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From Day One

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In First Thoughts

2/1/2007 Teh_Az: Tactics Engine
This is my first time posting here and I've been wanting to design an RPG since 6th grade just because I love the technicality of it all and the cool…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Teh_Az.

2/1/2007 joepub: [Polarpunk] An intro, and a question: Vantage Bonus too powerful?
So, I have a game I'm working on called Polarpunk. It's a post-apocalyptic cyberpunk game that's set in a worldwide "second Ice Age". It's supposed to be fun, fast, exciting…
In First Thoughts
Participants: joepub, dindenver, Bill_White, Noon.

1/31/2007 Justin D. Jacobson: All this talk about Generic RPGs...
Got me hankerin' to make a truly generic rpg. As is sometimes the case, my concept starts with an image and I whipped this up: Generic RPG Mock-up The hamster…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Justin D. Jacobson, Ninetongues, Simon_Pettersson, David Artman, Noon.

1/31/2007 Jeremiah Lahnum: Tabula Rasa early development.
So, recently a I took a trip to Dreamation with Bret Gillan. It was my first time at the convention and it was a total blast. I got to play…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Jeremiah Lahnum.

1/31/2007 Ninetongues: Minmi World - Into Dreams!
Yesterday, when I was reading my way through Your ideas here on the Forge I came up with some funny idea for a game. Im a writer, and I have…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Ninetongues, johnwedd.

1/31/2007 justin1083: Budokai: Battle Tournament RPG
[b]Whether it is one's own life, status, honor, loved ones, or a belief, fighting is all about the desire to protect.[/b] Hi all.  I've been toying with the idea of…
In First Thoughts
Participants: justin1083, Simon C, Filip Luszczyk, johnwedd, Noon.

1/30/2007 Lostscotsman: Unusual but practical Cyberpunk gear
[color=green]I am new to this forum, (despite being an old fart of a gamer), so I am unsure if this is the right place to post this enquiry. If not…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Lostscotsman, Call Me Curly, David Artman, Simon C, johnwedd.

1/28/2007 Ninetongues: Arch Inverted says 'Hi'
  Hello   My name is Raphael Sadowski, Im 22. Two months ago I moved to London from Poland, and I took my Arch Inverted (reffered as AI later) RPG…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Ninetongues, joepub, Filip Luszczyk, ja-prozac, Troy_Costisick.

1/28/2007 deneb829: RPG Ideas
Hey All, I first heard of RPGs over 25 years ago, back when I was in 7th grade. Someone explained the concept to me, and I thought that was the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: deneb829, Qi Chin, johnwedd, TonyLB, Lostscotsman, Sane, Lacloix, Jillianaire.

1/23/2007 vgunn: Ruin Consequences in Hither Lands
I am working through the mechanics for Hither Lands: Roleplaying in Middle-earth. This version is very much different from the original design, in part due to all of the indie…
In First Thoughts
Participants: vgunn, Simon C.

1/22/2007 Simon C: [Through the Ansible] Play-by-post the ecumen.
So I was thinking about the concept that rules in roleplaying games exist to determine who is allowed "authority" over the truth of a narrative.  The "Lumpley principle"? I think?…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Simon C, Qi Chin, Trevis Martin, johnwedd, Eero Tuovinen.

1/22/2007 The Dreamer: The Breaker Zone Rough Draft
Hi there! I'm new to this forum and to RPing in general but one thing I have always liked is writing stories.  Now as said before I have never really…
In First Thoughts
Participants: The Dreamer, Qi Chin.

1/21/2007 clam of god: Project: C.H.A.I.R.- a game by nick smith
hi everyone my names nick smith, i live in portland, Oregon and i think i have the basic concept for my new rpg Project: C.H.A.I.R. and would appreciate any feedback…
In First Thoughts
Participants: clam of god, Jake Richmond, Ron Edwards.

1/21/2007 Leviathan: Free PDF idea: The Cursed
I am still in the first draft version of a small (10-11 page) PDF for free release as the initial work for Boundless Allegory. It should be ready for playtesting…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Leviathan, Everspinner, Ron Edwards.

1/21/2007 Nathaniel B: Game Operations Director's Holistic Universal Gaming System
I have read many of the threads on this site and have mined all I think I can from the discussions in the now closed G/N/S & theory forums and…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Nathaniel B, Mike Sugarbaker, Everspinner, Lostscotsman.

1/20/2007 kpklukken: Serious Creators Block
*Isn't EXACTLY sure if this is the right forum area* So if this post is supposed to be somewhere else then my apologies. move it wherever you will. Some time…
In First Thoughts
Participants: kpklukken, Mike Sugarbaker, Simon C, GB Steve, Adam Dray, Sane, Leviathan, johnwedd, deneb829, Ron Edwards.

1/19/2007 Qi Chin: [Dust in the Air] Fantasy-Steampunk in Developement
Hello there. This is my second time I'm coming to the Forge with a design idea (The first one, for those who remember something really small, was TriPent). I've had…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Qi Chin, Artanis, dindenver.

1/18/2007 corprwhs: Light Crusades Themed Card Game
I just discovered this forum today, and this is my first post, so I'd like to being by extending my greeting to everyone on here. Anyway, earlier I came up…
In First Thoughts
Participants: corprwhs, Artanis.

1/17/2007 Koljaiczek: Starflight, new... ¿RPG game?
I'm Spanish, so excuse my poor English. :) I've created a rulebook, inspirated in Starflight, a old game from early 80's. Spacial adventures similar to Star Trek or Stargate series.…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Koljaiczek, xenopulse, Ramidel, Noon, Sane.

1/17/2007 Kami-no-Mark: [Bloodlines - a generational RPG]
Years ago, I came up with the idea of having an RPG co-operative where you took on the roles of heads of noble households, moving on to playing their children,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Kami-no-Mark, xenopulse, Simon C, jasonm.

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Subsequent Topics
In First Thoughts

2/1/2007 Kashell: Advantages & Disadvantages
I'm interested in what some of you think are some good advantages and disadvantages for character design for a fantasy roleplay world. Specifically, these work somewhat like feats from D&D,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Kashell, epweissengruber, joepub, David Artman, Simon_Pettersson, Noon, sean2099, cydmab.

2/1/2007 Lacloix: RPG design
It's been a while since I've been around here and was considering discussing a new project on which I'm working. I noticed that the Indie Design forum is closed, but…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Lacloix, joepub.

2/1/2007 Noon: I love you, daddy dragon
I got this idea because I own a gargantuan D&D black dragon mini and a young black dragon mini. I had them sitting near each other, but my seven year…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Noon, Simon_Pettersson, Filip Luszczyk, Simon C, cydmab, BigElvis, Leviathan.

2/2/2007 Lacloix: My system basics
Here are the basics of my system, as is. I'm looking for advice on fine tuning some elements. The Mechanic: 1d20 blackjack roll-under The Attributes (range 1-13): Build - overall…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Lacloix, talysman, Simon C.

2/3/2007 Danny_K: Robo-Joe Test Drive (rough sketch)
I just finished reading an article in this month's Harper's magazine about the coming robot soldiers.  Good article, very inspirational.  And lo, I was inspired. Here's my rough idea for…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Danny_K, Everspinner.

2/3/2007 Kashell: [R&R] Connections / Significants
Hey everyone! My roommates and I have been working on our own roleplaying game for almost two years now. I somehow doubt that we will publish, but nevertheless, we want…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Kashell.

2/4/2007 TheMadman: questions on level ups and atmosphere
Hey there! I just discovered this site a few days ago and i'm still amazed by all the good stuff to read here. I'm  from Quebec, Canada. I'm a french…
In First Thoughts
Participants: TheMadman, Kashell, Simon_Pettersson, Matt, TonyLB, Noon, johnwedd.

2/6/2007 c: [Silence Keeps Me A Victim] How to turn procedure into dice mechanics?
Hi Folks, I'm a bit stuck on my game, "Silence Keeps Me A Victim," and want to get some feedback. Previous posts about the game are: What is possible…
In First Thoughts
Participants: c, contracycle, Simon_Pettersson, Yakk, Simon C.

2/8/2007 MatrixGamer: Engle Matrix Games used in RPG Character Development
The following bit is a gloss of how I've used Matrix Games as a support element in RPGs. In this case to aid character growth. MATRIX GAMES IN CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT…
In First Thoughts
Participants: MatrixGamer, Simon C.

2/8/2007 Dustin of the Dead: Zom-Pocalypse Now
After listing to the recording of Dreamation's Indie game design round table (thanks to SoK), I wanted to post here to see if I can collaborate with others to finish…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Dustin of the Dead, joepub, c, johnwedd.

2/9/2007 Insect King: Putting my system in bed with my setting... Is it mechanical incest?
Hi there. For a long time I tinkered about with existing systems for ideas and story possibilities. I have since become sick of it and a while ago decided to…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Insect King, Everspinner, Troy_Costisick, Yakk, BigElvis, TroyLovesRPG, johnwedd.

2/10/2007 Adam Graham: Resolution Curve
Greetings,     I'm looking for some thoughts on my resolution system.  Mainly for as to whether or not it is to random.  I have a system that I have…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Adam Graham, Eero Tuovinen, Yakk.

2/11/2007 jackson_tegu: solution for the "War Shoal" problem...?
hello there, everyone. i think i have a possible solution for what has, in academic circles, been referred to as the "War Shoal" problem. though this is a forum for…
In First Thoughts
Participants: jackson_tegu, Eero Tuovinen, Noon, contracycle, johnwedd.

2/11/2007 signoftheserpent: Idea for A Game About Alchemists Who Died But Didn't Really Die
Something like that. NOTE: This idea came to me while reading Promethean; I have a general fondness for the WW style and it's associated idiosyncrasies. The writeup is as purple…
In First Thoughts
Participants: signoftheserpent, c, joepub.

2/11/2007 Thor: Hellmouth Hospital
Hi All! I was driving to gaming Friday and thinking about the ides that every scene should change the character. I don't know if I believe it or not, so…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Thor, Troy_Costisick, contracycle, Yakk, sean2099, Jarx.

2/11/2007 Thomas Lawrence: A Game of Theatrical Tragedy... I Hope
Crossposted from Story Games, hope that's kosher. So, I've been watching altogether too much of a Les Miserables DVD (the musical), and I got to thinking about stage tragedies as…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Thomas Lawrence, BigElvis.

2/13/2007 Yakk: Random Crunch (dice)
Some random number generator for tabletop gaming ideas. I haven't seen many of these as the core mechanic of a game.  If you've seen them used, or even better seen…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Yakk, johnwedd, contracycle.

2/13/2007 WyldKarde: Storytelling System
I'm trying to create a game system that focuses on telling a story moreso than killing ogres and taking their loot.  Unfortunately, I don't have a lot of experience with…
In First Thoughts
Participants: WyldKarde, joepub, TonyLB, johnwedd, xenopulse.

2/13/2007 BigElvis: Flash - GM-less competetive. Dark and intensive war rpg.
My questions for this game is: do you understand how the narration and the mechanics work, and do you think they actually do work? Meaning what problems do you see…
In First Thoughts
Participants: BigElvis, TonyLB, jasonm, johnwedd.

2/13/2007 BigElvis: Rewarding narration in GMless competetive games.
For my game Flash i wanted to include a mechanic that could both reward narration and direct narration as well. My solution was word/picture cards. Each card would have a…
In First Thoughts
Participants: BigElvis, joepub, Noon.

more subsequent topics >>