake Richmond.  In this game,…
In Actual Play
Participants: phasmaphobic, xenopulse, Jake Richmond.

4/2/2007 oliof: [TSOY] Snakes in the Shadows OR Dysfunction is good if it's the characters
(also posted at story games under a slightly misleading title) I was at hspielt! 14 this weekend, and ran a minimally tweaked version of a con scenario called Snakes in…
In Actual Play
Participants: oliof.

4/3/2007 LandonSuffered: [InSpectres] 1st Time Role-Players -- Kids!! (long-ish)
My wife and I occasionally (every couple months or so) baby-sit/host game night for the two sons of our friends; the kids’ ages are 9 and (just barely) 13.  We’ve…
In Actual Play
Participants: LandonSuffered, skatay, matthijs, demiurgeastaroth, TonyLB, Ron Edwards, Meguey, Mr. Sluagh.

4/4/2007 GregStolze: [Wild Talents] Grim War: Reign of the Talents
I'm spamming the whole RPG internet with cloned AP writeups of my new WT game with REIGN companies grafted on top to eventually track how the PCs interact with the…
In Actual Play
Participants: GregStolze, Nev the Deranged, Mike Lucas, wreckage, FredGarber.

4/5/2007 Ron Hammack: [D&D 3.5] Solo game with a brand new player--is this the right game for us?
[b]Background[/b] I've been roleplaying on and off since 1983, mostly D&D in its various incarnations and mostly (80% of the time, I'd say) GMing. I'm currently without a gaming group,…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Hammack, xjermx, xenopulse, Gaerik, Caesar_X, BabbageCliologic, Nev the Deranged.

4/5/2007 Jake Richmond: Panty Explosion actual play
[b]The Psychic Cosplay Catgirl Demon Adventure![/b] Last Sunday while at Gamestorm I had a chance to facilitate what turned out to be the best stand alone game of Panty Explosion…
In Actual Play
Participants: Jake Richmond.

4/9/2007 fjj: [1001 Nights] Lots of interesting play from very little preparation
I presented and played 1001 Nights at a game convent i Århus, Denmark, this Easter (home page in Danish: We were a group of people doing indie game sessions.…
In Actual Play
Participants: fjj, MatrixGamer, Meguey, lumpley, Nev the Deranged.

4/13/2007 Fergus: [wfrp] Core Meltdown
The session I'm about to describe took place over a year ago. The system is Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (Version 1).  I'm the game master.  I've been GMing this system on…
In Actual Play
Participants: Fergus, Noon, JSDiamond, Eliarhiman6, Ron Edwards, Precious Villain, Eero Tuovinen.

4/13/2007 xenopulse: [Beast Hunters] Tribal Warfare
I ran Beast Hunters demos at the recent Gamestorm convention here in Portland.  One of these games was a scenario I played with Chris and Lisa Goodwin. They used two…
In Actual Play
Participants: xenopulse, Chris Goodwin, Noon.

4/14/2007 skatay: [Trollbabe] First Adventure, First time GMing it, First time RPing with Wife
Hi, I had my first GMing experience in a long time, with my wife, playing Trollbabe. I tried to get some things down, and made mistakes along the way. I'm…
In Actual Play
Participants: skatay, Ron Edwards.

4/16/2007 Doyce: [TSoY Clockpunk] The City of Petrana, Session Two
(To which the author appends... "Finally!") This is a really long, detailed post, but I wanted to list everything off -- questions, comments, rules corrections, and whatever else is welcome.…
In Actual Play
Participants: Doyce, Eero Tuovinen, oliof.

4/21/2007 The Mule: [PTA] Success!
Well, my second game of PTA was a blast. I played with four people who knew each other, but not me.  One was familiar with the system, the other three…
In Actual Play
Participants: The Mule, Matt Wilson.

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