Previous Topics In Indie Game Design 1/26/2004 Minx: [d20, sort of...] When d20 becomes something else I first wanted to post this on, but I didn't want to start a possible "We hate\love d20 and we want to kill you for what you've done"-thread, so...… In Indie Game Design Participants: Minx, montag, Kryyst, Loki, Umberhulk, timfire, Dotan Dimet, Nuadha, GRIM, Aman the Rejected.
1/25/2004 Jeph: EXEMPLAR: 1 part Dune, 1 part Equilibrium. So, folk's, it's been a while.
Since I wrote a kung-fu game, I mean.
And now, after giving it a preliminary run-through at RPG.Net, expadning it, and formatting it--and figuring… In Indie Game Design Participants: Jeph, Mike Holmes.
1/25/2004 Green: kathanaksaya: middle earth After using a group of friends for an on-the-fly Kathanaksaya game, some remarked to me that it would be great to create or adapt Kathanaksaya to a Middle Earth setting.… In Indie Game Design Participants: Green, Mike Holmes, Doctor Xero.
1/24/2004 Kilor Di: Nova Terrani I've posted my notes on my online resume. Here, at click on Nova Terrani. Anything I'm thinking of changing or removing should be highlighted in yellow, and any editorial… In Indie Game Design Participants: Kilor Di, Alan, Kryyst, Eero Tuovinen.
1/23/2004 Tim Alexander: [Tom, Dick, and Mary] A game of moral debate for three Hey Folks,
I'm still rolling Devout around in my head, but this little guy has been banging around for a bit and wanted out. Paul's Valedictorian's Death, and MLwM have… In Indie Game Design Participants: Tim Alexander, Michael S. Miller, Gwen, Ron Edwards, Tim C Koppang.
1/23/2004 Jim_Hague: CineReality System: First post, Protocol: Zero design goals Hola all. Longtime lurker, first time poster. I'm currently wrapping up my first major writing project in the hobby for one of the big publishers, and having gotten some confidence… In Indie Game Design Participants: Jim_Hague, Jasper, Jack Spencer Jr, Dev, Doctor Xero.
1/22/2004 Kilor Di: Priest Problems In my game, there are seven elements. Time, Space, Light, Sound, Life, and Death. There are also mages that specify in a specific element (ie Chronomancers, Necromancers, etc.). This creates… In Indie Game Design Participants: Kilor Di, Andrew Martin, anonymouse, Lxndr, teucer, Jasper, Ron Edwards, abzu, Spooky Fanboy, ADGBoss, Jack Aidley, Marhault, talysman, clehrich, greyorm.
1/22/2004 Phillip: Duality- a relatively simple RPG about conflicting aspects Duality is a pretty simple game that revolves around conflicts between a protagonists opposing and often conflicting aspects. It uses polyhedra dice, and borrows the mechanic from BattleBall; the idea… In Indie Game Design Participants: Phillip, Emily Care, Mark Johnson, Ron Edwards.
1/22/2004 Dregg: [Chapter 13 Press] Card Mechanics I'm currently working on a game that deals with curing ones phobias by facing them in a face to face manner, but that's not what this post is about.
I… In Indie Game Design Participants: Dregg, gobi, abzu.
1/22/2004 ADGBoss: Seraphim: Candlebright Alpha Test Posted This thread is related to yetserday's Devilfyre Alpha Test Thread except this download is the full Seraphim: Candlebright game, with both the Devilfyre System and the Seraphim setting... Confusing… In Indie Game Design Participants: ADGBoss.
1/22/2004 Jason Petrasko: Heart & Fire, a 1PG RPG [b]Concept[/b]
A fixed 6d6 dice pool lightweight game system with a focus on character drama.
[b]Character Generation[/b]
Each character is represented as:
[list]a set of Qualities
a set of Dramatic… In Indie Game Design Participants: Jason Petrasko, Mike Holmes, Dev.
1/21/2004 abzu: [Burning Wheel] Under a Serpent Sun
Hi all,
I would like to use this thread to discuss the (game) design of the above linked pdf.
The questions I would like to discuss are:
Does it… In Indie Game Design Participants: abzu, inthisstyle, Durgil, Mike Holmes, Lxndr.
1/21/2004 ADGBoss: Devilfyre Playtest Available Well its fianlly finished. The game system that is going to power up Seraphim: Candlebright is finally done. I wanted to bring out the system by itself as well… In Indie Game Design Participants: ADGBoss.
1/20/2004 louissan: [Interlock + Fuzion] magic system - Ideas? Hi all,
I'm glad to participate on these wonderful forums ...though not quite sure whether I should post this here, even though I read the sticky posts ... if I… In Indie Game Design Participants: louissan, Mike Holmes, ADGBoss, Ben Lehman, Kryyst.
1/17/2004 gobi: [PUNK] Update agogo Last update to PUNK was around August last year. It's time to take a another stab at the concept.
In case people have forgotten about PUNK, it's an attempt at… In Indie Game Design Participants: gobi, Mark Johnson, Jasper, Calithena, Dev, anonymouse, Shreyas Sampat, Jeph, Doctor Xero.
1/17/2004 LizardLips: Losing resource tokens whe damaged? I have a damage mechanic that I need help with. A character can be Hurt, Wounded or Dying. With each state of health, the character suffers a penalty of some… In Indie Game Design Participants: LizardLips, Jasper, Umberhulk.
1/16/2004 sirogit: "Dark fairytale retelling of rural america" I'm working on a game. It's setting could be described as a dark fairytale-style-retelling of rural america. Very big on mood. Imagine a place where it's the laterside of twilight… In Indie Game Design Participants: sirogit, Jasper, wombat, Valamir.
1/15/2004 Dev: iRole: Role-based really characters/advancement iRole? guh. I need a new title. But as is, the mechanics are muchly an iSystems knockoff with strongly octaNe flavor; this is a feature, as I can be assured… In Indie Game Design Participants: Dev, Mike Holmes, Mark Johnson, xiombarg.
1/15/2004 Dev: MythDeck: supershort 1pg storygame for newbies [b]MythDeck[/b]
(1) A game really, honestly designed for absolute newbies who know zero roleplayers and know a few jokes about RPGs, but will pick this up and play it,… In Indie Game Design Participants: Dev, Mark Johnson.
1/15/2004 Anthony: Good Cop/Bad Cop In Beat the Streets: A Police Simulation Mark Johnson asked
4) Are you going to have the players directly address the deep moral issues involved?
Which… In Indie Game Design Participants: Anthony, Kryyst, gobi, Mike Holmes, Doctor Xero, james_west, clehrich.
<< more previous topics | | Subsequent Topics In Indie Game Design 1/27/2004 Claymore: Dynamic Initiative (my new system, please have a look) Hello All,
I'm in the middle of testing a new Initiative system for a game I'm working on, and I was hoping to get some comments on the actual mechanics… In Indie Game Design Participants: Claymore, Harlequin, Bracken, Ron Edwards.
1/27/2004 Bart Kubera: My game: Retro Generis Hello, it's my first post on this forum. I'd like to introduce to you the basic assumptions of my setting. The main idea was to mold together the atmosphere of… In Indie Game Design Participants: Bart Kubera, Paul Czege, chadu, FredH.
1/27/2004 Bob Goat: [Consipiracy of Shadows]: Timelines or Essay I have been talking with my editor and we can't seem to come to an agreement on which form we should use to present the world history for the game.… In Indie Game Design Participants: Bob Goat.
1/27/2004 Asrogoth: Followup on Lego game (split) Well, I've been lurking the forums and reading the articles now for about two months or so (maybe a little longer) and this is my first post. Yes, please take… In Indie Game Design Participants: Asrogoth, Jeph, Ron Edwards, Christopher Weeks.
1/29/2004 chadu: My game: Dead Inside Well, here's the press release:
got soul?
The Year of the Monkey shifts into high gear! Atomic Sock Monkey Press is proud to announce the release of Dead… In Indie Game Design Participants: chadu, james_west, Clinton R. Nixon, Rob MacDougall.
1/29/2004 brainwipe: Forums help Game Design! I've had a fully functional forum for my RPG Icar now for 3 months. During this time, the forum has proved invaluable to my design as I can add notes… In Indie Game Design Participants: brainwipe.
1/29/2004 Jonathan Walton: [Humble Mythologies] where do i go with this? So I've been pondering a whole bunch of things from both the recent threads about myth and through-framing, along with this concept I'm trying to enact called Humble Mythologies.
The… In Indie Game Design Participants: Jonathan Walton, ADGBoss, Umberhulk, Doctor Xero, Shreyas Sampat, Eero Tuovinen, Jux.
1/30/2004 LizardLips: Sci fi RPGS ... must they be colorless? I've been tinkering with a sci fi RPG for a few months and I'm a bit discouraged. I wanted to play a fast paced space pirates/cowboys games, with tough hombres… In Indie Game Design Participants: LizardLips, anonymouse, Mark Johnson, xiombarg, Valamir, M. J. Young, Andrew Martin, Ole, Tim Gray, Steve Samson.
1/30/2004 xiombarg: [Unsung] Shooting My Specific Sacred Cows Okay, I've been thinking about my game, Unsung, in light of the recent sacred cows thread and Ron's newest essay.
At one point while playing the game, Mike commented: "Why… In Indie Game Design Participants: xiombarg, Mike Holmes.
1/31/2004 John Kirk: Legendary Quest Core Mechanic I'm working on modifying the core mechanic for Legendary Quest to streamline play a bit for 8th edition LQ. Mike Holmes has made some excellent suggestions on the LQ design… In Indie Game Design Participants: John Kirk.
1/31/2004 Lorenzo Rubbo-Ferraro: Lila: Infinite Scale Hi all,
I’m designing a Mahabharata RPG, Lila, and have most of the system down already. The part I am struggling with is scale (in magic and combat). Any of… In Indie Game Design Participants: Lorenzo Rubbo-Ferraro, Jason Petrasko, james_west, Kryyst, Shreyas Sampat, Jonathan Walton, abzu.
2/2/2004 Heraldic Game Design: [LUNA] Conflict Resolution I've got an idea, but I haven't been able to quite pull it completely together, so I thought I would bounce it off you all and see what happens.
When… In Indie Game Design Participants: Heraldic Game Design.
2/2/2004 Kilor Di: [Terrae Novae] Game Mechanics and then click on Terrae Novae.
Anything in italics involved the game mechanics. Any thoughts, questions, or suggestions? Specifically, I'd like to know if the magic system works, and… In Indie Game Design Participants: Kilor Di, Jasper, Dav.
2/2/2004 Autocrat: System to Ctiticise - Have fun! Well, I read the post about posting for responses about rules/games/systems etc., so hopefully this should be about right…..
OK, rough synopsis of game system……… so far.
Note: This is… In Indie Game Design Participants: Autocrat, Andrew Martin, Jasper.
2/2/2004 Jasper: [Principia Novae] Spirit and Investment Hello,
I'm presently working on a particular mechanic for my game Principia Novae (PN) that I would appreciate some advice on. Before getting into it I should probably outline one… In Indie Game Design Participants: Jasper.
2/3/2004 timfire: Basic concept for Gamist dungon-crawl... Taking a short break from my larger project, I thought about experimenting and trying to design a simple overtly-gamist fantasy dungeon-crawl. My goal would be to create a purely combat-focused… In Indie Game Design Participants: timfire, Shreyas Sampat, anonymouse, Zak Arntson, Harlequin.
2/4/2004 Harlequin: Dungeon-crawl combat system without a home This was inspired by this thread, and if Timfire wants it, it's his. I'm unlikely to ever go anywhere with it, myself, but figured it was neat enough to share.… In Indie Game Design Participants: Harlequin.
2/4/2004 tldenmark: Finite RPGs So I've been playing around with some ideas inspired by Universalis, and some of the stuff I learned from designing Dungeoneer. Basically an RPG with a specific win goal.
I… In Indie Game Design Participants: tldenmark, anonymouse, Jasper, clehrich, chadu, Lxndr, Jack Spencer Jr, Valamir, talysman, Shreyas Sampat, Doctor Xero, quozl, smc, contracycle.
2/5/2004 Zak Arntson: Danger Agents - Competitive Spy Roleplaying Okay, so tonight I'm going to try out some d20 Spycraft. I'll let y'all know how it goes. Until then, I've been thinking about how I would design a spy… In Indie Game Design Participants: Zak Arntson, Rob MacDougall, John Harper, Loki, Grex.
2/5/2004 Rexfelis: Dominion: Jihad Tens of thousands of years in the future, mankind has developed a thriving civilization which sprawls across space. This civilization is almost entirely consumed by an event known as the… In Indie Game Design Participants: Rexfelis, Jasper, Jeph, Jonathan Walton.
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