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In Burning Wheel

10/23/2006 Salar: Universalis as creator of worlds
Hi all, I've just bought Universalis and spent my weekend reading through it (instead of working) and I must say I'm really impressed by both its simplicity and it's depth…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Salar, fredrikr, Mike Holmes, Jake Norwood.

10/12/2006 dsellars: [Burning Empires] one on one
Hello, I some how missed all the news about Burning Empires even when a friend of mine kept on talking about it.  I think I was thinking "hmm, yeah Sci-fi…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: dsellars, mtiru, Oddball, Thor Olavsrud, abzu, eruditus.

10/8/2006 tonyd: [Burning Empires] Cheat sheet for Firefight
Whenever I play a new game, I create a number of cheat sheets for my own use. I have a very visual mind, and not a great memory, so the…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: tonyd, mtiru, Anemone, drozdal.

9/21/2006 Sinistraphobia: Luke Crane, Guest of The Gamestas
I wanted to invite folks over to listen to Episode -10 Part One, which contains an interview with Luke Crane.  Check it out at the front page of The Gamestas. …
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Sinistraphobia, abzu.

9/18/2006 DaveyJJ: Can someone explain magic within the BW system please?
I'm exploring systems to play after 20-25 years out of RPGs. Alot of the mechanics of BW appeal (I think) after reading through the downloads available, buit I'm a little…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: DaveyJJ, mtiru, Thor Olavsrud.

9/11/2006 tonyd: [Burning Empires] When is it OK to hull a PC
Reading through the Burning Empires rules, it looks to me like it's quite possible to have a situation where a PC gets hulled, and the player continues to  play the…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: tonyd, Thor Olavsrud.

9/5/2006 eruditus: [Burning Empires] Inspiration on Crack
Okay so I am on page 352 and chugging away. My god this game is cool!  It is almost overwhelming the sheer amount of possibilities that I think of when…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: eruditus, N.riweeni.

9/4/2006 Kicker: [Burning Empires] Figure of Note Relationships
This coming Saturday, God willing and the creek don't rise, I'll be running the first of two sessions of Burning Empires.  Let me first say to those responsible that I…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Kicker, Iskander, mtiru, eruditus.

8/30/2006 Zebulon: Extra folks and The Sword
Hey all, I'm going to run my first demo game in two weeks, and there's a very real possibility that I'll have 6-7 players.  I'm excited about Burning Wheel, and…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Zebulon, Thor Olavsrud, abzu.

7/26/2006 abzu: Thor Blogs about Burning Empires
Thor's writing an article about the production of BE on his blog: Scroll down for Part 1. (Damn chronological blogs)
In Burning Wheel
Participants: abzu, Thor Olavsrud, Paka, Matt, Durgil, Jason Coplen, Iskander.

6/30/2006 Angaros: Bandwidth limit exceeded on
How long will the downtime last? Can we help out in some way? I need my fix! /Jocke.
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Angaros, Anders, Thor Olavsrud.

6/9/2006 abzu: Burning World Come and add your location to our Burning World! So cool! -Luke
In Burning Wheel
Participants: abzu.

5/25/2006 jaw6: Question about trait requirements
It's not clear to me how to work with trait requirements. In other words, "are the trait requirement retrograde prerequisites, or anterograde requirements?" I may be making this harder than…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: jaw6, Thor Olavsrud.

5/23/2006 abzu: Burning Empires Preorders Hello my peeps! As you may or may not know, I'm publishing a new game this summer called Burning Empires. It's kind of like Burning Wheel, but with…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: abzu, Miskatonic, Eero Tuovinen, Gaerik, Thunder_God, jenskot, IMAGinES, Iskander.

5/13/2006 khelek: New Announcement!!!
Check out Luke's major announcement over at the BW Forums!!! Rocking!
In Burning Wheel
Participants: khelek, Iskander, ejh, Brand_Robins, Miskatonic, abzu, Eric J-D, Thor Olavsrud, demiurgeastaroth.

3/31/2006 Tommi Brander: First (real) character burning
With only one player. The character concept started as elven merchant. Citadel born, wanderer, lead to wilds, gatherer and chandler. Are there no elven merchants in the citadel? Beliefs were…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Tommi Brander, Paka.

3/6/2006 ffilz: Does anyone have the scripting sheet download available?
I've read all about the loss of the old download area. It looks like the scripting sheet hasn't made it back up yet. Might there be some way for me…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: ffilz, rafial, Wolfen, Thor Olavsrud.

3/1/2006 Judaicdiablo: [Burning Sands] Incorporating the Propagana War Effectively
From the Burning Sands rules: “The Propaganda war is meant to supplement the situations played out in the game, not be the main focus.” One of the most engaging, but…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Judaicdiablo, abzu, drozdal, Iskander.

2/21/2006 talysman: BW website broken?
I just tried using both Firefox and Internet Explorer to access the Burning Wheel site, and it seems that most of the dynamic (PHP) pages return just a blank page.…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: talysman, rafial, abzu, Thor Olavsrud, Iskander.

2/15/2006 Eric J-D: Why Some Folks Dislike Fight!
...and by "some folks" I of course mean me. <wink> Over on the Harn Forum I have been engaged in an ongoing discussion about Burning Wheel's "Fight!" mechanics and the…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Eric J-D, Arturo G., abzu, Wolfen, Bankuei, Lamorak33, Valamir, rafial, Lisa Padol, jchokey, Durgil, Storn.

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Subsequent Topics
In Burning Wheel

10/30/2006 epweissengruber: Burning Wheel in Toronto: Fantasy Japan Setting
If anyone is interested, IndieRPG Toronto will be starting up a BW game:  Original thread: Here is the spiel.  If you are interested, PM me here or sign up…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: epweissengruber.

2/21/2007 baron samedi: (Burning Empires) What are Inner Demons exactly?
Hi everyone, Reading the Burning Empires RPG, I come upon an interesting rule - Inner Demons - that evoke Trevor Faith's Monkey King (in the graphic novel album no.1), but…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: baron samedi, Glendower, Iskander.

4/5/2007 Gaerik: Combat without the Fight! mechanics
At the end of the basic rules section of the BW book, Luke suggests going and burning characters and playing the game.  That's cool because the core rules really aren't…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Gaerik, rafial, abzu, xenopulse.

6/7/2007 abzu: Summer Secret Surprise 07 Hint
[url=] [b]SUMMER SECRET SURPRISE 07[/b][/url] Once again, we're releasing a secret surprise project at GenCon. Preorders begin Monday, June 18th. [list] All preorders will be signed and numbered. [*]Preorderers will…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: abzu, Marhault, WildElf, Gaerik, The Dragon Master, Thor Olavsrud.

8/1/2007 woodelf: etymology of burning
OK, this has been bugging me for a couple years now, and i just never think to ask it somewhere useful: What is the etymology of "burn"/"burning" as used in…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: woodelf, abzu.

1/17/2008 David Artman: Burning Empires and Missing Man Play?
Our group is pondering running Burning Empires, but we (well, I) have a concern: There is a fair-to-middling chance that one or two folks (in a four- to six-person group)…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: David Artman, pfischer.

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