The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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In First Thoughts

7/21/2009 andomonir: Two-player RPGs
Hi, I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this (first time poster), but I was wondering: Has anyone addressed the scenario of two player gaming? Would…
In First Thoughts
Participants: andomonir, Ron Edwards, Jonathan Walton.

7/21/2009 GregStolze: Ugh, deprotagonize me! Make me like it!
Somewhere (probably on the internet) I read someone complaining about "the dice telling me what to do."  So I started thinking.  Why's that a bad thing?  Constraint breeds creativity, after…
In First Thoughts
Participants: GregStolze, Adam Dray, Marshall Burns, MacLeod, Noon, GreatWolf, sockmonkey, JoyWriter, TonyLB.

7/21/2009 HeTeleports: Discovering your powers -- an exercise of IIEE (or IIEC, etc.)
You know what's always cool about superhero origin stories? The transformation of the protagonist. That's what Joseph Campbell's "Hero with a Thousand Faces" is really about. That's what the first…
In First Thoughts
Participants: HeTeleports, Simon C, Luke.

7/20/2009 MacLeod: Several Minor Ideas, Thoughts Please? [somewhat lengthy]
I have some minor ideas, questions and the like... I had to wait for a while as none of these questions seemed major enough to warrant a new thread by…
In First Thoughts
Participants: MacLeod, markhaselb, Luke, JoyWriter, Mike Sugarbaker.

7/20/2009 HeTeleports: Design from the other end of the games industry
While the Forge is a role-playing design community, any amount of theory is worth investigating how it applies to our design. This is an hour-long lecture on design -- but…
In First Thoughts
Participants: HeTeleports, greyorm, Noon, ShallowThoughts, RabbitHoleGames, Ralek, Wordman, David C, AzaLiN.

7/20/2009 sockmonkey: Editorial Timeline Samples?
I'm not sure if this is where this belongs. It seems to me there is a step missing between First Thoughts and Playtesting. Perhaps a Development forum could be considered?…
In First Thoughts
Participants: sockmonkey, Luke, Lance D. Allen.

7/20/2009 flossy: New Game - Pearly Gates
I have an idea for a game called 'Pearly Gates'. The premise is that you have just died and you are justifying whether you go up to heaven or down…
In First Thoughts
Participants: flossy, Alokov, jasonm.

7/20/2009 Garbados: [Ex Deus] System: Simple, Fast, Intuitive, Universal, Compelling
I began work on Ex Deus roughly five months ago, seeking to reconcile GURPS' unprecedented universality and detail with White Wolf's compelling simplicity. No single system I knew of accommodated…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Garbados, Alokov, Bill_White, Ron Edwards, Thunder_God, Luke, Lance D. Allen, Alex Abate, SAW, Mike Sugarbaker, Fatespinner, Noclue, Tyler.Tinsley, Simon C.

7/20/2009 Alokov: New RPG idea Frozen Dawn RPG
Hey. I'm writing my own RPG now. I am only a teenager so please bear with my  teenage silliness. It's a post-apocalyptic game set at the end of the next…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Alokov, Luke, David C, brianbloodaxe, greyorm, Thunder_God, Noclue, Simon C, Noon, contracycle, AcaBerry, dindenver, cocohow, lumpley, Jeff B.

7/19/2009 John Blaz: Speed and Accuracy, new system thought with example of play
Hey everyone, second time attempting to post this, so I'll be brief. The quicker you want something done, the less accurate it will be. Simple fact. I wanted to make…
In First Thoughts
Participants: John Blaz, Simon C, Bill_White, Noon, Garbados.

7/16/2009 HeTeleports: Death / start over (split)
[quote author=Mike Sugarbaker link=topic=28307.msg266280#msg266280 date=1247614324] The Power 19 is a great tool for crystallizing your thoughts about a game, but ... [truncation mine]... What works better: intrigue us, then ask…
In First Thoughts
Participants: HeTeleports, Lance D. Allen, Ron Edwards, contracycle, whiteknife.

7/18/2009 xjermx: question: body or no body?
I'm writing a short amnesia style scenario that I intend to run with a tabletop and/or online group.  I'm torn on a certain piece of the setup, and hoping I…
In First Thoughts
Participants: xjermx, Simon C, Bill_White.

7/18/2009 Luke: Kill Power 19
The so-called "Power 19" have been clogging up the design pipes here for too long. I'm here to kill the Power 19. These questions purport to consolidate nine years of…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Luke, Vulpinoid, Lance D. Allen, Jonathan Walton, ShallowThoughts, mjbauer, anders_larsen, opsneakie, Paul Czege, Andy Kitkowski, sockmonkey, Wordman, Thor Olavsrud, Noclue, Garbados, JoyWriter, Librabys, Troy_Costisick, David C, Patrice, Frank Tarcikowski, brianbloodaxe, Ben Lehman, Mike Sugarbaker, Ron Edwards.

7/15/2009 sockmonkey: [Chronoplex] Handling Languages In A Time Travel Setting
The working title of the game I'm writing is Chronoplex. It is a time travel game that emphasizes the 'travel' element. I'm happy to share more details of the game,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: sockmonkey, Vulpinoid, Luke, HeTeleports, MacLeod, chance.thirteen, David Artman, billvolk, Castlin, 7VII7.

7/14/2009 ShallowThoughts: Suggestion for addition to lexicon for table-top game design
Nothing big. It comes out of my work on my own RPG. Come to think of it, I can't imagine why it has not been suggested earlier what with the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: ShallowThoughts, trick, Vulpinoid, Lance D. Allen.

7/14/2009 sockmonkey: Presenting New Game Ideas
Hello, all. Longtime lurker, first time poster. :D I know a lot of people present their game ideas in the form of the Power 19, but I've seen others just…
In First Thoughts
Participants: sockmonkey, JadedDemiGod, dindenver, Mike Sugarbaker, JoyWriter, Luke, Patrice, Brimshack, ShallowThoughts, Ben Lehman, Catelf, Ron Edwards.

7/14/2009 JadedDemiGod: Setting the Setting
Hi all, Names Ian im a little new (ok first time) but i like the place so ill give it a shot. Im currently working on a Science Fiction P&P…
In First Thoughts
Participants: JadedDemiGod, Eero Tuovinen, Abkajud, Luke, dindenver, Matt Wilson, Adam Dray, lachek, Lance D. Allen, nikola.

7/13/2009 mogunus: [Mayhem] Resolution System
I am having a particular problem hashing out how my resolution system is going to work. My resolution system should facilitate simulationist play. I would enjoy some non-trivial Exploration of…
In First Thoughts
Participants: mogunus, markhaselb, Bill_White.

7/13/2009 mogunus: [Mayhem] Power 19
1. What is your game about? Mayhem is about the fabric of sentient culture, as expressed through mythology. Normative behavior and mythology evolve together, and influence the course of civilization.…
In First Thoughts
Participants: mogunus, markhaselb, JoyWriter, Adam Dray, Bill_White, Simon C, Noclue.

7/12/2009 markhaselb: Power 19 for my game and concept discussion
Hello everyone, I am currently in the design phase of a game I want to develop. In the past I tried several settings and ideas for games, but I never…
In First Thoughts
Participants: markhaselb, Jonathan Walton.

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Subsequent Topics
In First Thoughts

7/22/2009 Alokov: Game of Thrones RPG editions
Alright. First of all I really don't know if this fits in this forum but I have no idea where else to post it so forgive me if I screwed…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Alokov, chaviro, Luke, Adam Dray.

7/22/2009 noahtrammell: Two-Player FATE
  With reading all the discussions on twosies lately, I think the idea for a two-player game kinda slipped into my subconscious.  While reading, I've noticed that most of these…
In First Thoughts
Participants: noahtrammell, jasonm, Ron Edwards, Patrice.

7/22/2009 Moltora: Help with combat system
I am designing a game and i would just like to ask you to look for any holes or arguments in my system... Here is the link, just click the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Moltora, Simon C, Luke.

7/22/2009 sockmonkey: [Chronoplex] A Brief Overview
I meant to have this posted long before now, but real life keeps horning in. So before I lose my chance, here is a brief introduction to Chronoplex: ------------------------------ Chronoplex…
In First Thoughts
Participants: sockmonkey, chronoplasm, Simon C, VoidDragon, brianbloodaxe.

7/22/2009 brianbloodaxe: [Oxygen] Non-physical conflicts
After a couple of test sessions of my SF game Oxygen (read all about it here: and after reading a load of threads in here I have had a couple…
In First Thoughts
Participants: brianbloodaxe, chance.thirteen, Luke, Simon C, Gregor Hutton, HeTeleports, Lance D. Allen.

7/22/2009 chronoplasm: Roll to Break the Rules
OK, so I've been working (off and on) on a game that is similar to D&D except that the Dungeon Master is an opponent that is encouraged for killing off…
In First Thoughts
Participants: chronoplasm, Luke, Simon C, Noon, Patrice, markhaselb, M. Burrell, sockmonkey, mjbauer, JoyWriter.

7/24/2009 Mordy: RPGing on the Fly
I'm a long-term lurker (a couple years), but this is my first post. First I want to thank everyone on the forums for turning me onto some remarkable games, and…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Mordy, Luke, brianbloodaxe, Simon C, Vulpinoid.

7/24/2009 ShallowThoughts: Distinguishing between good-good/bad-good, and simply boring actions
I realize the topic title is mystifying, so I'll explain. I'm working on a character growth/reward system (mentioned in a recent post Chits and the Void) where the PCs are…
In First Thoughts
Participants: ShallowThoughts, Luke, Patrice, dindenver, Lance D. Allen, anders_larsen.

7/25/2009 Lance D. Allen: [Mage Blade]: Spellcasting
It's laughable to call this a first thought. I've taken magic back to formula almost as many times as character generation. So we'll call this a Born-Again First Thought. As…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Lance D. Allen, Simon C, brianbloodaxe, Bill_White, Johnstone.

7/27/2009 Librabys: Aethera and the kill power 19
Hi, I am designing a game, and reading here since few weeks. I've red all the articles and some posts, and I would like to put my concept on the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Librabys, Noclue, Ron Edwards, markhaselb, Simon C, Ben Lehman.

7/27/2009 7VII7: I can't think of a good subject to go here.
Ok, I've been thinking of making an rpg for awhile now, but so far I only have half-baked ideas and such, however I have several ideas about what I want…
In First Thoughts
Participants: 7VII7, lumpley, Luke, Alex Abate, Bill_White, Selene Tan, greyorm, JoyWriter, Paul Czege, Noon, Simon C.

7/28/2009 Ayyavazi: Cyclical World Explosion and Premise
Ok, I'm trying to design a setting so that it encourages premise, that is, encourages narrativist roleplaying and doesn't fall into the "excuse to publish fiction" Ron hates so much.…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Ayyavazi, jasonm.

7/28/2009 Ayyavazi: What goes into a Genre?
Hello all, I realized that coming up with genres and example movies/books does not help people to craft stories using my game, since Genre is too broad a term. What…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Ayyavazi, dindenver, JoyWriter.

7/28/2009 Wordman: Designing to constraints (airport games)
I can't tell if this post is really intended to design a real game, or just tripping over beehives. I think it is the former, but given my recent ranting…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Wordman, HeTeleports, Librabys, Doplegager, JoyWriter, Vladius, Guy Srinivasan.

7/28/2009 7VII7: TAROT (working title) stuff
Color: Classic fantasy elements with a new take on it, things like magic being a daily part of life, elves being more like aliens, dwarves incased cybernetic suits, etc, for…
In First Thoughts
Participants: 7VII7, markhaselb, Simon C, Adam Dray.

7/29/2009 cra2: Vice vs Virtue
Need help with this mechanic idea... I took an old TSR Boot Hill module and replaced the resolution system with something fast - a trimmed down version of the Fuzion…
In First Thoughts
Participants: cra2, Luke, Lance D. Allen, Mike Sugarbaker, Simon C.

7/29/2009 Tyler.Tinsley: principled play Vs. lawful play and the "players contract"
I'm trying a little experiment with my latest project and it's helped me clear up some issues I have been having. On a lark I thought it would be a…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Tyler.Tinsley, HeTeleports, Luke, JoyWriter, Noon.

7/29/2009 agony: Forced goals/conditions on players
  edit  whisperquote# 1 I'm working on a mechanic where damage received is translated to "Scars". Scars may only be healed by buying them off. Each Scar will have its…
In First Thoughts
Participants: agony, Simon C, Mike Sugarbaker, 7VII7, JoyWriter, Thor Olavsrud, Noon, Vladius.

7/29/2009 Lance D. Allen: [Mage Blade]: Spell Building
Okay! Once I have managed to get past this, I will really have no excuse to not finish and begin playtesting the hell out of my game. The magic system…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Lance D. Allen, brianbloodaxe, David C, 7VII7, Simon C, Geethree, Guy Srinivasan, Johnstone.

7/30/2009 Adam Dray: Get the most out of posting your new game idea to First Thoughts
I have been a Forge member for a long time, with varying degrees of activity. I'm not the forum moderator (Ron Edwards is -- this post is advice, not rules).…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Adam Dray, MacLeod, markhaselb, Lance D. Allen, Librabys, Simon C, Ben Lehman, 7VII7, Luke, greyorm, Vulpinoid, Paka, SeeThirty.

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