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In lumpley games

9/13/2004 lumpley: DitV: Saint's Rest
Here's Daniel Coffin's RPGnet post about his first town: dogs in the vineyard: saint's rest (my players, get lost). I'm pointing to it because the town hits me, as I…
In lumpley games
Participants: lumpley, nikola, ScottM.

9/13/2004 Jonathan Walton: Dogs in the Mountains
So, while I was in the shower today, I had a thought. What if one day the Dogs, including at least one native convert (PC or NPC), rode into one…
In lumpley games
Participants: Jonathan Walton, MajorKiz, Christopher Weeks, Ben Lehman, DannyK, nikola.

9/12/2004 DannyK: DitV online
OK, I'm waiting for my book to arrive and thinking about running a one-shot as a forum game. I figure we can handle the funky dice mechanics using an OOC…
In lumpley games
Participants: DannyK, Brand_Robins, Jonathan Walton, pfischer, nikola, Christopher Weeks.

9/9/2004 johnmarron: [DitV] Dogs as an actual TV show?
Vincent Have you given any thought to pitching the concept of DitV as an actual, honest to goodness TV show? Even before I got my copy of the .pdf and…
In lumpley games
Participants: johnmarron.

9/9/2004 Christopher Weeks: DiTV with Mormons and religiosity in gaming
I'm looking back over what I've written and I'm not sure if any of this is apropos. This is one of those notes that I might just back over and…
In lumpley games
Participants: Christopher Weeks, Ron Edwards, nikola, lumpley, Jonathan Walton, Brand_Robins, Valamir, MajorKiz, Paka, DannyK, inthisstyle.

9/9/2004 Sean: The Puppies Strike Back
In lumpley games
Participants: Sean, lumpley.

9/9/2004 mgrasso: [DitV] Delta Green in the Vineyard
It just came to me as I thought of campaigns to run when I return to Boston. Delta Green/Call of Cthulhu... run using the Dogs in the Vineyard system. It's…
In lumpley games
Participants: mgrasso, lumpley, nikola, MajorKiz, Rob MacDougall, Yokiboy, Nev the Deranged, TickTock Man.

9/8/2004 MajorKiz: Shipping times?
When my wife (Jennifer Sronce) ordered Dogs in the Vineyard for me about two weeks ago, we got an email saying that there'd be a follow-up email when it actually…
In lumpley games
Participants: MajorKiz, lumpley, Nick Pagnucco.

9/7/2004 Brand_Robins: Gadianton Robbers
I’ve been over the .pdf of Dogs and I’ve got my first game coming up this weekend. (It isn’t clear yet if I’ll be a player or GM, but I’m…
In lumpley games
Participants: Brand_Robins, ScottM, lumpley, Valamir.

9/3/2004 lumpley: Making Before the Flood Playable
[url=]Before the Flood[/url], as we all know, is broken or incomplete. [quote="Eric Minton"]The game needs structure, and I think the best way to give it that would be to introduce…
In lumpley games
Participants: lumpley, Emily Care, Eric Minton, nikola, Valamir.

9/2/2004 lumpley: A Big Important Addition to Dogs' Fallout
Add to the Long-term Fallout list: Rewrite your coat's description to include permanent damage. Reduce your coat's dice if it's called for. Add to the Reflection Fallout list: Rewrite your…
In lumpley games
Participants: lumpley, jrs, inthisstyle.

9/2/2004 lumpley: Jonathan Tweet Picks Dogs
[url=]Jonathan Tweet's Pick of GenCon[/url] A few of you know just how psyched I am. [quote="Jonathan Tweet"]I almost didn't pick Dogs because I didn't want a game with characters that…
In lumpley games
Participants: lumpley, Ron Edwards, Paka, ScottM, Matt Wilson, bluegargantua, hardcoremoose, DannyK.

9/1/2004 Paka: DitV Town: New Gidea
[b]Town:[/b] New Gidea [b]Pride:[/b] Master Printer was on his way to kill the man who raped his sister when the bandits attacked. Through fate he killed the leader and the…
In lumpley games
Participants: Paka, DannyK, Emily Care, lumpley, S, nikola, Albert the Absentminded.

8/29/2004 Christopher Weeks: DitV comments
Bought it at GenCon. It was one of the games I didn't even have to think about. I knew it would be good, but Holy Cow! I should even be…
In lumpley games
Participants: Christopher Weeks, lumpley, nikola.

8/29/2004 8bitjunkie: [Dogs] Dice
I am ordering DitV on the 1st and I realize I have some time on my hands to prepare as the lumpley games press is smokin'. From the thread…
In lumpley games
Participants: 8bitjunkie, lumpley.

8/29/2004 Paka: Structuring a Dogs in the Vineyard Campaign
I've been thinking how I would work if it my current Dogs in the Vineyard one-shot turned into a campaign. I think the first game should be in a town…
In lumpley games
Participants: Paka, lumpley.

8/27/2004 Ben Lehman: [Dogs] Spending Those Free Dice
I am ashamed. I was a proof-reader for Dogs, and there's the rule that slipped through the cracks. This giant *fuck-off* major rule. And I missed it. I'm sorry to…
In lumpley games
Participants: Ben Lehman, lumpley, nikola.

8/26/2004 ethan_greer: kpfs: Prep advice, please
Hey, a lumpley forum. Cool. So, I want to run kpfs for my game group (that's "kill puppies for satan" to you unenlightened types), but I'm a little lost on…
In lumpley games
Participants: ethan_greer, bluegargantua, lumpley, Ron Edwards, Eero Tuovinen.

8/26/2004 inthisstyle: Other Religious Traditions
OK, one of the things mentioned regarding Dogs was the ability to move it around to other religious traditions, like 17th century Puritans, or European Catholics, or whatever. Drawing on…
In lumpley games
Participants: inthisstyle, Ron Edwards, Dev, Paka, clehrich, lumpley, Sean, JamesSterrett.

8/25/2004 lumpley: Welcome Anew!
The soopaseekrit stage of this forum was fun and helpful, so thanks to everyone who participated. Now this is the lumpley games forum, exposed to view and scrutiny! Please don't…
In lumpley games
Participants: lumpley, nikola, Spy vs. Spy, Ethesis, baron samedi, Warmachine3002.

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Subsequent Topics
In lumpley games

9/16/2004 bluegargantua: Forcing an Outcome
OK, Me and Cadmus, just stumbled in on Branch Zachary having an affair with Avigail. We catch them going at it through the bedroom window and you say that Avigail…
In lumpley games
Participants: bluegargantua, lumpley, DannyK, Ron Edwards, charlesperez, Ben Lehman, Valamir, nikola, jrs, inthisstyle, Jonathan Walton, clehrich.

9/16/2004 bluegargantua: Heresy Lite
Hey, OK, so there's murder which is just a Sin and Murder which is Really Bad News. The former is simply a crime of passion or opportunity or injustice. The…
In lumpley games
Participants: bluegargantua.

9/17/2004 charlesperez: DitV Rules Question: Groups in Conflict
When a group of NPCs take part in a conflict, each member of the group gives +2d6 to the group's stats. On the other hand, when NPCs help a PC,…
In lumpley games
Participants: charlesperez, lumpley.

9/18/2004 DannyK: DitV Questions on Demons and Bad Dogs
I've had an evening to think about the book, and some questions are jumping around in my head. First, I'm wondering why the rules emphasize so strongly that Demons are…
In lumpley games
Participants: DannyK, lumpley.

9/18/2004 DannyK: Hamites in the Vineyard
I was thinking, if I'm going to run a game set in the US in the 1800's, it would be a shame not to address the racial issue. Also, I…
In lumpley games
Participants: DannyK, lumpley, nikola, Jonathan Walton, Joe_Sixpack.

9/19/2004 Doyce: [DitV] Stupidly detail-picky fallout question
Preface: got the book -- friggin' love the book. Color tone of following questions with that knowledge. --- K, in both the short- and long-term fallout lists, the first choice…
In lumpley games
Participants: Doyce, lumpley.

9/19/2004 Jonathan Walton: The Cat Comes Back
So, the initial toughts on my mod-in-progress, Lions on the Precipice, were shared and bounced around in this thread. Now that I've gotten more settled here in China, I'm ready…
In lumpley games
Participants: Jonathan Walton, lumpley, Ben Lehman, Albert the Absentminded, Emily Care.

9/19/2004 Jonathan Walton: Death in Dogs?
This is mostly a Vincent question, but other people might have thoughts too. What is the point of character death in Dogs? What does it mean exactly and what purpose…
In lumpley games
Participants: Jonathan Walton, lumpley, Christopher Weeks, nikola, Doyce.

9/20/2004 clehrich: Inquisitors in the Vineyard
As I mentioned somewhere else around here, I'm starting to collate some notes for a 16th-century Inquisitors supplement. But already I'm running into some trouble, and I wonder if you…
In lumpley games
Participants: clehrich, Ben Lehman, nikola, beingfrank, lumpley, MajorKiz, James Maliszewski, Valamir, Jonathan Walton, DannyK.

9/20/2004 DannyK: Commissars in the Vineyard
I was jogging today while listening to John LeCarre's latest novel on earphones, and it struck me that DitV could be used in the modern day, as long as you…
In lumpley games
Participants: DannyK, nikola, Ron Edwards, MajorKiz, lumpley.

9/20/2004 MajorKiz: dice visibility
I want to run a playtest of DitV soon, but something occured to me just now that might make things problematic. My group plays scattered around our living room, with…
In lumpley games
Participants: MajorKiz, lumpley.

9/21/2004 Ben Lehman: On Dogs and Doglikes
Hi everyone. So there have been a great plethora of threads recently, regarding playing other types of people in the positions of the Dogs. Some of these are groups which…
In lumpley games
Participants: Ben Lehman, DannyK, clehrich, nikola.

9/22/2004 pfischer: #52 arrived safely in Scotland
My copy of DitV arrived safely through my letterbox yesterday, and I have been reading it since, family life and sleep permitting. It looks and reads gorgeous, and I can't…
In lumpley games
Participants: pfischer, nikola, DannyK, lumpley, Ron Edwards, Christopher Weeks.

9/23/2004 Valamir: History and Morality (split)
[quote]I object to the worst elements of history being portrayed as moral,[/quote] There is no such thing as a moral or immoral historical event. Morality of a historical event can…
In lumpley games
Participants: Valamir, lumpley, nikola, Mike Holmes, Ben Lehman, clehrich, Sean, Mark D. Eddy, DannyK.

9/25/2004 lumpley: Emergency Backup Website
Occasionally, goes down. That's life. I've put the Dogs in the Vineyard portion of lumpley games up on my old geocities site: My blog and comment functions aren't…
In lumpley games
Participants: lumpley.

9/28/2004 Albert the Absentminded: Nit pick about female frailty
Why, in the name of the King of Life, are frontier women expected to be frightened of mice, insects, horses, or guns? -Albert
In lumpley games
Participants: Albert the Absentminded, ChefKyle, lumpley, Brand_Robins, MajorKiz, Ron Edwards, nikola, clehrich, dunlaing, DannyK.

9/28/2004 Albert the Absentminded: An alternate view as to how the Dogs are always right
Think about what Dogs do afterwards - they go on to hold high position among the Faithful. You could argue that it's not the job of the Dogs to render…
In lumpley games
Participants: Albert the Absentminded, lumpley, DannyK, inthisstyle, clehrich, Jaik.

9/28/2004 nikola: Dogs' Rightitude
[quote]I think there's at least three separate meanings of the word "right" that need to be teased out here to discuss it -- right as in legally correct, right as…
In lumpley games
Participants: nikola, Brand_Robins, DannyK.

9/29/2004 Jonathan Walton: Dogs as Angels [Braindump]
So, I was thinking about Dogs when I was supposed to be thinking about my Fulbright research today, when I suddenly realized that I like Dogs for the exact same…
In lumpley games
Participants: Jonathan Walton, Mark D. Eddy, nikola, Brand_Robins, Ben Lehman, DannyK.

9/29/2004 rafial: Escalation
So I've got a rules clarification question prompted by Hans Christian Andersen's actual play report: Moving beyond that, watching a desperate opponent Escalate from Words to Guns, and beating him…
In lumpley games
Participants: rafial, Brand_Robins, Valamir, lumpley.

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