The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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In First Thoughts

5/11/2006 Paladin Knight: ¿Percentile dice?
I've been looking at the Returner Headquarters FFRPG page a lot, and in the rules section under "Combat", it says right at the top how they determine hits and misses.…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Paladin Knight, jeremycoatney, KKinsane, Adam Dray, rafial, flammifer, Ron Edwards.

5/11/2006 charles: [Throne Of The Spider God] Pulp S&S
Hey all "Throne Of The Spider God is a game of bloody combat and daring exploits, perilous magic and the wrath of gods. It takes you to exotic worlds where…
In First Thoughts
Participants: charles, Eric J-D, Ron Edwards, Smithy, Miskatonic, charles ferguson, John Harper, davidberg.

5/10/2006 Sir Privy Toastrack: Where can I post my game-in-progress?
Is there a shared website for folks to upload games-in-progress for feedback?
In First Thoughts
Participants: Sir Privy Toastrack, flammifer, Thunder_God, Daemonworks.

5/10/2006 joepub: [Perfect] The Mechanics of Commiting Crimes.
just for reference, one of the previous threads: and, one on game colour/etc: Okay... So for those of you who haven't been following, and didn't click the above…
In First Thoughts
Participants: joepub, Chad, Czar Fnord, dindenver.

5/10/2006 Ken: [Ten Cent Heroes] Power 19
Hey All, Here are the 19 questions for my golden age super hero game called Tales of Ten Cent Heroes (or Ten Cent Heroes). Feel free to ask any questions.…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Ken, Graham Walmsley, Larry Wickman, Malcolm.

5/9/2006 Philbo: Mythic Greece?
I was thinking about developing a setting for Mythic Greece?  An somewhat accurate depiction of ancient Greece -- but with all the cool mythical stuff.  I'd like to use the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Philbo, John Kirk, Ironchicken, ghashsnaga, rafial, J Tolson.

5/8/2006 leslie: [Spookbaggers] Basic assumptions and testing mechanics.
Hello, my name is Leslie and I am a Simulationist. Oh, wait, this is not the Simulationists Anonymous meeting? Damn. ;-) OK, here's the deal. I'm trying to create a…
In First Thoughts
Participants: leslie, Rob MacDougall, Thor, Ron Edwards, Filip Luszczyk.

5/8/2006 jeremycoatney: Super Heroes Game, divine touch or not?
Hello,     I am currently creating a game for super hero setting adventures and campaigns and I was wondering: should I include characters who have their powers granted by…
In First Thoughts
Participants: jeremycoatney, TonyLB, Czar Fnord, dindenver, Ken, flammifer.

5/8/2006 gains: [Frights!] Horror Movie Game
Still in the early stages, here is a teaser for Frights! I wrote this up in about a day. Frights! is a game meant to recreate the horror of Monster…
In First Thoughts
Participants: gains, 1of3.

5/6/2006 flammifer: Card-based character creation
Does anybody have any experience with using randomly dealt cards for character creation ? I am partly inspired by some recent posts on Vincent Baker's blog around the Cheap and…
In First Thoughts
Participants: flammifer, cpeterso, Damon C Bradshaw, Czar Fnord, gains, playbywiki.

5/5/2006 Paladin Knight: Questions about accuracy and evasion.
Hi, everyone. I've been working on making an RPG with rules that have elements of various RPG video games I've played before such as Final Fantasy games and Diablo, just…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Paladin Knight, TroyLovesRPG, greyorm, c, Blankshield.

5/5/2006 Bailywolf: [Orphan game mechanic] What price victory?
Stop me if this has been done, but I got to thinking about an alternate take on resolution (possibly diceless resolution).  In playing with mechanics for Maestro Mago, Strange Alias,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Bailywolf, knicknevin.

5/5/2006 Bailywolf: [Strange Alias] Being human is hard
Oddly enough, this game idea came from my efforts to learn Photoshop.  I was compositing and image… here, : this one Basic image concept- ‘when cheap holographic projectors and flash…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Bailywolf, c, Castlin, knicknevin, TonyLB, cognis, Mike Holmes, ironick.

5/4/2006 jmac: should I refer to the book?
I'm not sure, maybe I should have asked this in publishing forum. My question is about game text. There is a game, I'm trying to finish, It's being playtested now,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: jmac, Thunder_God, c, Andy Kitkowski.

5/4/2006 Bailywolf: [Maestro Mago] Basic Concepts & Themes
I was thinking… I love Doctor Strange- he’s my favorite Marvel character by miles.  I like the whole mojo of the character- the brownstone, the funky companions, the mystic origins,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Bailywolf, chris_moore.

5/3/2006 Grail-Shadowblade: Raid Earth
Hi this is one of the systems I'm working on at the moment and it's got me stumped, I've got some idea's and combat done but I can't find a…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Grail-Shadowblade, MarkDunder, sean2099, Czar Fnord, joepub, Smithy, KKinsane.

5/2/2006 Czar Fnord: [GLASS] System Test Document v1.0 (beta)
Thanks to very useful feedback from participants on my previous GLASS threads (see my sig), I am now able to release... GLASS System Test Document v1.0(beta) GLASS-System-v1-0-beta.pdf GLASS-Costs-v1-0-beta.pdf Major Changes…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Czar Fnord.

5/2/2006 jknevitt: [The Valley] Concept Notes
So, I've had an idea kicking around in my head for a rules-lite, genre-vague game set in and called, simply, The Valley. What is The Valley? It's exactly that --…
In First Thoughts
Participants: jknevitt, Thunder_God, Chad, davidberg, jasonm, sean2099, c, flammifer, Czar Fnord, joepub.

5/1/2006 Thunder_God: [Cranium Rats] Review Raised Questions
Dotan Dimet had posted a Review/Critique of Cranium Rats Beta 1.1(current version), I then posted my reply. In the thread some interesting questions were raised: 1. Would you be interested…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Thunder_God, Dotan Dimet, John Kirk, Filip Luszczyk.

4/30/2006 zmobie: Dungeon Action!
I've been inspired as of late. The video dungeon games of the 80's and the lo-fi remake "dungeon escape" have really reminded me of what playing a great…
In First Thoughts
Participants: zmobie, Vibilo, FLEB, Tommi Brander, anders_larsen, flammifer, Umberhulk, Noon.

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Subsequent Topics
In First Thoughts

5/16/2006 Oscar Evans: Space Pirates
I was asked to run a game a few days ago and had to come up with something on the spot. It was a one shot so i couldnt use…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Oscar Evans, Precious Villain, Czar Fnord, sean2099, Kobayashi, Immunis.

5/17/2006 playbywiki: Symbol ("sigil") based text system: 3 questions.
I've been playing RPGs and, specifically, GURPS and, hyperspecifically, text-based RPGs based on GURPS for years. About six months ago, I got this idea that it would be cool to…
In First Thoughts
Participants: playbywiki, jeremycoatney, Jinx, Thunder_God, cpeterso, Sydney Freedberg, Daemonworks.

5/17/2006 sayter: [Realm] Tree based or List based powers?
Greetings. It has been quite some time since I posted here, as things have been mighty busy. But, Realm is on a roll again so here I is! Currently I…
In First Thoughts
Participants: sayter, jeremycoatney, Ken, dindenver, sean2099, Daemonworks.

5/17/2006 Frank T: [Aller Tage Abend] Brief History and Power 19
Today I’m going to post about my new project. This post is meant as a source to point people to in discussions to come. I am not looking for specific…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Frank T.

5/18/2006 ssfsx17: Wrangling with wording
The system I am designing is based on ten-sided dice pools. The success of a die roll is determined by a difficulty number which defaults to five. Rolling higher is…
In First Thoughts
Participants: ssfsx17, Oscar Evans.

5/18/2006 rikiwarren: Conflict Resolution System
Hi, One problem I've noticed in many games is that GMs try to create conflict within the game largely through the game mechanics. For example, character A has to scale…
In First Thoughts
Participants: rikiwarren, TonyLB, ssfsx17, Oscar Evans, Madheretic.

5/19/2006 sean2099: Differences in writing 'adventures' for LARPs vs. Tabletop.
Hi all, I have never written a "formal" adventure for a LARP style game before.  I have played in them before and they seemed more spontaneous (little preparation beforehand.) So,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: sean2099, c, Czar Fnord, Adam Dray, mneme, Graham Walmsley, Daemonworks, Sara Adyms, Mike Holmes, Lisa Padol, museleading, Ron Edwards.

5/19/2006 Lewis Flanagan: Modular System Design – Stop Me If You’ve Heard This One Before
    This is my first post in the Forge, so hello everyone. I have been making my own RPG systems for several years. I found John Kim’s list of…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Lewis Flanagan, Graham Walmsley, Oscar Evans, ssfsx17, Noon, Tommi Brander, Thunder_God.

5/20/2006 Kobayashi: 10 000 Mythic RPG
First of all, I'm new here, so hi to all ! I'm currently working on a rpg named 10 000 inspired by Xenophon's Anabasis: the story of ten thousands Greek…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Kobayashi, Lewis Flanagan, Noon, Oscar Evans, Daemonworks.

5/22/2006 coldblackwind: Twelve Kings RPG Premise and Summary
Hello, Here I am another newbie to this board but no stranger to RPGs or writing. First off I would like to say that all the information I have found…
In First Thoughts
Participants: coldblackwind, Ben Lehman, joepub, TonyLB, greyorm, dindenver, Oscar Evans.

5/23/2006 Brian_W: [Channeling] Skill organization
I'm trying to figure out the skill system for my game Channeling (a brain dump format of almost all my ideas can be found at The game is going…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Brian_W, Lewis Flanagan, Oscar Evans.

5/24/2006 James Buchanan: My "Fantasy Heartbreaker" ;)
Hey there, I wanted to get some feedback on a collection of mechanics that I have been developing. A lot of it draws inspiration from The Riddle of Steel and…
In First Thoughts
Participants: James Buchanan, Ron Edwards, Hermes3, charles ferguson.

5/25/2006 donovan75: Zombie game, help with concepts "normal people in ubearable situations"
First off thanks for checking this out.I posted this in another forum and would like your ideas and advice. Alright heres my problem. I want to make a rpg and…
In First Thoughts
Participants: donovan75, Castlin, Unarmed, Oscar Evans, daHob, Grail-Shadowblade, majcher, sean2099.

5/26/2006 Willow: [Shattered Vistas] Bidding Mechanics?
The core mechanic of the Shattered Vistas is essentially a die pool with resource bidding:  you start with an initial pool of d6s, add extra dice by spending points from…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Willow, c, Lewis Flanagan, J Tolson.

5/27/2006 DeviantBoi: Can anyone suggest some combat formulas based on this data?
I love playing RPGs and dreaming up stories and scenarios ... but when it comes to creating a system, I just suck. :( After looking at most systems, I decided…
In First Thoughts
Participants: DeviantBoi, dindenver, Noon, rikiwarren, steelcaress, Rothe, CrookedBroomstick, Sydney Freedberg, Mike Holmes, Hereward The Wake, greyorm, Jixxala, btrc, nikola.

5/28/2006 CrookedBroomstick: I need questions to answer
Hey all,     I've been working on this game mechanic which I plan to be the foundation for a setting I've also got in the works.  I know how…
In First Thoughts
Participants: CrookedBroomstick, TonyLB, dindenver, Rothe, Mike Holmes, joepub, Miedvied.

5/29/2006 Adam Kleizer: [La famiglia] Creating mechanics in place of blind spots
Hello everybody! Please look at the previous topic for a link to the game and some changes introduced to the latest version. About playtests First of all, let me apologize…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Adam Kleizer.

5/30/2006 Green: Preventing munchkin behavior
I've just finished the most recent incarnation of Dramatikos.  In short, it is an interactive storytelling game.  The players each use action and narration to portray one or more roles.…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Green, Ron Edwards, dindenver, Filip Luszczyk, Gaerik, GreatWolf, Jasper, Mike Holmes, baron samedi, LemmingLord, Valamir.

5/31/2006 rgrassi: [Collapse]: Gathering ideas for a new 'strange' RPG, need collaboration
Diceless, Master-Less. If any of you wants to help me, you're welcome. Write me in private, thanks. Rob
In First Thoughts
Participants: rgrassi, jesterina, joepub, Mike Holmes.

5/31/2006 JimLotFP: LotFP: RPG... the next attempt.
So last time I was around these parts, some of my ideas got thumped fairly hard, I resisted, but I never got much further... So here's the next attempt. The…
In First Thoughts
Participants: JimLotFP.

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