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In Galileo Games

4/4/2006 Matt-M-McElroy: [Mortal Coil] Characters
Hey, Would it be possible for you to post a sample character two? It would be interesting to see what they might look like and help guide me through character…
In Galileo Games
Participants: Matt-M-McElroy, inthisstyle, Paka.

3/1/2006 inthisstyle: [Mortal Coil] What's in a Name?
One of the comments I got on the last Friday game was that the term for a character's base stats in Mortal Coil, capability, is difficult to use. It doesn't…
In Galileo Games
Participants: inthisstyle, Matt-M-McElroy, Valamir.

2/21/2006 inthisstyle: [Fifth World] Pools Again
I am reading the second edition rules for TSoY for the first time (I know, it's been out for months), and I am very impressed and pleased. They match up…
In Galileo Games
Participants: inthisstyle.

1/17/2006 inthisstyle: Playtesters
I sent out a note to some select people asking for a playtest of Mortal Coil, and then I e-mailed the PDF version of the game to them (of course…
In Galileo Games
Participants: inthisstyle, Matt-M-McElroy, Nathan P..

12/20/2005 inthisstyle: [Mortal Coil] Playtest Actual Play
I've posted an AP for my second playtest session of the game here:
In Galileo Games
Participants: inthisstyle.

12/14/2005 inthisstyle: The Legend of Yore: A Fantasy Heartbreaker Story
Our tale begins long ago, in 1986. Our hero, a young lad of 16, begins his long journey into game design innocently enough, on a family car trip. Bored, the…
In Galileo Games
Participants: inthisstyle, Paka, Matt Wilson, matthijs, Eero Tuovinen, abzu, greyorm, nikola, Miskatonic.

12/14/2005 Ron Edwards: Requested discussion
Hi Brennan, I request that you provide the entire development and publication history of Legends of Yore. It will be extremely helpful to many, many people arriving at the Forge.…
In Galileo Games
Participants: Ron Edwards, inthisstyle.

12/7/2005 inthisstyle: Welcome!
Welcome to the Galileo Games forum. Although I have dedicated fora on my own site,, I thought it would be a good idea to set up some here at…
In Galileo Games
Participants: inthisstyle, Troy_Costisick, Andrew Morris, Emily Care.

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Subsequent Topics
In Galileo Games

4/23/2006 inthisstyle: Bulldogs! and Bulldogs! Races on Sale at IPR
IPR is holding a 20% off sale for May Day, and you can get Bulldogs! and Bulldogs! Races at 20% off on the site through May 6.
In Galileo Games
Participants: inthisstyle.

5/12/2006 inthisstyle: [Mortal Coil] The 10-Minute Demo
Up in the Conventions forum, there's some really <a href="">good advice about convention demos</a>, mostly aimed at GenCon specifically. Since I am debuting <a href="">Mortal Coil</a> at a convention, I…
In Galileo Games
Participants: inthisstyle, Matt-M-McElroy, Mike Holmes, mtiru, Thunder_God.

6/9/2006 inthisstyle: Moral Coil Preview
Mortal Coil is now at the printer, and will be out by the end of the month. I am going to set up preorders through IPR next week. In the…
In Galileo Games
Participants: inthisstyle, Eero Tuovinen.

6/15/2006 inthisstyle: [Mortal Coil] Available for Preorder!
It's at the printer now, and printed copies will be coming in by the end of June. Go to Indie Press Revolution to preorder now! I will personally sign each…
In Galileo Games
Participants: inthisstyle, Paka, Thunder_God.

6/15/2006 Dman: Star Charts for Bulldogs!?
Has anyone out there put together a starchart (map) of the Bulldogs! galaxy, or at the very least a chart of the distances for the core worlds from GCP?
In Galileo Games
Participants: Dman, inthisstyle.

7/7/2006 inthisstyle: Podcasts
There are a couple of podcasts from Origins where I or my game is mentioned: Mike Sugarbaker of Ogrecave interviewed me at Origins about IPR: Paul Tevis and Ken…
In Galileo Games
Participants: inthisstyle, joewolz.

7/19/2006 Rob Donoghue: Mortal Coil Player's Screen
So, MC was a big hit at Dexcon, but I didn't really dig the "Hide the chips with your arm" part of things.  It just seemed clumsy, so there was…
In Galileo Games
Participants: Rob Donoghue, Paka, Nathan P., inthisstyle.

7/22/2006 boredoom: Conflicts against inanimate objects
I just got the rules, and I love them. I think I'll have to GM this, which would be the first time I GM in 15 years or so. But…
In Galileo Games
Participants: boredoom, inthisstyle, Nathan P..

7/22/2006 Paka: The Mortal Coil Weekend
[url="]It has begun.[/url] This game absolutely rocks. If I had to travel from con to con, known as the GM-With-No-Name, I'd have to travel light.  I'd have PTA, Dogs in…
In Galileo Games
Participants: Paka, inthisstyle.

7/23/2006 Garvey: Playtest vs Final Rules
I heard about Mortal Coil on the Have Games Will Travel podcast, which inspired me to look up the game on the net.  It looked interesting, but the lack of…
In Galileo Games
Participants: Garvey, inthisstyle.

7/24/2006 drnuncheon: PDF
Brennan, Over on, you mentioned that you were going to reformat Mortal Coil and make it available as a PDF.  Do you have any plans on offering a PDF->Print…
In Galileo Games
Participants: drnuncheon, inthisstyle.

7/25/2006 boredoom: Same aptitude twice in one round?
The rules say you can't use the same faculty twice in a round. What about aptitudes? I think this must come up a lot: In a wrestling match, a player…
In Galileo Games
Participants: boredoom, inthisstyle.

7/25/2006 coffeestain: [Mortal Coil] Conflict Example
Hey!  I've just read through the book briefly and I've got a couple of questions regarding conflicts. 1 - When are individual actions in a conflict round announced?  I suspect…
In Galileo Games
Participants: coffeestain, inthisstyle, bluegargantua, Nathan P., boredoom.

7/26/2006 boredoom: Double-targeting in conflicts
Another question about conflicts: can a character target the same character with more than one action in the same round? It doesn't seem to be specifically prohibited, but could lead…
In Galileo Games
Participants: boredoom, inthisstyle, Nathan P..

7/26/2006 Garvey: [Mortal Coil] Invoking Magical Aptitudes For NPCs
Does the GM have to spend a magic token to invoke the magical aptitude of an NPC?  Or to have an NPC invoke the magical abilties of a supernatural item?…
In Galileo Games
Participants: Garvey, inthisstyle.

7/27/2006 boredoom: Inappropriate actions
The thread about double-targeting of actions brings up another question: what do I do as GM if a player declares an action that is inappropriate to the stated goal? Say…
In Galileo Games
Participants: boredoom, inthisstyle.

7/31/2006 coffeestain: Question about Magical Aptitudes
What is the intention of having Magical Aptitudes and Items require only one Magic Token per session to activate, while Magical Effects require one token per use?  Is it to…
In Galileo Games
Participants: coffeestain, inthisstyle, Nathan P., RedPissLegion.

8/3/2006 thwaak: Reading a Dead Person's Mind
My son (8 yrs old) just called me at work to ask if a super power would be a good idea, "you know, in general". I asked him what it…
In Galileo Games
Participants: thwaak, inthisstyle.

8/10/2006 Chirikh: RP Log Thread.
I'd posted these on the old forum, and the online game has some new folks who need the old backstory again. So it's past time to be doing them up…
In Galileo Games
Participants: Chirikh.

8/16/2006 boredoom: Resolving Passions
I can't see that Mortal Coil has a mechanism for dealing with Passions that have run their course. For instance, what happens if a character with "Hate: Kill all vampires…
In Galileo Games
Participants: boredoom, inthisstyle, Nathan P..

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