Previous Topics In Conventions 9/2/2004 tldenmark: Conquest 2004 Any Forge folks attending?
I'll be there all weekend if someone wants to get together for some gaming. I'll play yours if you'll play mine. ;)
Thomas Denmark In Conventions Participants: tldenmark, Gordon C. Landis.
9/2/2004 Clinton R. Nixon: Forge Booth at GenCon SoCal 2004 Twisted Confessions (Alexander Cherry) and Anvilwerks (Clinton R. Nixon) are spearheading a Forge booth at GenCon SoCal 2004, Dec 2-5.
This booth will be smaller than the Indianapolis booth: we… In Conventions Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, Ben Lehman, Lxndr, daMoose_Neo, Adorame, Jasper the Mimbo, Tav_Behemoth, Jared A. Sorensen.
9/2/2004 lumpley: A GenCon Story. Contains Swears. GenCon '04.
Here's a story: this guy comes to the Forge booth. It's Saturday before noon and he's already been drinking a bit and plus he's a real asshole. He… In Conventions Participants: lumpley, Andy Kitkowski, Ron Edwards, jrs, Ben Lehman, abzu, Satyrblade, Ed Cha.
8/31/2004 Matt-M-McElroy: Convention-X ?? Anyone know anything about Convention-X in November in Minnesota? Here is the website:
The prices seem way, way high for a "small" Con. They are charging more than GenCon… In Conventions Participants: Matt-M-McElroy, ffilz.
8/28/2004 Helvetian: Southern Exposure 2004 Hey there, all!
Double Exposure would love to have a strong indie presence at Southern Exposure 2004, September 30-October 3, at the Clarion Hotel in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. Our… In Conventions Participants: Helvetian.
8/27/2004 smokewolf: Ken Hite talks about us Check it out:
He hits on KPFS, Burning Wheel, MLwM, Dogs in the Vineyard, Nine Worlds and he even gives The Swing a one-liner. In Conventions Participants: smokewolf, Tav_Behemoth.
8/26/2004 saiene: Thanks from the pretty maps guy Just wanted to say thanks to everyone at the Forge Booth. It was great meeting all of you: Ron, both Keiths, Paul and everyone else whose names I'm forgetting (I… In Conventions Participants: saiene, Nev the Deranged, Ron Edwards.
8/25/2004 Tigger: Gamefest Richmond Riding the high energy wave of GenCon, I thought I would see if any of you would be interested in joining us for Gamefest Richmond. The convention is September 17th-19th… In Conventions Participants: Tigger, buggy.
8/25/2004 abzu: Next Year's Booth: Storm this Brain Ok, so now that buzz is settling down to a manageable level, I want to catch everyone's immediate and fresh impressions for next year's booth.
So next year, assume all… In Conventions Participants: abzu, Claymore, daMoose_Neo, smokewolf, Matt Wilson, Paul Czege, Trevis Martin, Tigger, Ron Edwards, Matt Snyder, jrs, Bob Goat, Valamir, Andy Kitkowski, Nev the Deranged, btrc, Paka, Michael S. Miller, Harlequin, Christopher Weeks, JamesSterrett, AdAstraGames, Jasper the Mimbo, LordSmerf, Paul's Girl, rickr, nerdnyc, Calder_Johnson, ffilz, Gordon C. Landis, Matt Gwinn, Mike Holmes.
8/24/2004 Paka: Post Gen Con Indie RPG Booth Effect I came to the con with two buddies, Jeff and JJ. Both have traveled the familiar: D&D-Rifts-White Wolf gaming highwayand have been looking for something that works for them. They… In Conventions Participants: Paka, Ron Edwards, thelostgm, abzu.
8/24/2004 Don D.: Gencon...from a customer The Forge area at Gencon was very cool, and I plopped down my hard earned cash for TROS and the Monster Burner (would have spent more if credit cards had… In Conventions Participants: Don D., bigsimon, rickr, jrs, Andy Kitkowski, Valamir, Vaettyr.
8/23/2004 Valamir: Forge Booth Triumphant [b][size=18px]GenCon Sales Results and Comparison[/size][/b]
In 2003 we had 287 separate customer transactions
In 2004 we had 360 separate customer transactions
This is an increase of 73 customers or 25.4%… In Conventions Participants: Valamir, abzu, Ron Edwards, Christopher Weeks, smokewolf, Lisa Padol, Bob Goat.
8/23/2004 smokewolf: GenCon thanks Hey, I wanted to say hi to all the great people I met at the Forge Booth this weekend. I felt welcome and felt that the weekend was at least… In Conventions Participants: smokewolf, Tav_Behemoth, Bob Goat, Andy Kitkowski, Ron Edwards, abzu, Matt Wilson, drozdal, Gordon C. Landis, Michael S. Miller, Matt-M-McElroy, Ben Lehman, GaryTP, Paul's Girl, O. Rodriguez, Claymore, Lxndr, jamesdbr, Vaettyr, lumpley, Albert of Feh, jrs, Nev the Deranged, saiene, Jasper the Mimbo, Calder_Johnson, Jürgen Mayer, Mike Holmes, Ed Cha, ErrathofKosh, Valamir.
8/23/2004 Michael Hopcroft: Too good to be true? A convention organizer is so interested in The Kevin & Kell Roleplaying Game that he is giving me a full ride next yhear to his convention. ALL expenses paid --… In Conventions Participants: Michael Hopcroft, Andrew Martin, Dev, Ron Edwards, jdagna.
8/17/2004 Michael Hopcroft: I hope I'm not too early to ask this I'm hoping I'm not too early to ask this, but is anyone here planning to go to DunDraCon and/or KublaCon, and will they have room space? I'm expecting both of… In Conventions Participants: Michael Hopcroft.
8/17/2004 Michael Hopcroft: The next Gen Con The next genCon event is GenCon SoCal in Demember. I'd like to know if any of the Forge people on thew West Coast are planning a joint booth for this… In Conventions Participants: Michael Hopcroft.
8/17/2004 Andy Kitkowski: [LAME :) ] GenCon: Getting there early on Wed... At the risk of sounding really, really lame and crowding out the geniune threads with a "Hey Guys!!!" thread*:
I'm arriving in Indianapolis at about 10:00. I'll probably be at… In Conventions Participants: Andy Kitkowski, Troy_Costisick.
8/15/2004 rafial: Indie game storm Dragonflight Just a quick note to say that indie games have been doing really well at Dragonflight this weekend. Alan Barclay ran Sorcerer to postive reviews, and I have both eyewitness… In Conventions Participants: rafial.
8/11/2004 Ben Lehman: [GenCon 2004] Coordinating Arrivals (airplane) So I'm arriving via airplane and would love to hook up with other people for rides to hotels / downtown / convention / Diana Jones awards, whether getting picked up… In Conventions Participants: Ben Lehman, Lxndr.
8/11/2004 Nev the Deranged: Sorcerer Boot Camp? / Forge non-booth events? Wandering around some old threads, I ran across this:
3) You should operate a Sorcerer bootcamp (or something). I wonder: a)if anyone but me would actually attend such a thing,… In Conventions Participants: Nev the Deranged, Bob Goat, Christopher Weeks, Ron Edwards.
<< more previous topics | | Subsequent Topics In Conventions 9/5/2004 Helvetian: Convention? Trade Show? Is GenCon considered a convention, or a trade show? And what do people considered the difference? I was under the impression that GenCon and Origins are more trade shows, at… In Conventions Participants: Helvetian, Valamir, Ron Edwards.
9/16/2004 Andy Kitkowski: NC Gameday: Sept 25th in Raleigh Hey all, this is my second gameday. It's been a big success for the past year or so. About 2-3 times a year it goes down at NC State University,… In Conventions Participants: Andy Kitkowski.
9/17/2004 epweissengruber: Phantasm Con. in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada: 9/25-26 Sci-fi / Fantasy Role Playing Convention
September 25th & 26th, 2004
Saturday 10am - Midnight, Sunday 10am - 8pm
Market Hall, 336 George Street
Peterborough, Ontario
$ 25 for a… In Conventions Participants: epweissengruber.
9/19/2004 Grand_Commander13: Average sales Hey... This is my first post here everybody (*smile* *peace sign*).
Anyway, like everybody here, I'm looking to hawk my indie RPG at GenCon (Indy 2k5), but it'd be great… In Conventions Participants: Grand_Commander13, abzu, Valamir, GB Steve, jerry, jdagna, Bob Goat, Matt Gwinn.
9/27/2004 epweissengruber: Phantasm Con. Report The top floor of Peterboro's old town hall. A set of risers faced a stage, creating a nicely sheltered area for the players. A weekend-long Battletech demo occupied the stage.… In Conventions Participants: epweissengruber, Ron Edwards.
9/30/2004 Michael Hopcroft: GameStorm 2005 I'm trying to find otu how much a booth at Game Storm 7, a game con in portland that will be held in march of 2005, will cost me. Since… In Conventions Participants: Michael Hopcroft, jdagna.
10/1/2004 lumpley: UNY-Con Seminar: Understanding Roleplaying I'm running a seminar at UNY-Con this fall. "Understanding Roleplaying," and here's the description:Lets open role-playing up and muck around in its guts. I'll lay out a state-of-the-art description of… In Conventions Participants: lumpley.
10/1/2004 daMoose_Neo: "Final Twilight - All Hallows Eve" Event Planning! [url=]Check the press release/announcement here[/url]
I'm gearing up for our first organized event, slated to take place Halloween weekend (30th or 31st, at shops convience).
I'm hitting up shops… In Conventions Participants: daMoose_Neo.
10/4/2004 Jasper the Mimbo: GenCon booth construction If someone could get me space layout and a few specifics (two story or not, arch/frame, open from howmany sides, ect.) I could build a booth that could be put… In Conventions Participants: Jasper the Mimbo, Ron Edwards, Ben Lehman, Blankshield, Andy Kitkowski, Michael S. Miller, LordSmerf, jrs, Mike Holmes, daMoose_Neo, timfire.
10/6/2004 oversoul01: Mid Atlantic Winter Cons?? Hey all I am looking to find out any information as to any winter con in the mid atlantic area (VA, DC, MY, and possible NC) I live in Virginia… In Conventions Participants: oversoul01, abzu, M. J. Young, stove, Tigger, Vaxalon.
10/8/2004 M. J. Young: Ubercon IV Things have been going so crazy around here I've not had a chance to mention that I'm slated to be at Ubercon IV next weekend, October 15-17. I've still got… In Conventions Participants: M. J. Young, inthisstyle, abzu, Tav_Behemoth, Dregg, Michael S. Miller.
10/18/2004 abzu: Ubercon 4, Oy vey Just waking up from my post-con crash. This time around the nerds and I were at Ubercon 4 in Secaucus, NJ at the Meadowlands Crown Plaza.
Let's start with the… In Conventions Participants: abzu, Michael S. Miller, Thor Olavsrud, M. J. Young, LordSmerf, rafial.
10/18/2004 Helvetian: Dreamation 2005 I'll be sending out more personalized invitations Real Soon Now, but I wanted to put the dates in peoples' heads ASAP.
I would love to have a strong Indie presence… In Conventions Participants: Helvetian, timfire, Grand_Commander13, JamesSterrett, Dregg, Michael S. Miller, abzu, TonyLB.
10/22/2004 btrc: Convention thoughts Robin Laws posted an interesting bit about booth management on his web site:
It's worth the time to read it.
BTRC In Conventions Participants: btrc, daMoose_Neo, Mike Holmes, abzu, TonyLB.
10/24/2004 Dregg: Questcon I For all you New Yorkers and peeps from NJ, and CT
Long Islands first hotel gaming con is nigh.
We would like to see some of the Tri state… In Conventions Participants: Dregg.
10/25/2004 Andy Kitkowski: Burning Wheel Fans on the East Coast: Transform & Roll O
MACE 2004 · Radisson Hotel, High Point, NC · November 12-14, 2004
Game List:
Luke is gonna be running demo sessions all damn day long on Saturday, now's… In Conventions Participants: Andy Kitkowski, abzu, Jeph.
11/3/2004 Michael S. Miller: Indie RPG Explosion at Dreamation 2005 In this thread, we'll be putting together the Indie RPG Explosion at Dreamation '05 in January in New Brunswick, NJ.
What are our goals?
As Double Exposure has generously offered… In Conventions Participants: Michael S. Miller, timfire, Helvetian, Clinton R. Nixon, Matt Wilson, TonyLB, abzu, inthisstyle, Dregg, Tav_Behemoth, lumpley, Jared A. Sorensen, Bill_White, LordSmerf, Eero Tuovinen, devilbunny, Ron Edwards.
11/4/2004 Judd_da_GM: TechWoodCon (Atlanta, GA) : January 7 - 9, 2005 For those of you interested in a gaming convention in Georgia that is affordable and fun, please consider browsing to to check out TechWoodCon 2005.
The con is located… In Conventions Participants: Judd_da_GM.
11/5/2004 Bryant: Convention Bookmobile The Internet Bookmobile is a mobile printing and binding station that travels around printing public domain books in an effort to raise the awareness of the value of the public… In Conventions Participants: Bryant.
11/6/2004 daMoose_Neo: [GenCon SoCal] Anyone want to pimp Twilight? I checked in with Clinton about possibly having my customizable card game, Final Twilight, at the SoCal booth, but I want to make sure I have someone there who can… In Conventions Participants: daMoose_Neo.
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