The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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In First Thoughts

3/16/2006 Czar Fnord: [GLASS] Reward, Death, and Fair Trade
This is a splinter thread from Request for Comments on Cost Balances. Blame Walt Freitag. ;-) I have been persuaded to address, in GLASS, difficult issues with long-running…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Czar Fnord, Valamir, pells, Noon, Walt Freitag, contracycle.

3/16/2006 PincheGamesLoco: PINCHE GAMES!
Hello toall the gamers and everyone here at The Forge!  Please excuse my English that I am working on making better. My name is LOCO!  I read here every day…
In First Thoughts
Participants: PincheGamesLoco, Ron Edwards, Arturo G..

3/15/2006 billvolk: Critique my campaign setting (long post)
This isn't a rules system - it's a setting designed to get the maximum potential out of open-ended, point-based rules systems like BESM (the Tri-stat system found at or…
In First Thoughts
Participants: billvolk, pells, Miskatonic, anders_larsen, Joshua BishopRoby, TroyLovesRPG.

3/14/2006 TheGameMaster: My Game: Claymore
Hi all, I wrote a game over the last 24 years called Claymore... it's a hodge podge of various things with a unique game world (or at least it was…
In First Thoughts
Participants: TheGameMaster, preludetotheend, anders_larsen, billvolk.

3/13/2006 davez: Looking for Critique of my System
[url][/url] The system is kind of a build it yourself RPG to recreate Anime, Kung Fu, Video Game, Tokusatsu, and other highly cinematic settings. The game is based around a…
In First Thoughts
Participants: davez, Bryan Hansel.

3/13/2006 Willow: Rummy Based Game Mechanics?
I'm working on a game in a very primal stage.  I realized that the mechanics I was kicking around were loosely similar to certain forms of rummy. I'm aware of…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Willow, JakeVanDam, Graham Walmsley, knicknevin, TroyLovesRPG.

3/12/2006 Dr. Pizza: My new Game
I am new here, and this is my first post, so I belive the best way to start it is by saying: greetings to everyone! I have no knowedge about…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Dr. Pizza, jasonm, Justin Marx, anders_larsen, Calithena, billvolk.

3/11/2006 ObLaDan: [Trickster] Power 19
So.  After lurking here for quite a while, I gave in to temptation.  This is my first try at making a game.  Inspirations include Southwest Native American folklore (Coyote) and…
In First Thoughts
Participants: ObLaDan, Troy_Costisick.

3/10/2006 mratomek: Am I putting the CRUNCH in CRUNCHY?
The game I am working on, Monster Rules, is a generic RPG/wargame hybrid. You get to create your own characters that you use in game play, which is played-out in…
In First Thoughts
Participants: mratomek, Joshua BishopRoby, Noon, Danny_K.

3/10/2006 Bailywolf: [Stealing Heaven]- a game of occult initiation and human limitations
Modern occult games are one of my favorite types of design.  I loves ‘em.  Anyhow, here’s another. I’m re-reading Barker’s Great and Secret Show (and recalling other Barker novels and…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Bailywolf, simon_hibbs, Graham Walmsley, anders_larsen, TroyLovesRPG, Spooky Fanboy, Danny_K, Certified, charles, Doug Ruff.

3/9/2006 Ydirbut: The Wonder System
Sorry I don't have all of the details worked out yet Dice The Wonder System uses 2 twenty sided dice(2d20) for all skill checks. Character Points(CP) The GM should give…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Ydirbut, TonyLB, anders_larsen.

3/8/2006 Brendan: [Dispatching the Dungeon Master] Power 19 and Structured Design Scenario
Dispatching the Dungeon Master is a game about killing monsters and taking their stuff.  At the end of the game, you fight a boss monster.  When you beat the boss…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Brendan, Calithena, Troy_Costisick, Noon, Everspinner.

3/7/2006 chris_moore: [In the Pit] - Power 19
1.) What is the game about? “In the Pit” is about how desperate situations can lead to unexpected choices and actions. 2.) What do the characters do? The characters, “chained”…
In First Thoughts
Participants: chris_moore, anders_larsen.

3/7/2006 jasonm: [Drowning and Falling] The Power 19
OK, here's the Power 19 for Drowning and Falling, a ridiculous game I'm working on.  At this point it is in solid shape and just needs some playtesting and tweaking. …
In First Thoughts
Participants: jasonm, Troy_Costisick, anders_larsen.

3/5/2006 Axiom: Looking for a smart way to mash a bunch of systems.
In my free time I like to dabble with building computer RPGs. and I am getting to the point where I want to build my own system instead of using…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Axiom, catmorbid, Ben Lehman.

3/5/2006 DarkAsmodeous: [Lost to the Mists] Need input on quirks
Hello, my rpg Lost to the Mists is nearing the playtesting phase for the system, but we are a little hung up on quirks. LttM uses a dice pool/target number…
In First Thoughts
Participants: DarkAsmodeous, anders_larsen, TroyLovesRPG, TheineLD50, catmorbid, Czar Fnord.

3/3/2006 Eric Bennett: [Mythos] A crossroads in design
Howdy there folks! Development of Mythos, my game of horror, character exploration, and shared creation of a horror setting. I know horror possibly isn't the best descriptor, since what the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Eric Bennett, anders_larsen, Troy_Costisick.

3/2/2006 JMendes: [Project Senate] Need help on going GMless
Ahey, all, :) In a recent playtest, one of the players suggested I turn Project Senate into a GMless design. I'd like to ask you if you have any pointers…
In First Thoughts
Participants: JMendes, Troy_Costisick, Jason13, jasonm, TonyLB.

3/2/2006 JMendes: [Project Senate] Need help with providing color
Hi, all, :) I'm torn. It has come to my attention that Project Senate has the potential to lack color. So, I have two options: either provide for extensive play…
In First Thoughts
Participants: JMendes, TonyLB, Filip Luszczyk.

3/2/2006 Joshua BishopRoby: [Web of Shadows] Version 0.2 -- Address Resolution
The second draft of Web of Shadows is available here.  It is far more elaborated and expanded from its last incarnation. Anyone feeling adventurous enough to playtest?  This is very…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Joshua BishopRoby.

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In First Thoughts

3/17/2006 Elishar: Superheroes: [what next?]
Hello all, I'm new to the forum here.  I've been checking out the forums off and on for some time now to get a feel for the community but this…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Elishar, Eero Tuovinen, anders_larsen, Certified, billvolk, Eric Bennett, Ken, Melinglor, Mark Johnson, dindenver, Vibilo.

3/19/2006 Peter Nordstrand: The Uchtman Factor: An Overview
See the end of this post for specific questions. The Uchtman Factor The Uchtman Factor is a narration game for three players and one game master. Players take turns playing…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Peter Nordstrand, Artanis, Mister Six, c, Ken, Jonas Karlsson, jasonm, Czar Fnord, Thunder_God.

3/20/2006 Eric Bennett: [Mythos] Its Conflict resolution-tastic! (or is it?)
So, I've figured out how I want to do my conflict resolution, and wanted to put it up to see if I have any gaping mechanical holes in things, prior…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Eric Bennett, anders_larsen, Danny_K.

3/20/2006 BlacklightLion: [Setting Concept]: Asia colonizing the West Coast of the Americas
This is just an idea that struck me as worth working on as an RPG setting... Japan & China settling the Western coast of the Americas, perhaps prior to the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: BlacklightLion, anders_larsen, JakeVanDam, contracycle, MatrixGamer.

3/21/2006 Kai Wren: Hi there
Hi! I''m working on a RPG based upon the anime Dragonball Z, hardly a concept which has met with a lot of support in my local area, so I figured…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Kai Wren, TonyLB, dindenver, Eric Bennett, billvolk, Miskatonic.

3/21/2006 TonyLB: [Misery Bubblegum] Voting ... for creator or for player?
So, here's a sketchy thought.  You ask each player three things about their character: What was your character trying to achieve before the story started? Why do they, as a…
In First Thoughts
Participants: TonyLB, Joshua BishopRoby, Doug Ruff.

3/22/2006 GStonecipher: An RPG with Playing Cards
Hi everyone, I have been a lurker since time immemorial, and I finally have something to post.  This could be a long one I am building a game that uses…
In First Thoughts
Participants: GStonecipher, Adam Dray, Michael S. Miller, Bill_White, Vaxalon.

3/22/2006 Brian_W: [Channeling] Opposed extended rolls
(First post, so bear with me...) First of all, for anyone who wants more information than i'm giving, full info on my game (as it exists) can be found at…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Brian_W, Troy_Costisick, TroyLovesRPG, anders_larsen.

3/23/2006 Ron Edwards: Rules for the First Thoughts forum
This forum is for working through early drafts and posing design questions about the fundamental concepts for new games. If you're starting a thread here, then it's very important for…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Ron Edwards, FinalFantasy7, Justin Berman, Steven Stewart, r_donato, Sovem, andrew_kenrick, Eric Schwenke, Paul T, Sydney Freedberg, Adam Dray, bookworm_85, castus nigh, David Artman, Greg 1, Eero Tuovinen, vilonious, Carnifex.

3/23/2006 Sarako: [Fall of Prometheus] Demigods, Karma, and Powers
Fall of Prometheus is a game about fallen gods trying to regain heaven, struggling along the way with conceptions of morality and mortality. I wrote earlier about <a href="">my first…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Sarako, anders_larsen.

3/23/2006 Thunder_God: [Cranium Rats]Personality Makeup, Boardgame Feel and other Questions.
I'm currently working on an RPG(if it can be called that) with a primary Gamist feel and seconday Narrativist feel; Sim is thrown right out of the window. In the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Thunder_God, MatrixGamer, Czar Fnord, Ron Edwards, Eric Bennett.

3/24/2006 strange: Magic system
First of all - greetings to everyone ;) I have no wide experience in game design, however that doesn't cancel that some special system is required - even more, I'm…
In First Thoughts
Participants: strange, Jinx, charles, Tommi Brander, Selene Tan, MatrixGamer.

3/24/2006 Filip Luszczyk: [Alternativ (working title)] Power 19
OK, this is Power 19 for a project I've been working for about a year. It went through over 10 versions of the rules, and I changed practically everything but…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Filip Luszczyk, Shreyas Sampat.

3/24/2006 frikardellen: [Vicious love (working title)] Suggestions to system wanted
Hi there I wanna make a narrative game about vicious love. I want it to revolve around the premise "when do courting cross the line from sweet to horrible?". It…
In First Thoughts
Participants: frikardellen, Ron Edwards, Eero Tuovinen, Thunder_God, Dumirik.

3/24/2006 c: [outside] critiquing ownership
Hi guys, I'm getting closer to releasing my first game Outside, for playtesting via a creative commons license (Attribution, no-derivatives, noncommercial). I'm just trying to nail a few more things…
In First Thoughts
Participants: c, Paul Strack.

3/24/2006 c: [outside] Brainstorming the Monster
Hello all, I'm trying to get all my thoughts together on what to do with The Monster in my game Outside. What I'd like to happen in this thread is…
In First Thoughts
Participants: c, Paul Strack, Thunder_God, Castlin, Emmett.

3/25/2006 EvlDragonMonkey: I've just started making a P&P RPG and need help. (Warning LONG)
My story is a bit odd, and long, so bear with me. In order for you to know how I've gotten in the situation I'm in now, I'll have to…
In First Thoughts
Participants: EvlDragonMonkey, Thunder_God, Tommi Brander, greyorm, Noon, pells, anders_larsen, Paul Strack, dindenver.

3/25/2006 Elishar: The Beast Within: Preliminary Design
Ok, I've taken in all the feedback I think everyone can offer me on my Superheroes game and I've made some serious changes.  My game is no longer called Superheroes…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Elishar, Thunder_God, anders_larsen, dindenver.

3/25/2006 Mark Unknown: Trying to work out my Homebrew Rules (Long)
Hi all, I'm new to the Forge & hope I'm not starting in the wrong spot.  I've recently began to push myself to My Own House System.  I prefer lighter…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Mark Unknown, Thunder_God, Eero Tuovinen.

3/26/2006 Sankido: Is the death spiral the big evil?
Hello I'm new to this forum. At least postingwise. I’m tinkering on a system that is loosely build around Harlequin Jones’ Hursagmu RPG. My system uses basically two different mechanics:…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Sankido, Julian, dindenver, Shreyas Sampat, charles.

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