The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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In First Thoughts

4/1/2010 JR_G: A cloud level design question
I have been working to design an rpg and walked right into the deep end. I haven't even gotten to the mechanics level. All I have is a list of…
In First Thoughts
Participants: JR_G, Ar Kayon, dindenver.

3/31/2010 redwing: General Mechanics
I have four stats in my game: Accuracy, Power, Evasion, and Defense. There is a possibility of having a few secondary stats, but I'm trying to avoid this at all…
In First Thoughts
Participants: redwing, dindenver, Mobius.

3/31/2010 Silverwave: Re: The Social Domain - why's it so tough to design?
I'm digging up a old post, but after reading through this (a really interesting topic), I ended up telling myself : so... how to run social encounter again? I've been…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Silverwave, Locke, lumpley, dindenver, Noclue, horomancer, Jacob Potemkin, Vulpinoid, jprussell.

3/31/2010 Blaise: Horror Game Concept
Ahoy-hoy, all! I'm Blaise (as you guys don't seem to like handles generally), and I've got a concept for a horror game that I would like to run by the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Blaise, Locke.

3/29/2010 GDorn: [JDaTE] Grief framework
Background: I did a bunch of prepwork for a Kill Puppies For Satan game set in the John Dies at the End 'universe' for a con over the weekend but…
In First Thoughts
Participants: GDorn.

3/29/2010 Shimera9: Emergent Characters
I've been floating some ideas around about emergent character and figures I'd see if the folks here have seen any games that do this. The original idea was posted up…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Shimera9, Lance D. Allen, contracycle, epweissengruber, Paul Czege, SAW, reaction, Mike Holmes, MacLeod.

3/29/2010 FetusCommander: [Supers Chess] preliminary idea
So I’ve been kicking around the idea of a superhero themed game for a while, and was previously stumped on any sort of resolution that “felt” like the source material…
In First Thoughts
Participants: FetusCommander, Kyle Cates, Mobius.

3/29/2010 celtois: The Probability Arc lite system
Alright so I'm new around here, and I like most of you have an idea of a RPG system that I think is wonderful. Thus I am posting it here…
In First Thoughts
Participants: celtois, Luminous, Locke, Silverwave.

3/29/2010 Luminous: Mixed-up Mechanics - A blending of games...
A long, long time ago in a game store far, far away... I played a game called Highland that used a system they called Swordmaster.  Briefly, I had the bright…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Luminous, FetusCommander.

3/28/2010 Earthflame: [Eurid- A game of Mythic Futures] Overview
(First time poster, so apologies if this is not up to scratch. I tried to be brief, as referenced in the guide, but unfortunately my writing style tends toward verbosity…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Earthflame, stefoid, Locke.

3/27/2010 Kyle Cates: [The Object] Resolution Mechanic
Hey all, posted a few times a few years ago, just more out of curiosity than anything else. But now I'm designing a traditional RPG with GM narration and all…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Kyle Cates, Luminous, dindenver, VAgentZero, stefoid.

3/26/2010 ShallowThoughts: Mucking with Social Contract - an *Inter-Player* Social System??
I hope I'm not getting too obnoxious on this Forum what with this and my earlier post (which I have since utterly abandoned). I just really, really want to get…
In First Thoughts
Participants: ShallowThoughts, Noon, davidberg.

3/25/2010 Mobius: [Babel] Setting Overview
[i]So you're planning a trip to New Jericho are you? The City of Rain, the City of Man. Yah I've ready all the screeds too “there's no place closer to…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Mobius, Ar Kayon, Vulpinoid, Ron Edwards.

3/24/2010 Brian Leybourne: A "D&D Alignment System" inspired campaign setting...
This is actually a *campaign* first thought rather than a game system. Looking for a sounding board I guess. Ah, D&D. How you shaped most of us in our early…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Brian Leybourne, Mobius, Vulpinoid, Finarvyn, Luminous, EdEdEd, Draco, Baenlynn, flammifer.

3/24/2010 Ar Kayon: Post-Modern Arms and Armor
As armor increased coverage and became stronger and more ergonomic, effective combat strategy shifted its focus from accuracy to sheer power and volume.  Thus, a soldier's arsenal of the post-modern…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Ar Kayon, Locke, Mobius, horomancer.

3/24/2010 ShallowThoughts: [ BD&D ] Half done Social System
The BD&D stands for "Bastardized D&D" because I'm changing the base system of D&D v3.5 to experiment with some ideas. In this version, I want a much deeper Social system.…
In First Thoughts
Participants: ShallowThoughts, Locke, Necromantis, Finarvyn, Luminous.

3/23/2010 hatch22: Dramatic Redemption
Hi all, I've been struggling with how to represent redemption in a game I'm working on. Characters in this game each have a Dread.  This is not simply fear (a…
In First Thoughts
Participants: hatch22, Paul Czege, Locke, Necromantis, stefoid, Lance D. Allen.

3/23/2010 Melinglor: [Tragic Dominion ] Gut-punching Fairytales and character authority
I've been laboring over this concept for some time, but just recently had all the wheels click into place in my head. First, the Color pitch: Growing up. It's a…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Melinglor, stefoid, PeterBB, Brendan Day.

3/22/2010 Dr. Theodore Lagore: Rockworld
Right, I don't know if this is a good place to post this.  It's just a fantasy setting.  I've never played a tabletop RPG.  I don't know what goes into…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Dr. Theodore Lagore, Excalibur, Locke, Simon C, Vulpinoid, stefoid, Llogres.

3/21/2010 stefoid: [INGENERO] backstory generator
INGENERO is just Latin for 'generator' to make is sound fancy, for lack of anything to call this idea.  Didnt get any feedback at all on the other thread, so…
In First Thoughts
Participants: stefoid, Noon.

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Subsequent Topics
In First Thoughts

4/1/2010 Mobius: [Babel] First draft of some rules (warning very long)
I'd like to get some feedback on the first draft of my rules. I have a good idea of how they work in my head and written down shorthand but…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Mobius.

4/2/2010 Luminous: [D&D 4e] New campaign needs name...
The basic premise of the campaign, is that the end of the Dawn War fractured reality and the Primordials were slain, their essence used to forge the First World itself. …
In First Thoughts
Participants: Luminous.

4/2/2010 SAW: A Luckless, Escalation-driven System
Ok, so, I'm working on an idea and I figure rather than keeping it to myself and hoping for the best, I'd see if I could gather some opinions. This…
In First Thoughts
Participants: SAW, Mobius, PeterBB, dindenver, horomancer, stefoid, Shimera9.

4/2/2010 Mobius: [Babel] 2nd try, system theory and numbers light
Yesterday I posted my first draft of my combat rules and so far I have received no feedback; which is I suppose feedback in and of itself. I though rather…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Mobius, FetusCommander, SAW, Ar Kayon, dindenver, brianbloodaxe.

4/3/2010 horomancer: Simple System sounding board
Posting ideas to flesh out a universal system I've been kicking around. Feel free to jump on in.- Simple System Core tenets 1. System shale be minimal on Mechanics, math,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: horomancer, SAW.

4/3/2010 SAW: [Sticky-Note] Possible Dice Mechanic
Ok, so, I was originally going to give a bit of an explanation as to how this idea even came about, especially since in another post I was aiming for…
In First Thoughts
Participants: SAW, noahtrammell, horomancer, dindenver.

4/5/2010 Luminous: [D&D4e] Monsters & Mayhem
I got bored at work and decided to create a derivative of D&D 4th Edition, but one that wouldn't use levels or the typical classes.  I also altered spellcaster implements…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Luminous, horomancer.

4/5/2010 Asylumrunner: [Gearforce Tabletop] Rules 1st draft
I have designed a tabletop wargame, and require some playtesting in order to help refine the rules system. Here are the basic points: Story The year listed on your ship's…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Asylumrunner.

4/5/2010 Ryven Cedrylle: (Delta-X) On Traits
I've been 'developing'  (read that term pretty loosely) a game for several years now roughly based in psychological archetypal astrology; it's a modern magic kind of setting.  The character creation…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Ryven Cedrylle, horomancer, TheRoleplayer, masqueradeball.

4/6/2010 Alokov: Is This System Broken? Feedback Please.
This is a system that I came up with a few days ago, but, due to my bias, I can not determine whether or not it's broken. I will be…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Alokov, horomancer, Noon, Falc, VAgentZero.

4/6/2010 SAW: Universal Systems vs Setting Specific?
So, I was just curious what the general consensus is regarding a Universal System compared to one built around a specific setting? From looking at the existing RPGs, it seems…
In First Thoughts
Participants: SAW, horomancer, Mobius, Ar Kayon, dindenver, ObsidianSoul, FetusCommander, Luminous, ShallowThoughts, SageThe13th, StevenS, Baenlynn.

4/8/2010 MikeF: Risking for rerolls (mechanic)
Quick post to ask for some opinions on this relatively simple ruleset. The context is a semi-serious sci-fi rpg, but the semi-serious part is more important than the sci-fi. Do…
In First Thoughts
Participants: MikeF, Paul Czege, Noon, dindenver.

4/12/2010 SAW: [Sticky-Note] Looking for Comments on an "Overload" mechanic.
Alright, so, working on my conflict resolution system, I've come to a point where I need some comments. Things you need to know. Push: The amount of Attack Points the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: SAW.

4/14/2010 Ar Kayon: A dark fantasy using the dice rank system
[u]Concept[/u] * Based on late 15th century - early 16th century Europe. * As continental population exploded and social and cultural values were radically transformed, demonic influences became more accessible. …
In First Thoughts
Participants: Ar Kayon, Locke, MacLeod, stefoid, charles ferguson, Will Edge, horomancer, johnthedm7000, Kalandri, lemmingsunday.

4/14/2010 Tully305: Faith, Soul and Redemption
OK.  I've been gnawing on this idea for awhile and need some feedback as to possible direction. Premise is that formerly evil beings (vamps, demons, witches, fallen angels, etc.) are…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Tully305, Luminous, greyorm, ShallowThoughts, Shimera9.

4/15/2010 Luminous: Creatures that take up more than one space and AoE attacks...
Should creatures that take up more than one square / space on the battlefield take additional damage from AoE attacks?
In First Thoughts
Participants: Luminous, Ar Kayon, Noon, Warrior Monk, Locke, Shimera9, Ron Edwards.

4/15/2010 Warrior Monk: d6 -simple but crunchy- heartbreaker
I'm making a heartbreaker (yeah, again) half to satisfy my group of players and half to make my life easier as a GM. I've been trying a lot of different…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Warrior Monk, chronoplasm, VAgentZero, Draco, Locke.

4/15/2010 chronoplasm: Game Design Inspired By Visual Aesthetics?
So I'm an art student looking into getting a career in commercial illustration. You can see some of my stuff at my deviant art page. I want to do art…
In First Thoughts
Participants: chronoplasm, Vulpinoid, mjbauer, Mobius, jprussell.

4/16/2010 7VII7: A play by post role playing system, first thoughts.
I'm looking to design a general system that would work with nearly any play by post role playing game, one that would be able to work in any basic forum…
In First Thoughts
Participants: 7VII7, Warrior Monk, andrew_wright, jprussell.

4/19/2010 Llogres: Multiple character-resources
I had a thought on experience points and rewards in games. The classic approach to have the GM hand out experience points and money (sometimes in form of items) doesnt…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Llogres, VAgentZero, jprussell, Baenlynn.

more subsequent topics >>