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In Actual Play

9/19/2007 thunderriftv: (Don't Rest Your Head) Indie Game Newbs in La
Don’t Rest Your Head Session breakdown We are a little gaming group in Lousisana just learning about Indie games through the podosphere. We wanted to try some these new games…
In Actual Play
Participants: thunderriftv, GreatWolf, JC, Danny_K, Noclue, Uruush.

9/19/2007 Bret Gillan: [Lacuna] I Learn About GMing
I ran Lacuna for my friends in the city the other night, and it was really interesting. One thing it did with it's minimal but awesome system was show me…
In Actual Play
Participants: Bret Gillan, Yokiboy, Graham Walmsley, Jasper Flick, Noon, Danny_K, The Dragon Master, Paka, Noclue, lumpley, Valamir, henshaw, FredGarber, Mike Holmes.

9/18/2007 GreatWolf: [Bliss Stage] We wrap Bliss Stage
…incoming transmission … … Peoria Resistance Group… Bliss Stage makes me think of this. Broadcast Archive:  Saved through childbearing Love and violence in Peoria Jude gets better, plus alien tentacles!…
In Actual Play
Participants: GreatWolf, Artanis, Gabrielle.

9/18/2007 Zebigone: [InSpectres] Through the keyhole...
So, a month ago, we had first session of InSpectres with my gaming group. We usually play boardgames, but I wanted to try some indy rpgs with them (I might…
In Actual Play
Participants: Zebigone, Jared A. Sorensen.

9/18/2007 Solamasa: [Grey Ranks] Feh! You mean nothing to me!
I’ve been delinquent in typing up my Grey Ranks summaries for my group (q.v. Playtest over Skype).  This is not really due to procrastination (although I’m certainly a…
In Actual Play
Participants: Solamasa, segedy, jasonm, ironick, FruitSmack!, Bret Gillan, wunderllama, FredGarber, travisfarber.

9/15/2007 contracycle: SW D6 Dogfights: Chase-Catch-Kill
SW D6 Dogfights: Chase-Catch-Kill This is a system designed to resolve small group dogfights in the original D6 version of the Star Wars RPG.  I have never liked the existing…
In Actual Play
Participants: contracycle, Valamir.

9/13/2007 angelfromanotherpin: [Hero's Banner]
First time playing Hero's banner tonight.  Lots of good fun. I was GM to two players, none of us had played the game before.  I have considerable experience with indie…
In Actual Play
Participants: angelfromanotherpin, Tim C Koppang.

9/13/2007 Paka: [Shock:] The Collections Agent, the President of Earth and the Revolutionary
I knew that my roommates, Bret and Jeff (not Jeff "Sons of Kryos" Lower, a different Jeff) would be down for some Shock:, a game I was eager to play…
In Actual Play
Participants: Paka, nikola, Bret Gillan, xenopulse, drnuncheon, Yokiboy.

9/11/2007 GreatWolf: [Bliss Stage] Jude gets better, plus alien tentacles!
…incoming transmission … … Peoria Resistance Group… Bliss Stage makes me think of this. Broadcast Archive:  Saved through childbearing Love and violence in Peoria Last week sometime, my…
In Actual Play
Participants: GreatWolf, Marhault, Gabrielle, pfischer, Ben Lehman.

9/10/2007 muddlepud: a session of [Hero's Banner]
I randomly ran a session of Hero's Banner yesterday with a couple of friends. Its been one of those games I've been itching to GM since I got my hands…
In Actual Play
Participants: muddlepud, Tim C Koppang.

9/10/2007 Clay: The Shadow of Yesterday - Jonre Campaign
Wanted to give everyone here a quick summary of my latest TSoY session.  This is the first that I've played a full game under second edition rules, even though I've…
In Actual Play
Participants: Clay, James_Nostack.

9/9/2007 Filip Luszczyk: [DitV] Ninja Princess Usagi-chan Episode 1: Abunai! Tentacled monsters approach!
Last Thursday, we've finally managed to play a full town using my Ninja Princess Usagi-chan mod. The session lasted about five hours, and we finished well past 1 AM. Despite…
In Actual Play
Participants: Filip Luszczyk, ja-prozac, lumpley, Redone, Ben Lehman, Web_Weaver.

9/9/2007 migo: [Toon] Aborted Effort...
I tried running a game of Toon with my girlfriend yesterday. It was the cartoon olympics intro adventure in the revised book. I figured that the system is easy and…
In Actual Play
Participants: migo, Filip Luszczyk, Noon, Caldis, Lord_Steelhand.

9/9/2007 Christopher Kubasik: [Sorcerer & Sword] Gateway '07
I GM'd Sorcerer & Sword at Gateway last weekend.  Here's the first in several posts breaking the game down. Con Conventions & Prep Work For better or worse, I decided…
In Actual Play
Participants: Christopher Kubasik, Ron Edwards, greyorm, xternal, contracycle, Selene Tan, Vasco Brown.

9/7/2007 GreatWolf: [Bliss Stage] Love and violence in Peoria
…incoming transmission … … Peoria Resistance Group… Bliss Stage makes me think of this. Broadcast Archive:  previous transmission located in database Gabrielle commented that she felt sorry for me.  I’m…
In Actual Play
Participants: GreatWolf, Ben Lehman, Gabrielle.

9/6/2007 Mandrake: [DitV]The sins of the children...
Firstly, some brief info on the town: Brother Newton, the schoolmaster, is proud of his acomplishments as a teacher. Brother Hiram, the father of one of Newton's students, told his…
In Actual Play
Participants: Mandrake, Temple, Web_Weaver.

9/5/2007 jim pinto: George's Children
Players: Aaron, James, Joel, Jim, jim, and Richard I ran a 6-player session of GC last night for players who are usually enjoying D&D Iron Heroes or Mutants and Masterminds.…
In Actual Play
Participants: jim pinto, Ron Edwards.

9/5/2007 Temple: [Poison'd] X marks the spot.
I bought the Poison'd ashcan because I instantly fell in love with the little blurbs Id read across the web. Pirates? Sin, violence and moral issues? Fierce competition? That sounds…
In Actual Play
Participants: Temple.

9/4/2007 lumpley: GenCon Poison'd, but you don't get the whole story
Me, Rich, Julia, John, Matt. Some other people watching for some of it, Julie, Ben, Ram. I was the GM. If you weren't at the table with us, then some…
In Actual Play
Participants: lumpley, John Harper, contracycle, Ron Edwards, drnuncheon, wreckage, Parthenia, Matt Wilson, Temple.

9/3/2007 amnesiack: [Bliss Stage] Seattle Central Cell
Most of the players for our regular Wednesday game didn’t show up this week, so Jesse, David, and I started up an impromptu game of Bliss Stage. David opted to…
In Actual Play
Participants: amnesiack, Ben Lehman.

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In Actual Play

9/25/2007 theboeh: Scene Economies
I just wrote an essay on my blog talking about my thoughts on scene economies. I compare my experiences with classical roleplaying games to recent experiences with a more story…
In Actual Play
Participants: theboeh, ChrisLane, Ron Edwards, abzu, Noon.

9/26/2007 Willow: Oshcon Games on Demand: The Septathalon
(Crossposted over on So, I've just got back from OshCon, up in Oshkosh Wisconsin, where Tim and I ran Games on Demand, where we lay out a whole bunch…
In Actual Play
Participants: Willow, Mike Holmes, John Harper, coffeestain.

10/1/2007 xternal: [Universalis] Unholy Alliance
My friend Alex (alejandro on the board) and I played our first game of Universalis this past Saturday.  I sent the following email in response to an absent friend's inquiry…
In Actual Play
Participants: xternal, alejandro, Valamir, Mike Holmes.

10/2/2007 Simon C: [KazeKami Kyoko Kills Kublai Kahn] Kublai Kahn is Dead
Over at Snail's Pace (, we've been playing a few pretty unusual games via play-by-post.  Dave Cleaver and I recently finished a game of Jonathan Walton's "KazeKami Kyoko Kills Kublai…
In Actual Play
Participants: Simon C.

10/4/2007 epweissengruber: Bringing Uncanny Horror to the Gaming Table [Gumshoe Rules]
I am prepping a horror game and would like anyone's input to the challenges such a game poses to all participants. I am playtesting Hite’s Trail of Cthulhu, which adapts…
In Actual Play
Participants: epweissengruber, Noon, Danny_K, David Artman, Graham Walmsley, LostSoul, Pelgrane, Ron Edwards.

10/9/2007 GreatWolf: [Shock: v 1.1] Be Careful Where You Litter
When I heard that Shock: was being released in its 1.1 edition, I was pretty excited.  I had heard some nifty things about the original edition of the game, but…
In Actual Play
Participants: GreatWolf, Gabrielle.

10/10/2007 Jasper the Mimbo: Fun with Simulationism (Star Wars D6) Long post.
I was discussing the old Star Wars system with some friends, who are rabid Star Wars fans, and they convinced me to run a game for them. Luckily, I'd had…
In Actual Play
Participants: Jasper the Mimbo, SpinachBaron, contracycle.

10/13/2007 xjermx: [Shadowrun of Yesterday] Cyberzombies (long)
I recently ran a game of Shadowrun of Yesterday, a melding of the coolness of Shadowrun and the awesome of Shadow of Yesterday. In short, it went really, really well. …
In Actual Play
Participants: xjermx, Eero Tuovinen, John Harper.

10/14/2007 jburneko: [Dirty Secrets] Gym Teacher Goes To Jail, Assualts Prominent Doctor
We just finished playing Dirty Secrets.  Like, 30 minutes ago.  It took a bit, but in the end I loved it.  I was playing Josh Bishop-Roby and my wife Meghann. …
In Actual Play
Participants: jburneko, Joshua BishopRoby, GreatWolf.

10/15/2007 Artanis: [Zombeja! Ovella!] No brain, no pain!
Hi reader, I had the pleasure of playing Eero Tuovinen's new game Zombeja! Ovella! at a local con this Saturday. My five co-players were all relatively young boys whom I…
In Actual Play
Participants: Artanis, Eero Tuovinen.

10/16/2007 jasonm: [Viking Con] A Day in the Life
On Friday night at Viking Con, me, Brian, Olle, and Luisa played Mikkel Baekgaard’s scenario A Day in the Life, run by Mikkel.  Thanks to my lack of Danish, we…
In Actual Play
Participants: jasonm, pfischer, FredGarber, fjj, Jonas Karlsson, Sanne Harder Flamant.

10/16/2007 Gaerik: [BWr] Mostly Homogametic Rrole-playng
I played Burning Wheel Revised this weekend and the result was a mixed bag.  That's not a bad thing or a good thing really.  It's just a thing.  My wife…
In Actual Play
Participants: Gaerik, Noclue, Vulpinoid, GreatWolf, rekyl.

10/16/2007 Filip Luszczyk: [DitV] Ninja Princess Usagi-chan Episode 2: Nani? Tears, Blood and Fur...
We finished the second town of our Ninja Princess Usagi-chan game. It was split into three separate sessions and completing it took us well over ten hours of play in…
In Actual Play
Participants: Filip Luszczyk, JackTheOwner, FredGarber, Redone.

10/17/2007 Artanis: [Dirty Secrets] Don't touch my baby
Hi, This Saturday at the local con I played a new favourite of mine: Dirty Secrets! Only two players signed up, my friends Zarina and Cyril. I had played Polaris…
In Actual Play
Participants: Artanis, GreatWolf, jburneko.

10/21/2007 cydmab: [bliss stage] different functions, different burdens
I persuaded a couple friends to try a game of bliss stage, and it did not go over very well. We played using the Final act scenario in the back…
In Actual Play
Participants: cydmab.

10/26/2007 Harlequin: The Anvil of Dike - Spoilers (read me 2nd)
Here's the surprises I don't want my players to be forced to find out prematurely.  Most discussion should be kept to the original thread (link shortly), except where it bears…
In Actual Play
Participants: Harlequin.

10/26/2007 Harlequin: [Nine Worlds] The Anvil of Dike
[i]"For truly the injustice of him who has unjustly transgressed the sovereign majesty of Zeus lies on the ground trampled under foot. The anvil of Dike (Justice) is planted firm.…
In Actual Play
Participants: Harlequin, tonyd, Lord_Steelhand, Ron Edwards, Matt Snyder, Blankshield.

10/26/2007 Mel_White: Turtling in RPGs
Over the past year or so I've heard the term 'turtling' to describe player actions in RPGs.  I wasn't sure exactly what constituted turtling, although it seemed to be a…
In Actual Play
Participants: Mel_White, Danny_K, WildElf, Ron Edwards, Noon.

10/27/2007 Melinglor: [D&D 3.5] Gamist Non-Affirmation
I played in my regular D&D 3.5 game last week. We had a lot of fun, but it also gave me a lot to think about. First off, we had…
In Actual Play
Participants: Melinglor, Mel_White, Chris_Chinn, Noon, Precious Villain, Eliarhiman6, contracycle, Valamir, Caldis, James_Nostack, xenopulse, Grex, Wolfen, Jasper the Mimbo, Daztur, Barlennan, Bjorn, Peter Nordstrand, Miskatonic, Ron Edwards.

10/28/2007 iain: [Mob Justice] Brothers in Arma (Furnace PM)
[b]Boss:[/b] Iain McAllister [b]Players:[/b] Neil Gow, Steven, Gareth [b]Playing:[/b] Keneth, Isaac and Roy respectfully I ran two Mob Justice games at Furnace, one on the Saturday morning for Matt Machell…
In Actual Play
Participants: iain.

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