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In Indie Game Design

12/7/2005 Kesher: [dungeonkind / S&S] Digging for hidden gold (long)
Howdy all. Sean Stidd (aka "Calithena") and I recently discovered we were both working on games that were trying to approach our original, gut reactions to Dungeons & Dragons, back…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Kesher, Calithena, Levi Kornelsen.

12/6/2005 Levi Kornelsen: Perfect 20: Goals And Achieving them
This is Perfect 20, my d20-based system.  It's forty pages, and relatively complete. My design goals here are as follows; the first few, I think I'm getting close to, the…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Levi Kornelsen, Andrew Morris, Mark Johnson.

12/6/2005 Graham Walmsley: [The Drop] Live-action spying
This weekend, I ran a LARP and was reading Smiley's People by John Le Carre. It occurred to me that there's a very natural fit between live-action roleplaying and spying.…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Graham Walmsley, joepub, WhiteRat, komradebob, mutex, Andrew Morris, MatrixGamer, Arpie.

12/6/2005 Elliott Belser: [Humanity Beyond Earth] A nar/sim transhuman space opera.
I'd like to make a game that balances Narrativist and Simulationist issues - I'm making this game with a bunch of Simmies, and I'm a Narrie mostly: we've discussed the…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Elliott Belser, xenopulse, tygertyger, MikeSands, darquelf, Anna B, dindenver, nikola, Adam Dray, Sean Craven.

12/6/2005 TheTris: [Tell Me] Interactivity Spectrum
"Tell me" is my new roleplaying game, designed for two purposes.  Firstly, to explore this idea, secondly to reveal what sort of play people want in a given group. In…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: TheTris, Bret Gillan, MatrixGamer, Arpie.

12/6/2005 Caldis: [Judas:the game of betrayal] Initial musings
I've had this idea for a little while now and am not sure how to proceed so I thought I'd throw it out here and see what comes of it.…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Caldis, Darcy Burgess, joepub, Chris Goodwin.

12/6/2005 joepub: [Point of Collapse] need help developing PBP science fiction RPG
Hey all... I am currently developing the world of Point of Collapse, a PBP set in 2087, after world war broke out and quickly devestated the globe. I am trying…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: joepub, Caldis, Allan.

12/6/2005 Arcadian: Introduction: Arcadian and Silvervine Games
Hello all, My name is John Arcadian. I'm one of a group of people who are currently working on an Indie game design called Silvervine Games. We're publishing a d10…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Arcadian, TonyLB, Jack Aidley, Troy_Costisick, Wolfen, Adam Dray.

12/6/2005 Ethesis: My game: Shattered Norns
I used to do a little bit of game design work.  I'm afraid I enjoy watching games almost as much as playing them, sometimes more. I slowed down a bit…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ethesis, Calithena.

12/5/2005 sayter: [Realm] Combat Mechanics (very long)
    Well, I have a rough draft all typed up for how combat should be resolved in Realm. It has elements of numerous systems, yet is wholly different from…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: sayter, nsruf, Bill Masek.

12/5/2005 Levi Kornelsen: [8-Bit Dungeon] First addition: Lamp, Coffers, Map
[url=][b]This[/b] is the game I'm working on.  Based on some thinking of my own, and the advice I recieved in [url=]this thread[/url], I've started in with a change, and the…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Levi Kornelsen, Sean, TonyLB, sayter, dindenver, Arpie, Hermes3.

12/5/2005 Platemier: Sci Fi Based CCG
Preface:  Sci-fi is currently a void in collectible card games.  There are no GOOD science fiction based games in circulation.  I realized this when I began this project, but realized…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Platemier.

12/4/2005 Arpie: [Storyville] GMless LARP
I really didn't want to have to do a whole damn game to discuss this one concept, but it looks like that's what I gotta do. (Since I've discussed the…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Arpie, WhiteRat, TonyLB, Graham Walmsley, TheTris.

12/4/2005 red coyote: [Acadine] - proposing homebrew system here
Hi all - a new poster to the system here. I'm designing an rpg (d10 based) but would like comments on the magic system I have in mind.  What I…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: red coyote, talysman, FlameLover, WhiteRat, mutex, Joe Zeutenhorst, dindenver, xenopulse.

12/4/2005 TonyLB: Misery Bubblegum - Monster Manual for Conflict Resolution
So I had this little flash, reading Darcy post here about wanting a Monster Manual of typical adversaries.  My game should have this, and it doesn't even have combat rules.…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: TonyLB, Joshua BishopRoby, Sydney Freedberg, FlameLover, Levi Kornelsen, joepub, Calithena, Arcadian.

12/3/2005 Darcy Burgess: [Domus] -- refining the overwrought beast
I've been doing some rework on my submission for Andy K's Mini Chef contest that he ran about a month ago, and I'm ready to open it up to others.…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Darcy Burgess, talysman, Shreyas Sampat.

12/3/2005 Andrew Morris: [Unistat] My 7-hour game
I wasn't planning to write a universal RPG, but this just popped into my head and I started writing Seven hours later, I have what seems to be a complete…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Andrew Morris, mutex, TonyLB, Sydney Freedberg, FlameLover.

12/3/2005 redivider: [Wine Dark Sea]: inspirations + design goals + 'homeric' combat
Wine Dark Sea: the final voyage of Odysseus This posting discusses the background of a game I’m working on, my design principles, and includes a draft of combat rules. I…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: redivider, Troy_Costisick, TonyLB, Sean, Ice Cream Emperor.

12/3/2005 Eric Bennett: Lovecraftian design
Hello there, everyone, I haven't been around since my splurt on Hearths, mostly because a computer error shortly thereafter wiped both that and almost four months of RP logs from…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Eric Bennett, TonyLB, dindenver, Arpie, mutex, Mark Woodhouse, sayter, CPXB, Ethesis.

12/3/2005 JSDiamond: All's quiet --bag o' drafts
Here are the drafts for all three booklets in pdf form.  Try them out if you like. Just remember that they are rough drafts.  All feedback appreciated.  --this is…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: JSDiamond.

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Subsequent Topics
In Indie Game Design

12/7/2005 MikeSands: [Badass Space Marines] Inspired by Descent
I was reading this thread and got fired up on the idea. So here's a few hours of my thoughts on how this kind of game (i.e. inspired by…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: MikeSands, Noon, Kaare Berg (Old), darquelf, Olorin.

12/8/2005 Tobias: [Pimp My Prehistory] - first section
Hello All, I'm throwing out the first part of my new game under design.  Pimp my prehistory It’s 65.432.100 BC, and Earth has been found by the Aliens. Nice little…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Tobias, Bill Masek, Arpie, Joshua BishopRoby, darquelf, Sydney Freedberg, Troy_Costisick.

12/8/2005 Mageant: Idea: Database of Fictional Worlds
We are currently developing the Mysticora ( world and would like to publish the setting soon for playing. Currently, we are planning on developing a dynamic world presentation system. We…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Mageant, nikola, Arcadian, Joshua BishopRoby, Sydney Freedberg.

12/8/2005 dindenver: [LoL] Strength or Prowess
Hi!   There are two skills I am not very confident on: Melee and Slashing. Slashing is any slashing or cutting weapon that relies on the edge of a blade…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: dindenver, Joshua BishopRoby, Nathan P., Mark Johnson, Eero Tuovinen, JarrodHenry, Adam Dray, Noon, nikola.

12/8/2005 Exaulted_Leader: [Damsels in Distress] Hide & Seek Adventure
This is the result of a brainwave from a couple of days ago. I haven't got much after the initial idea, and would be very appreciative of some feedback /…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Exaulted_Leader.

12/9/2005 sayter: [Realm] Void - Making it work correctly....
I've been writing, re-writing and then re-re-writing my concepts for Void over the last while. Essentially , I am trying to make a logical series of events for this energy/entity…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: sayter, Ethesis, Arcadian, J Tolson, Adam Dray, Bill Masek, dindenver.

12/9/2005 Ethesis: My game: Shattered Norns Second Thread, short, questions.
Questions: 1)  How is my artwork?           Samples at:            …
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ethesis, Calithena.

12/9/2005 Dantai: [Going Home] Unofficial Ronnies feedback
I've been meaning to post this for a while, but better late than never! Going Home Is a Ronnies entry using the words mud and gun. First point - this…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Dantai, Gregor Hutton.

12/9/2005 inoir: [Bleed] another vampire game
Hello, My latest game design is called Bleed.  It is a vampire game for two players.  Together they play the two sides of the whole monster.  The human side and…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: inoir, TonyLB.

12/9/2005 TonyLB: [Misery Bubblegum] If you REALLY loved me ....
In Misery Bubblegum:  Monster Manual for Conflict Resolution, we were searching for ways to connect the desires and actions of one person to the desires and goals of another, and…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: TonyLB, Joshua BishopRoby, LordSmerf, dunlaing, joepub, MatrixGamer, Mark Woodhouse, Sydney Freedberg, dindenver.

12/9/2005 komradebob: [minis] The Village Game ( rough draft)
Thanks to Thomas ( Lord Smerf), I'm able to show you folks the game design I've been developing, based on the freeform miniatures games my daughter and I play. Here…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: komradebob, Noon, Arpie, nikola, Justin, MatrixGamer, Emily Care, Tony Irwin.

12/9/2005 Allan: Fingerprints - second draft (long)
Fingerprints discussion started here.  First Actual Play is here, but this is still using the old rules.  I'll post AP using these new rules very soon.  The only thing you…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Allan.

12/10/2005 John_Geeshu: [Organic RPG] Looking for feedback and useful criticism
Let me begin by admitting that I am starkly terrified of posting on The Forge, primarily because it opens my system up to criticism that may very well cause it…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: John_Geeshu, mutex, TonyLB, J Tolson, Joe Zeutenhorst, dindenver.

12/11/2005 fbcjr: How to organize the setting?
Please go easy on me, as this is my first post.  I've been working on my own indie RPG for years.  I have the system (my own design) down on…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: fbcjr, Adam Dray, J Tolson, Joshua BishopRoby, dindenver.

12/11/2005 Ben Lehman: [Bliss Stage] Winning and Losing
This is mainly directed at those that have read the Bliss Stage playtest document.  If you aren't one of those people, but want to be, please PM me your e-mail…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ben Lehman, coffeestain, Mark Woodhouse, TonyLB.

12/12/2005 John Bromberger: [Aspect] What do I do next?
Hi everyone. ^_^ I could use a little help. Aspect is the rules set (without setting) I have designed - and am exceptionally happy with. Its designed with several goals…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: John Bromberger, Troy_Costisick, Matt.

12/12/2005 sayter: [Realm] Number crunching - feedback from the math folk ?
Allright, im trying to write up the rules section. But first thing is first, I need to be sure the numbers make sense before I commit them to paper. The…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: sayter, Nogusielkt, Bill Masek.

12/12/2005 John_Geeshu: [My As Yet Unnamed RPG] Skill system
At the heart of my system are the characters that drive the story; and the key players are intended to be the heros, PCs. As the focus of my game…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: John_Geeshu, TonyLB, Eero Tuovinen, Adam Dray, Mike Sugarbaker, Noon, Joe Zeutenhorst, Frank T, Nerethel, xenopulse, Warren.

12/12/2005 dindenver: [LoL] New Mechanic
Hi!   I need to come up with a new mechanic and I am drawing a blank. MAybe you guys can help?   What my game is about, at its…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: dindenver, Arturo G., Mark Johnson, Eero Tuovinen, dunlaing, Noon, Sydney Freedberg, nikola, Adam Dray.

12/12/2005 redivider: [wine dark sea] characters and conflicts
This is the second posting on my game-in-progress The Wine Dark Sea: the final voyage of Odysseus. A previous post dealt with  my design goals and the combat rules.…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: redivider, Valamir, Ice Cream Emperor.

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