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In Indie Game Design

10/10/2004 Jeph: [Exemplar] thinking of doing a total redesign.
First off, if you haven't looked at the original, you might want to check it out. Otherwise, a good portion of this post will be gibberish. The link is in…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Jeph, Andy Kitkowski.

10/8/2004 TonyLB: [Capes] Bluffing
As Events have made players reactions to various outcomes more transparent, I've realized something: There are Events that everybody accepts will not occur a certain way, even if the rules…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: TonyLB, daMoose_Neo, LordSmerf, Doug Ruff.

10/8/2004 TonyLB: [Capes] Pacing without Victory Points
I have yet to play a game where keeping track of Victory Points has made anyone a happier gamer. Sad, but true. As Sydney points out here, the Tension Threshold…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: TonyLB, LordSmerf, efindel.

10/7/2004 Blankshield: Death's Door: Summary and mechanics question
I've been working on a game design for a little while now, and it's reached the point where it's not just 'practice' but is something I intend to publish, probably…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Blankshield, TonyLB, Nathan P..

10/6/2004 TonyLB: [Capes] Not Complications -- Events!
Last night, discussing a problematic Complication ("Victoria West's Friendship") Eric said something like this: "Look, by declaring this Complication we've established that West will make a show of her appreciation.…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: TonyLB, TheCzech, Doug Ruff, Sydney Freedberg, LordSmerf, efindel.

10/5/2004 Shreyas Sampat: Game in Search of Dice Mechanic, Likes Pina Coladas
So, all the buzz about Dogs in the Vineyard, and seeing Hero in theatre, has inspired me to write again. I was particularly enamoured of the way that DitV conflicts…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Shreyas Sampat, TonyLB, Doug Ruff, inky, Dev, Jonathan Walton, Ben Lehman.

10/5/2004 TonyLB: [Capes] Non-conflict mechanics
[url=]Capes[/url] presents everything that can be done game-mechanically as a series of conflicts between two or more sides. This forces people to scene-frame right to the juicy conflicts, but that's…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: TonyLB, LordSmerf, Doug Ruff, Sydney Freedberg.

10/4/2004 Zaidaco: [Galactic] Aien types
Hey all, For the last year or so, I've had an idea bouncing around my brain for a Sci-Fi role playing game. Now, it's my intention to allow the player…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Zaidaco, TonyLB, Nathan P., GregS, ErrathofKosh, Sydney Freedberg, ADGBoss, Vaxalon, Andrew Martin.

10/4/2004 Green: [Kathanaksaya] Puntitive mechanics: yay or nay?
For a while now, I've been toying with how to utilize the idea of Fading in Kathanaksaya, but I've been unable to determine something that could really work. Part of…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Green, Vaettyr, TonyLB, Jack Aidley, GregS, Shreyas Sampat.

10/3/2004 Sean: [Scarlet Wake] Introducing Peons Rule
This game looks extremely promising. I have some heavy RL stuff going on right now but it's at least moved up to near the top of my 'want to try…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Sean, Ravien.

10/3/2004 LordSmerf: [Trust and Betrayal] A couple of points regarding Draft 1
So i managed to get a first draft of Trust and Betrayal hammered out. You can find the draft here if you are interested (and i hope you are). There…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: LordSmerf, John Kirk, TonyLB.

10/1/2004 Tanz Debil: (Tragedy) A tragic core mechanic
Hi all. First post and all that. I would be grateful if you would help me with a few questions that I have. I've been thinking about themes I have…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Tanz Debil, clehrich, Andrew Martin, Dumirik.

9/29/2004 TonyLB: [Capes] Speeding character design
Capes is a superhero game with very broad abilities. Your Powers or Tropes can be pretty much anything that can happen. "God answers my prayers" is just as legitimate as…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: TonyLB, LordSmerf, Sydney Freedberg, Doug Ruff, WhiteRat, efindel, John Harper, Vaxalon.

9/29/2004 Inner Circle Inc: [Strife]Walking the line
In American society today, and most of the world, there are certain things that aren't supposed to be messed with, religion being one of those. The situation we're in, is…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Inner Circle Inc, Andrew Martin.

9/29/2004 Gaiaguerrilla: [Gnost]Two directions for design.
Most recent related post here. I'm hoping game design will progress better if I find the most popular road. I think my core idea is unique, but can fit in…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Gaiaguerrilla, Andrew Martin.

9/28/2004 Dauntless: Game conflict of interests: Crunchiness vs. Introspection
In going with the story concept in my other thread, I want to emphasize two complementary aspects. The first aspect is the militaristic, crunchy and detailed nature of the game…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Dauntless, Green, TonyLB.

9/28/2004 LordSmerf: [Trust and Betrayal] Where's the conflict?
So i have been thinking quite a bit about Trust and Betrayal and i think i have most of what i want fleshed out. I will have to test it…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: LordSmerf, TonyLB.

9/28/2004 Dauntless: Story Concept: Gritty military sci-fi
Hello, I was wondering if people could give me some feedback, suggestions, and ideas on a game world I've been brewing in the undigested parts of my brain for some…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Dauntless, Precious Villain, Nazzi, Tobias.

9/27/2004 Nazzi: [Finger] Health concept
Hi, I just added a new tweak to fingers. It's a new concept named Health. A really revulutionary stuff. It works just like any othe concpet, just every charcter has…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Nazzi.

9/27/2004 Kilor Di: [Terrae Novae] Opinions and then click on Terrae Novae. Sorry I haven't posted in a while, but between finishing college and getting a job, I haven't had too much time to work…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Kilor Di, TonyLB.

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Subsequent Topics
In Indie Game Design

10/11/2004 Christopher Kubasik: [The Mountain Witch] A Question
Hi, First, Tim. Wow. I just read the rules today. Fucking Amazing. Congratulations. What's happening with people poking and proding RPGs today is exciting as all hell -- and Mountain…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Christopher Kubasik, Ron Edwards, timfire, jrs.

10/11/2004 Exaulted_Leader: [Midnight] - SciFi/Apolcalypse Now: Setting Outline
Hello! First time poster to the Forge. I was just flipping through some 'cocktail napkin' ideas I'd scribbled down as over roughly the previous 6 months, and had a bit…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Exaulted_Leader, Nazzi, Nathan P., WhiteRat, Ron Edwards, contracycle.

10/12/2004 redivider: [Heads of State] draft of all nine games
I’ve posted a draft of my game Heads of State: nine short games about Tyrants in pdf form at: To quote from the intro, “Presidents for Life. Coups. Cults…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: redivider.

10/13/2004 TonyLB: [Capes] New uses for Story Tokens
A few changes I tested out in last nights face-to-face play session have really gotten the Debt/Story Token/Inspiration economy running at full steam. Here they are:If the player(s) who win…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: TonyLB, LordSmerf, Doug Ruff, Gamskee.

10/13/2004 Shreyas Sampat: Limitless: Does this game do what it sets out to?
As an experiment, I am going to provide here the draft rules of a game, reserving their design notes. (I'll post those later.) Your task, if you choose to accept…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Shreyas Sampat, TonyLB, inky, Jonathan Walton, Dev.

10/13/2004 daMoose_Neo: [Heist] Dark comedy of dirty deeds and desperate men
I laughed my azz off while watching Ladykillers last night and went to sleep thinking about all the different ways things went off and woke up this morning with a…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: daMoose_Neo.

10/13/2004 ragnar: [Ragnar's RPG] - Start of a generic rpg....
Firstly, the title of this game system is very much a working title. It's just there to distinguish it from other yet to be named systems (i.e. it's better than…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: ragnar, TonyLB, Ben Lehman, salkaner, Tomas HVM.

10/13/2004 sirogit: Luminaires(Tentative title)
I wasn't quite sure if this is 100% fit for Game Design, as the game is by and large, a specific mechanic, but anywho... The game's principlly about a different…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: sirogit, Shreyas Sampat, Mike Holmes.

10/13/2004 Green: [Kathanaksaya] Encouraging use of character elements
This is a sort of split from the punitive mechanics thread I started, but since this post will go in a different direction, I think a new thread is appropriate.…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Green, Shreyas Sampat.

10/14/2004 Jediblack: Traits list
Hi guys and gals, does anyone know where I can get a very very large traits list? Abilities, attributes, powers, geek stuff... I know that there's one out there! But…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Jediblack, salkaner.

10/15/2004 Brother Adso: White Noise: The Galaxy of Man
[i] "Do you have any idea how many 900 billion is? That many people, and all their aspirations, history, politics, and religion amount to is white noise. They cancel each…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Brother Adso, Dev, Vaxalon, Technocrat13, Paul Czege, Matt Wilson, Mark Woodhouse, Sydney Freedberg, anonymouse, John Harper, Grex, TonyLB.

10/16/2004 Sydney Freedberg: [GroupDesign] - Advanced Archivism
[i]Preamble: This thread is a sister thread to [url=]GroupDesign: Mix Your Own Metaplot[/url], dedicated to refining the concept of Archivists as laid out in the earlier Groupdesign threads [url=]Setting &…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Sydney Freedberg, Doug Ruff, Andrew Morris, TonyLB, contracycle, Tobias, Dumirik, mholmes52, Michael Brazier, daMoose_Neo, Spooky Fanboy.

10/16/2004 Sydney Freedberg: [GroupDesign] - Mix Your Own Metaplot
[i]Preamble: This thread is a sister thread to [url=]GroupDesign: Advanced Archivism[/url], dedicated to figuring out how to play an entire campaign in the setting and situation thrashed out in the…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Sydney Freedberg, Andrew Morris, contracycle, Tobias, TonyLB, daMoose_Neo, Doug Ruff, Michael Brazier, Dumirik.

10/16/2004 oversoul01: [Dice Chucker]- Version 2 is posted for download
Well the 2nd incarnation of Dice Chucker is finished. I made some big changes over the entire thing. First I did some small changes in the basic system. I felt…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: oversoul01.

10/17/2004 TonyLB: [Capes] Recycling Events
Back in Social Resolution Mechanics we gave the idea of session-long Complications (Issues) a really thorough working over, and reluctantly concluded that we couldn't see a straightforward way to…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: TonyLB, Doug Ruff, LordSmerf.

10/17/2004 Cmonkey: How do you feel about formulas in games?
Something like so: (1x + 2y + 3z)/5 Although I've presented it in an algebra-like fashion here, the letters would be real numbers in practice, possibly an attribute level or…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Cmonkey, sirogit, Halzebier, Mark Johnson, kwill, Ron Edwards, daMoose_Neo, Brother Adso, ragnar.

10/17/2004 WyldKarde: The Miscreant Engine (more - split)
Surprising how many people still read this thread. I've been approached by people off and on for a few months now on the status of this project. Most seem to…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: WyldKarde, aganauton, Ron Edwards, Ravien, Roger, Jeph, TomteOfDoom, RedShogun.

10/18/2004 Factor 8: The Kingdom of Loathing ~
To my surprise, I can't find any posts about this online game " The Kingdom of Loathing " If you haven't checked this out yet, well .... maybe you…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Factor 8, daMoose_Neo, greyorm.

10/19/2004 daMoose_Neo: [Genetisys] Monster combat- work for genre?
[url=][Genetisys]"File off Serial Numbers" or originality?[/url] First post up there. Run Down: Monster Battling, just like all of the sickeningly sweet Pikachu anime out there, but with a little more…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: daMoose_Neo, Shreyas Sampat.

10/20/2004 oversoul01: An idea for a diceless system (Kinda Long)
I have been wanting to do a "diceless" system for sometime now. But I wanted to definately finish version 2 of Dice Chucker befroe I began a new project. What…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: oversoul01, Shreyas Sampat.

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