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In Indie Game Design

3/4/2003 Nev the Deranged: Question
If I have game designs that are non-RPGs (say, board games, card games, live action games, tile games, miniatures games, etc.) where would it be appropriate to post about them?…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Nev the Deranged, ghoest.

3/4/2003 MistHunter: Most popular RPG genre...
I've been thinking about making an indie RPG for a long time, and multiple genres have crossed my mind, but I haven't come up with the right genre! Now I…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: MistHunter, Le Joueur, xiombarg, quozl, Valamir, ethan_greer, Mike Holmes, Spooky Fanboy, M. J. Young, Balbinus, Ron Edwards, Gold Rush Games, Allan.

3/3/2003 Garbanzo: Ashen: Concerns about handling time
I’m knee-deep into a design (Ashen). I‘ve got mechanics that support my premise, but I’m wishing there was less handling time involved. Specifically, any total comes from adding two attributes,…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Garbanzo, Mike Holmes, Matt Gwinn, szilard, Palaskar.

3/3/2003 Michael Hopcroft: When does a design cease to be indie?
When does a designer or a publisher lose his indie-cred round these parts? I'm getting kind of worried now that I have a D20 project in the works and will…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Michael Hopcroft, Maurice Forrester, Spooky Fanboy, Clinton R. Nixon.

3/2/2003 ks13: Character Creation Problem: No Classes or Templates
Over the past few months I have been busily designing my game, thanks in huge part to the Forge and the ton of great discussions going on here. I presented…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: ks13, arkcure, Sylus Thane, Le Joueur, Ron Edwards, Mark Johnson, KeithBVaughn, James V. West, Mike Holmes, anonymouse.

3/2/2003 bcghawk: developing new system from ground-up...HELP
Hey! new to the board and need new recommendations for "real" system; thoughtfully nicknamed word problem the rpg were the players play themselves (so they actually worry about the situations…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: bcghawk, Mike Holmes.

3/2/2003 ghoest: Function System: Designing Problems
So, I've been working on my own system that is modularized and can easily be modified or redesigned if needed (you can find my designing notes at under the…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: ghoest, Mark Johnson, Mike Holmes, Jack Spencer Jr, Andrew Martin.

3/1/2003 Gwen: The Rise of the Nihilists: Setting
I suppose this will also help with the understanding of the game, but I didn't want to lump this discussion in with the Mechanics discussion. I will try to sum…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Gwen, Spooky Fanboy, ethan_greer, Ron Edwards.

2/28/2003 Gwen: The Rise of the Nihilists: System Mechanics
It seemed apparent in my other thread that perhaps I would be better served to adopt a system mechanic more befitting the odd, dream-lyke setting I created. I suppose it…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Gwen, szilard, Mike Holmes, marknau, Garbanzo.

2/27/2003 Sylus Thane: Searching for the Beginning of Frontier
In searching for a way to bring my version of the multiverse (Frontier) to life I have been searching for a way in which to present my different settings. In…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Sylus Thane, Mike Holmes, szilard, Harsh Attack, Allan, richks.

2/27/2003 arkcure: Mysticism vs. Magic
Hello, Right now I am grappling with the idea of magic and mysticism in a near future setting. While I do feel that there should be some level of mysticism,…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: arkcure, cruciel, Airshipjones, clehrich, Andrew Martin, contracycle, simon_hibbs, M. J. Young, MoonHunter.

2/26/2003 Gwen: Magic System: Definitive or Open-Ended?
I am working on a Midieval Era game and the magic system is based entirely on alchemy. Various alchemical potions give consumers the ability to fly, to maintain a fire…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Gwen, clehrich, greyorm, ethan_greer, Valamir, Ron Edwards, Clinton R. Nixon, Paul Czege, Ben Morgan, Emily Care, contracycle, M. J. Young, Fletcher, Mike Holmes, cruciel, Andrew Martin.

2/25/2003 Simon W: Barbarians of Lemuria
Hi. I'm totally new to all of this, although I have been watching the posts and getting new role-playing ideas from many of you - mainly some of the GM-less…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Simon W, Jasper, contracycle, Matt.

2/24/2003 SleeplessNightsofRPGs: my game: Clash of the Worlds
Hi, I am currently in the process of making a RPG series called "Clash of the Worlds". I am running the first two chapters of "CotW: From Past to Present"…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: SleeplessNightsofRPGs, greyorm, Drew Stevens, Mike Holmes.

2/24/2003 SleeplessNightsofRPGs: hi, I need some information
Hi, I am a 3.5 + GPA high schooler, and I want to get into the video game world for a job, especially RPGs (Squaresoft is my dream). I would…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: SleeplessNightsofRPGs, Dave Panchyk, Kester Pelagius, Bankuei, Mike Holmes.

2/21/2003 Jonathan Walton: Storypunk and Transparency
So I was writing the introductory "What is a Roleplaying Game?" section of Storypunk in my head today. It started out by talking about different types of social contracts: those…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Jonathan Walton, Ron Edwards.

2/21/2003 clehrich: Shadows in the Fog: New Stuff
[size=14px][b]Session Structure[/b][/size] A number of people have suggested that I put in something about session structure, and this is more or less a sketch of the piece to be inserted.…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: clehrich, Spooky Fanboy, Le Joueur, contracycle, Walt Freitag, Mike Holmes, Piers Brown.

2/21/2003 Cryostorm: Union-TOS: Check This Out, Please
Uh, Hi! My name is Cameron Harsh, and I just found this site two nights ago. I was impressed and thankful to find it. You see since last night when…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Cryostorm, quozl, Mike Holmes, ethan_greer, Harsh Attack, clehrich, Valamir.

2/20/2003 cusidhe: Drought of Refersing Rain
Greetings all, First time poster, long time lurker. I have been followingthe development of four willows weeping's game Refreshing Rain for some time. I have noticed that little has come…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: cusidhe, Shreyas Sampat.

2/20/2003 Jake Norwood: La Famiglia: First Draft
I would like to turn everyone's attention to the first (and partially incomplete) draft of La Famiglia, a Mafia game that revolves around Reputation. I'm really proud of it, as…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Jake Norwood, ThreeGee, Valamir, simon, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes, Rob MacDougall, Bankuei.

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Subsequent Topics
In Indie Game Design

3/5/2003 RobMuadib: TMW:COTEC - "GC: Metaplay" excerpt
Hi all I am still flailing about working on the chapter formerly known as game concepts: shared play, which i have at the moment changed to metaplay. Anyway, i have…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: RobMuadib, Ron Edwards, Le Joueur, Mike Holmes.

3/5/2003 Cryostorm: Union - ToS: Website Discusion 3-5-03
Hi, Cameron Harsh Here This thread is to discuss the March 5th website update of Union Tides of Steel. If you don't know about our game check out our other…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Cryostorm, Spooky Fanboy, Mike Holmes, Harsh Attack, RobMuadib.

3/6/2003 NephandicOne: Success Effect System
OK i have made a die pool system that tends to allow the highly skilled to succeed more then the other poor smucks. In combat I have the system designed…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: NephandicOne, Drew Stevens, Walt Freitag.

3/6/2003 dragongrace: DragonGrace: Announcement
This is just a quick message to let anyone interested know that DragonGrace is a new RPG by my design. The Website is Premise: A monotheistic fantasy world in…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: dragongrace, Mike Holmes, Le Joueur, Drew Stevens, Ron Edwards, Grex, Marco.

3/8/2003 richks: Urban Mythos: A question of style.
I'm still hammering away at this and I'm trying to get some of the background written up so that people can actually READ something related to this project. The thing…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: richks, Sylus Thane, Spooky Fanboy, MoonHunter, Mike Holmes.

3/9/2003 ZaonDude: ZAON news and links
Hey y'all ! I'm back ;-) I'm still at work on ZAON, and have implemented a number of changes to help spice up the universe since we began talking last…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: ZaonDude, Mike Holmes, Walt Freitag, Jonathan Walton, dalek_of_god.

3/9/2003 Jonathan Walton: Storypunk: The Whole Shebang?
Okay, I think I'm finally moving towards pulling all this together into one cohesive form. If you want to look at the steps leading up to this (where Storypunk's been…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Jonathan Walton, Mike Holmes, Shreyas Sampat, Mark Johnson.

3/11/2003 xechnao: Need some critics over my new project
I want to present you the setting I am creating and have you tell me what you think about it. This setting is intended for playing games.Here is the deal:…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: xechnao, Jasper, Le Joueur, Mike Holmes, richks, Ron Edwards, Valamir, dragongrace, greyorm, Palaskar.

3/12/2003 ThreeGee: Slayer mechanics question
Hey all, I am revising Slayer of Dragon RPG with the intention of finishing it in the for-real, no-kidding sort of way. After six years, the mechanics are showing their…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: ThreeGee, szilard, Christoffer Lernö, Mike Holmes.

3/12/2003 arkcure: EU States: Writers Block
I Have recently come across a bad case of writer's block and can't seem to get through it. I have finished my backstory, my histories, my timelines, various characters (although…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: arkcure, clehrich, Shreyas Sampat, Ron Edwards, bibbouk.

3/13/2003 woodelf: social-centric mechanics
Ok, don't shoot me, but this is, loosely speaking, a D20-based discussion. Specifically, for our setting, Ogalepihcra, we want to include 3 complete sets of rules, each designed for a…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: woodelf, ethan_greer, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes, Valamir, szilard.

3/13/2003 Lugaru: Newbie looking for critizism...
What do you think of this setting? Please tell me if you've seen this done before or executed better. As a note the system Im using is a fast and…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Lugaru, ethan_greer, Mike Holmes, Walt Freitag, Paul Czege, Mark Johnson, Christoffer Lernö, Valamir, Brian Leybourne.

3/13/2003 Palaskar: Need help reducing handling time in my Signature RPG
The bit about reducing handling time has oddly coincided with my own concerns over my game's own resolution systems handling time. The system is very flexible and comprehenive, but there…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Palaskar, Shreyas Sampat, Mike Holmes.

3/15/2003 Christoffer Lernö: Yggdrasil thoughts
I was thinking of waking up Yggdrasil again. I still don't have my original notes, so I'll work from what I remember. Maybe it's a good thing. After all I'd…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Christoffer Lernö, greyorm, Bob McNamee, Shreyas Sampat, Lugaru, Le Joueur, talysman, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes, Tar Markvar, Peregrine.

3/15/2003 Allan: Frontier discussion (split)
Hey Sy, I just find the name G.O.D. distracting. It doesn't seem to relate to your setting (which is pantheistic, so there are gods in the game, and a GOD…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Allan, Demonspahn, Ron Edwards, Sylus Thane.

3/16/2003 Jeph: Pagoda
I haven't written the section on magic yet, but here goes. It's called Pagoda because of it's three Degrees, and how they are stacked upon each other. Pagoda Pagoda is…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Jeph, Jonathan Walton, ThreeGee, MoonHunter, Ben Morgan, Zak Arntson, Shreyas Sampat, Spooky Fanboy, Christoffer Lernö, iago.

3/17/2003 talysman: Court of 9 Chambers: system overview
as I've mentioned recently, I'm working on the playtest document of the most recent version of The Court of 9 Chambers. I'm almost ready to post the PDF, but I…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: talysman, Spooky Fanboy, Mike Holmes.

3/17/2003 Shreyas Sampat: Refreshing Rain: Tugging At My Heartstrings
Jeph's recent thread on his new game Pagoda prompted me to get back to work on my own wuxia game, Refreshing Rain. (There are also a couple of threads about…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Shreyas Sampat, Mike Holmes, ADGBoss.

3/17/2003 signoftheserpent: pulp sf ideas - citizens, don your criticism helmets please
i am trying to write a background for a pulp/classic/cheesy SF action/adventure/space opera style game. i am trying to find a focus for the antagonistic elements within the setting in…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: signoftheserpent, Rich Stokes, ADGBoss, Ron Edwards, John Harper, Thomas Tamblyn.

3/18/2003 Jeph: Pagoda: Starting to think about the sample setting
The game is currently being discussed in this thread. Now that the core rules are nearing completion, I'm starting to think about a setting . . . The Empire of…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Jeph, Shreyas Sampat.

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