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In lumpley games

2/3/2008 steven807: [IaWA] Questions
Firstly, I'll say that my little group just got done with a fun first chapter of Wicked.  Thanks for another great game, Vincent!  But we did have some questions: 1)…
In lumpley games
Participants: steven807, rycanada, demiurgeastaroth, lumpley, Rustin, yellowparis.

2/1/2008 Rustin: [IaWA] Concrete actions questions
When Shahu Seen whispers in Amek's ear, pointing out the curve of Tajie's lip and how the light falls on her throat--- is that a conversation or an action? (I…
In lumpley games
Participants: Rustin, Clinton R. Nixon, Valvorik, lumpley, PorterO, rycanada, demiurgeastaroth.

2/1/2008 Bret Gillan: [IaWA] Oracle Creation
No rules/guidelines on creating your own oracles? Aww man! Okay, so we did our first situation. It was great. Now, what becomes of those elements of the oracles that were…
In lumpley games
Participants: Bret Gillan, lumpley, DainXB, twilight, Valvorik, Garth.

1/31/2008 Rustin: [IaWA] Future Consequences
I had an idea about negotiating future consequence and enforcing future consequences. Lets say, during negotiation I agree to have my character do something in the future instead of taking…
In lumpley games
Participants: Rustin, lumpley.

1/28/2008 Mantisking: [Mechaton] Finally!
I finally got the chance to run a game of Mechaton a few weeks ago at a recent Pandemonium Game Day. I was a bit rusty and stumbled through the…
In lumpley games
Participants: Mantisking, lumpley, Yokiboy, Dev.

1/27/2008 Landon Darkwood: [IAWA] Some minor questions...
So the one game of IAWA I played was an absolute hit. Probably my favorite night of gaming in at least a year or more. But I have some procedural…
In lumpley games
Participants: Landon Darkwood, demiurgeastaroth, Darcy Burgess, kallisti_dk, Valvorik, lumpley, John Harper, RyanMacklin, DainXB.

1/24/2008 Temple: [Poison'd] Sup?
Hey Vincent, are you planning on doing anything more with Poison'd, or is it pretty much as finished as its going to get from your POV?
In lumpley games
Participants: Temple, JC, lumpley.

1/24/2008 phargle: [DiTV ] All the Dogs do is talk!
We started a new Dogs game last night, and it went well.  The guy who had played before loved getting back into his old character, and the two new folks…
In lumpley games
Participants: phargle, David Artman, dindenver, Peturabo, Ben Lehman, JC, Eliarhiman6, John Harper, Wolfen, Noclue, lumpley, oliof.

1/23/2008 phargle: [DiTV] Returning to the game, questions on escalation and scene framing.
Hello, I am starting up a Dogs game after not running it seriously for a year or so.  After reading through the rules to remind myself of how things work,…
In lumpley games
Participants: phargle, zornwil, kallisti_dk, Eliarhiman6.

1/22/2008 daftnewt: [dogs] The nature of Traits? (n00b GM flounders a bit)
This is horribly n00bish. I apologise if this sort of thing has already been done to death long ago :) I'm running two games using Dogs, both set in the…
In lumpley games
Participants: daftnewt, lumpley, zornwil, Noclue, David Artman, Peturabo, phargle, dindenver.

1/21/2008 kallisti_dk: IAWA shocks!
I was trying sell IAWA to a group of friends I have played D&D with for many years, doing my very best to convey the things i find awesome about…
In lumpley games
Participants: kallisti_dk, Artanis, Valvorik, Rustin, Troels, Nathaniel, John Harper, Danny_K.

1/18/2008 amnesiack: [In A Wicked Age] Multiple Advantage Dice?
Hey Vincent, I know that an Advantage Die from the We Owe list stack with an Advantage Die from conflict.  However, can you get multiple versions of either one of…
In lumpley games
Participants: amnesiack, kallisti_dk, Thomas Lawrence, lumpley.

1/17/2008 David Artman: Frequency of "Fast Wrap"?
We had our second session of Tea Creek last night, which generally went quite well, I thought (AP to follow, prolly from GM). There's was, however, one thing that seemed...…
In lumpley games
Participants: David Artman, JamesDJIII, 5niper9, Thomas Lawrence.

1/17/2008 kallisti_dk: [IAWA] I'm considering an alternate rule
It's a bit early perhaps, since I haven't played it yet. But that hasn't stopped me before. The change is to when you get to use an advantage dice (AD),…
In lumpley games
Participants: kallisti_dk, lumpley.

1/17/2008 masterae: [In a Wicked Age] Gushing all over and AP thingy (long)
A couple of weeks ago, Remi mentioned that there was this cool game he played, called "In A Wicked Age", which was now being published.  He told us a little…
In lumpley games
Participants: masterae, kallisti_dk.

1/16/2008 zornwil: Dogs wiki collecting nuance and "official rulings"?
Is there a wiki that collects many of Vincent's advice/rulings from here, as well as (ideally) much of the user advice from here?  I ask because last night I was…
In lumpley games
Participants: zornwil.

1/16/2008 kallisti_dk: [IAWA] More questions
1. After you lose a conflict, can you try to do more or less the same thing, consequences permitting? Say for instance in the first conflict example in the book,…
In lumpley games
Participants: kallisti_dk, lumpley.

1/15/2008 zornwil: Question - Clarifying re Keeping the Reversed Blow Die
Okay, so a question came up in play and we weren't positive about this - if for whatever reason after Reversing the Blow I do NOT want to use that…
In lumpley games
Participants: zornwil, lumpley, Ben Lehman, David Artman, JamesDJIII, Noclue.

1/15/2008 Thomas Lawrence: [In A Wicked Age] IIEE A Little Unclear
Vincent, I know you are totally going to hate me for telling you this, since you are totally the guy of clear IIEE. ...I think the IIEE process in In…
In lumpley games
Participants: Thomas Lawrence, lumpley, Jason Newquist, Landon Darkwood, Valvorik.

1/14/2008 Valvorik: IAWA Q's
Owe list striking for advantage dice (page 19 and then 23) - it is correct that after the first exchange in an action sequence (when awarding of owe list is…
In lumpley games
Participants: Valvorik, lumpley.

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Subsequent Topics
In lumpley games

2/5/2008 HDTVDinner: [IaWA] Firefly/Serenity Oracle
[URL=http://""]In a Wiked Verse...[/URL] First attempt at Creating an oracle, creating a pdf, and having it hosted, so if you have a better way let me know! Thanks!
In lumpley games
Participants: HDTVDinner, demiurgeastaroth, DainXB.

2/6/2008 lumpley: Persuasion rules
Here's an old friend of mine. He's speaking of In a Wicked Age but it's a great general topic across my games: So there's no mechanic…
In lumpley games
Participants: lumpley, Troels, PorterO, Valvorik, Aman the Rejected, David Artman.

2/16/2008 Trevis Martin: Yet another IAWA Question and Love Fest
Well not a fest exactly, but it sounded more dramatic that way. Vincent, thanks for this game.  My two friends and I had a great time playing tonight and it…
In lumpley games
Participants: Trevis Martin, lumpley, Valvorik.

2/16/2008 rycanada: [Wicked] PStr question
I kind of get the difference but have had a hard time explaining it to players. What is the difference between what you should write in the Description of a…
In lumpley games
Participants: rycanada, lumpley.

2/17/2008 Alan: [IaWA] Question on Consequences
In a chapter yesterday at ConQuest story games lounge, I GMed this situation: An NPC priestess declared that she and Balthior, a PC pass through a marriage arch and say…
In lumpley games
Participants: Alan, demiurgeastaroth, lumpley, Eliarhiman6, Christopher Kubasik, Ben Lehman.

2/18/2008 Alan: How to create an Oracle?
Over at Story Games I started a discussion aimed at creating a complete Oracle with images derived from Robert Howard's Conan stories ( Help me create a Conan Oracle…
In lumpley games
Participants: Alan, DainXB.

2/20/2008 hix: [In a Wicked Age] Help me understand dice matching
I'm enjoying reading through the game, but the "Dice, Action & Consequences" chapter still baffles me after several readings. My basic confusion is whether the person who is answering compares…
In lumpley games
Participants: hix, Eliarhiman6, Alan, Wolfen, lumpley.

2/21/2008 Finarvyn: [DitV] Total Newbie
I'm a total newbie to Dogs in the Vineyard. So new, in fact, that the copy I ordered hasn't even come in the mail yet. I should probably hold off…
In lumpley games
Participants: Finarvyn, JC, lumpley, Eliarhiman6, Transit, Warren.

2/21/2008 a_verheaghe: [IaWA] Actual play threads or play examples anywhere?
I've got the rules, read them and went wow! I really want to play and it seems so simple, but then I started thinking about it, and after a few…
In lumpley games
Participants: a_verheaghe.

2/21/2008 Christopher Kubasik: I ask Vincent a bunch of questions like I was a horde of flying monkeys
I wrote a long post in another thread, and then realized this was it's own thread. The original thread is here: Each "to hit" roll…
In lumpley games
Participants: Christopher Kubasik, Eliarhiman6, Alan, lumpley, DainXB, demiurgeastaroth, John Harper.

2/22/2008 Alan: [IaWA] Advantage dice question
Hi again Vincent, Advantage dice. It's clear from the text that an advantage dice bought from the Owe list is kept until the end of a conflict, but I find…
In lumpley games
Participants: Alan, lumpley, WildElf, rycanada, Valvorik.

2/24/2008 Rustin: [IaWA] Consequential Damage to NPC forms
Do we lower the highest dice? Do we lower both dice? Does the victor chose which dice to lower?
In lumpley games
Participants: Rustin, lumpley, Valvorik, WildElf.

2/25/2008 Valvorik: [IAWA] Excerpts of AP and some Q's
Siege of Akar Dal Vincent noted lack of AP reports with dice/round by round included etc. This was a game couple of weeks back over Skype, two sessions, hoping to…
In lumpley games
Participants: Valvorik, DainXB.

2/26/2008 SavageInOz: [DitV] Judges in the Mega-City - alternate setting
Had a great idea for an alternate setting for DitV (although I love the standard setting): Judges in the Mega-City ----------------------------------- Based on the 2000AD comic Judge Dread. Really easy…
In lumpley games
Participants: SavageInOz, Peturabo, zornwil, demiurgeastaroth.

2/26/2008 Valamir: Problems with Poisn'd
Ok, so after GoPlayPeoria, Tim K, Julie, Ron, Matt S, and myself returned to my place to play some Poisn'd. Character creation went off without a hitch.  There was some…
In lumpley games
Participants: Valamir, lumpley, Matt Snyder, Ben Lehman, rafial, Peter Nordstrand, Eero Tuovinen, Temple, Ron Edwards, Emily Care.

2/26/2008 Nyarly: [IaWA] 3 rounds?
We're planning to actually give In a Wicked Age a shot this evening, and having read the rules text, I'm pretty clear on how everything works.  What I'm trying to…
In lumpley games
Participants: Nyarly, Thor Olavsrud, Valvorik, lumpley.

2/27/2008 Alan: [IaWA] Play Aid for Best Interests
I came up with an idea for mapping Best Interests to help focus play preparation. Here's the sheet I came up with and a tutorial for using it. It places…
In lumpley games
Participants: Alan, Valvorik, rycanada, oliof, jenskot, David Artman.

2/28/2008 Nyarly: [IaWA] Three soft places
So, LA gamers took the Wicked Age for a spin last night, and we were our usual ruthless selves with the rules.  Dice worked out fine, we had a lot…
In lumpley games
Participants: Nyarly, Valvorik.

2/29/2008 Greymorn: [DitV] To the bitter end?
I'm re-reading the rules and hoping I can put a group of Dogs together to run my first full game. I ran into a confusing point. (This is hypothetical, I…
In lumpley games
Participants: Greymorn, lumpley.

2/29/2008 Tancred: [IAWA] Conflict questions/clarifications
I ran In a Wicked Age for the first time last week for 4 players and it worked very well I think. There were a couple of minor questions that…
In lumpley games
Participants: Tancred, lumpley.

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