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In Errant Knight Games

9/19/2001 Matt Gwinn: Kayfabe in Play - Let the Bodies Hit the Floor!
Well, this reports is a little late, but I’m sure you all can understand with everything that has happened this past week. Anyway, Moose and I had a chance to…
In Errant Knight Games
Participants: Matt Gwinn, Knight, hardcoremoose.

8/21/2001 Matt Gwinn: Narrativist Wrestling RPG
I just posted my newest game venture. It's call Kayfabe and is a narrativist game about wrestling. It involves all of the behind the scenes intrigue as well as promos,…
In Errant Knight Games
Participants: Matt Gwinn, Jared A. Sorensen, Ron Edwards, FilthySuperman, unodiablo, Doc Midnight.

6/5/2001 Matt Gwinn: My new Cat RPG
I just came up with a new rpg where you play cats. It's a little like GURPS Bunnies & Burrows, but the system is completely different. I'm not quite sure…
In Errant Knight Games
Participants: Matt Gwinn, Blake Hutchins, Ron Edwards, John Wick, Clay, Gordon C. Landis, Brassy, Jamie Thomas Durbin, Jack Spencer Jr.

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In Errant Knight Games

10/19/2001 Matt Gwinn: Team Play
I have changed the focus of Kayfabe away from the individual wrestlers and more towards the entire wrestling promotion. Instead of players taking on the roles of individual wrestlers and…
In Errant Knight Games
Participants: Matt Gwinn, Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards, JSDiamond, hardcoremoose, James V. West.

1/25/2002 hardcoremoose: Kayfabe reviewed
Some of you guys may have seen this, but there are others who almost certainly haven't. The Forge's own Matt Gwinn (Eloran) has a game called Kayfabe - still early…
In Errant Knight Games
Participants: hardcoremoose, Matt Gwinn.

3/25/2002 Matt Gwinn: Kayfabe Playtest Group
I've started a playtest Group for Kayfabe over at yahoo if anyone is interested in joining. The address is ,Matt G.
In Errant Knight Games
Participants: Matt Gwinn.

5/15/2002 Matt Gwinn: Mind Body & Soul
I had a dream about 3:30 this morning. In it I was at a CON and I had woken up with an idea for using playing cards as a game…
In Errant Knight Games
Participants: Matt Gwinn, Mike Holmes, xiombarg, Walt Freitag.

8/12/2002 Paul Czege: Matt freakin' Gwinn
After four days at GenCon, this I gotta say. If you are ever in the position of planning for the sale of your game at a convention, Matt Gwinn is…
In Errant Knight Games
Participants: Paul Czege, Matt Gwinn, Mike Holmes, Jake Norwood.

8/22/2002 FruitSmack!: Kayfabe is a fricken blast
Got Kayfabe at GenCon and tonight we just played it. Damn that games a blast to play. Lets see, we had Tag Team match between Wicked Evil (Nemsis and Reaver)…
In Errant Knight Games
Participants: FruitSmack!, Ron Edwards, Matt Gwinn, Trav.

8/27/2002 Matt Gwinn: Welcome
Welcome to the Errant Knight Games forum. Feel free to discuss different aspects of all of my games including Kayfabe, Cats and Mind Body and Soul. They can all be…
In Errant Knight Games
Participants: Matt Gwinn, x0x_Armani_x0x.

8/27/2002 Matt Gwinn: Promotor's Handbook Ideas
Well, I've finally gotten started on the promotor's handbook and I have a few ideas I'd like to run past everyone to kind of gauge interest. I'm working on adding…
In Errant Knight Games
Participants: Matt Gwinn, cerebralassassin, mahoux, hardcoremoose.

9/23/2002 Matt Gwinn: Online Kayfabe Game!
Ok, it's come to my attention over the last few months that a lot of people have been having trouble getting their gaming group to play Kayfabe or their wrestling…
In Errant Knight Games
Participants: Matt Gwinn.

10/14/2002 Matt Gwinn: Results for the first show are in
Hey everyone, Well, we had our first online session of Kayfabe and with the exception of some technical difficulties with ICW and Yahoo, it went rather well. As I predicted…
In Errant Knight Games
Participants: Matt Gwinn.

10/30/2002 Matt Gwinn: More Shows Posted
Just wanted to let everyone know that the last two weeks' shows are poted on my site along with some behind the scene's news/gossip. Feel free to let me know…
In Errant Knight Games
Participants: Matt Gwinn.

12/5/2002 Matt Gwinn: Sold Out!
Well, I finally sold out of print copies of Kayfabe. The PDF is still available on my site and hopefully the Old School supplement will be available soon (Any word…
In Errant Knight Games
Participants: Matt Gwinn, Jared A. Sorensen, Ron Edwards.

12/5/2002 Matt Gwinn: Image Gallery
Many gamers (me in particular) need a visual stimulus to really get into a character. Having a picture of your wrestler makes it a lot easier to envision how a…
In Errant Knight Games
Participants: Matt Gwinn.

12/7/2002 Brotherfury: Problems with free download
hey there, I am really interested in reading this game and maybe buying but i wanna dl the free version to read it over in my time, but it seems…
In Errant Knight Games
Participants: Brotherfury, Matt Gwinn.

1/16/2003 Matt Gwinn: Second Edition or Supplement
I've gotten back to work on Kayfabe and have run into a conflict. I'm trying to deside whether or not to do a supplement or a second edition of the…
In Errant Knight Games
Participants: Matt Gwinn, Jason L Blair, Bogie_71.

2/12/2003 JSDiamond: 2nd Print run
Matt, I know that Gencon is still a while yet, but have you decided on whether to do another print run? I love the preview and I'd really…
In Errant Knight Games
Participants: JSDiamond, Matt Gwinn.

2/20/2003 Matt Gwinn: Kayfabe Adventure Style
I'm working on some new stuff for Kayfabe and had an interesting idea I'd like people's opinion on. I want to give players the option to play Kayfabe like a…
In Errant Knight Games
Participants: Matt Gwinn.

2/28/2003 Matt Gwinn: Alternate Kung Fu Setting
Hey everyone, I'm hard at work putting together what looks to be 24 to 32 pages of new material for Kayfabe and I was thinking about adding a small section…
In Errant Knight Games
Participants: Matt Gwinn, Bogie_71.

4/16/2003 Matt Gwinn: New Material
Well, I'm still hard at work trying to get the next run of Kayfabe ready for GENCON. I managed to get ahold of some new art and have more coming…
In Errant Knight Games
Participants: Matt Gwinn, Mike Holmes, J. Backman.

5/1/2003 Matt Gwinn: It keeps getting Bigger!
I was working on the Promoter's Handbook today and I noticed page count was passing the 32 page mark I needed to fill. Now I'm thinking that I might…
In Errant Knight Games
Participants: Matt Gwinn, Paul Czege, Mike Holmes.

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