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In Actual Play

8/8/2003 Bryant: UA & Trollbabe
So we tried something a little different in our Unknown Armies game last night. One of the players is moving away (sniff), so we wanted to wrap up his PC's…
In Actual Play
Participants: Bryant, Jere.

8/8/2003 Matt Wilson: Donjon Post-Apocalypse
Last night started a short run of Donjon inspired by both Gamma World and the Fallout series of computer games. The characters are from a village where the children are…
In Actual Play
Participants: Matt Wilson, Clinton R. Nixon, rafial, John Harper, Hafaza.

8/8/2003 JamesDJIII: The Not-As-Angry Pinball
This is a response to the last post in: Ron: I would have to say that the pain experience in "not" versus "bad" is a personal one, and that…
In Actual Play
Participants: JamesDJIII, Ron Edwards, Marco.

8/6/2003 Thor Olavsrud: An Exalted Ghost Story
Following a truly excellent session on Sunday, I've started thinking about a question that I'll put forward here: How much do our expectations, as GMs, guide our players' decision-making, even…
In Actual Play
Participants: Thor Olavsrud, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes.

8/6/2003 Tim Alexander: Non-linear Sorcerer (split)
So Dav, I sort of missed the first go 'round with this thread, but I have to say I'm fascinated. I want to see if I've got you right, when…
In Actual Play
Participants: Tim Alexander, Ron Edwards.

8/6/2003 hyphz: Request for Play of Whispering Vault
Just before I go nuts on RPGNow, does anyone have any opinions of this game? The two complaints I've heard elsewhere were that a) the dice system makes PCs fail…
In Actual Play
Participants: hyphz, Ron Edwards, Philippe Tromeur.

8/5/2003 C. Edwards: Paladin: Kingdom Come
So, I bought the Paladin PDF the other day after some discussion in the Indie Netgaming irc channel of what systems might be good for “dark” role-playing. The PDF was…
In Actual Play
Participants: C. Edwards, Clinton R. Nixon, Mike Holmes, RobMuadib, Lxndr, Paganini.

8/5/2003 Andy Kitkowski: Kyuseisha: Su-pa- Shin-Pureitesuto!
Hey all- This is Actual Play, usually reserved for tellings of sessions of a particular RPG or other. I'm in the middle of playtesting a game (Kyuseisha), and I figure…
In Actual Play
Participants: Andy Kitkowski, Jeph, Ron Edwards, Blake Hutchins.

8/3/2003 Wolfen: ReCoil: Actual Playtest on Indie-Netgaming
So I actually got to run this here game I designed. Kind of unusual that I'm putting it out here for you all before I'd played it myself, but I've…
In Actual Play
Participants: Wolfen, Lxndr.

8/2/2003 Trevis Martin: Shadows - Actual Play from indie-netgaming.
Last night those of us hanging in the indie netgaming social irc (#indierpgs) room did a pick up game of Zak Arneston's Shadows. A creepy good time was had by…
In Actual Play
Participants: Trevis Martin, C. Edwards, Lxndr.

8/2/2003 lumpley: Side-scrolling Anthropomorphic Limbo Universalis!
Last night was the time of anthropomorphic animals competing in the world limbo championship, side-scrolling video game style. It was tons of fun. I'm going to zoom in on the…
In Actual Play
Participants: lumpley, Valamir, Mike Holmes.

8/1/2003 Overdrive: InSpectres in play
Generally we all had a great time. Probably the most funniest rpg session ever :) The franchise was put together by Fox, an antiquarian with no technical talent, and Aaron,…
In Actual Play
Participants: Overdrive, Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards, Jake Norwood.

7/31/2003 xiombarg: social contract issues [update]
Some people wanted to know how things went with my group with regard to what was going on in this thread. So, we had the big talk I wanted to…
In Actual Play
Participants: xiombarg, ADGBoss, Ron Edwards, The_Confessor, Mike Holmes.

7/31/2003 Jake Norwood: Ninja Burger and MLWM!
Last night we got together to try out two games (that couldn't seem much less compatible): Ninja Burger and My Life with Master. Ninja Burger is a load of fun…
In Actual Play
Participants: Jake Norwood.

7/30/2003 ejh: My Life With Master: The Alienist.
First report on gaming over lunch with guys from work. The Master is a Brain and a Teacher/Feeder. He is a mad psychiatrist who uses bizarre equipment to suck initiative…
In Actual Play
Participants: ejh, Mike Holmes, Paul Czege, Brian Leybourne, iago.

7/30/2003 Palaskar: "Expert" Players for better Simulation
I've been toying in my RPG, Signature, with the idea of having expert players take over GM responsibilities for certain facets of a given game. For example, I know a…
In Actual Play
Participants: Palaskar, Shreyas Sampat, Mike Holmes, James Holloway, Heather Manley, Ron Edwards, iago.

7/30/2003 Dev: Active Exploits: a space western (or something)
(This is part a request for help from more experienced GMs, part a playtest report. I will update this thread as the sessions develop. I'm indeed a neophyte GM, so…
In Actual Play
Participants: Dev, Mike Holmes.

7/29/2003 Tim C Koppang: "My Life With Master" demo at GenCon
I only personally demoed one game at the Forge booth at GenCon, and it was the very hush hush release: My Life With Master.* Kudos to Paul for flagging me…
In Actual Play
Participants: Tim C Koppang, ejh, Ron Edwards.

7/29/2003 iago: Fate - Miskatonic Mayhem - Flashbacks in Gaming
I'm running a Fate game called Miskatonic Mayhem, basically a Buffy game set in Arkham at Miskatonic University, where the Mythos and the Buffyverse have been on a collision course…
In Actual Play
Participants: iago, Mike Holmes, joshua neff.

7/28/2003 ejh: My Life With Master at GenCon
In this blog entry I discuss the pickup game of My Life With Master I played with a few friends, the evening after I bought it and demoed it. In…
In Actual Play
Participants: ejh, nate, Paul Czege.

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Subsequent Topics
In Actual Play

8/8/2003 TheSawh: Hogwarts RPG: O.W.L.s for Britain
Ladies and Gents; After much labor, my Harry Potter role-playing game 'O.W.L.s for Britain' is at last launching! I have built the game system from scratch, and it is very…
In Actual Play
Participants: TheSawh.

8/9/2003 Overdrive: Dialogue during narration
Hey all, Suppose you're playing some game that allows players to narrate conflicts, outcomes of actions and whatnot. There is an NPC in the scene, a player gets to narrate.…
In Actual Play
Participants: Overdrive, Jack Spencer Jr, Simon W, Wolfen, Ron Edwards, ks13, Marco, Jeph, Clay, rafial, Mike Holmes.

8/11/2003 Rico: Problem with being the Seneschal
I have a couple of problems actualy. 1. When I'm the Seneschal I have a hard time keeping the game real. For just one scenario I tried to play by…
In Actual Play
Participants: Rico, Kaare Berg, Drastic, Jake Norwood, contracycle, Krammer, Wolfen, MonkeyWrench, Noon.

8/11/2003 eudas: fudging dice rolls
I think alot of comments by others here are fairly accurate reasons as to why players would fudge dice rolls, but the one that I think is most common is…
In Actual Play
Participants: eudas, Ron Edwards, pete_darby, Marco, xiombarg, GB Steve, efindel.

8/11/2003 eudas: my $0.02
Personally, I tend to prefer gaming around a table (the larger, the better, within reason) with overhead lights -- I like the focused sense that it lends to the game.…
In Actual Play
Participants: eudas, Ron Edwards, Shreyas Sampat, Ben Morgan, Alan.

8/11/2003 Peter Nordstrand: Well of Souls 1
Hi, I have just finished the character generation session for Well of Souls. I would love to hear some input from you people here at The Forge. Well of Souls…
In Actual Play
Participants: Peter Nordstrand, Bankuei, Brand_Robins, Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards, Valamir.

8/12/2003 Jason: First game of Donjon (longish)
I finally got my little group out of d&d and into donjon. There are four of us: My friend, my wife, my son, and myself. We used the 21 point…
In Actual Play
Participants: Jason.

8/15/2003 Matt Wilson: More Donjon Post Apoc
Donjon continued last night with special guest star James, who was the only person present from his group. James whipped up a quick talking animal (a crow named Vosco) and…
In Actual Play
Participants: Matt Wilson, Mike Holmes, Hafaza, rafial, John Harper, quozl.

8/21/2003 Chris Gardiner: First Donjon Game
This is my first post here at the Forge, but a frenzy of roleplaying with some old friends at the weekend provided some material I hope's worth posting here. I…
In Actual Play
Participants: Chris Gardiner, rafial, Rob Donoghue, Clinton R. Nixon, Ron Edwards.

8/21/2003 Chris Gardiner: Adventure! First Session.
I finally got to run a game of Adventure! this weekend for some old friends. Though I'm not a fan of the White Wolf system, I was impressed with how…
In Actual Play
Participants: Chris Gardiner, Craig Oxbrow, Hardpoint.

8/21/2003 jburneko: [InSpectres] Sam Spaderman, Supernatural Private Eye
Hello, So, the other night I was talking to a friend of mine that I've been out of touch with for a while and I talked about my change in…
In Actual Play
Participants: jburneko, WDFlores, Ron Edwards.

8/22/2003 Matt Snyder: Nine Worlds in play
We played the first "real" playtest of Nine Worlds last night. I explained the setting and system briefly to Flash, Tony, and my brother Dave. They then came up with…
In Actual Play
Participants: Matt Snyder.

8/23/2003 arxhon: How to have the 'What do you want from gaming discussion'?
I was out with one of my buddies last night, and he mentioned that we hadn't gamed in a while (which is true, for assorted reasons that i won't get…
In Actual Play
Participants: arxhon, Jack Spencer Jr, iago, Andy Kitkowski, Dave Panchyk, JamesDJIII, Ron Edwards, jdagna, Brian Leybourne, J B Bell.

8/23/2003 MonkeyWrench: Problems with my gaming group (long....sorry)
Hello everyone, this'll be my first post outside of tht RoS boards, so here goes.... I've been playing with the people I play with now for about 2 years. With…
In Actual Play
Participants: MonkeyWrench, Bankuei, Scripty, iago, JamesDJIII, Paul Czege, Noon, Brian Leybourne, Ron Edwards, Marco, Tim Alexander.

8/24/2003 Philippe Tromeur: [Wuthering Heights] Special things happpening in my games
I'm currently re-writing my Wuthering Heights RPG, and I'm compiling some of the funky ideas I used in my sessions Here is an incomplete list (unusual things ALWAYS happens in…
In Actual Play
Participants: Philippe Tromeur, Fabrice G., Ron Edwards.

8/24/2003 Reprisal: [Running the Game] Is it all about perspective?
Hello, It's been a while since I've posted on the Forge, but I must say that I've been lurking quite a bit as of late. There's a lot of quite…
In Actual Play
Participants: Reprisal, iago, Ron Edwards, John Kim, Mike Holmes, Michael S. Miller, Adrian Jay.

8/26/2003 Alan: [My Life With Master] Our Lady of Perpetual Suffering
Our Lady of Perpetual Suffering Boarding School & Correctional Facility My life with Master – play report I ran a one shot demo of MLWM at our Monday game night.…
In Actual Play
Participants: Alan, Mike Holmes, Paul Czege.

8/27/2003 Eric J.: Different Games, Same Characters: What are your experiences?
Alright, this is a thread inspired (Not split) from that one, who's name I cannot remember. I'm looking for your stories that involve players playing the same character over and…
In Actual Play
Participants: Eric J., Nathaniel, Valamir, Ron Edwards, Andrew Martin, bcook1971, garapata.

8/31/2003 Anthony I: First play impressions of TROS
I ran a game of TROS for my group last week and I thought I'd post my impressions. First off, any negativity you see in this applies to my group’s…
In Actual Play
Participants: Anthony I, Ron Edwards, Brian Leybourne, Valamir, Mike Holmes.

9/1/2003 Aelios: How do I use social skills?
I'm in the middle of GMing the first zero combat game I've attempted recently; we are playing Fading Suns. I'm having trouble figuring out how to resolve social rolls. The…
In Actual Play
Participants: Aelios, jdagna, Mark Johnson, Matt Wilson, Rob Donoghue, MachMoth, Mike Holmes.

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