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8/24/2006 StefanS: [Grofafo-challenge] Goochelaar Meisjes
I've read in GroFaFo that some people here at The Forge are interested in the results of the German Grofafo-Challenge (see this report for details). To make it short, it…
In Endeavor
Participants: StefanS.

8/22/2006 Tomas HVM: [The Dull and the Dramatic] A game sketch
Here goes! Following is a short sketch of a possible roleplaying-game. Any comments are apprectiated. Any test of it and report in the "Actual Play"-forum is appreciated. Go gently, it's…
In Endeavor
Participants: Tomas HVM, matthijs, xenopulse.

8/17/2006 Roger: Don't Just Stand There
This is an idea for a game... process, I guess.  It's not really a game mechanic, per se. The basic definition of it: "Don't Just Stand There" is a bit…
In Endeavor
Participants: Roger, Arturo G., oreso, David Artman, Kensan_Oni, TroyLovesRPG.

8/17/2006 Madkitten: Compact RPG Challenge REVISED
Forked from the following thread: Send YOUR contribution to this E-mail Address: Last submission date: August the 28th. The rules for the endeavor are as follows:    …
In Endeavor
Participants: Madkitten, Kesher, WRPIgeek, Filip Luszczyk, Ken, Thunder_God, btrc, dpetroski, iago.

8/15/2006 Kevin Allen Jr: The reverse engineering challenge
So after some observation of other designers and talking to some folks (thanks Shreyas) I had this idea for a design contest: Thesis- Speaking generally, the last thing in most…
In Endeavor
Participants: Kevin Allen Jr, iago, thwaak, marknau, Darcy Burgess, NeuroZombie, Zach, BeUrgaust, Dustfather, Dumirik, gwangi, Agent_Fresh, Tomas HVM, andrew_kenrick.

8/15/2006 tj333: [Drill] 12 Cranes Style VS Iron Fist of the Dragon
Inspired by the Calvinball for Combat thread I've written up this drill. Its a wuxia/kung-fuish /super powered martial arts style drill where the power of your long and perhaps oddly…
In Endeavor
Participants: tj333, Noon, BeUrgaust.

8/8/2006 BeUrgaust: The Chopper RPG Challenge.
[move]In the world of motorcycles there are bikes and then there are choppers.[/move] [b]From the Wikipedia Entry on Choppers:[/b] [quote]Chopper refers to a particular type of motorcycle that was radically…
In Endeavor
Participants: BeUrgaust, Frank T, Dumirik.

8/4/2006 Justin D. Jacobson: Help Formulating an Experiment in Game Design
This is an idea I've been toying with for some time. I'm sure, like me, that many of you have participated in round-robin writing endeavors. The structure varies but follows…
In Endeavor
Participants: Justin D. Jacobson, Nathan P., Thunder_God, Noon, jasonm, preludetotheend.

7/14/2006 Call Me Curly: [Drill] Pool Variant Drills
1. Commence a game of James V. West's The Pool with friends, but without a GM.  Don't figure-out how you will accommodate GM-less play beforehand. Just start playing and every…
In Endeavor
Participants: Call Me Curly, Roger.

7/12/2006 Frank T: [Report] GroFaFo Challenge (Germany does it, too)
Some months ago we started talking about doing an RPG design contest at GroFaFo. There already is one 24-h-contest at FERA, but that one suffered from several problems. Too focused…
In Endeavor
Participants: Frank T, Caesar_X, contracycle, JasperN., Ron Edwards, oliof, jasonm.

7/4/2006 Madkitten: Compact RPG Challenge
Hello fellow RPG-tinkerers. This endeavor is about making compact games, in order to show that the making of a game can be quickly accomplished and in order to focus on…
In Endeavor
Participants: Madkitten, Kesher, btrc, Aman the Rejected, cpeterso, ffilz, Dustfather, WRPIgeek, Jeph, iago, Call Me Curly, Filip Luszczyk, thwaak, Ken, Obak, Thunder_God, redivider, dpetroski, gains.

6/24/2006 shays: Open New Project Design
Here is what I think the game should have: 1. A catchy name. 2. A character creation system that is flexible and fun and not bound by classes. 3. A…
In Endeavor
Participants: shays.

6/13/2006 Caesar_X: [Noir] Early draft of Noir rules
You can read the early draft of my Noir rules and game notes here: Noir is a story game that concentrates on the noir genre in film and literature. …
In Endeavor
Participants: Caesar_X, Jared A. Sorensen, Justin D. Jacobson, Andy Kitkowski, Krystalex, apeiron.

6/2/2006 Darcy Burgess: [Drill] - Vive la Résistance!
[b][i][color=Red]Vive la Résistance![/color][/i][/b] a high-stakes drill [color=Blue][u]Introduction[/u] a word on black-balling[/color] I don't know where the term originated, but the first time I heard it used was in reference to…
In Endeavor
Participants: Darcy Burgess.

5/23/2006 mratomek: Monster Rules Game Posted--Please, Take a Look
Hello all, Its been a loooooooooooooooooong time coming, but I have finally posted a beta version of Monster Rules for everyone to download. Monster Rules attempts to compress an RPG…
In Endeavor
Participants: mratomek, Czar Fnord, Bill Masek.

5/19/2006 mratomek: Role Playing Game -- Without a GM!
I have working on a game for some time now--the public beta of the game will be posted on monday for everyone who is interested--which allows gamers to play fun…
In Endeavor
Participants: mratomek, jasonm, TonyLB, Noon.

5/18/2006 Grail-Shadowblade: [Raid Earth] Skills and Character Creation
Well I went out of my way to make to make a fancy PDF version to show you but I can't host it for you to look at anyway.... I…
In Endeavor
Participants: Grail-Shadowblade, KKinsane, Czar Fnord.

5/14/2006 Dumirik: Countdown games
Right, so this is Countdown Games, and its inspired by the stuff that Vincent Baker and Ben Lehman are doing. Recently, Vincent has been churning out games like a crazy…
In Endeavor
Participants: Dumirik.

5/12/2006 Brand_Robins: Mad Props to the Game Chef peeps
SHORTLIST FOR 2006 DIANA JONES AWARD ANNOUNCED An RPG, a board-game, a TCG, an ARG, a contest and a charity vie for hobby-gaming's most exclusive trophy London - The committee…
In Endeavor
Participants: Brand_Robins, lumpley, Andy Kitkowski, Czar Fnord, Dav.

5/10/2006 Grail-Shadowblade: Raid Earth: Why raid Earth?
[quote]Quote Instead of focusing on food retrieval, what about focusing on bringing back metal (following up on the recycling board idea) or maybe water to keep hydroponic farms on the…
In Endeavor
Participants: Grail-Shadowblade, contracycle, Thunder_God, Czar Fnord, joepub, knicknevin.

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Subsequent Topics
In Endeavor

9/7/2006 jasonm: The Iron MACE Design Challenge
MACE is a local convention in High Point, North Carolina, USA.  The organizers are good people and it is a fun time.  Last year they ran a Game Chef style…
In Endeavor
Participants: jasonm, iago, David Artman, Andy Kitkowski.

10/3/2006 Zahtevnik: Module Contest
This is a cash-prize contest for a gaming company, so I hope it's fine to advertise it here. If not then let me know : ) We're trying out our…
In Endeavor
Participants: Zahtevnik, Eero Tuovinen.

10/10/2006 Ken: COMPACT RPG CHALLENGE!!!
I'm happy to say that the challenge is on! Big thanks to everyone for working with me over the last week. The group is set up, the links in place,…
In Endeavor
Participants: Ken, btrc, Andrew Morris, redivider, aedaren, David Artman, dpetroski, Olorin, Kesher.

10/19/2006 Kuma: Announcing the Mix-O-Tronic Challenge!
Kuma Pageworks is proud to announce the Mix-O-Tronic Challenge, a game design workshop and competition dedicated to stretching the boundaries of role-playing game design. Using the enigmatic <a href="">Mix-O-Tronic</a>, a…
In Endeavor
Participants: Kuma.

10/29/2006 Adam H.: ideas to complex for first thoughts but not developed enough for playtesting
First Thoughts for Operation Newborn. Operation newborn is an R.P.G. that takes place in a small country inside of a large crater on an unknown planet. The setting is mid-evil…
In Endeavor
Participants: Adam H., Ron Edwards.

11/4/2006 JasonPalenske: The Frontier Challenge
The Challenge So begins the First Frontier Biquarterly 24 hour Challenge! That's right boys and girls, Biquartery! Once every 4 months Frontier will sponsor a Challenge based upon the game.…
In Endeavor
Participants: JasonPalenske, Ron Edwards.

11/7/2006 Frank T: Setting Design Challenge
Ron’s TSoY actual play and the Frontier Challenge thread triggered an idea that now sits in the back of my head like an evil monkey. I’ve been saying since 2004…
In Endeavor
Participants: Frank T, JasonPalenske, Ben Lehman, David Artman, Eero Tuovinen, StefanS, TroyLovesRPG.

11/16/2006 Frank T: 1st Transatlantic Setting Design Challenge starting NOW
Dear aspiring (or accomplished) designers of role-playing games! We have seen thousandfold how clever rules design can change the game being played. But what about setting, I ask? Now is…
In Endeavor
Participants: Frank T, ElliottBelser MKII, StefanS, Caesar_X, Jonathan Walton, MikeRM, Malcolm, 8t88, btrc, tadk, Hans, Ben Lehman, Nephilim, Everspinner, Sempiternity, TroyLovesRPG, Ron Edwards, Andy Kitkowski, Eero Tuovinen, alexandro, Hedgehamster, Sam!, Dev, redivider, wunderllama, ( o Y o ), Graham Walmsley, Pauls Girl, Steven Stewart, preludetotheend, oliof, Rich Stokes.

11/25/2006 Graham Walmsley: [Setting Design] Darker
I'm thinking about a setting for Jason's game, The Shab al-Hiri Roach. The setting is Darker College, an Oxford University college, in Victorian times. This is a first draft. If…
In Endeavor
Participants: Graham Walmsley.

11/27/2006 Jonathan Walton: Proposal Guidelines for Push 2
I just posted <a href="">proposal guidelines</a> for <i>Push</i> volume 2 on my blog. Those of you who have been thinking about (or just now started thinking about) writing for it…
In Endeavor
Participants: Jonathan Walton.

12/4/2006 jrients: June is Worldwide Adventure Writing Month
Tabletop roleplaying games have traditionally relied on a Game Master to create and run adventures. Sometimes that Game Master uses published adventure material. I know for a fact that the…
In Endeavor
Participants: jrients.

12/18/2006 Storn: Sons of Kryos Actual Play contest
I've had the good fortune of being invited to be part of Sons of Kryos, a wonderful podcast on gaming.  Link in a moment.  I'm on episodes 29 and 31…
In Endeavor
Participants: Storn.

12/25/2006 Frank T: Setting Challenge Submission Thread
Dear participants of the 1st Transatlantic Setting Design Challenge! This is the official submission thread. Please post your entry here before 2007, with a download link, mention of the game…
In Endeavor
Participants: Frank T, wunderllama, Steven Stewart, Graham Walmsley, Malcolm, Eero Tuovinen, Everspinner, Rich Stokes, Sam!, Ben Lehman, talysman.

1/2/2007 Frank T: Setting Challenge: The Voting
Happy New Year to you, Challengers! The submission deadline for the 1st Transatlantic Setting Design Challenge has wooshed past. Graham has been so kind to collect the submissions: Anna Kreider:…
In Endeavor
Participants: Frank T, Everspinner, Ben Lehman, Eero Tuovinen, Graham Walmsley, Rich Stokes, talysman, Frank Tarcikowski.

1/5/2007 Graham Walmsley: Lords and Ladies: Setting Challenge review
I really liked Lords and Ladies. It takes Dust Devils and, very successfully, transplants it to a Jane Austen-ish setting. It also blends immersionist LARPs with Dust Devils' conflict resolution:…
In Endeavor
Participants: Graham Walmsley, talysman, Sam!, Ben Lehman.

1/5/2007 Malcolm: Umlaut: Setting Challenge review
Every one of the settings I was given made me feel something different and out of all of them, Umlaut, by Rich Stokes, produced the most wry smiles, nods and…
In Endeavor
Participants: Malcolm, talysman, Sam!, Graham Walmsley, Rich Stokes, Dantai, Ben Lehman, Everspinner.

1/6/2007 wunderllama: The Engine: Setting challenge review
I'll admit that when I opened up The Engine, I groaned when I saw the massive page count. (I read The Engine last, and since I'd drawn the two beefiest…
In Endeavor
Participants: wunderllama, Malcolm, Everspinner, Sam!, tadk, talysman.

1/7/2007 Graham Walmsley: The Legion Of SuperScience: Setting Challenge Review
I'm realising that there are two broad categories of entry in this competition: those which shoehorn a game into a completely different setting (Umlaut, Western Journeyers) and those which use…
In Endeavor
Participants: Graham Walmsley, talysman, Sam!.

1/10/2007 Sam!: Darker: Setting Challenge review
As I already mentioned when judging Umläut, I expect a new setting to somehow change the original system. It's nasty, because this is not the way Darker was designed. So…
In Endeavor
Participants: Sam!, Graham Walmsley, Eero Tuovinen, Everspinner, Gregor Hutton.

1/10/2007 Rich Stokes: Thou Art But a Warrior: Setting Challenge Review
Thou Art But a Warrior is a setting for Polaris by Anna Kreider.  It's a 13 page PDF. I find this entry very hard to judge.  After reading this brief…
In Endeavor
Participants: Rich Stokes, Malcolm, Eero Tuovinen, wunderllama, Graham Walmsley, Ben Lehman, Everspinner, talysman, Sam!.

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