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In Burning Wheel

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In Burning Wheel

5/31/2003 abzu: Cruft
So my first question/topic of my first post goes directly to Clinton. "Tell me about my 'cruft'". -L
In Burning Wheel
Participants: abzu, Clinton R. Nixon, Ron Edwards, taepoong, nebulous menace, Bankuei, Valamir.

5/31/2003 abzu: Welcome to the Wheel
Hello and Welcome. In case you didn't know, Burning Wheel is fantasy rpg system that I've developed over the past few years. I published it without warning or preamble on…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: abzu.

5/31/2003 Clinton R. Nixon: What's next for Burning Wheel?
Luke, I noticed you have been releasing parts of the "Monster Burner," a book of character lifepaths for monster-type races. Since you're releasing it as you complete it, will it…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, abzu, rafial, drozdal, Bankuei, taepoong.

6/3/2003 Morfedel: Interesting lookng game
Interesting looking game. I read the reviews of the game on RPG.Net, and looked over the starting pdf; it looked like a rules-light system with what little I saw, but…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Morfedel, Ron Edwards, Valamir, abzu, Bankuei, hatheg-kla, rafial.

6/5/2003 abzu: Alternate Melee Mechanics for BW
I have been working on an alternate, quick resolution system for the melee mechanics. They use basic skill resolution and helping dice to reduce an entire combat to one (or…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: abzu, Valamir, taepoong, drozdal, inthisstyle, nebulous menace, rafial, epweissengruber.

6/5/2003 Bankuei: Beliefs, Traits, Instincts
Hi folks, This is really the thing in BW I'm really diggin on. Pretty much though, the advice seems to be like "Here's a semi-formal Social Contract of your character,…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Bankuei, Valamir, abzu, zhu_kwan, nebulous menace, taepoong.

6/9/2003 Tony Irwin: Halfling PCs
Hi Luke, I couldn't find any rules for halfling PCs which surprised me because your game looks like it would run a great Lord of the Rings campaign. With all…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Tony Irwin, taepoong, Bankuei, Valamir, abzu, inthisstyle.

6/10/2003 abzu: Shameless Self Promotion
I couldn't help but notice all the folks browsing our little corner of the Forge. In case you are wondering what this is all about, you can get your hands…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: abzu.

6/11/2003 Valamir: Reference, Homage, Inspiration and Thievery
Oh, one last thing that I suspect you already understand but wanted to make sure is absolutely clear; all of the mentioning of these other games that Chris and I…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Valamir, Bankuei, abzu, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes, inthisstyle, Zebulon.

6/13/2003 abzu: Dice and the Wheel
As I was drifting into reverie, standing, assaulted by the crushing grooves of The Haunted, a jolt of insight shook me. Burning Wheel can be played with nearly any kind…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: abzu, taepoong, nebulous menace.

6/15/2003 rafial: Why are trainings listed with roots?
Unless I've badly misread the rules, trainings are skills you either have or you don't, there is no rating associated with the skill. Yet I note in the list, trainings…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: rafial, abzu, taepoong.

6/18/2003 rafial: Why script Block?
Here's my latest head scratcher. Why would you ever want to script Block, as opposed to Counterstrike? Counterstrike works against all the things that Block works against, and a lot…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: rafial, taepoong, abzu, nebulous menace, inthisstyle.

6/19/2003 rafial: FoRKs in Melee
So I've noticed that all the melee weapons skills list brawling, martial arts and each other as FoRKs. Does this mean that if I have both Sword skill and Brawling…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: rafial, taepoong, nebulous menace, abzu.

6/20/2003 abzu: Unlisted Skills
Lately, couple of folks have mentioned missing skill descriptions. Frankly, there are just too many skills to describe. Skills that I felt needed no further description aside from their name…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: abzu, rafial.

6/21/2003 Claymore: Adapting TRoS Combat to Burning Wheel
I realize that my words may (and probably will) be considered blasphemy, but has anyone considered adapting Riddle of Steel's combat mechanics to Burning Wheel. I happen to like most…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Claymore, Valamir, abzu, Bankuei, Mike Holmes, Anton_Duelant, Ron Edwards, Durgil, rafial, Bracken, Poleaxe, Baron Guthwulf.

6/24/2003 rafial: Burning Wheel in Actual Play
I report on my first experience running BW in the Actual Play forum.
In Burning Wheel
Participants: rafial.

6/24/2003 rafial: A question of Faith
This is a followup from my game report in Actual Play. One of the players in the demo used the Priest, and in play we found that it was almost…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: rafial, taepoong.

6/26/2003 taepoong: Stunning Blows!
Now this is cool! Stuning Blows Special Move Talk about your subduing techniques! This adds some great realism to brawling!
In Burning Wheel
Participants: taepoong.

6/27/2003 abzu: The Web of Great Spiders
Hello! Great Spiders, Chapter 2 of the Burning Wheel Monster Burning, has been released. The chapter is available for free for download here The chapter describes how to play a…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: abzu, Claymore, taepoong, Lxndr.

7/1/2003 Janne Halmetoja: Ordering Burning Wheel
Luke, I would like to ask you couple of questions. Do you send books to Europe? How much is the shipping fee then? I don't own credit card but I…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Janne Halmetoja, Claymore, abzu.

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