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In Scattershot

3/21/2002 Le Joueur: The Gaming Model: Basic (First Stage)
Before I put this up, I'd just like to give credit where it is due. It starts 'back in the day' on r.g.f.x and their little three-sided thingie. Many of…
In Scattershot
Participants: Le Joueur, Laurel, Marco.

2/6/2002 Le Joueur: What Do You Think?
[quote="Marco"]Mike is right--if points are tokens of relevance (not, as you said, particles of character class), then you should simply pay some percentage (out of 100, probably) based on how…
In Scattershot
Participants: Le Joueur, Marco, Ron Edwards.

2/7/2002 Le Joueur: Roll the Videotape; by Request, an Early Play Example
Okay, example of play; roll tape. This details a recent short-run game we played with Scattershot. It ran probably for about 10-12 sessions and involved only one player. (I chose…
In Scattershot
Participants: Le Joueur.

2/5/2002 Le Joueur: The Old UE Chart (that's Universal Equivalency Chart, son)
Here is the oft referred to UE Chart (the right third), in its current incarnation: Rating Bonus Subject Multi Info 1 +0 0 0 2 words 2 +0 0…
In Scattershot
Participants: Le Joueur, Paul Czege.

1/31/2002 Le Joueur: Scattershot presents: Just the Mechanix
These are Scattershot's Mechanix isolated from its Techniques. (See glossary for the descriptions of italics items throughout.) The basic idea is the Techniques explain how to use the Mechanix. SOLO…
In Scattershot
Participants: Le Joueur.

1/31/2002 Le Joueur: It's Here!
After many private requests for a 'mechanics-only' version of Scattershot, without all the presumptuous design-speak, I have finally cobbled one together. (I bet you were wondering where I had disappeared…
In Scattershot
Participants: Le Joueur.

1/27/2002 Le Joueur: Okay, Let's Make It Official.
Many people believe I have a lot of work done on Scattershot; that may be true, but I mostly see how much more I have yet to complete. I guess…
In Scattershot
Participants: Le Joueur.

1/25/2002 Ron Edwards: Points and abilities
Hi Fang, I have a number of Currency questions about Scattershot. Here's one, admittedly from the basic grognard school of thought, but still genuine. If starting character points are unlimited,…
In Scattershot
Participants: Ron Edwards, Le Joueur, RobMuadib, Marco, Paul Czege, Mike Holmes.

1/21/2002 Ron Edwards: Phrasing of Scattershot's dice resolution
Hello, This thread addresses something that might crop up in the first: Fang's explanation of the basic resolution roll. It seems like a small point, but there are a couple…
In Scattershot
Participants: Ron Edwards, Le Joueur, RobMuadib, Marco.

1/21/2002 Ron Edwards: About what Scattershot's about (GNS yipyap included)
Hey there, I'm starting a few separate threads about Fang's game Scattershot. All of them are based on the content of these threads (at the date of this post) and…
In Scattershot
Participants: Ron Edwards, Le Joueur, Paul Czege, joshua neff, Mike Holmes.

1/2/2002 Le Joueur: Part V: Peeling Back the Layers - The Real Deal
January 24th, 2002 - At the behest of my friends here on the Forge, I will present Scattershot at the point I have it. Even though this is a work-in-progress…
In Scattershot
Participants: Le Joueur, contracycle, RobMuadib, Rob.

12/29/2001 Le Joueur: Part IV: Sorting the Nuts and Bolts
December 28th, 2001 - At the behest of my friends here on the Forge, I will present Scattershot at the point I have it. Even though this is a work-in-progress…
In Scattershot
Participants: Le Joueur.

12/28/2001 Le Joueur: Part II: Whence go the Mechanics
January 2nd, 2002; Happy New Year! - At the behest of my friends here on the Forge, I will present Scattershot at the point I have it. Even though this…
In Scattershot
Participants: Le Joueur, joshua neff.

12/27/2001 Le Joueur: Part III: Being the Difference Between Players & Gamemasters
December 30th, 2001 - At the behest of my friends here on the Forge, I will present Scattershot at the point I have it. Even though this is a work-in-progress,…
In Scattershot
Participants: Le Joueur, Ron Edwards, joshua neff, mahoux, lumpley, Laurel, James V. West, Mike Holmes.

12/27/2001 Le Joueur: Part I: Core Concept
December 26th, 2001 - At the behest of my friends here on the Forge, I will present Scattershot at the point I have it. Even though this is a work-in-progress,…
In Scattershot
Participants: Le Joueur, Ron Edwards.

12/26/2001 Le Joueur: Transitioning to Gamism (to answer a questi
While I wanted to start the this series of threads with a thread that was descriptive of the game itself, I could not really let this question founder. So with…
In Scattershot
Participants: Le Joueur, Mike Holmes.

8/10/2001 Le Joueur: Dynamic Status Quo
Not sure where to address something FAQ related, but stemming from what I do, so I’ll put this here in Actual Play (and I’ll move it if needs be). Dynamic…
In Scattershot
Participants: Le Joueur, Ron Edwards, Ian O'Rourke, james_west, Emily Care, Uncle Dark, contracycle, Paul Czege, Valamir, Don Lag.

8/10/2001 Le Joueur: Get Emotional!
This is what I understand. Context I think role-playing gaming is thinking within the context of the narrative; nothing more is necessary. Anything that fails to have that does not…
In Scattershot
Participants: Le Joueur, Ron Edwards.

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Subsequent Topics
In Scattershot

4/28/2002 Le Joueur: Scattershot Undergoes a 'Transition' of Its Own.
This comes as something of a sad announcement for me. I've decided to scrap the 'for print' design specification for Scattershot. Being a 'serious' or 'professional' game designer has been…
In Scattershot
Participants: Le Joueur, Joe Murphy (Broin), Gordon C. Landis, Ron Edwards.

4/28/2002 Le Joueur: Down with Just a Few SMACS
[i]Originally, I wanted to really impress everyone with a mini-shot of Scattershot, but heck, I just can't bring myself to finish this. So, in keeping with the new 'rough cut'…
In Scattershot
Participants: Le Joueur.

4/28/2002 Le Joueur: Emergent Techniques: Sine Qua Non
Once upon a time, I might have tried to parse these techniques on something like a weekly basis, but due to the 'rough cut' nature of what I am now…
In Scattershot
Participants: Le Joueur, Joe Murphy (Broin), Mike Holmes.

5/1/2002 Le Joueur: Emergent Techniques: Genre Expectations
Okay, next Emergent Technique time! This time let's visit the Genre Expectations concepts. Previously I briefly covered the idea, here and referred to it, here, but I haven't really gone…
In Scattershot
Participants: Le Joueur, Walt Freitag, Paul Czege.

5/14/2002 Le Joueur: Emergent Techniques: an Ambitious Approach...
[Reading [u]Robin's Laws[/u] by Robin Laws got me thinking. So many of his "Player Types" rang clearly of the Scattershot Model, I thought it scary, except numerous times he had…
In Scattershot
Participants: Le Joueur, mtr1966.

5/16/2002 Le Joueur: Emergent Techniques: Mystiques and Intrigue
What is a Mystique? The definition is "an aura of heightened value, interest, or meaning surrounding something, arising from attitudes and beliefs that impute special power or mystery to it."…
In Scattershot
Participants: Le Joueur.

6/20/2002 Bankuei: Old school fantasy the Scattershot way...
This week I have a friend who's flown in from NY, and he's telling me about this really fun D&D campaign he's in, and it's got me all hyped for…
In Scattershot
Participants: Bankuei, Le Joueur.

6/20/2002 Le Joueur: Roughly, But It Should Be Magic
Bankuei asked for information for using the Scattershot mechanix for Dungeons & Dragons type play. I dug up my ancient notes. Okay, this is in super rough-draft form, many things…
In Scattershot
Participants: Le Joueur.

6/21/2002 Bankuei: RMIB question
So if I understand it correctly, someone resisting an action, may roll a negative MIB, thereby adding to the RMIB, correct? That is, Goliath attacks and rolls MIB +3, and…
In Scattershot
Participants: Bankuei, Le Joueur, Mike Holmes.

6/22/2002 Bankuei: Experience Dice question...
Yep, that's right Fang, you're going to get quite a few questions from me :P So here goes the barrage of xp dice questions: •How many/how often do you recommend…
In Scattershot
Participants: Bankuei, Le Joueur.

6/22/2002 Bankuei: Hitpoints as morale
Since hitpoints are considered to be fighting spirit as opposed to actual damage ratings, more questions have popped up: •Is it reasonable to say that hp can be raised/lowered by…
In Scattershot
Participants: Bankuei, Le Joueur.

7/22/2002 Le Joueur: Emergent Techniques: Who's in Charge
So far, most of Scattershot's Emergent Techniques have been about handling what happens between the players and their games or within those games. It's past time to discuss what happens…
In Scattershot
Participants: Le Joueur.

7/22/2002 Le Joueur: Emergent Techniques: Challenge and King Solomon's Auction
I'm gonna throw two Techniques together (mostly because it's past time I spelled out one of them). The first is mentioned in passing in the Mechanix, the second it Scattershot's…
In Scattershot
Participants: Le Joueur, Paul Czege, Mike Holmes, damion.

7/26/2002 Jake Norwood: I want it on one page or a pdf
Okay, I'm sick of it. I want to read and get (as in "understand") Scattershot really badly, but I can't get it from a hundred random posts full of inter-line…
In Scattershot
Participants: Jake Norwood, Seth L. Blumberg, Le Joueur, damion.

9/3/2002 Le Joueur: Emergent Techniques: Creating Detail
I'm running a bit late so this is a little pressed, excuse (or question) the vague parts. This Technique describes how you can use Scattershot's various Mechanix to create Detail…
In Scattershot
Participants: Le Joueur, damion.

9/16/2002 Le Joueur: Emergent Techniques: The Suspense is Killing Me
Well, let's try and make this a biweekly thing, shall we? Suspense It's what die rolling is for. Heck, I could go so far as to say it's the whole…
In Scattershot
Participants: Le Joueur.

9/21/2002 Le Joueur: Call for Playtesters; Let's Make a Deal.
I received an interesting private message yesterday. It was about a comment I made over in Electronic Publishing Potential about not having enough setting to go to blind playtest. I…
In Scattershot
Participants: Le Joueur, Paul Czege.

9/24/2002 Le Joueur: Combined Techniques: Experience Dice and Genre Expectations
[b]Pieces Parts[/b] There are four primary components to any GenEx, Central Concept, Metaphor, Motif, and Running Gag (well, Running Gag is what we call it). The Central Concept is the…
In Scattershot
Participants: Le Joueur.

9/24/2002 Le Joueur: Scattershot Time Travel - Maybe in the Future
Hey Paul, Maybe you should toss in your idea anyway; if it took that long, perhaps your players might be ready. my opinion, the great unmet need…
In Scattershot
Participants: Le Joueur, Paul Czege.

9/23/2002 Mike Holmes: Converting to Scattershot Science Fantasy
Can I get an order of Traveller, please? And can you have it ready by Thursday night? Scattershot will replace GURPS, which I'm currently using. Mike
In Scattershot
Participants: Mike Holmes, Le Joueur, Seth L. Blumberg.

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