Previous Topics In RPG Theory 11/18/2004 Ben Lehman: Costikyan on Games Greg Costikyan made a lovely attempt at defining what a game is in his blog
You should read the article. Really, you just should, because if you're reading this… In RPG Theory Participants: Ben Lehman, Alan, xiombarg, Noon, simon_hibbs, Sean, efindel, clehrich, Shreyas Sampat, contracycle, komradebob, M. J. Young, Caldis.
11/16/2004 WyldKarde: Strategy Games and Theory I've been on the Forge for awhile and I still have trouble categorizing my thoughts and ideas into easily arranged subjects for discussion.
I've gained a fairly comprehensive understanding of… In RPG Theory Participants: WyldKarde, clehrich, epweissengruber, Mike Holmes, Ravien, contracycle, timfire, M. J. Young, simon_hibbs.
11/16/2004 Jason E Leigh: Antagonistic GM Anyone?
Quick survey of collective memory...
Are there any games currently available that set up a combative/oppositional relationship between players and GM?
I'm particularly interested in functional examples.
Thanks. In RPG Theory Participants: Jason E Leigh, Eero Tuovinen, TonyLB, Adam Dray, Vaxalon, greyorm, M. J. Young, GreatWolf, John Uckele, Blankshield, Noon, Ravien.
11/16/2004 jdagna: Scenario Design Advice. Please Critique! A fellow who writes a column for my website has been having major difficulties writing one particular column in which he wanted to figure out how to write/run a scenario… In RPG Theory Participants: jdagna, John Kirk, Trevis Martin, greedo1379, Negilent, Simon Kamber, John Kim, DannyK, Tomas HVM.
11/15/2004 Grover: Task resolution/Conflict resolution I was thinking about the distinction between task resolution and conflict resolution, and noticing how conflict resolution is never used in computer role playing games, and here are some ideas… In RPG Theory Participants: Grover, John Kim, M. J. Young, Marco, simon_hibbs.
11/14/2004 madelf: combat without the crunch I'm looking for advice here. I expect it will most likely come in the form of recommendations for games to take a look at, and that's cool. (Hopefully it won't… In RPG Theory Participants: madelf, SlurpeeMoney, bcook1971, Caldis, Erling Rognli, Ron Edwards, Noon, M. J. Young, John Uckele, apparition13, Yokiboy, simon_hibbs, timfire, Ben Lehman, Clinton R. Nixon.
11/12/2004 Scripty: Setting Up the Social Contract [split from GM is God] A lot of very elucidating discussion, at least for me, has taken place on the GM is God thread. Most of the conclusions in that thread seem to point back… In RPG Theory Participants: Scripty, jdrakeh, M. J. Young, Yokiboy, bcook1971, contracycle.
11/12/2004 Valamir: Role Playing Flair in Board Games Recently I've been thinking about games I've played that provide some of the same feeling of characterization that I get from role playing. I'm not talking so much about "adventure… In RPG Theory Participants: Valamir, ffilz, Blankshield, Sydney Freedberg, CplFerro, GreatWolf, Noon, Itai Greif, Bob Goat, contracycle.
11/12/2004 Shreyas Sampat: Rules Diagrams In Game Design Methodology, As an extension to Tony's thought about integral design:
So here's my design process: Take a few simple rules and provide a framework for them to… In RPG Theory Participants: Shreyas Sampat, Adam Dray, Ron Edwards, Andy Kitkowski, Malckuss, contracycle.
11/10/2004 Mithras: Solo Game. My Life As A Legionary. Or something like that :)
Its the kind of thing that would suck as a multi-player table-top RPG, but appeals to my love of Roman military history and reminds my… In RPG Theory Participants: Mithras, M. J. Young, Grex, Noon.
11/10/2004 John Kim: NxN PC Relation Chart I thought I'd bring up a technique which I used for the Buffy the Vampire Slayer campaign. The principle for it is based on my thoughts in the essay, a… In RPG Theory Participants: John Kim, TonyLB, DannyK, contracycle.
11/10/2004 MisterPoppet: How To Balance A Game... Hello. Though I am a new member, I've been watching for quite some time.
I wish to know if anyone has ever had balancing issues with numbers and abilities and… In RPG Theory Participants: MisterPoppet, Shreyas Sampat, Ben Lehman, jdagna, TonyLB, M. J. Young, Noon, Simon Kamber, Vaxalon, ffilz, Marco.
11/9/2004 Gamskee: Alternate Reality Gaming I didn't find anything on this after searching, so I felt safe to post about this topic. Apparently a new type of RPG has started. Its kind of a cross… In RPG Theory Participants: Gamskee, M. J. Young.
11/9/2004 GB Steve: The state of play, or refute-o-matic The next issue of Places to Go, People to Be is going to be carrying a small article by Balbinus. This is basically a reprint of a post to… In RPG Theory Participants: GB Steve, pete_darby, Ron Edwards, Clinton R. Nixon, TonyLB, Walt Freitag, Emily Care, Ben Lehman, simon_hibbs, timfire, M. J. Young, Matt Wilson, Noon, John Kim, contracycle, clehrich, ffilz.
11/9/2004 SlurpeeMoney: Rootin' fer the Underdog Alright. Everyone's chatting about the comparative bonuses of Random vs. Player-determined character generation, and I've noticed a bit of a trend in the posts... Everyone's looking for characters that are… In RPG Theory Participants: SlurpeeMoney, Nathan P., daMoose_Neo, Caldis, timfire, Noon, GreedIsGod, Roger, M. J. Young, bcook1971, Madeline, Ron Edwards, simon_hibbs, John Kim, epweissengruber, James Holloway.
11/6/2004 greyorm: Why Choice Sucks: the Beauty of Random Generation Recently, I was trying to make a TROS character for a game starting via Indie-netgaming and about five minutes into character creation, I realized something: I had no idea what… In RPG Theory Participants: greyorm, b_bankhead, anonymouse, Eero Tuovinen, jdagna, Simon W, efindel, madelf, timfire, Cup of Iron, Ben Lehman, Noon, xiombarg, ffilz, TonyLB, M. J. Young, jerry, Sydney Freedberg, John Kim, simon_hibbs, Bankuei, inky, Caldis, Adam Dray, clehrich, contracycle, Mike Holmes, Manxome, Ron Edwards.
11/6/2004 komradebob: Participationist Play One Shot The "GM is God" thread got me thinking about social contract and participationist style play. I'd recently encountered what I thought was a good example of how participationist style design… In RPG Theory Participants: komradebob.
11/5/2004 Space Cowboy: Writing/Designing Gamebooks Hey all,
How’s it going? After I finish a trilogy of novellas I’m working on, I’m taking a page from the Homestar Runner playbook and my next project will be… In RPG Theory Participants: Space Cowboy, xiombarg, Cup of Iron, Kesher.
11/3/2004 Shreyas Sampat: Towards a More Flexible Sword of Damocles [url=]The Sword of Damocles,[/url] as depicted by contracycle, is a fairly exciting [b]move toward highly abstracted but tactical conflict systems,[/b] if the concept of the "sword" is allowed to be… In RPG Theory Participants: Shreyas Sampat, Jonathan Walton, LordSmerf, Sydney Freedberg.
11/2/2004 TonyLB: Social Contract and upset players (Split) In GM is God,
The socalled "social contract" is an agreement on what to do and how to do it. When someone shouts out about injustice or malpractise the… In RPG Theory Participants: TonyLB, Tomas HVM.
<< more previous topics | | Subsequent Topics In RPG Theory 11/18/2004 Ben Lehman: Ben's Non-Standard Rant: Rules Length is not Rules Focus Mandatory Notice: This rant has not been standardized by the Bureau of Rants, nor has it been granted an Bureau Official Rant Index Number (BORIN). Use of this rant with… In RPG Theory Participants: Ben Lehman, Adam Dray, bcook1971, clehrich, Jason E Leigh, greedo1379, Blankshield, ffilz, Noon, Mike Holmes, jerry, Marco, DannyK, Valamir, John Kim, M. J. Young, Harlequin, Sydney Freedberg, inky.
11/19/2004 Latigo: "reality and firearms" links Hello to all,
Questions about “reality and firearms” often surface in RPG design, and after talking to Forge member Paka recently I thought to share these links which folks might… In RPG Theory Participants: Latigo, Mike Holmes, Lee Short, Jasper, Noon, contracycle.
11/19/2004 Wysardry: Cultures: Mix n match or copy? When creating cultures and/or belief systems for fantasy campaign settings, is it better to base each one on a single example from history/mythology, or create new ones by merging several… In RPG Theory Participants: Wysardry, clehrich, DannyK, Jonathan Walton, Troy_Costisick, Sydney Freedberg, dalek_of_god, James Holloway, contracycle, Stuart Parker, GB Steve.
11/20/2004 Tav_Behemoth: Fictional Actual Play I've been making an effort to read some modern genre fantasy, and one of the ones I picked up was Joel Rosenberg's Guardians of the Flame, which I originally read… In RPG Theory Participants: Tav_Behemoth, clehrich, rafial, Blankshield, jdagna, Paul Czege, Mike Holmes, John Kim, Vaxalon, M. J. Young, Latigo, ricmadeira, simon_hibbs, Rob Carriere.
11/20/2004 Stormborn: Resolution Systems, Dice etc. Right now I am in the begining stages of "from scratch" game design. I have done a little proffesional work in d20 materials but am looking to do something new.… In RPG Theory Participants: Stormborn, Ron Edwards, Shreyas Sampat, John Kim.
11/21/2004 Noon: Speed tip for highly detailed combat The forge gets a few posts on complex combat rules. Although it's not really my thing, it made me wonder about the factor involved with them which makes them not… In RPG Theory Participants: Noon, Eero Tuovinen, Vaxalon, jdagna, M. J. Young, John Kim, Blankshield, bcook1971, Hereward The Wake.
11/22/2004 Shooshpanchick: [Exalted] Strange powers I'm Ukrainian, and therefore my English isn't as good as I want it to be (so, please, correct me if I use some words incorrectly).
There's book coming soon for… In RPG Theory Participants: Shooshpanchick, contracycle, Jonathan Walton, Walt Freitag, neelk.
11/22/2004 clehrich: Cults and Gaming -- suggestions? Digging among the various Mainstream and whatnot threads in the Big Five, including Gay/Gamer especially but also a lot of others, I stumbled on a weird thought.
Most of that… In RPG Theory Participants: clehrich, Ron Edwards, Matt Snyder, Ben Lehman, Silmenume, M. J. Young, Jonathan Walton, daMoose_Neo, John Kim, John Kirk, contracycle, WhiteRat, Mike Holmes, Mark Woodhouse, Noon, wkoepf.
11/25/2004 Revontuli: The Turku School online I've put the Manifesto of the Turku School, and a couple of other roleplaying theory articles online at In RPG Theory Participants: Revontuli, Eero Tuovinen, Vaxalon, Ron Edwards, greyorm.
11/26/2004 Robin Hood: Idea: Highly Detailed Social "Combat" Hi all, This is my first post, although I have been into RPGs & game design for some years. I would like to table a concept that has been plaguing… In RPG Theory Participants: Robin Hood, Eero Tuovinen, Ron Edwards.
11/26/2004 GB Steve: The purpose of play An item of interest for theoreticians:
This article By Monica Veinbergs presents a summary of this longer one by Lloyd P. Rieber and suggests that:
Reiber proposes four types of… In RPG Theory Participants: GB Steve, contracycle, bcook1971.
11/26/2004 Tobias: Question; dropping social and mental stats - been done? While perusing some old posts, I wondered about something.
There are obviously a number of differences between RPGs and normal boardgames, but one difference is that normal board games generally… In RPG Theory Participants: Tobias, Ron Edwards, inthisstyle, DannyK, Blankshield, madelf, Tony Irwin, John Kim, Noon, mindwanders, Stuart Parker, Sean, jdagna, NN, James Holloway, M. J. Young, inky.
11/27/2004 daMoose_Neo: Non-random yet challenging resolutions... Ahkay, I posted earlier about a project I might be undertaking and am working up some notes on it. To get it a little closer aligned with the property, I'm… In RPG Theory Participants: daMoose_Neo, TonyLB, Shreyas Sampat, Ben Lehman.
11/29/2004 Paka: Being a Game's Therapist A friend of you e-mails and says their game isn't working. Something's wrong.
Consider it an RPG intake call. What is it you ask?
Whose playing and what are their… In RPG Theory Participants: Paka, Nathan P., bcook1971, beingfrank.
11/29/2004 SlurpeeMoney: If all that is considered good considers you evil.. Are you? So I've been reading Jaqueline Carey's new book Banewreaker. Compared to the Kushiel's Legacy trilogy, it's fluff, but it's been an interesting read for a few reasons, mostly pertaining to… In RPG Theory Participants: SlurpeeMoney, TonyLB, Troy_Costisick, Shreyas Sampat, Ron Edwards, neelk, bcook1971, clehrich, daMoose_Neo, M. J. Young, John Kirk, Sydney Freedberg, Vaxalon.
11/30/2004 Noon: System inspiring the game world again I was recently playing some D&D 3.5 with my 5 yo son (I'm looking to write an actual play at some point).
The way it was, I'd started to give… In RPG Theory Participants: Noon, angelfromanotherpin, komradebob, Silmenume, epweissengruber, ethan_greer, jdagna, bcook1971.
11/30/2004 Space Cowboy: Good atmospheric stuff for an RPG website? Hey guys,
As part of the continuing process to build up the content on the Wild Sphere website, I've been alternating adding atmospheric stuff for the RPG with adding chapters… In RPG Theory Participants: Space Cowboy, MisterPoppet, ethan_greer, Akasha4evr, Alan, peacecraft.
11/30/2004 komradebob: Minis and RPGs: Thoughts on new directions? Hi all,
I'm interested in your thoughts on miniatures in rpgs, and possible new directions to take rpgs+miniatures in.
Some background:
I first became intersted in rpgs when I was… In RPG Theory Participants: komradebob, John Kim, Blankshield, ffilz, M. J. Young, Lee Short, Nathan P., Marhault, Hereward The Wake, greedo1379, Noon, Shadetree, neko ewen, contracycle, Kensan_Oni, Tony Irwin, Latigo, Paul Czege, Bifi, kaikatsu, Ron Edwards.
11/30/2004 GB Steve: A wild and an untamed thing - how literature refuses gaming [url=,viriconium,1]M. John Harrison's postion on roleplaying[/url], is that:
[quote]"What would it be really like to live in the world of .... ?" is an inappropriate question, a category error. You… In RPG Theory Participants: GB Steve, TonyLB, Ron Edwards, contracycle, Matt Snyder, Valamir, lumpley, ethan_greer, MR. Analytical, Alan, joshua neff, simon_hibbs, John Kim, Ben Lehman, Sean, M. J. Young, daMoose_Neo, madelf, neelk, greedo1379, Ian Charvill, Russell Impagliazzo, Mark Woodhouse, clehrich, Erling Rognli, SlurpeeMoney, Caldis.
11/30/2004 Jonathan Walton: Exalted Adopts Stances (sort of) Okay, so there was all this buzz about Exalted: The Fair Folk and how Rebecca Sean Borgstrom was going to further her diabolical plans of infecting Exalted, a fairly traditional… In RPG Theory Participants: Jonathan Walton, Valamir, TonyLB, Ben Lehman.
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