The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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From Day One

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In First Thoughts

10/23/2007 Tythorin: Alpha: Call of the Pack - Feedback Request
Hey everyone. I'm new here to the forums here and have always had an interest in RPG design. This is realy the first real project I'm taking on and I'm…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Tythorin, Simon C, masqueradeball.

10/22/2007 ChrisMcDee: [Inheritance] Early Draft - Looking for Feedback
[I] Jorng has stories of great heroes moving mountains, God Kings that shaped the empires of today and beings sent by wicked Gods to destroy the world as we know…
In First Thoughts
Participants: ChrisMcDee, Filip Luszczyk, lighthouse.

10/22/2007 rycanada: Two kinds of conflict - what does them well?
I was in a project management course last week and one of the catchphrase like sayings that the instructor was using really stuck in my brain. It was along the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: rycanada, RobNJ, Conteur, VoidDragon, Valamir, Noclue.

10/22/2007 masqueradeball: Paradigms in RPGs
Hi everyone. I was just wondering if anyone had any ideas on how to deal with this little problem: I'm working on a fantasy RPG based on both the real-world…
In First Thoughts
Participants: masqueradeball, Vulpinoid, sirogit, Filip Luszczyk, Rafu, David Artman, rekyl, lighthouse, davidberg, jag, Charrua, jefgodesky, johntfrazer, Burrito.

10/21/2007 Conteur: [Kissanil] Answers to Power 19
It's a great bunch of questions to help me focus my game. Answers to Power 19 1.) What is your game about?It’s about strong dilemas like “If I could drain…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Conteur, davidberg, pells.

10/21/2007 Filip Luszczyk: Dice Ladder
This is an idea for a core dice mechanic that I want to consider in separation from the game at large. I came up with it in the context of…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Filip Luszczyk, Artanis, masqueradeball, phatonin.

10/20/2007 typo: Western Game: Trying to Take the Next Step
Being a big fan of the genre, I've long wanted to write a game based on TV and film Westerns.  Recently, I brainstormed up a concept for a non-historical Western-styled…
In First Thoughts
Participants: typo, StrongBadMun, Simon C, Filip Luszczyk, Catalyst N, Vulpinoid, Matt Snyder, masqueradeball, phatonin, Noon.

10/19/2007 Coyote247: London Particular
After completing the Other as a freeware project to prove some artistic sensibility to what started as an irreverent game to play with 4channers, I'v now had my next idea…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Coyote247, Teataine.

10/19/2007 SabreCat: [Blazing Rose] Power 19 and attendant questions
So I've got this crazy bug to write a story game, inspired by dating sims and harem anime and every other bit of fiction that involves several characters in romantic…
In First Thoughts
Participants: SabreCat, Eric J. Boyd.

10/19/2007 jefgodesky: [Fifth World] Core mechanic
Sgëno! I've been working on and off for a while now on an RPG called "The Fifth World."  The last version, 0.2, came out almost a year ago.  It basically…
In First Thoughts
Participants: jefgodesky, Vulpinoid, phatonin, PlatonicPimp, monstah, c.

10/18/2007 rekyl: A Game about Alienation and Boredom (how can it be fun?)
Ok, first of all Im new to this forum and I know that its not really ok to start a "forum-career" by making a new thread/subject in it, but I…
In First Thoughts
Participants: rekyl, Vulpinoid, lighthouse, David Artman, Noon.

10/17/2007 buggy: You are Your own GM
Hi there, My name is Mike Young and I design LARPs and LARP systems.  I am currently working on a new full weekend LARP which uses a system I am…
In First Thoughts
Participants: buggy, Vulpinoid, Noon.

10/16/2007 Teataine: Need some feedback on a dice resolution idea
Hello everyone, first time poster. Here's my "problem" - I've been toying with various systems recently, partialy for the fun of it, partialy with the intention of gradualy making my…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Teataine, Paul Czege, Conteur, xenopulse, phatonin, Ken, masqueradeball.

10/16/2007 Castlin: A gimmick without a game
For narrative games where players have token pools they spend to get some control: Use paperclips as tokens. To spend one, literally bend it into a hook, and figuratively use…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Castlin, Ken, Filip Luszczyk, rekyl.

10/16/2007 lighthouse: Where may I find help to go on?
Somehow against my own expectations it seems that my Newsies rpg is going forward, now reaching 12,000 words of rules and source material...
In First Thoughts
Participants: lighthouse, Ken, Vulpinoid, Catalyst N.

10/14/2007 BigElvis: RM for GM-Less: Game of dominoes snaking through areas of narration.
I have an idea for a resolution mechanic to support a game about machismo: Playing dominoes (I realise there are different rules for playing dominoes, i hope that if you…
In First Thoughts
Participants: BigElvis, Artanis, Vulpinoid, Simon C, Noon, Everspinner, Falc.

10/14/2007 Catalyst N: Alternate Health System for d20 Martial Arts
Hey all, this is my first post. Short Intro of Me: Hey, my name's Nathan, since people seem to like being on a first name basis here. I've been playing…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Catalyst N, Noon, BigElvis, Simon C, David C, Falc, dikaiosunh, jag, Vulpinoid, masqueradeball, Jillianaire, Castlin, Edgar.

10/13/2007 warden: Universal Game Engine. Wardenwerx
Hey i am sick of over priced books and constant expansions. And... 4th ed. has made me finally follow thru with an idea i have had for years. Build my…
In First Thoughts
Participants: warden, BigElvis, dindenver.

10/13/2007 Satanman: What Effect Does Tone Have on Play?
The writing style apparent in games that I read has always had some effect on my attitude toward games, but in many cases in an uncomfortable or ineffective way, and…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Satanman, David C, Vulpinoid, Ken, Valamir, davidberg.

10/11/2007 WyldKarde: New Generic Roleplaying System
Hey Forge, I am in need of some help in designing a generic roleplaying system.  SInce I've never done this before, I might be a little off on what I…
In First Thoughts
Participants: WyldKarde, Adam Dray, Vulpinoid, David Artman, error808, dindenver, lighthouse.

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Subsequent Topics
In First Thoughts

10/23/2007 Age of Fable: Tables for Fables - free random tables for fantasy RPGs
I've started a page of random tables, which should work with any fantasy RPG rules (though obviously not with every fantasy setting): Let me know what you think.
In First Thoughts
Participants: Age of Fable, lighthouse.

10/23/2007 ChrisMcDee: [BSU] "Blowing Stuff Up" - Basic Draft
This system is something I knocked up quickly with the aim of it being a fun game that I could play with friends that aren't gamers but (like me) love…
In First Thoughts
Participants: ChrisMcDee, Vulpinoid.

10/24/2007 izlear: Dice pool mechanic I'm curious about.
I am new to this forum and am really looking forward to being here and seeing all of the great things that come out of here.  I have been toying…
In First Thoughts
Participants: izlear, Castlin, masqueradeball, xenopulse, vgunn.

10/24/2007 davidberg: [Lendrhald] helping GMs create Challenges
In the game I am designing, I would like for the system to help GMs in constructing Challenges (in the Gamist sense). Does anyone know of any games out there…
In First Thoughts
Participants: davidberg, Vulpinoid, Paka, Selene Tan, Noon, masqueradeball, xenopulse, VoidDragon, Rafu.

10/25/2007 ChrisLane: first thoughts for Not Yet Rated
So, I have an idea for a game that just won't get out of my head. I recently played Primetime Adventures for the first time.  I loved it, but I…
In First Thoughts
Participants: ChrisLane, Filip Luszczyk.

10/25/2007 Slaglet: Hi, Some feedback please.
Hey I have been looking at the forge forums lately and decided to try and think up my own game. Anyway, if this has already been thought up, just give…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Slaglet, masqueradeball, Filip Luszczyk, Darcy Burgess, Age of Fable.

10/26/2007 Castlin: F'n Metal
Here's a half- idea I've had for a while: The game is a heavy-metal concept album, each encounter being a song. There is a cast of characters associated…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Castlin, dikaiosunh, Vulpinoid, Noon, Ron Edwards, WyldKarde, Age of Fable, Filip Luszczyk, JackTheOwner, rekyl, contracycle.

10/28/2007 tomg: Feedback Requested on new game
I'm working on my first design.  It's a DRYH hack called Don't Take A Nap.  It was started for The Sight and Sound Design Challenge. The full text can be…
In First Thoughts
Participants: tomg, Ken.

10/29/2007 jwol2113: Really need suggestion/help
Okay, so I recently discovered the game Ghoulash and really liked the concept and simplicity, yet how tactically sound that that type of game can prove to be and was…
In First Thoughts
Participants: jwol2113, Ken, Creatures of Destiny.

10/30/2007 alexandre santos: Need advice to simplify mechanics and increase randomization obtained from a D20
Hello, I am currently designing a game inspired by the Claymore universe, and I need a rule system that implements the type of stories that I want this game to…
In First Thoughts
Participants: alexandre santos, VoidDragon, Simon C.

10/30/2007 MikeLT: RPG Idea
Hi, name is Michael I have been working on an rpg for a short while, but it has been put on hold thanks to an idea I had. Im not…
In First Thoughts
Participants: MikeLT, Ken, Vulpinoid, phatonin, xenopulse, masqueradeball.

10/31/2007 indigonegative: Game Chef practice: Frankenstein, Gettysburg, Fish and King
I found some random words the other day to challenge myself to design a game. I've been reading the popular indie games recently: DRYH, SotC, Dogs, Mountain Witch, etc. I'd…
In First Thoughts
Participants: indigonegative.

11/1/2007 Reithan: Help with some Damage Mechanics
Ok, to avoid placing a TON of text into this post, a lot of this will be done by linking to posts already up on my personal development forum. As…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Reithan, jag.

11/2/2007 Elizabeth: Does this game need to split into two games?
I've been working on a game tentatively titled Addict, which is about obsession, dependency and recovery. It runs off of a modified version of the twelve-step program, but it does…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Elizabeth, Filip Luszczyk, Paul Czege.

11/2/2007 Filip Luszczyk: Trait Shop
I've been considering possible ways of combining "shopping list" method of character creation with free-form traits. Here's my current concept. Each player has a number of points/dice/slots/whatever. He or she…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Filip Luszczyk, Paul Czege, MartiniPhilosopher.

11/4/2007 ChadDubya: [ENOCH] Belated Power 19
Hi Gang, Here is my much belated Power 19 (although had I done it earlier, I would have been talking about a less complete, less interesting game). FYI, ENOCH can…
In First Thoughts
Participants: ChadDubya, Conteur, Everspinner, Rafu.

11/4/2007 StrongBadMun: Shaman and the use of spirit favors
I'm working out ideas for how to adapt my system to my game Shaman, and I'm trying to figure out how I want the spirit's abilities to work.  I don't…
In First Thoughts
Participants: StrongBadMun, Filip Luszczyk, monstah, David Artman.

11/5/2007 Daztur: Existing rules for emotional/internal conflict?
A friend and I are working on an RPG that started out as a Fate mod but is slowly drifting into "well, it uses FUDGE dice" territory. I recently read…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Daztur, Simon C, Everspinner.

11/5/2007 Limejello: Operator setting
Hi this is a quick rundown of the setting I wrote now this is very poorley written and very rough (in fact I think this is closer to being notes…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Limejello.

11/6/2007 Narf the Mouse: Critique my quickstart playtest rules?
[url=]Quickstart Rules v2[/url] Purpose of the game: Generic, flavourful play in any genre. Play should be quick and effective. Also, death shouldn't be something that 'Just happens'. Thanks.
In First Thoughts
Participants: Narf the Mouse, Filip Luszczyk.

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