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In Indie Game Design

7/27/2005 Trevis Martin: [Regency Park] Playing Card Resolution and Statistics -Help?
Hi Folks I've been working in bits and pieces on my game Regency Park.  It is a Game of love, marraige and social drama set during the English Regency period…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Trevis Martin, Thededine, MikeSands, Warren, Black Iris Dancer, Walt Freitag.

7/26/2005 inthisstyle: [Fifth World - TSOY Variant] Taint Mechanic for "Outside" Acts
I am working on a variant of The Shadow of Yesterday called The Fifth World. In this game, characters are all members of a community loosely based on SouthWest Native…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: inthisstyle, timfire, Clinton R. Nixon.

7/26/2005 Justin Marx: [7W] Looking for similarly themed games for analysis
Hi, going from one of Mike's Standard Rants (Concept's are a Dime a Dozen) it struck me I really want to know possible answers to this question but I have…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Justin Marx, Sydney Freedberg, PlotDevice, erithromycin, Gaerik.

7/25/2005 Levi Kornelsen: Building Ruritania: 1844 - Any Advice?
I'm currently in the midst of writing a game set in 1844, in the state of Ruritania (a fictional state first found in the novel Prisoner of Zenda).  A "stolen…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Levi Kornelsen, Alan.

7/23/2005 kissy: Please help a newbie. How do you get points in a text based rpg?
Hi everyone Iam new here and I dont know much. I am intrigued with the concept of RPG's and I will like to create one for myself. I have a…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: kissy, greyorm, Albert of Feh, Grand_Commander13, Adam Dray.

7/22/2005 daMoose_Neo: [Imp Game] Traps & Mishaps! - Brain Dump & feedback
For those following the development of what was once "Dungeons for Dummies", The Imp Game, we're finally getting down to the meat of the original concept: maintaining a dungeon! In…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: daMoose_Neo, Jasper.

7/22/2005 Lycaon_wolf: MUGS: Damage System Idea
Hello all I appoligize for lingering for so long but I have alot on my plate right now.  This is my first post and I have a design idea to…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Lycaon_wolf, indie guy, Nogusielkt, OddballE.

7/22/2005 Grand_Commander13: [Psi Punk (working title)] Getting the Narrativist feel
Greetings again all.  I come to you again asking for feedback on another game (one I'm liking the way it's working out so far).  I just finished up a quick…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Grand_Commander13, Troy_Costisick, Selene Tan, Eero Tuovinen.

7/21/2005 Dangerboy: QBase: Help/Encouragement [System Mechanic]
Ok, it's been months, but I finally have most of it done. It was going to ne rules-lite, but it's moved well past that into rules-medium/heavy. What I'm looking for:…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Dangerboy, Nogusielkt, Adam Dray, Simon Marks.

7/20/2005 jdrakeh: [SURGE] General Feedback Wanted
Following are the straight crunchy bits of my latest project, SURGE (Simple Universal Roleplaying Game Engine). These aren't meant to be anything more than a bare bones set of mechanics…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: jdrakeh, Sean, Jack Aidley, Ron Edwards.

7/19/2005 Resonantg: <OA/RPG> Damage system complexity
G'day people. Preliminary playtesting on the GAMM-D combat system for Orion's Arm RPG has hit a hiccup that I'm having a hard time smoothing out.  Basically, we are looking at…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Resonantg, ADGBoss.

7/19/2005 Jack Aidley: The Chanter Resolution System
As part of a thread over on I posted up a link to the resolution system from Chanter (Link here, and the dice mechanics here) and received the following…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Jack Aidley, Matt, Technocrat13, Stickman, Justin Marx.

7/19/2005 incomitatum: Project ID: Breif Synopsis.
I realise that this may be breif, vauge, and watered down, but a few of you have asked, "What is your game about"? Well I have considered (even though I…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: incomitatum.

7/19/2005 Jake Richmond: CrossRoads Free Tryout Rules
Hi. I'm Jake Richmond, the Art Director from Arcadiam Games. We've got a Free Tryout Kit available at our website ( in the Resources section. It's a set of quick…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Jake Richmond, Clinton R. Nixon, contracycle, Travis Brown, Trevis Martin.

7/18/2005 Frank T: [BARBAREN!] Ballancing the combat system
Warning: This is getting to the nasty maths, numbers and details. Check out my write-up of the game concept, especially the combat mechanics at 4.2. You'll need to cross-check because…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Frank T, Valamir.

7/18/2005 Biggles: [H3] Initial ideas [Long!]
Hi all, This is my first attempt at creating my own RPG. I'm really jazzed about the setting and some in-game concepts (like how skills and equipment are gotten), but…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Biggles, Selene Tan, xenopulse.

7/18/2005 Technocrat13: [FH8] Playtest PDF online
You can find it here. While I'll enjoy and appreciate any kind of feedback there are a couple specific things I'd like to hear back from anyone who reads it…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Technocrat13, Jack Aidley, Ron Edwards, xenopulse, greyorm, BigElvis.

7/17/2005 incomitatum: Project ID: Core Mechanics.
Hello all, I have been lurking around the Forge and have learned quite a bit. I lurk around on some other forums and have learned much less from them (the…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: incomitatum, OddballE, Troy_Costisick, Walt Freitag.

7/15/2005 sayter: [Realm] Mechanic details and queries [LONG!!!]
The last week or so has been spent fililng details out on the world in which my game is set, but also I have devoted a portion of this time…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: sayter, Adam Dray, Dangerboy, Nogusielkt.

7/15/2005 FLEB: Mechanics: How Derivative is Too Derivative, and am I?
Well, first off, I hope I'm with in the bounds of this thread here. This is for a game mechanic I'm developing, although I'm still in the infant first-draft stages…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: FLEB, Eero Tuovinen, Ron Edwards, Adam Dray.

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Subsequent Topics
In Indie Game Design

7/31/2005 PlotDevice: Game Chef 2005: Winner announced!
Hi all! A few years ago the Game Chef challenge grew out of the Forge Boards. This year, it took a step into the larger world and the competition took…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: PlotDevice, Miskatonic, ADGBoss.

7/31/2005 garapata: SWITCH - a game of changing genres
Okay, here's the game I have playtested and though of expanding here, to one day share as a free PDF online. SWITCH : Is a role-playing game meant to be…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: garapata, matthijs, Sifolis, Ice Cream Emperor.

7/31/2005 Sifolis: Blood Bounty description
Game Name: Genre: Bloody sci-fi action comedy. Published: no Years in development or since published 10-13 depending on what you count as played. Pages: now 200, thought to be in…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Sifolis.

8/1/2005 Black Iris Dancer: [Logos] When you look at enough character sheets, they become... words...
It's been a while since my last post here. Suffice to say, I have not failed to be working on game-related stuff in the interim. My current project is Twilight,…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Black Iris Dancer, brainwipe, Clinton R. Nixon, Matt Wilson, Joshua BishopRoby.

8/1/2005 Adam Dray: [Trapped!] 24 Hour Submission for critique
I recently completed Trapped!, my submission for the 24 Hour RPG challenge. I'd love to get a critique and recommendations. Here's a summary: Trapped! is a comedic horror role-playing game.…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Adam Dray, garapata.

8/2/2005 Lycaon_wolf: character creation: random or point allocation
I would like to know everyones opion on character creation.  When you sit down with a game and start designing your characters do you prefer to use random (D&D) or…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Lycaon_wolf, Nathan P., Sifolis, Ben Lehman, Jack Aidley.

8/2/2005 Melciber: [Visions of Gaslight] Character Sheet Draft, for Critique and Suggestions.
Title says most of it actualy, here is a link to the image(keep in mind I have a High res version still inPhotoshop, and this is a draft, so its…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Melciber, Nathan P., Jack Aidley, Balbinus, Joshua BishopRoby.

8/2/2005 Dilan W.: i need tons of help
hey, I am new at this and dont know how to start, i want to make a rpg for the internet. I already know what I want it to be…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Dilan W., Jack Aidley, Justin Marx, Sifolis, Adam Dray.

8/2/2005 Gaerik: Including Social Issues in the Rulebook.
I've noticed that many "mainstream" RPGs tend to ignore the fact that role-playing is a social activity and that if the social context the game is built on is flawed…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Gaerik, Adam Dray, Andrew Morris, Jack Aidley, Frank T, Miskatonic, btrc, Bankuei, xenopulse, AlexGrim, Alan, Jake Richmond, Marco, Joshua BishopRoby, James Holloway, timfire.

8/3/2005 rrr: [Final Day] overview of a new game with some design questions
Hello all. *deep breath* Well here it is, my game.  I started designing this a while ago, after the idea just popped into my head thinking about what would you…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: rrr, Justin Marx, Adam Dray.

8/3/2005 ADGBoss: Jackals & Hounds (Game Chef 2005 Entry): Impressions
Hello all, I wanted to share my 2005 Game Chef Entry here at the Forge now that the competition is officially over. You can find a link to the PDF…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: ADGBoss.

8/4/2005 FzGhouL: [Speed & Spirit] Dice Mechanic
Hey, I read a lot of the posts here, trying to get a sense of how to present my game and problems, so hopefully I learned something. Here goes. Alright,…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: FzGhouL, Walt Freitag.

8/4/2005 FzGhouL: [Speed & Spirit] Defense
Hello, Speed and Spirit is a tactical RPG. Ok, so in my RPG, defense and offense are relatively equal. Offense has an advantage, but that is to stop things from…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: FzGhouL, Selene Tan.

8/4/2005 Crackerjaque: (One Hour RPG) "Shooters!" Exploitive Drugpunk Action!
This is an RPG I made in an hour. Please critique, comment, and feel free to print out and playtest with your gaming buddies over some beer and pretzels. The…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Crackerjaque.

8/5/2005 preludetotheend: No name but I finaly got a good mechanic!
Ok first off stats: Each stat starts at 3 by lowering one you may raise another. Stats never change they represent the leaps and bounds your character must make through…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: preludetotheend, Jasper, Andrew Morris.

8/5/2005 TonyLB: [Misery Bubblegum] New mechanic
This builds (somewhat) on the previous Misery Bubblegum post.  Been a while, hasn't it?  Well, I've been thinking. What the system needs to achieve: Character traits are not simply "good"…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: TonyLB, Sydney Freedberg, Mark Woodhouse, Simon Marks, 1of3, Everspinner.

8/5/2005 inoir: [In Memory] An RPG Add On
Here is a recent RPG rules add on I've been tinkering with.  I don't really know if it fits into this forum, but I thought I would try it anyway. …
In Indie Game Design
Participants: inoir, TonyLB, matthijs, Gaerik, Technocrat13, Ron Edwards, Ben Lehman, Adam Dray, Andy Kitkowski, garapata.

8/5/2005 Warren: [Big Brother] Introduction & winning the audience's favour
Hello all. I'm toying with an idea to create a very mainstream RPG based on the "Big Brother" TV show. I'm not sure how much of a legal mess I…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Warren, Vaxalon, Justin Marx, Sifolis, lumpley, Jonas Karlsson, matthijs.

8/6/2005 b00jum: [PlotPoint] - Game Design/Introduction
before I give a write up of a kid-friendly rpg that I designed, I thought I'd give some general design goals and ask if anyone knows of a system that…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: b00jum, Nogusielkt, Adam Dray, Gaerik, Ben Lehman, Joshua BishopRoby, GaryTP.

8/7/2005 Melciber: [VoG] What should go in a character creation chapter?
So I was working on the character creation chapter for the current draft of VoG... and it occured to me that I'm nearly done, and save for a few lists…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Melciber, Alan, FzGhouL.

more subsequent topics >>