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In Indie Game Design

9/4/2005 David Bapst: [Pulse] Gamist Initiative System
Hey all, This is part of CRPG-inspired Gamist RPG I developed last spring, and then set aside for six months while I collected my thoughts. I've come back to it…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: David Bapst, Noon, knicknevin, Graham Walmsley, Darcy Burgess, nsruf, Hans, John Harper.

9/2/2005 Negilent: Carbon Soul - System adressing premise
[url=]In this thread[/url] I began by posting my work-in-progress. I am basing my game on this premise: [b]Violence destroys the Self[/b]. Based on the feedback I realised for my premise…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Negilent, Adam Dray, Wolfen, Joshua BishopRoby, Noon, DamienNeil.

8/31/2005 jasonm: [Shab-al-Hiri Roach] Revisions, Questions, Kušu Barultag
Hi everybody, I want to continue the discussion of The Shab-al-Hiri Roach that began here in Actual Play.  I'm in the process of revising this game, and my most current…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: jasonm, GB Steve, Ron Edwards, Ben Lehman, Miskatonic, jrs, Graham Walmsley, Technocrat13, IMAGinES.

8/31/2005 daMoose_Neo: [Grundo Storybook] Forge Mutt, Mainstream Aspirations - Feedback please?
A great big hearty thanks to the folks at GenCon this year, I owe a lot of people credit for the following! As some may know, I'm bartering with the…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: daMoose_Neo, Joshua BishopRoby, Noon, mangaocid.

8/31/2005 nikola: [Shock]
I'm working on a science fiction RPG called Shock, about the collision of social issues with new technologies. The system has a few features, and a few, oh, let's say,…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: nikola, M Jason Parent, Allan, iain, Graham Walmsley.

8/30/2005 b_bankhead: Does a Lovecraft game need combat rules?
As some of you know I am working on a Lovecraftian game called Eldritch Tales, and I have become bogged down on an area with regard what is really signifigant…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: b_bankhead, GB Steve, ffilz, MikeSands, nsruf, iain, Graham Walmsley, Eero Tuovinen, jasonm, Balbinus, Vibilo, tj333, anonymouse.

8/30/2005 inoir: [Deoraíocht/Parepidemos]
Deoraíocht/Parepidemos This is the core mechanic for my newest game.  My goal is to have this game ready to be sold online as a pdf in 6 to 9 months,…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: inoir, Andrew Morris, Sydney Freedberg.

8/30/2005 Negilent: Envoy – premise development and mechanics to support it
[b]Envoy – Sci-Fi cyberpunk[/b] I guess it comes to everyone who spends an unhealthy amount of time here at the forge. Sooner or later one wants to design a game.…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Negilent, Troy_Costisick, Adam Dray, iain, John Harper, M Jason Parent, btrc.

8/29/2005 M Jason Parent: [Junk Dreams] an overview of a Burroughs-esque drug-induced RPG
After the brain-scrambling joy of GenCon (and the 16 hour drive each way to and from) and then another 20 hours on the road to and from my sister-in-law's place,…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: M Jason Parent, Allan, PrzeSzkoda, Dumirik, Kesher, Warren, Jared A. Sorensen.

8/29/2005 Graham Walmsley: The Creatives: First draft (was GroupThink)
I've spent a happy weekend writing and I have a first draft of The Creatives (as it's now called). As you might remember, this is an attempt at a simple…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Graham Walmsley, jasonm.

8/29/2005 8t88: Adventures-in-a-Box
Hello! As mentioned in the Connections Board, I am a Gamer from the (by far) largest German RPG Board, who wants to Tranlate Your Games. (Check this link for Details)…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: 8t88, Troy_Costisick.

8/29/2005 Allan: Fingerprints
Talking Shock and superheroes with Joshua of the glyphmonkey reminded me of this game setting I've been sitting on for a while, because I didn't know how to approach it. …
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Allan, TonyLB, Everspinner, Graham Walmsley, M Jason Parent.

8/29/2005 Allan: Sweet Dreams: New Skool
Talking and playing Sweet Dreams with the Contested Ground Crew, Emily and John showed me that the game I was running was not the game that I wrote.  And…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Allan, iain, Paul Czege, nikola, ejh, migo, Malcolm, FarFromUnique.

8/28/2005 Ron Edwards: [Doctor Chaos] Next phase playtesting
Wow, this is weird, posting in Indie Design. I tend to keep my designing pretty private. Playtesting so far has included the session described in Cards, bad guys,…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ron Edwards, Graham Walmsley, jasonm, Troy_Costisick, Doug Ruff.

8/28/2005 Dumirik: [The Order] Fear, Suprise and Endgames!
This thread will frequently reference the current draft and the other thread. See for the mechanics, current draft and background information. Essentially, I want to discuss the various endgames…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Dumirik, Graham Walmsley, PrzeSzkoda, Joshua BishopRoby, Sydney Freedberg.

8/27/2005 John Wick: Secret Design Journal
Hello everyone. I've started a new design journal for the new "Big Game" I'll be premiering at Gen Con 2006. If you've read Thirty, you know there's a sequel in…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: John Wick, Eero Tuovinen.

8/27/2005 jdrakeh: [Pressure Cooker] A few playtesters wanted.
I'd like to get some feedback on Pressure Cooker (it's available for download at Miscellaneous Debris). The game is ostensibly geared for one-shot scenarios of a pulse-pounding, immersive nature, with…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: jdrakeh.

8/26/2005 timfire: [In a Land Called...] Console RPGs done timfire's way
Hi everyone, This is my new project, that I'm tenatively calling "In a Land Called...": The general set-up is that some evil plot threatens to---literally---destroy the world, and only…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: timfire, Eero Tuovinen, Graham Walmsley, Bankuei, Filip Luszczyk, Shreyas Sampat, David Bapst, Artanis, WRPIgeek, daMoose_Neo, sirogit, MisterPoppet.

8/26/2005 TonyLB: [Misery Bubblegum] Delayed Gratification
So, Past versions of the system have had a lot of... y'know... stuff attached to them.  Time to get back to core principles.  Thankfully, GenCon gave me plenty to think…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: TonyLB, StrongBadMun, Sydney Freedberg, Eero Tuovinen, LordSmerf.

8/26/2005 StrongBadMun: Ember [game concept]
Ok I'm in the earliest stages of work with this game which is the latest incarnation of a game I've been working on for the better part of two years. …
In Indie Game Design
Participants: StrongBadMun, Troy_Costisick, Rorimack, Graham Walmsley, greyorm.

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Subsequent Topics
In Indie Game Design

9/6/2005 The_Confessor: Atomic Storm (A Pulp Role-Playing Game in the Apocalyptic Past): Broad Mechanics
Greetings, A little more than two years ago, I designed a game called S3: Seafaring, Swashbuckling, & Style. Looking back on it, I see the game as a great one-shot…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: The_Confessor, Rothe, Joshua BishopRoby, Steve Mitchell, Technocrat13, Smithy.

9/6/2005 OddballE: Another update to GUILDS
Sorry it has taken me so long to reply, I have been doing alot of thinking.  This is what my camp has come up with: Guild XP:  1 point for…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: OddballE, Adam Dray.

9/8/2005 James_Nostack: Indie Supplement Design (?)
For the past three years I had been running an IRC campaign based on TSR's Alternity game.  Now that the game has finished gloriously--thanks in part due to Forge peeps--I'd…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: James_Nostack, MikeSands, Gamskee, Rob Carriere, Troy_Costisick.

9/10/2005 Eric Bennett: [Hearth] Opening remarks
Hello there, y'all. I've been lurking on this forum for a fair bit, having followed a link from (I think) 24 hour RPGs. I've had the idea for this game…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Eric Bennett, Jasper, Graham Walmsley.

9/11/2005 Smithy: [The Big House] Characters & Basic Mechanics
I am developing a game to play prison dramas--everything from "day in the life" games focused on just getting by to games focused on planning and executing an escape. My…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Smithy, Blankshield, lumpley, Troy_Costisick.

9/11/2005 c: [Outside] Need help with Conflict Resolution.
Hello Everyone, So I'm designing a game I'm calling Outside. I've got a good portion of the game done, but am stuck on conflict resolution. Lets take care of the…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: c, knicknevin, Technocrat13, Matt Wilson, Halzebier, Troy_Costisick, TonyLB, Simon W.

9/11/2005 knicknevin: [The Phenomenals] Getting a Hook
Hi, I've been kicking around a game concept for awhile, its pretty standard gamist with narrativist elements, most closely comparable to Inspectres I would say... anyway, the subject matter relates…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: knicknevin, Technocrat13, TonyLB, c, Kynn.

9/11/2005 Graham Walmsley: [Crazed and Feral] Reward system
I'm currently designing a werewolf-themed LARP to run at a convention (probably in November). The setting is a country pub, and the game will start on a sedate note, with…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Graham Walmsley, jasonm, Dumirik, Andrew Morris, WhiteRat, c, knicknevin, KingOfFarPoint.

9/12/2005 Jamfke: [Take1] New Idea?
Okay, this is my first post here at the forge.  I've lurked for some time now, and I have been working on my own game for years.  Well, I've had…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Jamfke, Shreyas Sampat, Rob Carriere, Gordon C. Landis, knicknevin, Ron Edwards, Certified.

9/12/2005 Jamfke: [Take1] New Idea?
Okay, this is my first post here at the forge.  I've lurked for some time now, and I have been working on my own game for years.  Well, I've had…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Jamfke, Trevis Martin, Ron Edwards.

9/12/2005 knicknevin: [The Memory Cheats] Has this been done?
Another game that was on the backburner crystallized over the weekend... ironically, given the game's concept, I couldn't remember all of the original idea I had for it so I…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: knicknevin, Troy_Costisick, Mister Six, Artanis, nikola, Adam Dray, Sydney Freedberg, JakeVanDam.

9/13/2005 Vibilo: [Innkeep]On the right track?
This being my first real post on here forgive me if im missing some info in my post... I am currently working on a game that I am calling Innkeep…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Vibilo, Jack Aidley, Stickman, Graham Walmsley, Jonas Karlsson, nsruf.

9/13/2005 nsruf: [Live by the Sword] A first draft...
Time for me to stop lurking and ask for opinions and advice on the RPG that so desperately wants me to design it right now;) The game is called 'Live…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: nsruf, LordSmerf.

9/13/2005 Bill_White: [Ganakagok] New Draft
This is I think pretty close to the final draft of Ganakagok.  In this game, you're a man living in a dark and icy world--imagine quasi-Inuit hunters on a gigantic…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Bill_White, jasonm, Technocrat13, Andrew Morris, 1of3, nikola, Mike Holmes.

9/13/2005 timfire: [In a Land Called] Now with Flow Chart!
Hi y'all, A couple days ago, I was sitting really bored in the middle of my computer Assembly language class, when I was reminded of Gareth (contracycle) saying how he…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: timfire, David Bapst, Eric Bennett, Yeleth, MisterPoppet.

9/14/2005 Frank T: [Under Pressure] Exploring Extreme Situations
I really should be working on BARBAREN!. Really should. But that’s just when I get the best ideas about new projects. Here’s one game I’d really like to write. The…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Frank T, nsruf, Simon W, Graham Walmsley.

9/14/2005 Andrew Morris: [Shadows & Light] Tear this system apart (especially Adam Cierling)
[u]Overview[/u] My friend Nick and I are plugging away on our game [i]Shadows & Light[/i] (actually, that working title is changing, but I'll stick with it in this discussion for…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Andrew Morris, greyorm, Graham Walmsley, WhiteRat.

9/15/2005 Dumirik: [The Inquisition] Poking playtesters with soft pillows.
Ok, the Monty Python quotes are probably getting a bit much, so this will be the last time I use them. The other thing is that the game name is…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Dumirik, knicknevin, Bandari.

9/15/2005 Da_Killah: Magic Mechanics
I was wondering if maybe this had already been done.  I was thinking about having magic drain health and completely forego an extra stat for casting.  ie. I cast and…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Da_Killah, Arturo G., JakeVanDam, Troy_Costisick, nikola, Noon, smokewolf.

9/16/2005 Technocrat13: [Villains of Safinubi] Grabby situations on the quick.
[url=]FH8[/url] has emerged from it's chrysalis and is a heartbreaker no more.  You can find a link for the newest incarnation down there in my signature.  I'm pretty happy with…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Technocrat13, jasonm, majcher.

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