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Previous Topics
In Game Development

3/17/2011 davide.losito: [Knights of Twilight] revisioned
[url=]Alpha version 0.2[/url] For those who never read this game rules, this is a game about fencing. It explores the actions of Knights, corrupted by some dark power that helps…
In Game Development
Participants: davide.losito, Rafu, voidgere, Ron Edwards, Paolo D..

3/16/2011 F33: How do you Die?
Currently, I am working on a game that uses a system of d6 dice for attacks and skill checks. If your level in Strength is 2, you roll 2d6 for…
In Game Development
Participants: F33, SteveCooper, Ron Edwards, davide.losito, Enker.

3/14/2011 Willow: [Secret Lives of Serial Killers] Yes, a Playtest
Saturday I playtested this game. Shortly after receiving the Ronnie, I was bursting with pride.  So of course I told my best friend, Shari, and Tim had been in on…
In Game Development
Participants: Willow, Brendan Day, happysmellyfish, baxil, pkalata, Janussary, Ron Edwards, Eero Tuovinen.

3/11/2011 whduryea: [Danse Macabre] "The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down"
After nearly three weeks of delays, my group finally got together to play our fourth session of Danse Macabre. I talked briefly about the first three sessions in the playtesting…
In Game Development
Participants: whduryea.

3/11/2011 Nath: [Two Peoples]
We've just got up the website for an international larp project I'm working on. Feedback and questions welcome.
In Game Development
Participants: Nath, Ron Edwards.

3/11/2011 Natespank: [A Game Called School...] Using Game Design Outside of Gaming
I'd like to use game design theory and principles to build a motivation structure for Real World applications. (The short of this post is that I need better reward cycles.…
In Game Development
Participants: Natespank, baxil, Noon, Paul Czege, Ron Edwards, happysmellyfish, contracycle, Roger, Chris_Chinn.

3/10/2011 jburneko: [Nine] A Game of Covert Operations
Over on Story-Games there was a thread about writing a whole game in a single paragraph.  I took a couple of minutes to scribble some notes and came up with…
In Game Development
Participants: jburneko.

3/10/2011 Ben Lehman: [Beloved] [Solo RPG] Textual revisions
So based on some playtesting feedback, I have made textual revisions to Beloved, which I'm hoping the get some feedback on. In particular, to those who saw the Beloved as…
In Game Development
Participants: Ben Lehman.

3/8/2011 David Hallett: [From Beyond]
A couple of links, to a basic system draft and a basic char sheet: From Beyond is another attempt at that perennial favourite, Cthulhu Done Right (or at…
In Game Development
Participants: David Hallett, davidberg, stefoid, contracycle, Mike Sugarbaker.

3/8/2011 Troy_Costisick: [Dreadsands] Applying Lessons Learned from the Ronnies
Heya, Along the way to creating my Three Roses Project I submitted an entry to the Ronnies.  Some of the mechanics in that game were the incarnation of ideas I’d…
In Game Development
Participants: Troy_Costisick.

3/8/2011 Enker: [Golden Age RPG] Experience as a physical item in-game.
Hello all, I wanted to make my first post on the board about something that I personally have found fun and compelling within an RPG system of my own creation.…
In Game Development
Participants: Enker, simon_hibbs, Ghostlight Games, baxil.

3/8/2011 Paul Czege: Guy Shalev's The Friendship Game, with mechanics like real friendship
After a bit of boardgaming this past Saturday a group of us switched to roleplaying with a stab at Guy Shalev's <a href="">The Friendship Game (v. 2)</a>. It was me,…
In Game Development
Participants: Paul Czege, Thunder_God, d.anderson.

3/7/2011 Ron Edwards: [Death's Head]
Julie, Maura and I played Death's Head this past weekend. Two major points These are so important I'm presenting them up-front, out of context. 1. Most chess I've played, including…
In Game Development
Participants: Ron Edwards, FetusCommander, whduryea, jrs.

3/7/2011 RegisFrey: Drunken Wizards (Drink Mechanics)
Drunken Wizards is a storytelling card game where everyone plays inebriated spellcasters and describes the ensuing chaos. The key mechanic is an Apples to Apples like response situation where a…
In Game Development
Participants: RegisFrey, SteveCooper, Unforgivingmuse.

3/7/2011 Trollkin: Project[World Crash]
My idea for this game was what if people got trapped in an online video game, simple concept. I’m currently using the name for the game World Crash till I…
In Game Development
Participants: Trollkin, baxil, Troy_Costisick, phatonin.

3/6/2011 ChrisMcDee: [Thousand Spears] Looking for Feedback and Testers
[URL=http://""][B]Thousand Spears[/B][/URL] is my most recent game project. [B]The Elevator Pitch[/B] Thousand Spears is... Hercules and the 300 Spartans voyaging around an ancient world varying from Hyborian savagery to classical…
In Game Development
Participants: ChrisMcDee, stefoid, Ron Edwards.

3/6/2011 Paolo D.: [Wings of Blood] Belt of children heads
Finally, my first chance to playtest Wings of Blood, my game for the February Ronnies! (see here for the original feedback thread, if you want to) This Monday night we…
In Game Development
Participants: Paolo D., Ron Edwards, Ghostlight Games, baxil.

3/6/2011 Sarashinai: Psychology of Mechanics
Hello all!   Please see horomancer's thread "Simple System rework"( to see what brought this on. The way I see it, most RP games require an "impartial" (read: random) system…
In Game Development
Participants: Sarashinai, Ron Edwards, horomancer.

3/4/2011 btrc: Verne characters
I'm posting this as a game development item as an example of how to take crunchy rules and push them into the background: This is a question & answer…
In Game Development
Participants: btrc, contracycle.

3/3/2011 Ron Edwards: [Diary of a Skull Soldier] Dry, bitter, excellent
I put some guys at the Dice Dojo through the ringer this week. First we did a serious, intense session of Acts of Evil, and then when we were all…
In Game Development
Participants: Ron Edwards, pkalata, davidberg, Noon.

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Subsequent Topics
In Game Development

3/19/2011 Unforgivingmuse: Tefr -Prelude
I started a thread about narrative gameplay in the actual play section. Here I'd like to get some feedback on the Tefr system I've been using to do that. The…
In Game Development
Participants: Unforgivingmuse, johnthedm7000.

3/21/2011 simon_hibbs: Evil Influences on player characters
So I'm working on a diceless Lord of the Rings game and have completed one playtest run. I've also used the same system for a non-LoTR one-off game. It uses…
In Game Development
Participants: simon_hibbs, stefoid, contracycle, dindenver, Gwynplaine.

3/23/2011 Ron Edwards: [Anathema] Blood on our hands
Hello, So I finally got to play it! Phil, Crystal, Sam, and James joined me at the Dice Dojo to check it out. I oversaw character creation very precisely by…
In Game Development
Participants: Ron Edwards, Janussary, pkalata, Ghostlight Games, davidberg.

3/25/2011 New Fire: Tribal Magic
Greetings! My name is Jason Caminsky and I am currently designing a fantasy RPG known as New Fire. It's an adventure game set in a fictional world based on the…
In Game Development
Participants: New Fire, Chris_Chinn.

3/27/2011 stefoid: [ingenero] invoking mechanics that dont change the fictional situation
My game uses 'plays' in conflict situations, which is: to do something, the player must describe the characters intended actions as "what, how and why".  i.e.  "Jack is going to…
In Game Development
Participants: stefoid, davidberg, happysmellyfish, Paul Czege.

4/3/2011 abjourne: The Framing of Story
I've been developing/playing a rpg for years now. I've been "GMing" most of that time, recently One of the players has taken over that responsibility. Mechanically / Stylishly he's fine…
In Game Development
Participants: abjourne, Ron Edwards.

4/5/2011 abjourne: Combat Resources [R2L]
Combat Resources While developing a fantasy rpg I devised a damage resource model I’d like some feedback on. The game uses a point mechanic to perform actions.…
In Game Development
Participants: abjourne, Ar Kayon, Chris_Chinn, Gwynplaine.

4/5/2011 killxo: Project Exodium i began work on Exodium in mid February of 2011. it started off as just an idea for an mmo, i was simply coming up with concepts and ideas.…
In Game Development
Participants: killxo, Ron Edwards, Noon, Daniel36.

4/9/2011 pjtanton: Developing a Game Setting
I've been developing a setting and system for some time and would like to get feedback from those interested in doing so. The link I've provided is to my recent…
In Game Development
Participants: pjtanton, Chris_Chinn, contracycle.

4/9/2011 Gwynplaine: A game of monsters?
I am in the process of developing a game and thought that it would be nice to get some feedback from other people who are interested in similar. The links…
In Game Development
Participants: Gwynplaine, baxil.

4/9/2011 MiniTurtle: Group Gathering
Hello, I am starting an online game development group. I am searching for member's. We are going to create an multiplayer space ship game for group practice. Can not give…
In Game Development
Participants: MiniTurtle, Ron Edwards.

4/11/2011 MacLeod: Dice and Rolling Them: Simple Questions
I'm just trying to get a basic mechanic implemented in this design so I can go ahead with all the fun ideas I have floating around my mind. The following…
In Game Development
Participants: MacLeod, contracycle, Ron Edwards, Chris_Chinn.

4/13/2011 DarkHawkPro: Mythos Saga A TRPG
Hey folks.  Alright, i'm new to "The Forge" but my current group of helpers have become greatly unavailable to help with with development.  So i'm turning to the online community. …
In Game Development
Participants: DarkHawkPro, F33, Thriff, Ckelm, Noon.

4/18/2011 szp: Psychological randomness
When I was stuck in Korea last summer, I had come up with an idea for a game about dreams and psychological healing that I finally got around to committing…
In Game Development
Participants: szp, DarkHawkPro, baxil, K.Hoffren, Tokala.

4/28/2011 stefoid: [INGENERO] conflict res - tactical crunch players would u like this?
My aim is to provide tactical flair without the crunch.  Id be interested in those players who like a  good tactical fight.  would this appeal to you?  (there are sections…
In Game Development
Participants: stefoid, DarkHawkPro, Noon, Ron Edwards, phatonin.

4/29/2011 Anatola: Making Religion a Real Organization in Fantasy Role Playing
This is my first post here, and it is mainly just some thoughts I am having while fleshing out a setting for a role playing game I am soon to…
In Game Development
Participants: Anatola, Chris_Chinn, rolepages, stefoid, Noon, Ron Edwards.

4/29/2011 rolepages: Coordinating a Game With Hundreds of Players
I have an online community called and we have several thousand members all of whom are relatively active. While the style of this community is very free form open…
In Game Development
Participants: rolepages.

4/30/2011 Zala: World of Balviene fantasy setting invite
Hey all! Been a lurker for a long time, and have been putting some effort off and on into a generic campaign setting. My goal is to create a PDF…
In Game Development
Participants: Zala.

5/1/2011 Gunnox: DrakHaven - The free forum MMORPG
[sup][center][b]Forewords[/b][/center][/sup] Hello it have been a while since I visited this site and for a long time ago I had multiple ideas about tabletop roleplaying games but I have scrapped…
In Game Development
Participants: Gunnox, Ron Edwards.

5/2/2011 Warrior Monk: How many variables can we include in a magic system?
Ok, I know the simple answer is "enough to make it fun" So I'm posting this to put some order in my thoughts, see how many blind spots you can…
In Game Development
Participants: Warrior Monk, stefoid, Vulpinoid, AdamG, JSDiamond, Ron Edwards.

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