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In Half Meme Press

9/23/2003 Paul Czege: lab: EPICS, a one-sheet and chargen
Well, if you're going to have a labworks, someone has to uncork the first Klein Bottle. So here goes... Two weeks ago we did chargen using the EPICS…
In Half Meme Press
Participants: Paul Czege, Ron Edwards, Lxndr, hardcoremoose, jscottpittman, Valamir.

9/23/2003 Paul Czege: Greg Costikyan blogs My Life with Master
[A HREF=""][/A] Paul
In Half Meme Press
Participants: Paul Czege, xiombarg, Gordon C. Landis.

9/18/2003 Paul Czege: Lesen Sie Deutschen?
Andreas Melhorn reviews My Life with Master here. So, uh, does he like it? Paul
In Half Meme Press
Participants: Paul Czege, Lxndr, Valamir, Ron Edwards.

9/18/2003 mortmere: Using the Devil's Picture Book as a dice substitute.
It's already been mentioned that the d4 is not something we all know or love. Instead of using a different dice ladder though I suggest using a standard deck of…
In Half Meme Press
Participants: mortmere.

9/16/2003 Brian Leybourne: Hooray!
Not a message of great substance, actually. Just joy that my copy of MLWM arrived in the mail yesterday (Good fast service too, thanks Paul). Give me a couple of…
In Half Meme Press
Participants: Brian Leybourne, Mike Holmes.

9/12/2003 Lxndr: [MLwM] For Those Of Us D4-Deprived
I own maybe three d4s, less than any other single die except the weird ones (d5, d7, etc). My fellow gamers, I believe, own even less (I'm kind of a…
In Half Meme Press
Participants: Lxndr, Mike Holmes, Michael S. Miller, Bob McNamee, mortmere, RdGkA, Paul Czege, Adam Dray.

9/12/2003 Bellman: Typo?
From page 11 of MLWM: Needs are understood to be what the Master would have from the Townspeople. And Needs are something that necessarily threaten the Townspeople in some way...even…
In Half Meme Press
Participants: Bellman, Paul Czege, Mike Holmes.

9/11/2003 Overdrive: Thanks for the quick authorization
Today at work I discovered that MLWM had been reviewed at, so I read the review. Not 5 minutes from that I decided to get it. (not that I…
In Half Meme Press
Participants: Overdrive, Paul Czege.

9/8/2003 Paul Czege: reviewed at
SteveD reviews My Life with Master. Paul
In Half Meme Press
Participants: Paul Czege, Valamir.

8/31/2003 Bryant: Actual Play: The Emotions of Dance
Our monthly experimental group tried out MLWM on Friday; I GMed, with Rob, Jess, Jere, and my old friend John playing. It was an interesting session; here's how it went.…
In Half Meme Press
Participants: Bryant, Paul Czege.

8/28/2003 Paul Czege: this is some strange laboratory!?
Okay, I'm probably past due on explaining the whole "labworks" concept... To be honest, it was never in my plans to ask Clinton and Ron for a Half Meme Press…
In Half Meme Press
Participants: Paul Czege, Tim Alexander, Mike Holmes, jburneko.

8/28/2003 Ola J.: The Horror Revealed ... question
[First post to the Forge - a bit nervous, actually, since the level of discusssion here seems to be pretty high - easily the highest signal to noise-ratio I've ever…
In Half Meme Press
Participants: Ola J., Valamir, Alan, Mike Holmes, Paul Czege, Bryant.

8/26/2003 Paul Czege: while supplies last...
Those of you who missed out on the GenCon print run of My Life with Master, and who don't buy pdfs, your wait is over. Half Meme Press is proud…
In Half Meme Press
Participants: Paul Czege, xiombarg.

8/15/2003 joshua neff: Actual Play: Castle of Spiders
I began a MLWM run this past Wednesday, with myself GMing & Mike Holmes, Julie, & our friend Ryan running the PCs. Here's what we ended up with: The Master:…
In Half Meme Press
Participants: joshua neff, Russell Hoyle, Jason L Blair, Mike Holmes.

8/14/2003 GB Steve: Expanding the franchise - MLwM the card game
Or, Turning art into moolah. MLwM would make a cracking card game. Each player would be a minion. In front of them on the table they would collect Villagers with…
In Half Meme Press
Participants: GB Steve, Mike Holmes, John Harper, iago, Brian Leybourne.

8/13/2003 Brian Leybourne: Book & PDF
Hey Paul, When you get the second printing off the ground, are you planning to offer a "if you bought the PDF, you get that cost off the book" kind…
In Half Meme Press
Participants: Brian Leybourne, iago, Paul Czege.

8/13/2003 Nick Pagnucco: Bought it, Love it
Hi. I'd like to say more, but the subject line says it all. MLWM is disturbingly cool. For some reason, when I got done reading it, I wanted to use…
In Half Meme Press
Participants: Nick Pagnucco, Paul Czege.

8/8/2003 iago: Going outside the village
So, I'm a sucker for taking games and seeing how far I can stretch them in terms of altering the setting, or subverting the paradigm (like, with Paladin, making the…
In Half Meme Press
Participants: iago, Mike Holmes, xiombarg, jburneko, Lxndr, John Harper, lumpley, joshua neff, Ron Edwards, Bryant, Bob McNamee, b_bankhead, Paul Czege.

8/7/2003 John Harper: New Indie RPG Desktop: MLwM
I finally got around to doing a desktop image for My Life with Master, and I think it turned out rather well if I do say so myself. You can…
In Half Meme Press
Participants: John Harper, Jason L Blair, Paul Czege, Clinton R. Nixon, iago.

8/7/2003 Jeffrey Miller: Love, Fear, and Reason settings
As noted in the text, these three items, when dialed in 'correctly' cna adjust the probable length of the game. Having only experienced 2-3 demos of MLWM at GenCon, and…
In Half Meme Press
Participants: Jeffrey Miller, Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards, Alan.

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Subsequent Topics
In Half Meme Press

9/24/2003 Paul Czege: lab: EPICS, prepping the first session
So, if you've been following the other "lab: EPICS" thread, you know my plan for the first scenes of the game, in service to setting-premise Narrativism, was to…
In Half Meme Press
Participants: Paul Czege.

9/28/2003 GB Steve: My LARP with Master
I'd like to run this game as a LARP. I had thought of My Life with Masters - all the players are the minions of Phil Masters at a British…
In Half Meme Press
Participants: GB Steve, Mike Holmes.

9/29/2003 jrs: MLWM rule interpretation
I have a couple questions about the die mechanics in MLWM after running our first session yesterday. In the rules, there is the stipulation that a roll that would result…
In Half Meme Press
Participants: jrs, Paul Czege, ethan_greer.

9/30/2003 Paul Czege: talking points for My Life with Master
So, Luke Crane's very generous offer to sell copies of My Life with Master at UberCon comes with a requirement. He wants "talking points." This is what I've…
In Half Meme Press
Participants: Paul Czege, Tim Alexander, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes, hix, abzu.

10/9/2003 Paul Czege: "a tremendous game"
Ken Hite reviews My Life with Master (and Kill Puppies for Satan, and Cockroach Souffle, and Sex & Sorcery, and Orpheus)¹. Paul ¹ I couldn't have asked for better…
In Half Meme Press
Participants: Paul Czege.

10/20/2003 Ben Lehman: My Life with Imperator
Has anyone considered the possibility of using the My Life With Master mechanics for the Nobilis setting? This idea came to me in the shower this morning, and I think…
In Half Meme Press
Participants: Ben Lehman, Jonathan Walton, Michael S. Miller.

10/27/2003 ScottM: Captures- What do I aim for?
[quote="Rules"]"When ever a conflict resolution results in a minion’s Weariness increasing to a value greater than Reason, the minion is captured by the Townspeople or Outsiders."[/quote] But there's additional text…
In Half Meme Press
Participants: ScottM, Paul Czege.

10/27/2003 Ron Edwards: When Endgame crashes and burns
Hi Paul, Up in Black ooze oozes forth, Lisa Padol asked this question, including a quote from a previous post: "2. Could some mechanism prevent the…
In Half Meme Press
Participants: Ron Edwards, Paul Czege, Valamir, Lisa Padol, Mike Holmes, GB Steve, Maura Byrne.

10/27/2003 Dev: Accidental de-protagonization
I had the following problem in my last game, during the Endgame in particular. Consider two minions, the Traitor (trying to kill the master) and the Faithful (the one serving…
In Half Meme Press
Participants: Dev, Paul Czege, Ron Edwards.

11/13/2003 Paul Czege: lab: EPICS wrap-up
So, with three sessions played, and for various reasons, I pulled the plug on the EPICS game: My plan to begin the game with each player selecting one of…
In Half Meme Press
Participants: Paul Czege, jscottpittman, Mike Holmes.

11/18/2003 anonymouse: twilight of paradise: MLWM variant.. kinda.
Been listening to some instrumental, doomed-but-struggle-on music this evening. There're two other games I'd really rather be working on, but I can't seem to wrench myself out of this spiral.…
In Half Meme Press
Participants: anonymouse, james_west.

11/21/2003 Jason L Blair: Review in Pyramid
Matthew Pook reviews My Life With Master in this week's issue of Pyramid. (
In Half Meme Press
Participants: Jason L Blair, Paul Czege.

11/27/2003 Harlequin: Play group size for MLwM
One question... the Actual Play reports I've been reading have all been relatively small playgroups, three to four minions, at most five. I want to introduce MLwM to my regular…
In Half Meme Press
Participants: Harlequin, Lxndr, xiombarg, Paul Czege, Ron Edwards, Eero Tuovinen.

12/4/2003 Paul Czege: Why a new Half Meme Press?
Mostly so there's a single point of access for all my game designs. So check out my redesigned site, and look for:An awesome new Half Meme Press logo, designed…
In Half Meme Press
Participants: Paul Czege, Jonathan Walton, xiombarg.

12/13/2003 Paul Czege: Q4 shareholder report
What the Half Meme Press bean counters are passing off as a Q4 shareholder report can now be seen at Paul
In Half Meme Press
Participants: Paul Czege.

12/28/2003 Paul Czege: "arguably the best RPG of 2003"
[EM]My Life with Master[/EM] gets a pretty nice write-up [A HREF=""]here[/a] in the "downloadable games" part of OgreCave's 2003 Christmas List. Paul
In Half Meme Press
Participants: Paul Czege.

1/6/2004 ethan_greer: Best Sui Generis RPG of 2003
Ken Hite gives MLwM the nod. And nobody is even slightly surprised. Congrats, Paul! Read all about it here.
In Half Meme Press
Participants: ethan_greer, joshua neff, Paul Czege, Valamir, Matt Snyder, abzu.

1/12/2004 Michael S. Miller: Epilogue Question
We played MLwM yesterday and had a blast. I had to make one ruling that I wanted to ask Paul about (but anyone is, of course, free to jump in).…
In Half Meme Press
Participants: Michael S. Miller, Christopher Weeks, Mike Holmes, Paul Czege, Ron Edwards.

1/13/2004 Michael S. Miller: Going Outside the Village II
On the drive this morning, I came up with something appropriate to Going Outside the Village, but since the thread is old, I started a new one. My Life with…
In Half Meme Press
Participants: Michael S. Miller, Mike Holmes, Paul Czege, Gordon C. Landis, Clinton R. Nixon.

1/18/2004 matthijs: Great game - and a few questions
I ran my first MLWM game two days ago, and it was a lot of fun. We went for a light-hearted approach, knowing we'd only be playing for about three…
In Half Meme Press
Participants: matthijs, jrs, Paul Czege, Ron Edwards.

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