The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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In Conventions

8/6/2005 Denise: Gen Con Indy: what are you looking forward to playing/doing?
Unfortunately I know I'm going to be fairly busy with work stuff, but I'm really looking forward to meeting a bunch of you and checking out the wares!  I'm a…
In Conventions
Participants: Denise, Nev the Deranged.

8/5/2005 erithromycin: Interaction Glasgow - Worldcon 2005
First off, it's this weekend, and started on Thursday, so this thread is late. Secondly, there's been a few RPG and gaming topics on the programme, and I've done my…
In Conventions
Participants: erithromycin.

8/5/2005 apeiron: Nothern Virginia Apartment Con - August: Date and Purpose Survey
[b]Scheduling:[/b] This thread is intended to recruit attendees, and set a date for a gathering of gamesmiths (Forge Members) in the Northern Virginia area.  i think the first step is…
In Conventions
Participants: apeiron, TonyLB, Adam Dray, Vaxalon, Shawn De Arment, D. Woolsey.

8/5/2005 gumdropgames: RealPolitik at GenCon
Hello all.  I invite you to check out the new card game RealPolitik.  After an encouraging showing at Origins I’m looking forward to GenCon.  RealPolitik has open play in 5…
In Conventions
Participants: gumdropgames, abzu.

8/4/2005 M. J. Young: Ubercon VI
Anyone who is planning, hoping, or thinking to go to Ubercon VI this fall not as a vendor or special guest: please contact me privately. I'm a guest of the…
In Conventions
Participants: M. J. Young, Adam Dray.

8/4/2005 Ben Lehman: [GenCon 2005] Retailer Discounts
What with all the discussion going on in the <a href="">price list</a> thread, and also Tony's comment in <a href="">Why I sell to retailers</a>, I really think that the issue…
In Conventions
Participants: Ben Lehman, Clinton R. Nixon, Paul Czege, Bob Goat, Ron Edwards, jrs, ShawnHel, daMoose_Neo.

8/3/2005 Ben Lehman: [GenCon 2005] Monkey Feeding
This is split from my <a href="">Auxiliary Gaming Zone</a> thread, which I managed to drive off topic by my own hand with a PS comment. In short -- the GenCon…
In Conventions
Participants: Ben Lehman, TonyLB, LordSmerf, btrc, Blankshield, Ron Edwards, Gaerik, daMoose_Neo, Paul Czege, Matt Wilson, Bob Goat, Clinton R. Nixon, timfire, abzu, Jasper the Mimbo.

8/3/2005 Ben Lehman: [GenCon 2005] Auxiliary Gaming Zone
Hi, everyone. So, last year, we had the combined problems of: 1) Too many people at the booth.  We love it when our good friends come and hang out with…
In Conventions
Participants: Ben Lehman, Ron Edwards, Matt Gwinn, TonyLB.

8/3/2005 Matt Wilson: be a billboard at GenCon
If anyone who's attending the show and working at the booth wants to be a walking billboard (a stylish walking billboard) for Primetime Adventures, let me know via PM. I'm…
In Conventions
Participants: Matt Wilson.

8/2/2005 TonyLB: Forge Booth: Price List
I've taken the price-list from IGE2 at DEXCON, and butchered it around a bit to make a starting price list for GenCon. You can see the evolving list here. I'll…
In Conventions
Participants: TonyLB, Bob Goat, daMoose_Neo, Paul Czege, Matt Gwinn, Ben Lehman, Clinton R. Nixon, timfire, Allan, Blankshield, Malcolm, Emily Care, Matt Wilson, Matt Snyder, jrs, Valamir, abzu, ShawnHel.

8/2/2005 btrc: Forge booth: Posters, etc.
A few questions regarding booth organization, etc. 1) How much space (dimensions, please) do we have for posters and other self-promotion? 2) Should we each start saving up our grocery…
In Conventions
Participants: btrc, Ron Edwards, LordSmerf, Bob Goat, TonyLB, Matt Gwinn, Jasper the Mimbo, Allan, Paul Czege, abzu, daMoose_Neo, nikola, Andrew Morris.

8/1/2005 Lisa Padol: Shopping List
I'm heading off to Scotland tomorrow, flying in the Wednesday of GenCon, then heading out for GenCon on Thursday. Having polled my friends, here is the Forge portion of my…
In Conventions
Participants: Lisa Padol, Andrew Morris, Ron Edwards.

7/30/2005 timfire: [GenCon] How many demos should I plan for?
I'll probably print up charsheets to use for my Mountain Witch demos, so I will need to know how many demos I should plan for. What would be a safe…
In Conventions
Participants: timfire, Matt Gwinn, Ron Edwards.

7/24/2005 btrc: GenCon booth opening
Just thought I'd post this here in case someone didn't see it on the WHEEZ-L mailing list: Message: 1 Date: Sat, 23 Jul 2005 12:27:39 -0500 From: "Ken Burnside" <>…
In Conventions
Participants: btrc.

7/23/2005 daMoose_Neo: [GenCon] Booth Monkey Demo Resources
I was at a little bit of a loss after drawing up an Introduction/Summary sheet for my Imp Game, and seeing as how others, such as Ben w/ Polaris, have…
In Conventions
Participants: daMoose_Neo, TonyLB, Ron Edwards, Malcolm.

7/20/2005 Ron Edwards: [GenCon 2005] Second laws
Hi folks, This is a followup to GenCon 2005 - first laws. I hope everyone who's participating at the booth reads that one and this one carefully. Here are some…
In Conventions
Participants: Ron Edwards, Malcolm, Nev the Deranged, Jared A. Sorensen, btrc, Jürgen Mayer.

7/20/2005 TonyLB: [GENCON] Demo-Folk: What would help you most?
In the Booth Monkeys Sign-in thread, we've had a good number of people who want to demonstrate game systems for other people, but who want some preparation and (at least…
In Conventions
Participants: TonyLB, Malcolm, Andy Kitkowski, Ron Edwards, daMoose_Neo, Ben Lehman.

7/18/2005 abzu: Dexcon After Action Report
Hart, Dro and Thor and I are just back from Dexcon. We were there from Friday morning until Sunday afternoon. When we arrived, IPR Brennan, Tony LB and Ben Lehman…
In Conventions
Participants: abzu, TonyLB, Ben Lehman, Rob Donoghue, Andrew Morris, RobNJ, Michael S. Miller, Andy Kitkowski, Paka, Bill_White, Thor Olavsrud, Kat Miller, Dregg, gains, inthisstyle, Lisa Padol, Shawn De Arment, Sydney Freedberg, elgorade.

7/17/2005 Denise: ENnies Fan's Choice for Best Publisher Nomination Thread
Hi All! As you may or may not be aware, the ENnies (The 2005 Annual Gen Con EN World RPG Awards) are rapidly approaching, and are the current de facto…
In Conventions
Participants: Denise, Andy Kitkowski, Clinton R. Nixon, jblittlefield, M Jason Parent, Ron Edwards.

7/16/2005 Ron Edwards: [GenCon 2005] Booth roster (final)
Hello, A couple of current threads are working with incomplete booth information. Here is the final list. Primaries Adept Press - Ron Edwards - Sorcerer, Elfs, Trollbabe Burning Wheel -…
In Conventions
Participants: Ron Edwards, Blankshield.

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Subsequent Topics
In Conventions

8/11/2005 Blankshield: [GenCon 2005] Death's Door demo kit
Hi folks, I'll be arriving Wednesday supper time-ish, and if things work out, would really like to run a couple booth monkeys/fellow publishers (at least) through the Death's Door demo…
In Conventions
Participants: Blankshield.

8/12/2005 epweissengruber: Phantasm Game Conference 2005 Indie Games
Phantasm Game Conference 2005 Indie Games Phantasm is held September 24h & 25th, 2005 Saturday 10:00 AM - 12:00 Midnight Sunday 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM Market Hall; 336 George…
In Conventions
Participants: epweissengruber, Gaerik, Adam Dray.

8/12/2005 Veritas Games: Hauling Stuff Around
OK, so I'm totally ignorant of this stuff.  How do you folks get materials to cons?  Also do you leave your stock at the convention center overnight or do you…
In Conventions
Participants: Veritas Games, Valamir, jdagna.

8/13/2005 daMoose_Neo: [GenCon] 3 tickets available, assistance needed!
Let me say once more how much I hate retail. One of my helper-monkeys for GenCon got their request denied for time off, effectively getting a swift kick in the…
In Conventions
Participants: daMoose_Neo, LordSmerf, Ron Edwards, Andy Kitkowski.

8/13/2005 Clinton R. Nixon: [GenCon 2005] Phone list
If you have a cell phone and you are part of the Forge GenCon booth in any capacity, you will want to be on the booth phone list. Send cell…
In Conventions
Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, timfire, Bob Goat, Blankshield, Matt Gwinn, Paul Czege.

8/14/2005 apeiron: NoVA Apartment Con Scheduling Thread
It seemed that most people could not attend an ApartmentCon in August, so we'll try here for a September event. The weekends of September are: the 2nd, the 9th, the…
In Conventions
Participants: apeiron, Vaxalon, Adam Dray, D. Woolsey, TonyLB, Shawn De Arment, Sydney Freedberg, Nathan.

8/15/2005 Valamir: Final Cash Register Issues
I'm nailing down the final list now and have some questions and confirmations as I reprogram the machine Not returning to the booth this year and about to be deleted…
In Conventions
Participants: Valamir, TonyLB, hardcoremoose, Matt Wilson, lumpley, Clinton R. Nixon, Blankshield, Paul Czege, Allan, Michael S. Miller, Ron Edwards.

8/15/2005 Andy Kitkowski: [GenCon] People Selling Games, A Heads Up
I was preparing some adventures for demos, but realized that most of the stuff I'm going to run is going to be of the top of my head anyway. I…
In Conventions
Participants: Andy Kitkowski, TonyLB, Adam Dray, daMoose_Neo, Miskatonic.

8/15/2005 abzu: [Gencon] Forge Boother Vendors -- You Must Do This
Hello All, The indomitable Clinton has set up a small web database for our credit card scheme. You must now populate that database. Go the following link. Enter in the…
In Conventions
Participants: abzu, TonyLB, Matt Wilson, Ron Edwards, timfire, Paul Czege, Clinton R. Nixon, daMoose_Neo, Blankshield, Michael S. Miller.

8/22/2005 Paka: Gen Con: Between 8 and 12 at the Embassy Suites
I'm shocked no one has posted this yet. If you could put on a blindfold and throw a dart; you'd hit a table of people playing Inspectres, two forum regulars…
In Conventions
Participants: Paka, Clinton R. Nixon, Jared A. Sorensen, Ron Edwards, drozdal, abzu, Technocrat13, Paul Czege, urbanpagan, Thor Olavsrud, Bob Goat, Gaerik, Ben Lehman, Meguey, Bankuei, rickr, Allan, Andy Kitkowski, Emily Care, Gordon C. Landis, Andrew Morris, Gregor Hutton, thelostgm, HMT, Pauls Girl, Malcolm, Frank T, lumpley, Matt Wilson.

8/23/2005 TonyLB: [Dreamation '06] Lessons of GenCon
[Keanu][color=Navy]Whoa![/color][/Keanu] Manning the Forge GenCon booth this year (for my first time) was one hell of an eye opener.  I thought we (for which read "I") were doing a solid…
In Conventions
Participants: TonyLB, Rob Donoghue, Helvetian, Ron Edwards.

8/23/2005 Helvetian: Southern Exposure 2006
We're pulling together our younger convention, Southern Exposure 2006, which will be September 29th through October 2nd at the Clarion Hotel and Conference Center in Cherry Hill, NJ.  This is…
In Conventions
Participants: Helvetian, TonyLB, abzu, Kat Miller, Andrew Morris.

8/23/2005 abzu: GenCon Forge Booth -- The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
This thread is for Forge Booth members only. See the Customer Feedback thread if you weren't  a member but want to comment. Ok folks. Time to air our dirty laundry…
In Conventions
Participants: abzu, TonyLB, Ron Edwards, Andy Kitkowski, Jasper the Mimbo, Allan, Ben Lehman, drozdal, Blankshield, Valamir, Gordon C. Landis, Emily Care, Matt Gwinn, daMoose_Neo, Matt Wilson, Meguey, Bob Goat, Malcolm, Paul Czege, iain, jrs, Justin D. Jacobson, Michael S. Miller.

8/23/2005 abzu: Forge Booth Customer Feedback
Ok folks, this thread is for customers only. Members of the booth shouldn't post here. No responding to gripes! As customers to the booth, what didn't you like? Why? What…
In Conventions
Participants: abzu, Andrew Morris, Gaerik, ivan23, rickr, Jared A. Sorensen, Smithy, Paka, Iskander, Jason L Blair, John Wick, ViperNYC, urbanpagan, Lisa Padol, Vaettyr, thelostgm, RobNJ, Technocrat13, Jon Edwards, M Jason Parent, cdr, jenskot, ejh, Kesher, Trevor, JamesSterrett, Bogie_71, Coffee_Lifeform, Andy Kitkowski.

8/23/2005 timfire: [GenCon '06] More space?
[url=]Ron asked[/url] to that this discussion be given it's own thread, so here it is. To my admittedly-first-time-to-GenCon eyes, space seemed to be a major issue at the booth this…
In Conventions
Participants: timfire, Nathan, abzu.

8/23/2005 John Wick: Gen Con 2005
Hey guys, I know The Forge did very well and you may have heard we did extremely well ourselves. I just wanted to drop a "Hey!" to everybody on the…
In Conventions
Participants: John Wick, abzu, James Holloway, Gordon C. Landis, Jürgen Mayer.

8/24/2005 Eero Tuovinen: 15 minute demos for conventions
The only reason I write this now is that I'm really bad at remembering this stuff. So I'd probably forget later, when people actually have time to worry about this…
In Conventions
Participants: Eero Tuovinen, Peter Nordstrand, TonyLB, Lisa Padol, timfire, Gaerik, Bob Goat, Andrew Morris.

8/24/2005 Jared A. Sorensen: Selling yourself without selling your soul (or looking like a dick)
So, I had some great experiences at the con and wanted to share my ideas/opinions with you lot. In particular, about avoiding the "hard sell" (which I first encountered, personally,…
In Conventions
Participants: Jared A. Sorensen, TonyLB, Clinton R. Nixon, Gaerik, Andrew Morris, Bankuei, Wolfen, urbanpagan, Gordon C. Landis, Meguey, ejh.

8/24/2005 Michael S. Miller: Indie RPG Explosion
The Forge presence at GenCon was more than just the Booth and the seminar track. It was also the Indie RPG Explosion, a collection of scheduled events for the games…
In Conventions
Participants: Michael S. Miller, abzu, TonyLB, Paka, Andrew Morris, O. Rodriguez, rickr, Pauls Girl, Clinton R. Nixon, Kat Miller, daMoose_Neo, Ron Edwards, Jasper the Mimbo.

8/24/2005 Technocrat13: Synchronizing scheduled events with sales.
On the plane ride back from GenCon I was thinking about my daytime gaming experience.  It was kinda lame.  My choices were indy games that were packed to the gills,…
In Conventions
Participants: Technocrat13, TonyLB, Mike Holmes, Smithy, daMoose_Neo, Blankshield, Paka, Ben Lehman, cdr, abzu, Michael S. Miller, Kat Miller, Lisa Padol.

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