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In Actual Play

11/11/2003 Loki: diagnose my group
I've been reading some of the threads and articles on the site and I'm thinking about my game group with an eye toward making play more fun. We're in a…
In Actual Play
Participants: Loki, Ron Edwards, JamesDJIII, Mike Holmes, ScottM, Tim Alexander.

11/11/2003 jeffd: Fading Suns system impression & thoughts
I'm not sure if this is the appropriate forum for thoughts on an existing system. If not, I'm sure it'll get moved. :) Hi Jeff, I was going to reply…
In Actual Play
Participants: jeffd, Ron Edwards, Jeph.

11/10/2003 jeffd: [Fading Suns] Player/Character motivations & a question
I ran another Fading Suns session this past weekend where something really interesting happened. First some background: There were two relatively new players in the game who had both made…
In Actual Play
Participants: jeffd, Mike Holmes, jdagna, Ron Edwards, stingray20166, Dave Panchyk.

11/10/2003 Ron Edwards: [Elfs] Slavers beware!
Hello, Yes, I played some more Elfs last week. It wasn't with the same group as described in the Serpent cults and repressed priestesses thread, but rather with my…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, jrs, Ben Lehman, Maura Byrne.

11/7/2003 Rich Forest: The sniper takes aim at my guy's head...
Over in Indie Design, Ben Lehman is working on a cool idea he’s calling The Tactics Project. He’s described his goals for it like this: The real key is…
In Actual Play
Participants: Rich Forest, Ron Edwards, Ben Lehman, Emily Care, Paul Czege.

11/7/2003 JamesDJIII: When Words Failed Me
Last night we played Exalted, and I had the hardest time coming up with "cool" ways to describe what I wanted to do. (A lot like games like Sorcerer, Exalted…
In Actual Play
Participants: JamesDJIII, Ben Lehman, rafial, jdagna, John Harper, Ron Edwards, Eero Tuovinen, John Burdick, greyorm, Valamir, Matt Wilson, Mike Holmes.

11/7/2003 BabbageCliologic: GURPS Aftermath! Operation Morpheus Game - currently running
Hello: I am currently running a GURPS Aftermath! Operation Morpheus game. I'm using GURPS Lite and Basic as the main system, have reduced combat to the simplest possible and have…
In Actual Play
Participants: BabbageCliologic.

11/6/2003 Jack Aidley: [Traveller] Spotlighting problems.
Since my main campaign has hit rather a road bump (one of my players has got a new job meaning he can't make it every other week, and another has…
In Actual Play
Participants: Jack Aidley, Ron Edwards, AnyaTheBlue, Dev, arxhon, stingray20166, Loki, Mike Holmes.

11/6/2003 hyphz: [D&D] Preventing gamism becoming 'solved'?
We're playing a D&D game at the moment. Basically, pure gamism. Hack and slash, min/max characters, kick Orc and Troll ass. Nothing particularly spectacular or edifying or experimental (bah ;)…
In Actual Play
Participants: hyphz, Scripty, Ron Edwards, Valamir, Jack Aidley, Andrew Norris, Clinton R. Nixon, Ben Lehman, C. Edwards, Halzebier, Pyske, Harlequin, apeiron, Jaif, MachMoth, ADGBoss.

11/6/2003 xiombarg: Unsung: Sweeps Week (Session 4)
You might want to freshen up with the previous thread. This session was a lot more action-oriented and had less Gifts -- the idea was to test the core sytem…
In Actual Play
Participants: xiombarg, Lxndr, Dana_mun, Mike Holmes, Ben Lehman.

11/6/2003 ScottM: MLwM: Irish Mines (game setup, Long)
We managed to coordinate a creation session for My Life with Master. It didn't go exactly as I'd imagined, but it worked out well. It 'stuck' in places; some things…
In Actual Play
Participants: ScottM, Paul Czege.

11/5/2003 slocum: New Tekumel / EPT rules
Yes, indeed, there is a new Tekumel: The Empire of the Petal Throne rule set coming out from Guardians of Order. It is based on the Tri-Stat system, though modified…
In Actual Play
Participants: slocum, Ron Edwards, Calithena.

11/4/2003 PL3: I got 2 cool rpg websites u can visit it is a multiplayer
If u want to know sent me private messages and tell me your username
In Actual Play
Participants: PL3, greyorm.

11/4/2003 brainwipe: [Icar] Scavenger Setting
I thought I'd contribute a few snippets of game from the long-term Icar campaign I am running. Icar is of my own design and as such, many things occur to…
In Actual Play
Participants: brainwipe, Mike Holmes.

11/4/2003 PL3: Why cant I play rpg games now that I signed in?
I came to this site to play games not to read questions and hear about play I want to play!
In Actual Play
Participants: PL3, Valamir, Lxndr.

11/3/2003 abzu: [Burning Wheel] Named vs Black Destroyer
[quote="Betrayal on a Bright Winter's Night"]Three orcs rode breakneck through the winter woods. Two leading orcs reined their wolves in a non-descript clearing. "Here it is, I've found something." Growled…
In Actual Play
Participants: abzu, JamesDJIII, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes, Matt Wilson.

11/3/2003 Jay Turner: [D&D] Actual Play pt. 2: Running off with the game
We played the second game in our D&D campaign, which is featured in this thread. I had this whole adventure planned in which the PCs would travel from the slavers'…
In Actual Play
Participants: Jay Turner, PL3, Ron Edwards.

10/31/2003 Ron Edwards: [Orbit] Rock rock, rock-and-roll future
This game is way fun, both in making characters and setting up a situation. I could make up Orbit characters just to amuse myself, and the cool thing is that…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, Matt Wilson, JSDiamond.

10/31/2003 Ron Edwards: [Arrowflight] Pixies, poison, and duty
Hello, This post is way overdue; we played a single-session game of Arrowflight at a meeting of our campus club almost four weeks ago. I'll start right off by saying…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, ethan_greer, Matt Wilson.

10/30/2003 mikemunsil: I too...
I too am tryng to start a group, but I'm not as far along as Caitlin as I haven't identified anyone to play with. Also, I'm not overly familiar with…
In Actual Play
Participants: mikemunsil, Ron Edwards, Delta1.

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In Actual Play

11/12/2003 nerdnyc: [Burning Wheel] - No Pasaran!
Sunday I am starting a Spanish Civil War campaign using the Burning Wheel Game system - adapted for the setting. Luke Crane has been a great help with answering questions…
In Actual Play
Participants: nerdnyc, Mike Holmes, abzu, taepoong.

11/12/2003 Green: the game designer gloating thread
Hi, guys! I just started this thread as a place for game designers to tell about the results of their developing games on the Forge and publishing them, a place…
In Actual Play
Participants: Green, xiombarg, Jake Norwood, Tomas HVM, Eero Tuovinen, gobi, Ron Edwards, abzu.

11/13/2003 Tomas HVM: [query]Could you create a RPG-whirlwind?
I've had an idea, and would like you to give some comment on it. Let me give you the background first: Some years ago I went to a marionette-show with…
In Actual Play
Participants: Tomas HVM, Eero Tuovinen.

11/13/2003 jammmer81: Looking for inspiration
Hi all! I'm having a bit of a creative block. I'm playing in 2 games a week. The games we play alternate. I was running a D6 Matrix game, but…
In Actual Play
Participants: jammmer81, Ron Edwards, Andrew Martin.

11/16/2003 Wolfen: ReCoil: First table-top playtest
Ran my first table-top game of ReCoil today. Didn't get to finish the mission, but it was a good start. Dunno when we'll get a chance to play again, as…
In Actual Play
Participants: Wolfen, Ron Edwards.

11/17/2003 Lisa Padol: Martian Eyes Strike Again
Oy. Ran a larp with Josh and with Stephen Tihor last week. Utterly exhausting, but we did it. Meanwhile, I continue to be grateful for the examples in Sorcerer and…
In Actual Play
Participants: Lisa Padol, Ron Edwards.

11/17/2003 abzu: [Burning Wheel] Charge Through the Rabble!
We had a wild and many-feathered Burning Wheel session last night. This episode was a continuation of the last one I posted — the players had tracked their enemy to…
In Actual Play
Participants: abzu, LordSmerf, drozdal, taepoong.

11/17/2003 Emily Care: more adventures in improvised system: techniques
Hey folks, Time for some follow up on this thread, of Vincent's. (Tough act to follow, man!) We finished the plot arc that session was a part of, and I…
In Actual Play
Participants: Emily Care, bluegargantua, Ben Lehman, lumpley, Jeph, cruciel, Meguey, Christopher Weeks, Minx.

11/18/2003 LordSmerf: [Freak High] Undead Vermin and Mind Control
So since the planned Indie Netgaming stuff fell through tonight we decided to play Freak High. It was anonymouse's suggestion, but he bailed on us (i'm hoping technical stuff, and…
In Actual Play
Participants: LordSmerf.

11/18/2003 ScottM: [MLwM] Irish Mines: First Game Session
This game follows the setup in Irish Mines: Setup. We started play last night. It was interesting, and some of the particular problems that I thought we'd encounter didn't actually…
In Actual Play
Participants: ScottM, jrs.

11/18/2003 MachMoth: Narration D20 - First Run
I mentioned this concept sometime ago. I wanted to take a group of people that had only played D&D, and expand their horizons a bit. And so, they agreed to…
In Actual Play
Participants: MachMoth, Mike Holmes, Andrew Norris.

11/18/2003 Lisa Padol: How Many Assassins?
Another part of Saturday's session involved the PCs learning that someone was trying to assassinate one of their number. Now, this is a band, Age of Consent, and the target…
In Actual Play
Participants: Lisa Padol, Ron Edwards, Ben Morgan, John Kim, Valamir, Walt Freitag.

11/21/2003 ks13: Inspiration from disappointing gameplay
The last bit of actual roleplaying that I undertook was not very rewarding or satisfying bit of gaming, but it probably was the most positive thing that could have happened…
In Actual Play
Participants: ks13, Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards, Valamir, Christopher Kubasik, cruciel, Walt Freitag, Scripty.

11/24/2003 abzu: [Burning Wheel] Turning North
So this week's game was a classic problematic game situation. Of the six players from last session, only three could make it to this session. In this session I had…
In Actual Play
Participants: abzu, taepoong, rafial.

11/30/2003 jeffd: [Shooting Stars] Trademarked Actions
Foreward: This isn't about game systems or anything - it's really just a quick observation about something I've done in a game I'm playing in. Background: Shooting Stars (as it…
In Actual Play
Participants: jeffd, Mark D. Eddy, MachMoth.

12/1/2003 abzu: [Burning Wheel] Frickin Elven Princes
We had another small and short session last night. We only had three players and we were missing one from the main arc of the "Tristam goes north saga", so…
In Actual Play
Participants: abzu, Mike Holmes, anonymouse, Valamir, BirdMan.

12/2/2003 Paganini: [indie-netgamin] Pag's Dragon Game
I need a name for this game. Yup, yup, I do. Because I think it's gonna be worth keeping. Has "Draconum" been taken? Anyway, we made characters, and one scene…
In Actual Play
Participants: Paganini, Mike Holmes, Lxndr, contracycle.

12/2/2003 Kaare Berg: [Burning Wheel] First light in a nordic land
I steal ideas. I never claim they are my own, but I steal ideas and use them shamelessly. Which is why I love this site, and why I figured I'd…
In Actual Play
Participants: Kaare Berg, abzu, taepoong, Christopher Weeks, Paka, drozdal.

12/3/2003 xiombarg: [Unsung] Death of a Team Member (Session 5)
You might want to freshen up with the previous thread. This session had very few Gifts -- but features the return of an old character, and the death of another…
In Actual Play
Participants: xiombarg, stingray20166.

12/3/2003 Paka: Universalis as a Pre-RPG Setting Maker (Sort of)
This is a spin-off of Andy's thread which is a spin-off of Ralph's thread on I didn't want to hi-jack Andy's thread with my tale of woe. I was…
In Actual Play
Participants: Paka.

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