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In Evilhat Productions

10/7/2006 Hudson Shock: General SotC questions thread
I'm hoping this thread will become a "check here first" resource for general Spirit of the Century questions.  I know I have a lot.  Some are "How do you do…
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: Hudson Shock, drnuncheon, Rob Donoghue, iago, Mel_White, Michael Brazier, demiurgeastaroth, Uzzah, Danny_K, dbisdorf.

9/27/2006 chriscrouch: [SotC] Consequences - free tag?
So, I'm having a great time reading through Spirit of the Century. I've got a quick and easy question: When you put a consequence on someone, do you get a…
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: chriscrouch, iago.

9/13/2006 dbisdorf: [SOTC] Aspects and Consequences
I've been reading through my PDF of Spirit of the Century and I'm eagerly waiting for a chance to run a game.  However, I have a few questions about the…
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: dbisdorf, iago, Hudson Shock, John Harper, dunlaing, drnuncheon.

9/10/2006 Tancred: [Actual DRYH Play] Dead Voices
Hey, just noticed this is up and running again! I posted this to already, but since the forum here is back and active I thought I'd stick it here…
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: Tancred, iago.

9/5/2006 Baraestes: Spirit of the Century
Just got the PDF, and spent a fair bit of time reading through it. The first word to come to mind is wow.  Or perhaps Wow!!! My main interest is…
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: Baraestes, demiurgeastaroth, iago, cpeterso.

9/2/2006 iago: Spirit of the Century - Preorder Starts Today!
<b>THE CENTURY CLUB NEEDS YOUR HELP!</b> <img src="">   The deadly Doctor Methuselah seeks to unravel time itself with his solution to the Eternity Equation... Gorilla Khan stalks darkest Africa…
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: iago.

9/2/2006 Uruush: [AP] FATE Wuxia One-Shot
This is a long post.  I'm going to post the FATE/gameplay-relevant part up first, then respond to it in a second post with the game report I sent out to…
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: Uruush, iago.

8/31/2006 RedPissLegion: [DRYH] Playing Nightmares
Has I was explaining my game to my girlfriend and went on about the effects of Madness Dominance she came at me with this "cool, so if I became a…
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: RedPissLegion, iago.

8/30/2006 drnuncheon: Review & AP
Posted this over on my livejournal, but I'll put the relevant pieces here in case anyone is interested... Don't Rest Your Head (henceforth DRYH) is the latest release from Evil…
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: drnuncheon, iago.

8/29/2006 RedPissLegion: [Don't Rest Your Head] First Characters and questions
I just want to start by saying the DRYH system completely rocks arse, has I read and unveiled the premise “you can put a lot of dice to succeed at…
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: RedPissLegion, iago, demiurgeastaroth.

8/24/2006 Ron Edwards: [Don't Rest Your Head] Non-profound admiration
Did I ever mention how much I liked this game? It makes me wish I'd read The Pool before writing Sorcerer. I think you've set a new bar for explaining…
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: Ron Edwards, iago.

8/22/2006 drnuncheon: Spirit preorders
Hey Fred! I just talked my FLGS owner into starting to order stuff from IPR.  Will there be some way to preorder SotC through him and still get the PDF?…
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: drnuncheon, iago.

8/16/2006 iago: Spirit of the Century: Quick Info Thread
[b]Spirit of the Century [/b]is an upcoming Pulp RPG using a newly revised, fresh, potent version of the Fate system.  You can find out much more about the game here:…
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: iago, RedPissLegion, arete66.

8/16/2006 iago: Don't Rest Your Head: Quick Info Thread
Don't Rest Your Head is currently available at Lulu and IPR.  You can learn more about this game -- in which the protagonists are insomniacs who are so tired, and…
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: iago.

2/16/2006 iago: And we're back
The Evil Hat forum is back on the Forge after a hiatus.
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: iago, Valamir, Ben Lehman.

1/3/2006 JohnU: Monsters in FATE
I really want to run a FATE game for the local game group.  I have the rules and am fairly familiar with character creation ect.  The question I have is…
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: JohnU, Rob Donoghue.

12/13/2005 Lord_Steelhand: (AP) Never Home - my now-beloved FATE game
Here is some FATE actual play notes from my FATE game called Never Home  The game is going better than my meager web skills. The setting is a fantasy…
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: Lord_Steelhand, iago, village6.

8/2/2005 iago: Spirit of the Century
Here's a preview page for Spirit of the Century -- a project we hope to have published in PDF/POD form in Fall of this year:
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: iago, Spooky Fanboy, Lord_Steelhand.

8/2/2005 gsoylent: Fate - phobia question
So here I am, rolling my first Fate character for Thursday. The setting is classic , cinematic pirates (arrr!) and I figure my priate character should have a phobia of…
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: gsoylent, demiurgeastaroth, iago.

7/19/2005 Vaxalon: Fudge Dicebot?
If the Faith rules playtest comes off, I'll be in need of a Fudge dicebot for mIRC.  Does anyone know of a nice simple one?
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: Vaxalon.

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Subsequent Topics
In Evilhat Productions

11/18/2006 Uruush: SotC Defense
Forgive me if this has been answered elsewhere. Each combat skill is balanced against another. Guns: offense, range, explicitly no defense, need to have a gun on you. Weapons: offense,…
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: Uruush, iago.

11/27/2006 Storn: 3 areas of improvement for next time....
Okay, played SotC last night.  And I had three areas that we couldn't lay our hands on the rules quickly.  Now.  I love this game.  So don't think I'm poo-pooing…
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: Storn, iago, Mel_White.

12/4/2006 Alex Fradera: Suitability for new players
I have a friend of mine with whom I've spoken about gaming a couple of times, and recently he's said he'd like to try it out. I've been puzzling over…
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: Alex Fradera, iago, demiurgeastaroth.

12/6/2006 iago: Designing Dresden #5
I've posted a lengthy delving into the ideas of lethality and toughness in the Dresden Files RPG, from a "look at the design process" perspective. Interested? Check it out here:…
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: iago.

12/11/2006 dyjoots: [SotC] Slowing healing down?
Does anyone have any thoughts on what effect slowing healing down might have on Spirit of the Century?  Specifically, what would happen if, instead of stress boxes clearing out after…
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: dyjoots, demiurgeastaroth, iago.

12/25/2006 Alan: [SotC] Hidden core mechanic
After going through SoTC several times, I noticed that the wording of the text, and the sheer amount of text spent on skills and stunts, obscures the true elegance of…
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: Alan, iago, forlorn1.

3/2/2007 Bret Gillan: Character Creation Praise
So I've participated in character creation for Spirit of the Century and Don't Rest Your Head, and I believe you guys have perfected character creation in some way. Not only…
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: Bret Gillan, iago, C.W.Richeson, Rob Donoghue, Valamir, BastardToadflax.

3/5/2007 Ian ORourke: SotC: Gadgets and Sorcery
I'm really liking the game, but I have two questions, relating to things I've not come across while reading, or my hopeless brain has missed.... You can create gadgets, which…
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: Ian ORourke, iago, Alan.

3/8/2007 rafial: Rocket Red
Hey, I realized I'm totally empowered to just make something up, but I'm wondering if Rocket Red had any kind of "incognito" identity in the campaign where she originally appeared…
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: rafial, iago.

3/10/2007 inky: [SotC] Other People's Aspects
So I got SotC recently and have been looking through it with the intention of running a game with it sometime. Overall it seems like the system has a good…
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: inky, Alan, demiurgeastaroth, iago.

3/12/2007 Myrmidon: SOTC Wiki
Is there a Spirit of the Century Wiki, akin to what is available for The Shadow of Yesterday ? It would be great if there was a place we could…
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: Myrmidon, iago.

3/23/2007 Hans: First SotC game tonight: questions!
Ok, running this for the first time tonight, and have a few questions, so... * Fate points for compels - the bit that bothers me is this line on page…
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: Hans, iago, epweissengruber.

3/24/2007 NathanFrund: Looking for advice on a mecha conversion to SotC/FATE 3.0
I'm popping in for a bit of advice.  I'm working on a mecha conversion to SotC/FATE 3.0 and I've got a few design questions. But first, here's what I've got…
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: NathanFrund, sabbatregent.

4/12/2007 Ian ORourke: Gadgets..Weird and Mad
Okay, just some general advice and discussion really. The gadget rules are the part of the game I feel less comfortable, not saying there is anything wrong with them, it's…
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: Ian ORourke, iago, TomTitTot, Mel_White.

4/16/2007 Ian ORourke: Issue of Compel Rates
Okay, first SotC session coming in about a month, and I'm looking forward to it. I'm happy with the characters and all is going well. I think everyone will enjoy…
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: Ian ORourke, iago.

4/16/2007 RedPissLegion: SOTC Demo questions
Hi, I've teamed up with a roleplaying partner of mine to conduct a series of RPGs demos in a store in our hometown of Lisbon, Portugal. This month (at the…
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: RedPissLegion, iago, Ian ORourke.

5/23/2007 Judaicdiablo: [SotC] Reference Sheets
Here are the current incarnations of some reference sheets that I am working on.  They are still not really done yet, but I am at a bit of a stand…
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: Judaicdiablo, Yokiboy, demiurgeastaroth, BastardToadflax.

5/26/2007 Judaicdiablo: [SotC] Minion Questions
Hey Fred (and gang), Question 1 When buying minions can you mix and match minions?  Example: Minion Stunt 1 - I buy 3 Good Minions and 3 Average Minions Minion…
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: Judaicdiablo, iago.

5/28/2007 neutrinonj: Something feels off
I’m new to SotC and like the game a lot.  I bought it after watching players take down zombie King Kong at a convention.  However, I want to like it…
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: neutrinonj, iago.

5/28/2007 Spooky Fanboy: [DRYH] a more competitive style of play
Let us say, hypothetically, that I felt like monkeying around with Don't Rest Your Head a bit. One thing in particular I wanted to try would be to take the…
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: Spooky Fanboy, iago, demiurgeastaroth.

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