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In First Thoughts

4/24/2008 chronoplasm: Two Evolution Themed Games- Power 19 and other ideas
At first I only wanted to make one game themed around evolution, but the more I thought about it the more I want to do two. I originally wanted to…
In First Thoughts
Participants: chronoplasm.

4/24/2008 Illetizgerg: Comical/Humorous RPGs done right.
Hey everybody. I was somewhat inspired by some of my friends' comments and I've starting thinking about creating a humorous 1960s B horror movie RPG, and I was wondering if…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Illetizgerg, chronoplasm, Ken, Marshall Burns, greyorm, jag, Krippler.

4/24/2008 opsneakie: Day & Night - some thoughts on an RPG
I've had some thoughts, so I thought I'd share them and see what you think. This is taking some of the ideas presented in games like Twilight Princess, Metroid Prime…
In First Thoughts
Participants: opsneakie, Ken, Vulpinoid.

4/23/2008 Tark: [Power 19] - Wu Shu Renegades
I figured a Power 19 would be appropriate for this game I posted a quick primer earlier so I decided to go ahead and go through this. 1.) What is…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Tark, JoyWriter, Willow, FrankBrunner.

4/23/2008 Taavi: Grammar & Grimoire: An Aklo-based magic system for CoC & horror generally
Hi there, This is conceived as an add-on for Call of Cthulhu rather than a standalone. Hope it's alright to post it here? The idea is to base a magic…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Taavi, Eero Tuovinen.

4/22/2008 griggs: FREAKS! My idea for an rpg.
Who here likes World of Darkness? I've never played one of their games, you see, but I have read the Promethean sourcebook, and it was interesting. Anyway, the thing I'm…
In First Thoughts
Participants: griggs, JoyWriter, chronoplasm, Ken.

4/22/2008 Sir Privy Toastrack: Opinions requested on Orcs & Ogres (AD&D 2.5...)
I'm one of about six people in the world who rather enjoyed AD&D 2e. Despite its many flaws, I far prefer it to the dross of 3e. I"ve started creating…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Sir Privy Toastrack, Zachary_Wolf, Eero Tuovinen, NN, Creatures of Destiny.

4/22/2008 Bomb Cat: [Power 19] Phaethos RPG
Power 19 for Phaethos RPG (Phaethos is a tentative name, at least for the title.) 1.) What is your game about? The setting is a world similar to 19th century…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Bomb Cat, Krippler, dindenver, Hermes3.

4/21/2008 Bomb Cat: My Game Mechanics (quite long)
Hey, I'm new here so I guess I will introduce myself first. I'm Bomb Cat and I'm new to the Forge. I think this is a great forum and I…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Bomb Cat, Adam Dray, Illetizgerg, JoyWriter, dindenver.

4/21/2008 spike: [Punch Drunk Crime Spree] Playtesters needed
Greetings all, I've been working on a rules-lite system, Punch Drunk Crime Spree, to run games in the style of Lupin the Third and Ocean's Eleven, but I'm having trouble…
In First Thoughts
Participants: spike.

4/20/2008 Tark: [WuShu Renegades] - A quick primer
Wu Shu Renegades is a game that I've been working on for little over a year now.  The following is a little primer I typed up to give to people…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Tark, griggs, whiteknife.

4/17/2008 angelfromanotherpin: Ain't nothing but a family thing...
So, I was contemplating running an old-fashioned Amber Diceless RPG Throne War, and I wound up thinking about an extensive character generation discussion session prior to all the succession war,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: angelfromanotherpin, Marshall Burns.

4/17/2008 alejandro: [unWritten] film and literature
I've been working on unWritten for some time now. I'm in the alpha/beta/whatever play test phase right now. So, I'm trying to do a few things here. I'm trying to…
In First Thoughts
Participants: alejandro, Artanis, oriondarkwood, davidberg.

4/17/2008 zmobie: The Focus System
I've noticed a lot of proposed diceless systems lately, so stop me if this is horrendously similar to another one. My system is, for lack of a better title, is…
In First Thoughts
Participants: zmobie.

4/16/2008 Plognark: Wargames?
Just curious if it's cool to discuss something more like a wargame, along the lines of the old battletech stuff or maybe warhammer. I've got a beta written, but I…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Plognark, Galadrin, Eero Tuovinen.

4/15/2008 Landon Winkler: [Conflict] Playtest Rules
Hello, I've posted a copy of the playtest rules I'm using for my new game here: What I'm trying to do, overall, is create a system to match…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Landon Winkler, Illetizgerg.

4/13/2008 Simons: Hidden Mechanisms
Hey everyone, In most of the RPGs I’ve come across (albeit, this is somewhat limited), at least those which rely heavily on mechanics (D&D especially), the players have almost perfect…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Simons, contracycle, Vulpinoid, davidberg, Creatures of Destiny, Paul T.

4/13/2008 Illetizgerg: Stupid Dice: An Epidemic
I am unsure of where to put this, however it has spawned from my own personal considerings and initial thoughts regarding a system, and thus I think it is most…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Illetizgerg, Vulpinoid, greyorm, Ron Edwards.

4/12/2008 weem: [The Last Lands] - Looking for some feedback
I've been doing work on my new setting/system over the last few weeks - I'm calling it The Last Lands. I have recently posted a quick run-through of the character…
In First Thoughts
Participants: weem, Everspinner, FrankBrunner, Zachary_Wolf, Landon Winkler.

4/11/2008 Landon Winkler: [Conflict] First Thoughts
Hello Forge! I've been wrestling with an idea for a while, but I've finally got a skeleton that I can almost explain and I was curious about what other designers…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Landon Winkler, FrankBrunner.

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Subsequent Topics
In First Thoughts

4/25/2008 redwing: Deisgn Patterns of a Successful RPG question
I've been thumbing through John Kirk's work, and I'm having a slight difficulty understanding the differences between Gifts, Skills, and Traits. I was wondering if anyone could explain the differences…
In First Thoughts
Participants: redwing, Selene Tan.

4/28/2008 tarafore: Writing a Game that Teaches?
I'm not sure if this belongs here, but I think it's the closest fit, and I think the Forge is probably the richest environment to get ideas from. Ever since…
In First Thoughts
Participants: tarafore, Krippler, oriondarkwood, dindenver, Illetizgerg, chronoplasm, NN, Eliarhiman6, madunkieg, jasonm, FrankBrunner, davidberg, KickAssClown.

4/29/2008 Zachary_Wolf: Zombies Ate My Gamemaster!
I watched Day of the Dead a few days ago, and after watching it, I had a few dreams about zombies running wild in my home town of Coconut Creek/Boca…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Zachary_Wolf, Eero Tuovinen, Krippler, Child Progeny, jmhpfan.

4/30/2008 opsneakie: [Night & Day] Power 19
Working title only, here's I go. I know it's not uber-specific yet, but I couldn't resist getting something up. 1.) What is your game about? At its heart, this game…
In First Thoughts
Participants: opsneakie, tombowings, Greg 1, dindenver, Abkajud, Vulpinoid, earwig, StrongBadMun, Will, Poru.

5/1/2008 staceyinastoria: Perdition
Good day all, My friends and I are in the process of making our first role playing game.  The website is and please take a look.  There is not…
In First Thoughts
Participants: staceyinastoria, tombowings.

5/1/2008 Madkitten: Critique regarding fear-causing meta mechanics
Hello, me and a friend of mine have lately discussed how to support fear in a games rule-system and we would like some critique and helpful thoughts to our rough…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Madkitten, Eero Tuovinen.

5/3/2008 FrankBrunner: [Spellbound Kingdoms] Question re: political correctness and/or taste
Right now, I'm using the term "savage" in my game for a fighting style and a character class. Do you think anyone would be offended by that (or maybe you…
In First Thoughts
Participants: FrankBrunner, Illetizgerg, madunkieg, electricpaladin, Greg 1, mholmes52, lumpley.

5/4/2008 redwing: help with magic system
I'm creating a magic system, similar to all those that use a grammar (noun+verb) system (Ars Magica, Mage, etc.). However, the setting that it will be used for is one…
In First Thoughts
Participants: redwing, Eero Tuovinen, Hermes3, lumpley, davidberg, Vulpinoid, Michael Johnson.

5/5/2008 Marshall Burns: craps conflict resolution
After using poker as the basis for the conflict resolution of Witch Trails (the structure and the betting work perfectly; the role of cards still needs some hammering out) I…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Marshall Burns, imago, RobNJ.

5/5/2008 MikeF: Doctor Whom?
For a long time I’ve been mulling over a way of doing a convincing Doctor Who-style RPG. What I realised, whilst watching the new Russell T. Davies series, was that…
In First Thoughts
Participants: MikeF, EdEdEd, Manveru, quixoteles, Double King, Twsited.

5/5/2008 electricpaladin: Cartomancy
For a while now, I've had an idea for a game that uses tarot cards instead of dice for a combination resource mechanic and randomization mechanic. The current version can…
In First Thoughts
Participants: electricpaladin, imago.

5/6/2008 Illetizgerg: [Power 19] Faux-Fi Horror
For those who are interested, Faux-Fi Horror is the project that came out of the ideas discussed in my previous topic about humorous games. The Faux-Fi refers to the underlying…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Illetizgerg, R00kie, Michael Johnson, Marshall Burns, EdEdEd.

5/7/2008 imago: [Coraçao Selvagem] Power 19
Hi, I’m new to the Forge and English isn’t my native language (however, I speak it very fluently), so, if I’m doing something wrong, I apologize in advance. I have…
In First Thoughts
Participants: imago, Eero Tuovinen.

5/7/2008 R00kie: Conflict Resolution - is there neccessarily a clear victor?
I'm looking at the resolution method for a game I'm working on called Pursuit. Each scenes is framed by one of the player. At the same time the player dictates…
In First Thoughts
Participants: R00kie, Krippler, Marshall Burns.

5/7/2008 R00kie: [Pursuit] Power 19
HI. I'm just starting out down the design path. I've decided to try to put down on paper a game idea thats I've been knocking around with my gaming group…
In First Thoughts
Participants: R00kie.

5/8/2008 weaverchilde: Free Form vs the List take on Thaumaturgy
I have the majority of my system done for my game, but the magic system has been giving me a lot of issues because I have some very specific things…
In First Thoughts
Participants: weaverchilde, lumpley, davidberg, Greg 1, Nev the Deranged.

5/9/2008 Limejello: Advantage suggestions
Okay I have a whole mess of avantages for a fantasy rpg.  Can anyone think of any others? Advantages Alert Barer Benefactor Contact Good Reputation Good With Animals Hallowed MARTIAL…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Limejello, Vulpinoid, dindenver.

5/9/2008 Greg 1: [Introduction, Link to the Setting and Power 19] Paradise City
INTRODUCTION In the year 2106, Paradise City is a sprawling Arizona metropolis lying in the heart of the Mojave desert. Great wealth coexists with great poverty here and for most…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Greg 1.

5/9/2008 Greg 1: [Introduction, Link to the Setting and Power 19] The Gift
INTRODUCTION The Time: The modern day. The Place: The United States of America. Mages have been the world’s top predators for as long as their history records, secretly enslaving humanity…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Greg 1.

5/9/2008 Greg 1: [Introduction, Link to the Setting and Power 19] Lineage
INTRODUCTION Place: USA. Time: The modern day. There is no higher purpose for mankind, laid down from above. The mages have always known that. Heaven exists, but it cares nothing…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Greg 1.

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