The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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From Day One

Previous Topics
In Twisted Confessions

6/17/2004 Mike Holmes: Hi, and what's for the future?
Congratulations on a forum of your own, Alex. Best ta gets ta publishin. :-) That said, do you have any more projects that you haven't let us in on yet?…
In Twisted Confessions
Participants: Mike Holmes, C. Edwards, Lxndr.

6/15/2004 Lxndr: Twisted Confessions Forum Sticky - Please Read
Hello, and welcome to the discussion forum for Twisted Confessions Game Design and the various games associated with that label, both those published and those slated for future development. Also…
In Twisted Confessions
Participants: Lxndr.

11/21/2003 Lxndr: [Fastlane] Playing Without a Croupier
For months now, the idea of playing Fastlane without a specific croupier has been rattling around my head. I'm rather fond of the traditional GM/Player split, and the "core" Fastlane…
In Twisted Confessions
Participants: Lxndr, Ron Edwards.

11/4/2003 Lxndr: [Shangri-la] Dice Mechanics and Related Foo
[b]Shangri-La[/b] is meant to be the 2nd major project of [color=blue]Twisted Confessions[/color]. It was originally a hacked-out FUDGE variant that I used in a pbem/chat combination game, but that game…
In Twisted Confessions
Participants: Lxndr, Walt Freitag.

10/27/2003 Lxndr: [Fastlane] Sample Settings
I have decided, for better or for worse, to include a number of sample settings in Fastlane. Each setting should take up no more than a few pages, just a…
In Twisted Confessions
Participants: Lxndr, Mike Holmes, Rob MacDougall, C. Edwards, Wolfen, Ron Edwards.

10/22/2003 Lxndr: [Fastlane] Character "Death"
So it occurs to me that, perhaps, it's too difficult to have a protagonist "burn out" in Fastlane, and thus be taken out of the game. Currently, the rules state…
In Twisted Confessions
Participants: Lxndr, anonymouse, Wolfen.

10/1/2003 Lxndr: [Fastlane]: Facets and Styles
I am considering a new addition to the Fastlane rules (which can be downloaded at, but I'm wondering whether or not I'm making the game needlessly complex by adding…
In Twisted Confessions
Participants: Lxndr, Mike Holmes, RaconteurX, Wolfen.

9/22/2003 Lxndr: QuIRC - GMless Timestamp IRC Roleplaying
The resolution mechanic that I've been toying with for weeks, using the IRC timestamp for conflict resolution, finally bubbled up last night when I should have been sleeping. The following…
In Twisted Confessions
Participants: Lxndr, C. Edwards, MachMoth.

9/5/2003 Lxndr: [Fastlane]
The game that grew out of the Roulette thread is now in its complete alpha stage, and has the working title of "Fastlane." It is very unpolished, as befits an…
In Twisted Confessions
Participants: Lxndr, Mike Holmes, Spooky Fanboy, RaconteurX, Bob McNamee.

8/14/2003 Lxndr: Roulette
So, strange person that I am, while looking over a site for dice to buy, I came across a miniature roulette wheel. After some thinking, I decided to purchase it…
In Twisted Confessions
Participants: Lxndr, Paul Czege, Shreyas Sampat, Mike Holmes, iago, simon_hibbs.

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Subsequent Topics
In Twisted Confessions

6/20/2004 Lxndr: [Shangri-la] An attempt to overview
Shangri-la has gone quite a bizarre and remarkable distance from its first manifestation as a simple FUDGE rip. The die system I am planning to use can be found here:…
In Twisted Confessions
Participants: Lxndr, Jonathan Walton.

7/19/2004 Lxndr: [Fastlane] In Preparation for GenCon, Questions
My first game, Fastlane, hasn't sold well so far (10 sales over 2 months). It's a niche product, using a roulette wheel and all, and I understand that, and I…
In Twisted Confessions
Participants: Lxndr, Mike Holmes, Bob McNamee.

9/2/2004 Trevis Martin: A question on handicap.
Hey Alex, I've been reading Fastlane and its really good. (Plus I think its just a little bit cool that I get to be thanked, thanks for the thanks.) I…
In Twisted Confessions
Participants: Trevis Martin, Lxndr.

10/19/2004 Spooky Fanboy: [Fastlane] taking submissions for supplements?
I'd like to do a modern magic and/or superpowers supplement for Fastlane. Sound interesting? Or should I simply post it in this forum?
In Twisted Confessions
Participants: Spooky Fanboy, Lxndr.

12/9/2004 Lxndr: Online Sales
Since May of 2004, Fastlane's online sales have been... well, dismal. In total, since May 1st, I've sold 8 copies of the print version of Fastlane through Lulu (including one…
In Twisted Confessions
Participants: Lxndr, ethan_greer, Yokiboy, Eero Tuovinen, Dev, matthijs, inthisstyle.

12/27/2004 Jürgen Mayer: Fastlane Review at (link inside)
In Twisted Confessions
Participants: Jürgen Mayer, Dev, Lxndr, Yokiboy, Spooky Fanboy.

12/29/2004 Dev: Fastlane - minor rules explanations
Firstly, the handicap: how important is that really, in the balance of things? I'd feel more aesthetically pleased if I didn't have to bother with that. Secondly, would things still…
In Twisted Confessions
Participants: Dev, Lxndr.

1/12/2005 Dev: Fastlane - minisized play report (and questions!)
Played Fastlane with three friends, and had an excellent time! We played out the equivalent of a fun heist movie, and although the pace was a bit rushed, we finished…
In Twisted Confessions
Participants: Dev, Lxndr, Mike Holmes.

1/20/2005 Lxndr: Twisted News
Hi! This is the Twisted Confessions news/updates/announcements thread, which is long overdue. I don't plan on being a one-and-a-half hit wonder, and while upheavals in my life (motorcycle theft, job…
In Twisted Confessions
Participants: Lxndr.

1/21/2005 Dev: New Fastlane Review me. See!
In Twisted Confessions
Participants: Dev, ejh, Lxndr, Eero Tuovinen, Wolfen.

1/21/2005 ejh: Example Rules Query & Big Suggestion For Next Edition/Er
Here's an example of the kind of question I have been bugging Lxndr with in instant messages (I haven't asked him this one yet, it's new) -- * If someone…
In Twisted Confessions
Participants: ejh, Lxndr.

3/16/2005 Lxndr: [Shangri-La] A New Project #1
This is the first of several posts I hope to make over the next few days about things that are boiling in the Twisted Confessions background. So, here goes... ----…
In Twisted Confessions
Participants: Lxndr, gorckat, Valamir, Mike Holmes, TonyLB.

5/4/2005 Lxndr: [Shangri-la] Thread Design
A word document of the game as it stands can be found here: Specifically, right now I'm looking at the concept of threads (and, as an extension, knots). I…
In Twisted Confessions
Participants: Lxndr.

8/26/2005 matthijs: Review up at
My review of Fastlane can be read here.
In Twisted Confessions
Participants: matthijs, Mike Holmes, Lxndr.

9/3/2005 Halzebier: [Fastlane]Questions about roulette
Hi there! I'm considering using Fastlane for a game of Shadowrun (one of the settings recommended by Alexander, no less). All cybergear color and Sixth World flavor aside, relationships (double-crossing,…
In Twisted Confessions
Participants: Halzebier, Eero Tuovinen, Lxndr, Wolfen, demiurgeastaroth, Mike Holmes.

9/10/2005 Halzebier: [Fastlane]Hypothetical Play (yeah, I know)
Hi again! I'm still having a hard time getting my head around Fastlane, so I created a test character to play around with (i.e., I was the croupier and the…
In Twisted Confessions
Participants: Halzebier, Lxndr, GB Steve, Wolfen, Ron Edwards, Tim Alexander.

10/31/2005 dimitkan: Snowball campaign
Hello, I've tried last Saturday night Snowball and everybody liked it, so I 'm gonna start a campaign in Middle Earth with Snowball. I have one question. Do you create…
In Twisted Confessions
Participants: dimitkan, Lxndr.

5/17/2006 Lxndr: Ensemble: New Twisted Confessions Project
All the game ideas I've spent years considering, I'm still considering, but meanwhile, another idea has come at me like a thief in the night, and has pounced.  The result,…
In Twisted Confessions
Participants: Lxndr, Mike Holmes, Thunder_God.

8/1/2006 Lxndr: Fastlane: 2nd Printing
There is an ever-dwindling amount of copies remaining from my "too big for my britches" Fastlane print run back in 2004, and by either the end of this year or…
In Twisted Confessions
Participants: Lxndr, Eero Tuovinen, Ron Edwards, Yokiboy, iago.

8/24/2006 Lxndr: [Fastlane] A Call To Arms
[b]Fastlane[/b] is an excellent game.  I have no doubt in my mind about that.  [url=]In a recent thread[/url], Ralph agreed, saying "This is a game that needs to be promoted…
In Twisted Confessions
Participants: Lxndr, C. Edwards, Wolfen.

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