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In Burning Wheel

9/10/2005 jaw6: Life path sort order?
How are the life paths organized within settings? I'm having trouble understanding... It doesn't seem to be alphabetical, for example, but maybe I'm missing something...
In Burning Wheel
Participants: jaw6, abzu, Ron Edwards.

9/3/2005 abzu: Demo Scenarios posted at
Hi All, I've finally written up and posted my con scenarios for Burning Wheel. Now you can download them and try them out with your group. Each .zip file contains…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: abzu.

9/1/2005 contracycle: distribution?
Two gaming stores in London have a single copy of the Monster burner each and no copies of the character burner.  One lot told me its very hard to get…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: contracycle, Matt, abzu, Jake Norwood.

8/16/2005 Thor Olavsrud: Burning Sand: Jihad
For anyone that's interested, we've managed to sneak in a new PDF supplement ahead of GenCon. It's 88 pages of space opera goodness.
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Thor Olavsrud, dunlaing, rafial, John Harper, M Jason Parent, abzu.

7/18/2005 abzu: Burning Wheel Nominated for Two Ennies!
[color=Red][size=14pt][b]My brothers, it is time to raise our spears in defiance, summon our hatred and charge into the light with howling fury! Call forth the hordes of fell goblins, hunting…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: abzu, Mike Holmes, Crothian.

7/18/2005 scorpio rising: More blundering around from me: Fight!
So I spent most of the weekend reading the BWR books.  Last night, I burned up a couple of characters and tried out the Fight!  mechanics. I'd like to post…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: scorpio rising, Thor Olavsrud, taepoong.

7/14/2005 scorpio rising: Confusion: Advancing Steel
I just got my copy of BWR in the mail on Monday and I've been slowly digesting it over the course of the week. I haven't read all of the…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: scorpio rising, Thor Olavsrud.

7/10/2005 Marhault: A pleasant surprise
I finished reading the Monster Burner that I picked up at Origins today, and got a nice surprise. The Monster Burners are numbered just like the game, and my numbers…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Marhault, abzu.

6/18/2005 charlesperez: Question about Resources going from 0 to 1
What is the aptitude requirement for Resources? I'm unable to find any in the main rulebooks. Personally, I'm leaning toward 10 - Circles, with Affiliation and Reputation adding to Circles…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: charlesperez, abzu.

6/15/2005 dunlaing: Ordering from Key 20 Direct
To others who have ordered from Key20 Direct: does the Order Information update to indicate when it has shipped and what the tracking number is (if any)? I ordered on…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: dunlaing, Valamir, xenopulse, Thor Olavsrud, JasonV, jasonm.

6/10/2005 Paganini: Relationships
So, I'm going through the Revised Edition getting ready for some actual play, and something about Relationships caught my eye. Relationships tend to be expensive - the more interesting the…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Paganini, abzu.

6/10/2005 JamesDJIII: Wow! Thanks!
I received my lovely Burning Wheel books last week. I was travelling over the weekend so I was able to read them both cover to cover. They are really the…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: JamesDJIII, abzu.

5/21/2005 Zachary The First: It Has Arrived
At last, my copy of Burning Wheel Revised (000432) has arrived at my door. I'll probably be posting a bit more on what I think of the changes and general…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Zachary The First, abzu, Russell Hoyle.

5/17/2005 Paka: Duel of Wits, negotiate between the players
I had a break-through moment much like when I realized that in Riddle of Steel, SA's are about what get's the player excited, not the character. We were negotiating a…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Paka, abzu.

5/15/2005 Valamir: First Fully Burned character, some questions
Ok so I sat down and Burned up my first BW character from scratch and wanted to run it it by some folks for tips and comments. I didn't do…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Valamir, Thor Olavsrud, Angaros, abzu, Mike Holmes, Yokiboy.

5/15/2005 Zachary The First: Magic Burner
Sorry if this is an idiotic question, but I've been out of the Burning Wheel loop online for a while, and I remembered there was to be a Magic Burner…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Zachary The First, Thor Olavsrud.

5/12/2005 Paka: Use This Book
Burning Wheel Classic, Book1 of 2, page 230 there is an essay entitled Don't Use This Book. No such essay in the revision. I could ask Luke why that is…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Paka, Zachary The First.

5/9/2005 Michael S. Miller: First Time Character Burning
We had our character burning session for our BW game on Friday. We started with a quick game/setting brainstorming session. The players said they wanted to play pirates. I tried…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Michael S. Miller, Thor Olavsrud, abzu.

5/8/2005 Mulciber: +1D due to high Reflexes comparison question in Fight!
Let's say A and B and C get together to have a fight. A's Reflexes are 3, B's are 4, and C's are 4. (If it matters, A and B…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Mulciber, abzu, taepoong.

5/4/2005 Paganini: Resources
So, I been working my way through Burning Wheel Revised and really digging it. Made a character and everything (she's up on my blog). But, then I got to the…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Paganini, Thor Olavsrud, abzu, Bankuei, Mulciber, Yokiboy, Angaros, taepoong, xenopulse.

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In Burning Wheel

9/30/2005 Brand_Robins: So I finally bought this stupid game.
I knew I did not need Burning Wheel. I have a very little interest in fantasy RPGs these days, and what focus I do have for them is well tended…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Brand_Robins, Bob Goat, Valamir, rafial, abzu, Jake Norwood, MetalBard, Kevin_Brennan.

10/4/2005 jasonm: Shield
So I'm prepping for a campaign using BW and set in warring states China, or close enough.  I have a question on how to handle a couple of ideosyncratic items…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: jasonm, taepoong, abzu.

10/21/2005 abzu: GenCon SoCal 2005 -- Game Design Seminar
I posted this over on the news side, but I wanted to spread the word in case you don't head over there often. Jared, John and I will be …
In Burning Wheel
Participants: abzu.

11/3/2005 ghashsnaga: Just got it
Well Burning Wheel arrived in the mail about a week and a half ago. I've been telling my gaming group about BW for nearly a month since I stumbled across…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: ghashsnaga, Thor Olavsrud, abzu, mobuttu, MetalBard, Negilent, Ice Cream Emperor, taepoong.

11/14/2005 jasonm: Streamlining combat
I finally got to play in one of those much-praised one hour Luke demos.  Thanks, dude!  It was fun and very informative.  I learned a lot from watching you -…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: jasonm, abzu, Halzebier, Thor Olavsrud, mobuttu.

12/1/2005 jasonm: DoW Question
In my continuing effort to break myself on the wheel, last night I started our session with a kickin' duel of wits.  I ran into a big problem, though, and…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: jasonm, abzu, MetalBard.

12/6/2005 Lxndr: Burning Wheel vs. Revised
So, I own the non-revised Burning Wheel.  And I ordered the revised version from IPR a while back, but they're on backorder or something, so have yet to arrive. In…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Lxndr, abzu, Keith Senkowski, Thor Olavsrud.

12/8/2005 dunlaing: Burning Wheel Rules Drift
One of my players wants to drift the Burning Wheel rules significantly: He is refusing to pay resource points for shoes and clothing. "I got shoes, I got clothes, and…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: dunlaing, mtiru, demiurgeastaroth, rafial, abzu, Thor Olavsrud, Paka, MetalBard, coriakin, drozdal, Eric Minton, Wolfen.

12/15/2005 Eric Minton: A Player's First Character (Monster Hunter)
[b]Concept:[/b] Monster Hunter [b]Character Name:[/b] Rane [b]Lifepaths:[/b] Village Born, Village Guard, Footsoldier, Veteran [b]Age:[/b]  25 [b]Stats:[/b] Wi: 3  Pe: 4  Po: 4  Fo: 4  Ag: 4  Sp: 4 [b]Attributes:[/b] He:…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Eric Minton, abzu, Valamir.

12/20/2005 AnyaTheBlue: forums broken?
Um -- can anybody else get into the forums (normally located here)? All I see is "Please ensure both the install/ and contrib/ directories are deleted"... Thanks!
In Burning Wheel
Participants: AnyaTheBlue, Thor Olavsrud, abzu, Mencelus, Kaare Berg (Old), taepoong, JamesDJIII, Aman the Rejected.

12/22/2005 Ice Cream Emperor: Crazy Canadian shipping rates?
I went over to Key20direct to order a copy of Burning Wheel, and was somewhat dismayed/astounded to discover that the minimum rate for shipping the game to Canada is $11…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Ice Cream Emperor, Blankshield, Brand_Robins, abzu, Bastoche, Valamir, Mike Lucas.

1/11/2006 dunlaing: Pegboy
One of my players wants to take a lifepath that requires the trait "pegboy," He was concerned though, because he doesn't want to have a peg leg, and he thought…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: dunlaing, Thor Olavsrud, Gaerik, Supplanter, Clinton R. Nixon, Iskander, abzu.

1/11/2006 oneofthesedays: Female here...
as a female, do any of the males think i would like burning wheel?
In Burning Wheel
Participants: oneofthesedays, rafial, dunlaing, abzu, urbanpagan, Tommi Brander, energy.

1/14/2006 Gaerik: Woohoo!
I got my BW!  I got my BW! These are nice looking books, btw, Luke. Sorry...  I was just enthusiastic about my books arriving.
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Gaerik, abzu.

1/16/2006 abzu: Boston/Vericon at the End of the Month
Hey folks, I'll be at Vericon at the end of the month doing a panel with Vincent Baker and Jared Sorensen. Is there any interest in my running a game?…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: abzu.

1/26/2006 Eric J-D: availability in NYC/ northern NJ?
I am new to the northern NJ area and was wondering if you (Luke) knew of any stores in the northern Jersey or greater NYC area that has Burning Wheel? …
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Eric J-D, Iskander, Thor Olavsrud.

2/9/2006 Erlend Bruer: Two quick questions
Hello I started my first BW campaign just before Christmas, and we've had enjoyable evenings with this somewhat complicated but very appropriate system. During the course of play we have…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Erlend Bruer, Kaare Berg (Old).

2/9/2006 Iskander: Burning Wiki
The wiki, it burns! it burns!.
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Iskander.

2/15/2006 Eric J-D: Why Some Folks Dislike Fight!
...and by "some folks" I of course mean me. <wink> Over on the Harn Forum I have been engaged in an ongoing discussion about Burning Wheel's "Fight!" mechanics and the…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Eric J-D, Arturo G., abzu, Wolfen, Bankuei, Lamorak33, Valamir, rafial, Lisa Padol, jchokey, Durgil, Storn.

2/21/2006 talysman: BW website broken?
I just tried using both Firefox and Internet Explorer to access the Burning Wheel site, and it seems that most of the dynamic (PHP) pages return just a blank page.…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: talysman, rafial, abzu, Thor Olavsrud, Iskander.

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