The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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From Day One

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In First Thoughts

3/26/2006 Sankido: Is the death spiral the big evil?
Hello I'm new to this forum. At least postingwise. I’m tinkering on a system that is loosely build around Harlequin Jones’ Hursagmu RPG. My system uses basically two different mechanics:…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Sankido, Julian, dindenver, Shreyas Sampat, charles.

3/25/2006 Mark Unknown: Trying to work out my Homebrew Rules (Long)
Hi all, I'm new to the Forge & hope I'm not starting in the wrong spot.  I've recently began to push myself to My Own House System.  I prefer lighter…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Mark Unknown, Thunder_God, Eero Tuovinen.

3/25/2006 Elishar: The Beast Within: Preliminary Design
Ok, I've taken in all the feedback I think everyone can offer me on my Superheroes game and I've made some serious changes.  My game is no longer called Superheroes…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Elishar, Thunder_God, anders_larsen, dindenver.

3/25/2006 EvlDragonMonkey: I've just started making a P&P RPG and need help. (Warning LONG)
My story is a bit odd, and long, so bear with me. In order for you to know how I've gotten in the situation I'm in now, I'll have to…
In First Thoughts
Participants: EvlDragonMonkey, Thunder_God, Tommi Brander, greyorm, Noon, pells, anders_larsen, Paul Strack, dindenver.

3/24/2006 c: [outside] Brainstorming the Monster
Hello all, I'm trying to get all my thoughts together on what to do with The Monster in my game Outside. What I'd like to happen in this thread is…
In First Thoughts
Participants: c, Paul Strack, Thunder_God, Castlin, Emmett.

3/24/2006 c: [outside] critiquing ownership
Hi guys, I'm getting closer to releasing my first game Outside, for playtesting via a creative commons license (Attribution, no-derivatives, noncommercial). I'm just trying to nail a few more things…
In First Thoughts
Participants: c, Paul Strack.

3/24/2006 frikardellen: [Vicious love (working title)] Suggestions to system wanted
Hi there I wanna make a narrative game about vicious love. I want it to revolve around the premise "when do courting cross the line from sweet to horrible?". It…
In First Thoughts
Participants: frikardellen, Ron Edwards, Eero Tuovinen, Thunder_God, Dumirik.

3/24/2006 Filip Luszczyk: [Alternativ (working title)] Power 19
OK, this is Power 19 for a project I've been working for about a year. It went through over 10 versions of the rules, and I changed practically everything but…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Filip Luszczyk, Shreyas Sampat.

3/24/2006 strange: Magic system
First of all - greetings to everyone ;) I have no wide experience in game design, however that doesn't cancel that some special system is required - even more, I'm…
In First Thoughts
Participants: strange, Jinx, charles, Tommi Brander, Selene Tan, MatrixGamer.

3/23/2006 Thunder_God: [Cranium Rats]Personality Makeup, Boardgame Feel and other Questions.
I'm currently working on an RPG(if it can be called that) with a primary Gamist feel and seconday Narrativist feel; Sim is thrown right out of the window. In the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Thunder_God, MatrixGamer, Czar Fnord, Ron Edwards, Eric Bennett.

3/23/2006 Sarako: [Fall of Prometheus] Demigods, Karma, and Powers
Fall of Prometheus is a game about fallen gods trying to regain heaven, struggling along the way with conceptions of morality and mortality. I wrote earlier about <a href="">my first…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Sarako, anders_larsen.

3/23/2006 Ron Edwards: Rules for the First Thoughts forum
This forum is for working through early drafts and posing design questions about the fundamental concepts for new games. If you're starting a thread here, then it's very important for…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Ron Edwards, FinalFantasy7, Justin Berman, Steven Stewart, r_donato, Sovem, andrew_kenrick, Eric Schwenke, Paul T, Sydney Freedberg, Adam Dray, bookworm_85, castus nigh, David Artman, Greg 1, Eero Tuovinen, vilonious, Carnifex.

3/22/2006 Brian_W: [Channeling] Opposed extended rolls
(First post, so bear with me...) First of all, for anyone who wants more information than i'm giving, full info on my game (as it exists) can be found at…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Brian_W, Troy_Costisick, TroyLovesRPG, anders_larsen.

3/22/2006 GStonecipher: An RPG with Playing Cards
Hi everyone, I have been a lurker since time immemorial, and I finally have something to post.  This could be a long one I am building a game that uses…
In First Thoughts
Participants: GStonecipher, Adam Dray, Michael S. Miller, Bill_White, Vaxalon.

3/21/2006 TonyLB: [Misery Bubblegum] Voting ... for creator or for player?
So, here's a sketchy thought.  You ask each player three things about their character: What was your character trying to achieve before the story started? Why do they, as a…
In First Thoughts
Participants: TonyLB, Joshua BishopRoby, Doug Ruff.

3/21/2006 Kai Wren: Hi there
Hi! I''m working on a RPG based upon the anime Dragonball Z, hardly a concept which has met with a lot of support in my local area, so I figured…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Kai Wren, TonyLB, dindenver, Eric Bennett, billvolk, Miskatonic.

3/20/2006 BlacklightLion: [Setting Concept]: Asia colonizing the West Coast of the Americas
This is just an idea that struck me as worth working on as an RPG setting... Japan & China settling the Western coast of the Americas, perhaps prior to the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: BlacklightLion, anders_larsen, JakeVanDam, contracycle, MatrixGamer.

3/20/2006 Eric Bennett: [Mythos] Its Conflict resolution-tastic! (or is it?)
So, I've figured out how I want to do my conflict resolution, and wanted to put it up to see if I have any gaping mechanical holes in things, prior…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Eric Bennett, anders_larsen, Danny_K.

3/19/2006 Peter Nordstrand: The Uchtman Factor: An Overview
See the end of this post for specific questions. The Uchtman Factor The Uchtman Factor is a narration game for three players and one game master. Players take turns playing…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Peter Nordstrand, Artanis, Mister Six, c, Ken, Jonas Karlsson, jasonm, Czar Fnord, Thunder_God.

3/17/2006 Elishar: Superheroes: [what next?]
Hello all, I'm new to the forum here.  I've been checking out the forums off and on for some time now to get a feel for the community but this…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Elishar, Eero Tuovinen, anders_larsen, Certified, billvolk, Eric Bennett, Ken, Melinglor, Mark Johnson, dindenver, Vibilo.

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Subsequent Topics
In First Thoughts

3/27/2006 btrc: Good & Evil?
I've got a gameworld in playtest at the moment with a modern horror theme (yes, another modern horror game). Anyway, the backdrop includes Good and Evil, with capital G and…
In First Thoughts
Participants: btrc, Bill_White, dindenver, Paul Strack, Thunder_God, JakeVanDam, Ben Lehman, Tommi Brander, MatrixGamer, c, Czar Fnord, Adam Dray, NN, TroyLovesRPG, Danny_K, Castlin, Emmett.

3/27/2006 Eric Bennett: [Mythos] Revision posted.
Hey there folks. After two playtest sessions, I've brought Mythos into enough coherency that I am willing to subject it to the public eye. If you would like to read…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Eric Bennett, Thunder_God, Dead.

3/27/2006 Joshua BishopRoby: [Agora] Delicate Die Pools
Okay, so.  This game, right?  You've got dice pools of different die sizes (d4, d6, d8, d10).  (There is just way too much density of information that you can cram…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Joshua BishopRoby, Danny_K, Shreyas Sampat, nikola.

3/27/2006 anders_larsen: [Monster Hunters] Cracks, Beliefs and other thing I need feedback on
The former thread for this game is here: But you don't have to read that thread. I will be explaining the game here, and the game has changed a…
In First Thoughts
Participants: anders_larsen, Bailywolf.

3/28/2006 kaikatsu: Air Combat and Driving Mechanics
Hey all. Does anyone know where some good mechanics are for air/air or vehicle combat?  I have a fairly fleshed out system.  I can post details if people want, but…
In First Thoughts
Participants: kaikatsu, Shreyas Sampat, FlameLover, nikola, Czar Fnord, MatrixGamer.

3/28/2006 Dumirik: Abusive Relationship Mechanics
I've had this game idea kicking about in the back of my head for quite some time now (the core concept is actually salvaged from my very first design attempt…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Dumirik, Nathan P., Arturo G., MatrixGamer.

3/28/2006 rgrassi: [Levity 2.0]: Universal RPG System 1d6
I've just released the italian version of this system designed with newbies and kids in mind. I've made an english version but it will need editing and reviewing from some…
In First Thoughts
Participants: rgrassi, Eric Bennett, operator23, bazzalisk, Bryan Hansel, Tommi Brander.

3/28/2006 Bailywolf: [Threshold] Basic mechanical refinements (d10 roll under but high as possible)
  I have made some basic mechanical refinements to the game detailed in this earlier thread. Basic recap- Threshold (or rather On the Threshold is my modern magicians game dealing…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Bailywolf, anders_larsen, Spooky Fanboy, Danny_K, dindenver.

3/29/2006 sirogit: Wiki-based mythic gaming
Here's the idea: Influenced by Heroquest, The Shadow of Yesterday, Exalted and Nine Worlds. Mythic fantasy rpg, with a very strong focus on both creating legendary exploits and emulating the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: sirogit, Graham Walmsley, TonyLB, Thunder_God.

3/29/2006 Brian_W: [Channeling] Aquiring, holding, using and losing power
Channeling is a game about a group of people who are among the small group of mortals who can gather and harness power. Not in the sense of political or…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Brian_W, billvolk.

3/30/2006 Eric J-D: Mythic RPG--Preliminary Thoughts
Hi everyone, After many failed attempts to talk myself out of it, I have decided to take the first tentative steps towards designing my own game.  Ron, if you read…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Eric J-D, anders_larsen, Shreyas Sampat, Czar Fnord, contracycle.

3/30/2006 Shreyas Sampat: [Snow From Korea] Endgame Dissatisfaction
[i]One year ago, his wife said to Ichigo no Kiriyama, "It is hot. Bring me snow from Korea to cool my brow." Ichigo went to Korea and brought back Snow,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Shreyas Sampat, dindenver, Danny_K, TonyLB, Thunder_God.

3/30/2006 monsterboy: Gideon Game for your perusal (and Hello)
Hi, all. Been lurking here for awhile, learning the glossary, and I've decided to jump right in. I've been thinking about this for a few days, and now have a…
In First Thoughts
Participants: monsterboy, neko ewen, TonyLB, Bryan Hansel.

3/30/2006 Madkitten: [Adventure] looking for feedback
Hello A friend and me where reading through some adventures that we had acquired some years ago (about 10 years or so), and came to the satisfying conclusion that they…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Madkitten, MatrixGamer.

3/31/2006 1of3: Still unnamed fantasy game
Hi. I've been working on another game and by now I'm convinced, that this time I will finish it. (I know this must sound outright stupid...) Well, my idea was…
In First Thoughts
Participants: 1of3, MatrixGamer, monsterboy.

3/31/2006 mobuttu: [ORN RPG] Skills Insights
Hi, first time poster. First of all, I'd like to apologize for my bad English, since it isn't my mother language. I'll try to do my best. I'm currently trying…
In First Thoughts
Participants: mobuttu, Thunder_God, anders_larsen.

3/31/2006 ElliottBelser MKII: [Conflict: Eridani] Colony Creation
Lo, All!  I'm trying to pare down a wicked keen world into something useful for an RPG.  Help me sort out what's cool and my own and what's just filching…
In First Thoughts
Participants: ElliottBelser MKII, Thunder_God, Miskatonic.

3/31/2006 ElliottBelser MKII: [Conflict: Eridani] Squad and Squadleader Creation.
SO.  Conflict: Edriani is a roleplaying wargame.  You play a mixture of the Bab 5 psi corps and the Starship Troopers mobile infantry in a space fantasy, trying to retake…
In First Thoughts
Participants: ElliottBelser MKII, Sydney Freedberg, Danny_K.

3/31/2006 TonyLB: Gina Tonic and the @%$^ed up Pancakes
So I've had a lot of exposure to children's books recently.  I love the motifs, the recurring structure.  I think you could make a cool game that played like a…
In First Thoughts
Participants: TonyLB, Thunder_God, Sydney Freedberg, monsterboy, Miskatonic, Noon, Ben Lehman.

3/31/2006 Jinx: [Crucible] Tournament Fighting! Help with Advancement?
Hello, all.  Much as I know I should be finishing up Echoes (my current project), another one has sorta taken hold of me.  I'm calling it Crucible for now, which…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Jinx, neko ewen, robotsunshine.

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