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In Game Development

10/25/2011 SeeThirty: Traits for an RPG where players play 'actors'?
I'm working on an RPG that features players playing actors on the set of film or TV. I'm stuck trying to figure out various traits that might apply to the…
In Game Development
Participants: SeeThirty, Paul Czege, kvanpelt, davidberg, SoupViking, jalinde.

10/24/2011 BadgerTemplar: Lefrin the RPG
Heys, I've been working on this rpg for a little over a year now. The driving principles behind this work are my desires for a -free -psuedo-open source (adapts overtime…
In Game Development
Participants: BadgerTemplar, Noon.

10/24/2011 davide.losito: [Dawn of a New Tomorrow] a game of vampires
This is another project I was working onto. It is at a stage I consider almost complete and I already made some play test. It's a game about Vampires and…
In Game Development
Participants: davide.losito, Thriff.

10/19/2011 stefoid: [ingenero] all new social challenge system
Hi guys this is a split from a thread in actual play that touched on some issues to do with social conflict, or as I call it social challenges, as…
In Game Development
Participants: stefoid, Cedric, Thriff.

10/17/2011 Cedric: [Föld] Social Links system
Hi Forgies, This post is about creating relationships. The motivation is the following: - In Föld, player characters are 'mere' humans and cannot level-up much. A very powerful guy will…
In Game Development
Participants: Cedric, stefoid, Thriff.

10/16/2011 1Plus2D6: 1Plus2D6 - Game in devolopment, and near don.
Hay all! I just want to throw your attention to this: Its a bolg dedicated to min Game in devolopment (Nearly don for first compleate setting and system book…
In Game Development
Participants: 1Plus2D6.

10/15/2011 briannissen: RPG using chat programs
have a clever idea (instruction and GM booklet finished) for a RPG that you play on chat programs. Facebook is actually a great place to play it - you can…
In Game Development
Participants: briannissen, Titanium Man, Ron Edwards.

10/14/2011 sprightx: Gifted: A contemporary Sci-Fi role playing game
Hello everyone, this is my first post on the Forge forums. I've been reading threads on game design for a bit but I've never posted myself until now. I'm writing…
In Game Development
Participants: sprightx, contracycle, Noon, happysmellyfish.

10/14/2011 Pdemp33: First time creator need opinion and ideas for roll system.
I have yet to name my developing game but, it is starting to come together. My problem right now is finding a d6 or d10 system that could work with…
In Game Development
Participants: Pdemp33, Ron Edwards.

10/10/2011 PROleary: Leap of Faith - A Cinematic single-session gaming system
Hello All, There was a particular style of RPG I always wanted to play. Since I was never able to find the experience I decided to make up my own…
In Game Development
Participants: PROleary, K.Hoffren, Porterhaus.

10/10/2011 GregStolze: System 6/10 -- wanna take a look?
Here's the new crazy thing I'm doing. Y'all ready? At the end of this post is a link to a nascent little set of RPG mechanics I've been noodling and…
In Game Development
Participants: GregStolze, Thriff, Noon.

10/8/2011 DougE: Nightmare Cove
Hello!  I've co-created (with two friends) a horror RPG on Facebook.  We describe it as an "interactive horror story game."  We just released it in beta.  Here's the link -…
In Game Development
Participants: DougE, pvaughan007.

10/5/2011 szp: [Waking to Dreams] Too good for your own good?
Here is the link to Waking to Dreams, which is a work in progress with only a fraction written out yet. (For those keeping track, this is the second time…
In Game Development
Participants: szp, Rubbermancer, Thriff, Cedric.

10/5/2011 Cedric: [Föld] DX System - v1.0
Dear Forgies, So, after a thread full of comments about how to create a nice game system, here comes my very first attempt. It was made with the background universe…
In Game Development
Participants: Cedric, Thriff.

10/1/2011 Rubbermancer: The Broken Realms - Necromancy, Steampunk, and Psychotic Gods
WHEW!  Been busting my posterior on this one for a while now, and I think I've finally come as far as I can without outside feedback.  My first obvious question…
In Game Development
Participants: Rubbermancer, Mike Sugarbaker, Noon, Thriff, Paul Czege.

9/30/2011 Rubbermancer: Session Ambience
I produce a lot of music, and I'm always looking for a new challenge.  I don't believe in money, so I'm happy to work for free, because it's what I…
In Game Development
Participants: Rubbermancer, Thriff, Cedric.

9/28/2011 rgrassi: [Levity - Pride & Prejudice]: Looking for feedback
Hi Forgers. First of all, sorry for my english. There may be some mistakes because I'm from Italy. I'm writing this post to share the status and ideas about the…
In Game Development
Participants: rgrassi.

9/26/2011 Thriff: [The ASH System, V2.00] Fluidity and Creativity
Hello all, Welcome. So, let’s try again shall we? Simply put, V2.00 is “doing less, better”. The language is simpler, layout polished, design goals refined, and many mechanics have been…
In Game Development
Participants: Thriff, Rubbermancer.

9/26/2011 MasterGeek: Stuck regarding my resolution mechanic
Hey all, I'm working on designing an RPG called Time Heroes.  Here's a link to my design blog: A quick summary of the game world (for those who don't…
In Game Development
Participants: MasterGeek, lumpley, Rubbermancer, Eero Tuovinen.

9/25/2011 Rubbermancer: Setting Invasion
This idea is too short to warrant a link, all of the information is here.  I hope you all enjoy it, steal it, run with it. Here’s how it works: …
In Game Development
Participants: Rubbermancer, Thriff, D.R. Clifford.

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Subsequent Topics
In Game Development

10/27/2011 mustardcat: Unleashed
Hello guys, My name is Thomas and I'm a member of UDT, a 4 man team of final year game development students. We are releasing a UDK mod gameplay experiment,…
In Game Development
Participants: mustardcat.

10/27/2011 vastencn: Turning English Words into Symbols and Glyphs
Hi Everyone. I posted about a year back about Dscript, but have added quite few updates and additions. Dscript can be thought of as a "form of English cursive writing".…
In Game Development
Participants: vastencn, Thriff, kvanpelt, Ron Edwards, Aisha Bennett.

11/2/2011 bosky: Tremors the Board Game?
Oh man so I was watching everyone's favorite 1990s B-movie Tremors when I realized I should really make a simple, quick, totally encapsulated board game. Here's my brainstorm so far:…
In Game Development
Participants: bosky, kvanpelt.

11/4/2011 SadSatyr: How to start play testing?
Hello Everyone! If you don't want to read the wall of text, here is the TL;DR version When and how do I start play testing? This is my first post,…
In Game Development
Participants: SadSatyr, Artanis, kvanpelt, davidberg, dindenver, Aisha Bennett.

11/4/2011 Marshall Burns: reducing handling time without sacrificing (much) detail: a demonstration
<b>Business Up Front</b> The topic at hand isn't something that I need help with. It's a problem that I've solved in the context of a particular game, and I thought…
In Game Development
Participants: Marshall Burns, kvanpelt, Noon.

11/6/2011 Dithmer: Everyone is Nicolas Cage
Alright, so this whole idea has been brewing in my mind for some time, and it's actually reached the point where it may be playtested. I plan on doing this…
In Game Development
Participants: Dithmer, SaintHax, Alphabet_Master.

11/7/2011 Morningstar: Eidolon: the Dreamscape Opera
I did some groundwork on this a while ago in this forum. Here's the front cover for the game, brought to you by the same artist that did Nobilis. Eidolon…
In Game Development
Participants: Morningstar, Ron Edwards, davidberg.

10/27/2011 gtroc: [War in the Heavens] Triggers (split)
Hey again, all, me again. I have a bit of a problem with my design. I posted it in the design blog, but I will repost the problem area here:…
In Game Development
Participants: gtroc, Ron Edwards.

11/10/2011 MJ_Alishah: Nights of the Crusades
Hey there Indie RPGers, We've spent the last few years working on Nights of the Crusades, and it's finally at the point where we can release a Beta version to…
In Game Development
Participants: MJ_Alishah, stefoid, Aisha Bennett, davidberg.

11/11/2011 redwing: a sub-system for my game focused on collaborative storytelling
I have been working on and off on a game for quite some time now. I’ve picked it back up recently and looking to polish it up piece by piece.…
In Game Development
Participants: redwing, Paul Czege.

11/13/2011 hansel: My Daughter, the Queen of France
We played MDQOF (is that how you acronymize it?) tonight. The conceit of the game is that Shakespeare's relationship with his daughter has broken down to such a point that…
In Game Development
Participants: hansel.

11/13/2011 Måns: [The Fog of War] My war game
The Fog of War is my roleplaying game about war. Its actually about American wars (from WW2 to present day) or more precise It’s about the soldiers who fight the…
In Game Development
Participants: Måns, Spectre, Double_J, stefoid, andrei.

11/13/2011 Shimera9: Looking for suggestions on "against the odds" style game
Hello, all.  I've been planning on running a really rules light game.  However, I noticed some of the top candidates like Risus has limited room to expand after the first…
In Game Development
Participants: Shimera9, happysmellyfish, davidberg, dindenver.

11/17/2011 ForgingLifeGame: The way I want games to be: Forging Life - an indie RPG
Hi all My childhood friend and I have been working on this game for years... Many years, just talking about the perfect game - in our mind! A couple of…
In Game Development
Participants: ForgingLifeGame, hansel.

11/18/2011 Porterhaus: [Caterpillar] A Space Game of Space Pirates in Space
I'm currently working on this game: Caterpillar. It is a silly game about space pirates, inspired by 3:16 and Poison'd, of course.  The tone, as I mentioned, is quite silly.…
In Game Development
Participants: Porterhaus, kvanpelt, Ron Edwards, davidberg, DPrim.

11/19/2011 Morningstar: [Eidolon] Alchemy
This is a chapter from the book; it's about how and why alchemy works within the setting. Feedback, critiques, and questions are welcome.
In Game Development
Participants: Morningstar, davidberg.

11/21/2011 thiagoess: Tabula Rasa
Hi, first of all, sorry for any mistakes i make, i'm Brazilian, My name is Thiago, and i have one idea for a rpg that i'm starting do develop, and…
In Game Development
Participants: thiagoess, Paul Czege, bosky, Shimera9, Porterhaus.

11/21/2011 Bart Baplu: Gamemasters Manual
I created a document for every gamemaster to use.  It's for new gamemasters to give you a solid base to start with and for seasoned gamemasters to give you some…
In Game Development
Participants: Bart Baplu, Some Gamer666, bosky, Porterhaus, Chris_Chinn.

11/21/2011 Bart Baplu: Roleplaying in primary schools
I'm a teacher and at our school we already do fantasy roleplaying with our oldest kids for some years now.  If you want to try it too at your school,…
In Game Development
Participants: Bart Baplu, Rafu, Michiel Rutte.

11/23/2011 Thriff: ASH: A Saviour's Heart
Hey all, A generic thread title to accommodate my ever-mutating abomination. Useful discussions: Forge thread 1 of 2: Forge thread 2 of 2: The Merry Wanderers is the…
In Game Development
Participants: Thriff, Rubbermancer.

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