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In Evilhat Productions

3/4/2008 Ahrimanius: Question Custom Gun Stunt
One of my Players asked me about creating a Custom Gun(p.160) with Special Ammunition causing more stress then Normal Guns. Looking at the Dr.Blitzmann write up he uses a Gadget…
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: Ahrimanius, iago.

2/22/2008 SaintandSinner: [DRYH and Dresden Files] at OmegaCon Birmingham March 14th-16th, 2008
Don't Rest Your Head:  Friday 9pm till late? "The Asylum" The players (all teens) have been sent by the government to a converted military complex deep underneath a mountain. You…
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: SaintandSinner, iago.

2/18/2008 Mel_White: SOTC at Dreamation
Pardon the self-promotion, but I can't help but point to the latest episode of Virtual Play.  I use the Spirit of the Century adventure "Rex Rich and the Warlord of…
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: Mel_White.

2/6/2008 JC: [DRYH] Seeking advice for short game
hey :) I'm GMing a short game of DRYH this Saturday for two friends, and I'm looking for advice I'm thinking: - use higher Pain ratings - after the intro…
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: JC, iago.

2/6/2008 Ahrimanius: FATE 3.0 in Print?
Will Fate 3.0 see print after the Dresden Files RPG is released.or will it only be available Online as a free document.
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: Ahrimanius, iago, casquilho.

2/5/2008 Ahrimanius: (SotC) Deceit Stunt Question
hy just started GMing SotC and I have a Conman  character concept. While not just being able to Deceive People very well he is also skilled in the art of…
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: Ahrimanius, iago.

12/11/2007 Nev the Deranged: GameGeeks review of DRYH on YouTube
Sorry if this has been posted before, but I just ran across it Looks like there's one for PTA too... D.
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: Nev the Deranged.

12/11/2007 AnakinOU: [DRYH] Recorded play sessions?
My crew is about to jump into DRYH for the first time, and my GM is looking for a little assistance.  I seem to recall listening to some recorded sessions…
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: AnakinOU, Nev the Deranged.

10/9/2007 Black Armos: [DRYH] One-Shot game help.
Hey all, I have been trying to create an indie games seen at my local game store and have had a little success (although they will still only order the…
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: Black Armos, iago.

10/7/2007 yellowparis: [DRYH] NPC Assists
Say we have a situation in which a PC is caught between a couple Nightmare factions, siding with one against the other.  In a conflict, he's assisted by one Nightmare…
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: yellowparis, iago, Noclue.

10/1/2007 Danny_K: [DRYH] Black, two lumps
This is an odd question that just occurred to me: what happens to the character's stats if they should find the Mad City equivalent of Starbuck's and slam a double…
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: Danny_K, iago, Pyromancer.

10/1/2007 Ide: [DRYH] Using talents in the City Slumbering?
I'm curious how others have approached this in DRYH -- do your players use their talents in the City Slumbering, or only in the Mad City? My take on it…
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: Ide, iago, Pyromancer.

9/14/2007 Ed the Hammer: Cinematic FATE
Hello everyone, i'm new around here. I don't really have much experience with Indie games; i've been gaming since I was eleven (now 24), and it's always been more traditional…
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: Ed the Hammer, iago, oliof.

9/12/2007 Garvey: DRYH Die Roller
I'm starting to play in a DRYH Play-by-Post game (there seem to be a bunch right now that are starting up), and the die rolling for it seemed a bit…
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: Garvey, iago.

8/23/2007 Hans: SotC at GenCon
[url=]See here for my sessions of SotC at Gencon.[/url]
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: Hans, iago.

8/18/2007 JoystickJunkies: Starblazer Adventures cover and sales sheet posted!
We've just posted the book cover for Starblazer Adventures RPG at along with the sell sheet that's being handed out at Gen Con at the moment (in case…
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: JoystickJunkies, Lord_Steelhand.

7/28/2007 Web_Weaver: SotC - Situation Diagrams Question
Hi all, Been flicking through Spirit of the Century and am very impressed with the Tips and Tricks section, and have a quick question. Could someone tell me where the…
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: Web_Weaver, iago, Rob Donoghue.

7/12/2007 c: Evil Hats hung in the closet with care.
I did an interview with my Origins roommate Fred Hicks that is now available. We discussed some of the design choices for Spirit of the Century, and Fate, Jim Butcher,…
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: c.

6/11/2007 JoystickJunkies: Starblazer, the Fate RPG of space opera adventure!
Hi there, just thought I'd drop in and announce (if you'd not heard yet) that Cubicle 7 Entertainment in the UK have licenced the British space opera comic book Starblazer…
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: JoystickJunkies.

6/8/2007 John Harper: Ocean's 13: Great SotC example
In the trailer for Ocean's 13, there's a great example of a high Rapport/Contacting character doing his thing. Al Pacino threatens George Clooney: "I know people who really know how…
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: John Harper, iago.

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Subsequent Topics
In Evilhat Productions

3/25/2008 Fatespinner: Musing about Don't Rest Your Head and Spirit of the Century
Hi, important things first, I really love your games. Now to the content of this post. While musing about my problems with SotC and HQ, how to do cyberware with…
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: Fatespinner, iago.

3/28/2008 Ahrimanius: Companions & Spirit of the Season Companions Reloaded Questions.
Hy I have a few Questions concerning Companions 1.The assistant Companion(Mental/Knowledge) can ad +1 in Knowledge Conflicts.Now Physical & Social Conflicts are rather common but I am having trouble of…
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: Ahrimanius.

4/8/2008 BladeLakem: Tempting Fate?
Hey there, I've been thinking about putting together an RPG for a setting that I have worked out and ran across Fate. I think it'll fit my setting really well,…
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: BladeLakem, iago.

4/8/2008 iago: Other Places to Find Evil Hat Discussions
There are several Yahoo Groups: SOTC and Fate: (a very active community, several years old and going strong) DRYH: (young, but populated by strong fans) Other places include:…
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: iago.

6/19/2008 AXUM: Help running a SOTC game!
Hello! I only have ONE player for my SOTC game.  How do I go about PC creation (specifically about the co-starring roles in other's novels)? Thanks Axum
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: AXUM, iago.

6/21/2008 Spooky Fanboy: Don't Tempt Your Fate: musings about a modern occult game
Let's say I want a tense game about modern-day magic, with a tight yet abstract system for my players to do spooky stuff in, and have spooky stuff done to…
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: Spooky Fanboy, iago.

7/11/2008 AXUM: Aspects without Stunts & other stuff...
Hello! I have 2 SOTC questions: 1-What happens when a PC chooses an Aspect that's a prop (like Jet Black's Jet pack) or a group (like the Bolsheviks), but doesn't…
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: AXUM, iago, Valamir.

7/21/2008 AXUM: Actions & reactions in Combat
Hello! Does a defender in a conflict always roll for defense (ie. you never lose the defense option (not talking about Full Defense), like a "reaction"? Thanks 
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: AXUM, iago.

7/28/2008 JoystickJunkies: Starblazer Adventures - Free Preview available!
Hi folks we've got the free preview of Starblazer Adventures up for you to check out over at Cubicle 7 plus a growing list of character sheets and other goodies…
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: JoystickJunkies, iago.

7/31/2008 JoystickJunkies: Starblazer - now taking pre-orders!
hey folks, thanks to everyone's hard work we're now taking pre-orders for the print edition which includes a free copy of the 632 page pdf too!
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: JoystickJunkies, oliof.

8/7/2008 AXUM: SOTC: dodging bullets?
Hi again! A situation came up in our session, yesterday night:  As written, without a Stunt, can an Athletics roll dodge a bullet in SOTC? Thanks AX
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: AXUM, iago.

8/7/2008 AXUM: SOTC: Minions & damage
Hello! I'm pretty much sure this is a 'no' answer but I still wanna confirm: Do Minions suffer Consequences? Thanks Da' Ax
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: AXUM, iago.

8/13/2008 LordEntropy: Chase Scenes
This is a cross post of a thread over on RPG.NET but the OP and myself have not had any answers yet. The OP has written up a chase sequence…
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: LordEntropy, iago, Mel_White.

8/14/2008 AXUM: SOTC: PCs helping each other
What's the process if PCs want to accomplish something with cooperation (like lifting a heavy object, or building a sophisticated computer)?  I'm unable to find the official rules. Thanks AXum
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: AXUM, Mel_White.

8/14/2008 AXUM: SOTC Fate & NPCs
Hello again! I was wondering if you have any suggestions on running the Antagonist's Fate points (how to use them, etc.): Do you suggest to play it fast & loose,…
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: AXUM, Mel_White.

8/21/2008 AXUM: SOTC- Help & suggestions for a New Stunt
Hello! As a SOTC GM, I was tinkering with a new Stunt for a Master Criminal Villain I have (a Master Thief), oddly enough, called "Master Criminal".  I was hoping…
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: AXUM, iago.

8/22/2008 LordEntropy: [SOTC] Outnumbered
A number of the fists stunts talk about their use when being outnumbered. Now I know Mooks get a numerical advantage to attack a character but I cant see anywhere…
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: LordEntropy, iago, oliof.

9/6/2008 Jumanji83: (DRYH) Partially pregenerated characters
So, I've been wondering what to run for Draconis, Montreal's RPG convention. And a friend has been talking me into running DRYH. I think character generation would take too long,…
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: Jumanji83, iago.

HELLO! As I've peroused the rules, seems to me that SOTC leans more towards Doc Savage/Indiana Jones/Tom Strong/The Shadow-type of pulp, instead of the "more" REH/HPL-type (Sword & Sorcery). If…
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: AXUM, iago.

9/12/2008 AXUM: SOTC-Critters
Hello! 1.If I'd want to set up a conflict between dangerous animals/beasts (akin to dinosuars, smilodons, bengal tigers, dragons, crocs, etc) & the PCs, would you recommend building the animals…
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: AXUM, iago.

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