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In Playtesting

4/14/2008 Landon Winkler: [Conflict] First Playtest
Ran my first playtest session of Conflict last night, which was pretty interesting, so I figured I’d share my experiences. Hope someone finds something here interesting. For my summary of…
In Playtesting
Participants: Landon Winkler.

4/14/2008 Meguey: Mist-robed Gate, on Mars!
Last night I got to play the most fun game of the year, thus far. Shreyas ran his game in development Mist-Robed Gate for 10(!) of us Western Massive/Story Games…
In Playtesting
Participants: Meguey, Elizabeth, FrankBrunner, Shreyas Sampat.

4/14/2008 castus nigh: Massive Battle and falling outcomes
Background Alregar- Priest of Kieranna Khan- Human Slayer- Mortal Enemy - Trolls Sienna- Human Thief - wielder of a 'bloodsighted' blade (magical item) Town of Manacle Seaport of 4000 peoples, …
In Playtesting
Participants: castus nigh.

4/13/2008 Galadrin: [16-bit] Playtest Report
Hey everyone, I had a great playtest of 16-bit last night.  Present was myself (as GM), my brother (Adrian) and my girlfriend (Gloria). At first, we decided to play-out the…
In Playtesting
Participants: Galadrin, Marshall Burns, Landon Winkler, jag, Catalyst N.

4/11/2008 castus nigh: Medieval- The Experts Roleplaying System
My gaming system, is as named above, has been termed the evolution of D&D by those who have been playtesting this new gaming system.  Medieval has many unique advantages over…
In Playtesting
Participants: castus nigh, Adam Dray.

4/11/2008 castus nigh: Medieval - The Experts Roleplaying System
For all those who have never experienced true role-playing, at its very best, I have detailed a little snipit of one of my recent games.  We use a system called…
In Playtesting
Participants: castus nigh, Ron Edwards, Calithena, lumpley, Adam Dray, greyorm.

4/10/2008 FrankBrunner: [Spellbound Kingdoms] A lock of hair and a stuck pig
Well as everyone knows, playtesting is everything. So even though SK is a long ways from completion, I'm testing as I go. Here's a report! ... For this pre-alpha playtest,…
In Playtesting
Participants: FrankBrunner, Krippler, Creatures of Destiny.

4/7/2008 quixoteles: Actual Play Vonnegut's Crapshoot with resource pools
Premise I get together some player to pace out some of the newer character creation rule for vonnegut's crapshoot and it sister ideas buckley's rainbow, and the Locke-Spinoza horoscopy to…
In Playtesting
Participants: quixoteles.

3/31/2008 alejandro: [unWritten] A game of film and literature. Seeking playtesters!
Hello everyone, I've been developing my game unWritten for some time now. So, I'm seeking playtesters. Here is a little bit about it... unWritten is a game that attempts to…
In Playtesting
Participants: alejandro, Peter Nordstrand.

3/25/2008 Peter Nordstrand: [While We Were Fighting] GM Dice Pool
[i]While We Were Fighting[/i] is a game about powerful people intriguing in a fictional Italian renaissance city. It is a decidedly narrativist game, drawing inspiration from such perennial favourites as…
In Playtesting
Participants: Peter Nordstrand, Anders, Marshall Burns.

3/17/2008 Marshall Burns: [The Rustbelt] Cruel cargo; also, more GM clumsiness
So, we playtested The Rustbelt again, and, also again, I hadn't prepared at all.  You'd think last time would learn me, wouldn'tcha?  Nope.  But, still, things came out pretty well…
In Playtesting
Participants: Marshall Burns, Eero Tuovinen, Ron Edwards, Knarfy, Wolfen, jag.

3/15/2008 Elizabeth: [Mist-Robed Gate] The best playtest I've ever experienced
So at last weekend's JiffyCon Boston, we had the first playtest of Shreyas Sampat's incredible wuxia game entitled The Mist-Robed Gate. It was supposed to be an intense, quiet, introspective…
In Playtesting
Participants: Elizabeth, Shreyas Sampat.

3/13/2008 Darcy Burgess: [Black Cadillacs] - Cards of Fate
Hi, Something that's crept into my mind during my last batch of Black Caddies playtests is a disatisfaction with the way a certain segment of the mechanics requires a small…
In Playtesting
Participants: Darcy Burgess, Ron Edwards, Ned.

3/10/2008 Simon C: [Compass Gods] New territory
So I recently playtested this really tentative game idea I had called "Compass Gods" (for now at least).  There's a thread about it at the Free RPG Bakery, but I'll…
In Playtesting
Participants: Simon C, Filip Luszczyk, MikeF.

3/7/2008 Marshall Burns: [SAN!] system changes, highlights: "Jimbo's Saga" "Fantastical Wizard of Frotz"
Okay, I haven't been posting about it, but we've been playing the HELL out of this game.  Seriously, I can barely pull my players away from it.  If I ask,…
In Playtesting
Participants: Marshall Burns, Ron Edwards.

3/3/2008 Evil Eye Gameworks: World of Hammerhell Adventures
Hello all My name is Jeremy Harden, I created the Evil Eye Gameworks indie tabletop company for a game, called World of Hammerhell Adventures.  It's a departure from complex RPG…
In Playtesting
Participants: Evil Eye Gameworks.

3/3/2008 Frank Tarcikowski: [Mud Planet / Sorcerer] The Rules Work!
So I finally got to run the refined version of my Ronnies entry Mud Planet, using Sorcerer rules. Conditions were kind of not ideal: It was the evening slot in…
In Playtesting
Participants: Frank Tarcikowski, Eero Tuovinen, Ron Edwards.

3/2/2008 Blankshield: [Reality Cops] Slowly Taking Shape
Last Friday the much-delayed and rescheduled playtest of Reality Cops got off the ground. I, Fox, James T. and Davyd sat down to look at the rough bones and see…
In Playtesting
Participants: Blankshield, Ron Edwards, Spooky Fanboy, joepub.

3/2/2008 travisfarber: [Thou Art but a Warrior] The Fall of a Kingdom
Last night I had the opportunity to put together a game of Thou Art But A Warrior.  We were unexpectedly down one player, so we ran with three, although long…
In Playtesting
Participants: travisfarber, wunderllama, SaintandSinner, Adam Dray, Ben Lehman.

2/25/2008 AGP: Black Cadillacs playtest
Two months ago I had the opportunity to participate in a playtest of "Black Cadillacs." This is a war RPG created by Darcy Burgess ("Black Cadillacs" is WWII Canadian Slang…
In Playtesting
Participants: AGP, Ron Edwards, Darcy Burgess.

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In Playtesting

4/15/2008 Rusty: [Space Rat] Game frozen by the Bride of the Ice (cream)
After a few months of "real life" I finally managed to get the guys together for another playtest of Space Rat: the Jack Cosmos Adventure Game!  I had made a…
In Playtesting
Participants: Rusty, Ron Edwards.

4/17/2008 mratomek: [SF7] new combat, damage, wounds system
After a lot of thought, spit, and polish, I think I have finally tweaked the combat system to be fluid, easy to use, and  a lot of fun. The hits…
In Playtesting
Participants: mratomek.

4/18/2008 Marshall Burns: [Witch Trails] Strange Fruit
[i]Witch Trails:  the Invisible History of the American West[/i] is a game about the Hex Rangers, a secret militia formed to drive out angry spirits and other supernatural threats from…
In Playtesting
Participants: Marshall Burns, jag.

4/19/2008 SabreCat: [Blazing Rose] Forge Midwest: Pacing and "Pieces"
This comes almost a full week after the play experience, thanks to a very busy work-week after the con, so many details have vanished from my memory.  But I wanted…
In Playtesting
Participants: SabreCat, Zach, Ron Edwards.

4/22/2008 Rusty: [Space Rat] Cruisin' Along
I ran another game of Space Rat at the end of last week, attempting to explore some of the things that didn’t get a great work-out in the last game,…
In Playtesting
Participants: Rusty.

4/22/2008 Krippler: [Rustbelt] A rabid elephant - on fire
Last weekend I GM'd some Rustbelt for a bunch of friends. It's a game under construction written by Marshall Burns (you can find the old document I used here). After…
In Playtesting
Participants: Krippler, Marshall Burns, Wolfen, jag.

4/25/2008 mratomek: [SF7] The Mindwarp of Dr. Mindbender (notes from playtest)
[b]Mindwarp Madness[/b] Hercules' girlfriend, Penny, has been kidnapped by the villainous Dr. Mindbender. Mindbender is keeping her hidden until he has time to deliver her to the criminal Senate, in…
In Playtesting
Participants: mratomek.

4/25/2008 Parthenia: [Tales of the Fisherman's Wife] My Wife the demon wrangler
I am working on a short game which uses cards called Tales of the Fisherman's Wife. I've described it elsewhere (and you can read about it here. I'll post another…
In Playtesting
Participants: Parthenia, lumpley, Simon C, Arturo G., Marshall Burns, zinadin.

4/25/2008 Parthenia: [...Fisherman's Wife] First playtest
So here's how this game works with 2 people. This is before I altered and de-clunked the mechanics. I just posted a later playtest with four people. Here you can…
In Playtesting
Participants: Parthenia.

4/27/2008 btrc: Purgatory Bay - open for critique
I'm usually known for my crunchy, simulationist work, which makes me feel like the odd man out here at the Forge (even if I do try to create social settings…
In Playtesting
Participants: btrc, jag.

4/28/2008 Krippler: [Rustbelt] A maiden in distress - on fire
Hello there! This is Wilmer writing about my second session with the game The Rustbelt written by Marshall Burns. Last time I had a fast but mediocre start learning and…
In Playtesting
Participants: Krippler, jag, Marshall Burns, Wolfen.

4/30/2008 alejandro: [unWritten] Rats
This is my first *real* actual play. Tell me if I did it right, as well as how it's presented. Last night Greg and I played unWritten in a setting…
In Playtesting
Participants: alejandro, Artanis, Ron Edwards.

5/7/2008 Eero Tuovinen: [Solar System] Dragonriders & Demagogues
So I'm working on a new, "refreshed" edition of the Solar System, as I mentioned in the other thread. I'm saying "refreshed" because updating would imply some kind of need…
In Playtesting
Participants: Eero Tuovinen, newsalor, segedy, Valamir.

5/12/2008 Krippler: [Rustbelt] A betrayal & shooting at angry mobs twice
Hello there! This is Wilmer reporting from session three of my Rustbelt campaign. We played draft 2 of the Rustbelt rules plus a new set of psyche dynamics PM'd by…
In Playtesting
Participants: Krippler, Marshall Burns, jag, Wolfen, JoyWriter, xdiox.

5/14/2008 c: [Silence Keeps Me A Victim] First successful playtest.
Last Friday I had the first playtest where I felt like I was starting to get where I want to go with Silence. Again the game has broad changes from…
In Playtesting
Participants: c, ChadDubya, Artanis, Paul Czege.

5/14/2008 wunderllama: [Business Solutions] Playtest at Nerdly
At Camp Nerdly, I was lucky to participate in a playtest of Jason Morningstar’s Business Solutions – a game in which you play hapless photocopier repairpersons. Character creation is a…
In Playtesting
Participants: wunderllama, jasonm, Nathan Herrold, jhosmer1, Solamasa, travisfarber, Valamir.

5/23/2008 travisfarber: [Misspent Youth] Tearing Down Adam Duvall
So, recently we had the opportunity to playtest Misspent Youth.  Daniel Levine was kind enough to run it and he also made a recording of the session.  I won't go…
In Playtesting
Participants: travisfarber, dikaiosunh, RobNJ.

5/23/2008 Marshall Burns: [While We Were Fighting] an observation & question for the author
[i]While We Were Fighting[/i] is a game in development by Peter Nordstrand about intrigue and such in Rennaissance Italy.  I've been wanting to playtest it for a while, but I…
In Playtesting
Participants: Marshall Burns, Peter Nordstrand, Måns.

5/28/2008 Darcy Burgess: [Black Cadillacs] - Death in the PM
Hi, A couple of weekends ago, I got to run two one-shots of Black Cadillacs at the CanGames IGE. The timing couldn't have been better, as I'm in the middle…
In Playtesting
Participants: Darcy Burgess, Ron Edwards, Aise.

6/5/2008 Earl of Sherry: [Super Action Now!] DIY Porno Studio vs Morality Police + Couch on Couch love!
Playtest report: Super Action Now! Rev 2/18/08 Buck, Clint, Stf - First Timers, all. Okay, Marshall.  So, I read SAN!, that night I printed it off and started convincing…
In Playtesting
Participants: Earl of Sherry, Marshall Burns.

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