Previous Topics 12/13/2004 abzu: [BW] Must. Kill. Wizard. Part 2 So we played the next session of this arc.
This session was a bit belabored by the exigencies of our group and their play style. First, we had one… In Actual Play Participants: abzu, Negilent, taepoong, rafial.
12/13/2004 Doehring: Role Playing Personally I play D&D and when I agree it is not the best system the world itself has more resources than any other out there. The game is a giant… In Publishing Participants: Doehring, Ron Edwards, daMoose_Neo.
12/13/2004 daMoose_Neo: [Final Twilight]Grand Experiment- PDF CG Hmmkay, discussion in Theroy over CCGs and RPGs sparked a old idea in me brain and I dug out the notes and samples from it. After some more work aligning… In Publishing Participants: daMoose_Neo, LordSmerf, Andrew Morris, greyorm, twiztidsoul0512.
12/13/2004 Doehring: lulu I would check they seem to be the cheapest I have seen and there was a post here on the forge but it was difficult to realise what it… In Publishing Participants: Doehring, daMoose_Neo, Ron Edwards.
12/13/2004 Vaxalon: Running PTA via IRC We're planning to start a new PTA game on IRC starting on Tuesday, January 4.
Our first session will be at 8pm Eastern time, in #indierpgs on the Magicstar server.… In Dog Eared Designs Participants: Vaxalon, Alan, azrianni.
12/13/2004 tldenmark: Great resource for getting gamers together! This is an excellent site that joins together people of like interests for face to face gatherings.
td In Connections Participants: tldenmark, Dev, bcook1971, jc_madden, Bankuei, Clinton R. Nixon.
12/12/2004 tldenmark: Opinions on Lulu vs. CafePress? I've used cafe press quite a bit for making my convention books. Particularly for small b&w art books to sell at cons. I've also recently used it for the new… In Publishing Participants: tldenmark, Eero Tuovinen, Marco, Bardsandsages.
12/12/2004 RobNJ: [WoD 2.0] Moral(ity) Quandry First, an-intended-to-be-polite and hopefully-not-seen-as-snarky request: If you hate the World of Darkness's Morality system, I would rather this not turn into a thread railing against that. Suggested ways to manage… In Actual Play Participants: RobNJ, Ian Charvill, TonyLB, sirogit, mindwanders, Eero Tuovinen, Noon, Grover, John Kim, Trevis Martin, DaGreatJL, daMoose_Neo, Marco.
12/12/2004 jasonm: [DitV] Questions spawned by my first session I posted a session I ran yesterday in actual play, and running Dogs for the first time really raised some questions. Also, this session was really a test of the… In lumpley games Participants: jasonm, Blankshield, lumpley, Leningrad.
12/12/2004 jasonm: [DitV] Mayhem in Little Valley I ran the Little Valley branch yesterday for two friends and it went reasonably well.
The characters were Brother Lazarus, who came from a strong, loving family and was… In Actual Play Participants: jasonm, lumpley.
12/12/2004 James_Nostack: [Shadows of Yesterday] Recruiting for Indie-Netgaming If anyone is interested in trying out Anvilwerks's new fantasy game, The Shadow of Yesterday, we're trying to put together a one-shot chat session over on the Indie-Netgaming Yahoo Group.… In Connections Participants: James_Nostack.
12/12/2004 bluegargantua: Discreet Spell Casting Hi,
So, I'm reading through the magic system in BW. The section gives a spell out of the book to illustrate the different components of a spell description. Sitting here… In Burning Wheel Participants: bluegargantua, Thor Olavsrud.
12/12/2004 urbwar: Supernatural Threat/Horror: Melka the Tooth Maiden [b]Melka the Tooth Maiden[/b]
[b]Concept:[/b] Melka is inspired by the Tooth Fairy from Darkness Falls (not a great movie, but a decent idea for a supernatural threat).
[b]Motivation:[/b] Melka tests… In Bob Goat Press Participants: urbwar, Bob Goat.
12/12/2004 Vagabond: Dogs in other Genres I was looking through the forum and saw a couple of references to Dogs games in other genres. The CoC: Delta Green one looked especially cool. Anyways, I thought… In lumpley games Participants: Vagabond, Clinton R. Nixon, Blankshield, Doyce, jasonm, nikola.
12/12/2004 Nathan: Looking for webhosting? ( Hello all,
I've got the site back up and running, including information about our two packages for $30 and $50 a year respectively. Check it out, and let me… In Connections Participants: Nathan.
12/12/2004 Doyce: Necromancy/Demon-servitude in HQ? So I'm getting ready to run an almost-one-shot of Well of Souls as an introduction to Heroquest (though not Glorantha -- I've divorced it from the setting, basically, though the… In HeroQuest Participants: Doyce, Donald, MikeSands.
12/11/2004 Yokiboy: Sell Me on the Burning Wheel Hello,
I've been close to ordering the Burning Wheel based on the high number of mentions it gets here at the Forge and at, however I have yet to… In Burning Wheel Participants: Yokiboy, Eero Tuovinen, Thor Olavsrud, rafial, Negilent, Paka, Jake Norwood, Leningrad, Zachary The First.
12/11/2004 Selene Tan: Conflict Mechanic to Encourage Puzzle-Solving This is a mechanic I've been toying with for Song of Ethera. I'd like to encourage puzzle-solving, creative uses of abilities, stuff like that. I fondly remember a session in… In Indie Game Design Participants: Selene Tan, daMoose_Neo.
12/11/2004 clehrich: Addressing the Audience So as I start slowly grinding the gears to think about writing something on structural analysis, myth, and gaming, I'm running immediately against a problem that I think is general… In Push Editorial Board Participants: clehrich, Eero Tuovinen, GaryTP, Rich Forest, Jonathan Walton.
12/11/2004 Doyce: TSOY: quick errata check. Okay. Got the game today. Game kicks butt. Still reading. Still loving.
Quick clarification question: Page 65, top: talking about building Punks and Pogues, the text talks about whether or… In CRN Games Participants: Doyce, Roger Eberhart, Clinton R. Nixon.
<< more previous topics | | Subsequent Topics 12/13/2004 Doehring: Middle Class? Well I have never seen any results my self however I would have to say from the term middle-class in sociology most who play RPG's are not. An average of… In Publishing Participants: Doehring, Tav_Behemoth, Ron Edwards.
12/13/2004 Simon Kamber: Narrativism without premise, simulationism without sim? I've been trying to identify my own CA for a while. I think I've gotten a handle on most of the GNS terminoligy here, and I can place most of… In GNS Model Discussion Participants: Simon Kamber, ethan_greer, Ron Edwards, M. J. Young, jdagna.
12/13/2004 TonyLB: [Capes] Cover for critique Finally finished the draft cover for Capes (barring a few little additions and modifications I know still need to be done in the title-bar). And I am now absolutely too… In Publishing Participants: TonyLB, Sydney Freedberg, Tobias, timfire, GaryTP, Andrew Morris, John Harper, jdagna, Shreyas Sampat, Jack Aidley.
12/13/2004 jc_madden: The inclusion of setting with your mechanic. As you know I'm creating my own RPG for self publishing. I have about three distinct campaigns/stories in my head at the moment that can be fleshed out into complete… In Indie Game Design Participants: jc_madden, Dangerboy, clehrich, komradebob, Valamir, Troy_Costisick, greyorm, daMoose_Neo, inky, Precious Villain, Ron Edwards, JusticeZero, ironick, Doehring.
12/13/2004 Doyce: [HQ] Thoughts from my first test session Well, it was a slow weekend around the casa, so when one of my friends called up to see what we were doing yesterday, I proposed getting together to playtest… In HeroQuest Participants: Doyce, Brand_Robins, Bankuei, Mike Holmes.
12/13/2004 John Kim: Social Function and Feedback in Narrativism So I was struck by a recent comment of Chris Lehrich's in the thread Ramblings on the role of Mechanics in CA's (fishing). So I thought I would… In GNS Model Discussion Participants: John Kim, clehrich, Ron Edwards.
12/13/2004 jc_madden: [D20 FR] An adventure idea. Not sure if this is really the place to post this so if it's not Dev's please move it or delete it as appropriate. I play in a weekly forgotten… In Actual Play Participants: jc_madden, Ron Edwards, Valamir, Grover, Noon.
12/13/2004 Doehring: main stream If you look there have been a few main stream books that have published in smaller formates than 8.5 by 11. Those books from my knolege include a form a… In Publishing Participants: Doehring, Ron Edwards.
12/13/2004 Doehring: Adds Yes design does matter as well as profeshionalism. If you cover lookes like a cartoon you will appeal to that type of audience. Even the adults that usually like anime… In Publishing Participants: Doehring, Clinton R. Nixon, GaryTP, Ron Edwards.
12/13/2004 rafial: Automatic Ron (a software suggestion) So given that newbies post to old threads on a fairly regular basis, leading to Ron posting a "we don't do that here" message, it occured to me that the… In Site Discussion Participants: rafial, jc_madden, Ron Edwards, greyorm.
12/13/2004 Doehring: Patent I was woundering if anyone else has knoledge in this but I herd that it is possible to patent ideas enfact I do believe the system for the CCG Magic… In Publishing Participants: Doehring, Angaros, GaryTP, jdagna, caio_maximino, daMoose_Neo, madelf, Ron Edwards.
12/13/2004 James_Nostack: TSOY: Bringing Down the Pain Question Every second my boss is away, I've been reading my way through the HTML rulebook. It's so cool, and I can't wait to play!
But I have a question about… In CRN Games Participants: James_Nostack, rafial, Clinton R. Nixon.
12/13/2004 WarrenET2: Just sent away a money order..... So in about 10-20 days I should have PTA in my hands.
Never heard of it untill a fellow on another list started going on and on and on... about… In Dog Eared Designs Participants: WarrenET2, Andy Kitkowski, Norbert Matausch.
12/14/2004 jknevitt: [RUN] Alpha Test RUN is looking for alpha testers! Yes, you! You at the keyboard!
Concept thread here.
PM me if you're interested.
Also, if you happen to be an artist that would… In Connections Participants: jknevitt.
12/14/2004 greedo1379: Maneuvering Emotions on a Relationship Map This is split from the Minis and RPGS thread (
One thing I heard that did seem interesting was the use of a character interaction map. That would involve spatial… In RPG Theory Participants: greedo1379, timfire, contracycle, Emily Care, epweissengruber, Noon, Shreyas Sampat, nellist.
12/14/2004 Vaxalon: What do you think, scam? I got this email tonight:
Seasons Greetings Noble Adventurer!
I was exploring cyberspace and came across your ad at one website for
gamers. (That is where I got your… In Publishing Participants: Vaxalon, TonyLB, jc_madden, MisterPoppet, smokewolf, twiztidsoul0512.
12/14/2004 Snowden: Break-point when reaching mastery? From my reading of HQ, it seems like there's a break-point each time a new mastery is gained: there's no difference between a 19 abilty rating and a 20 --… In HeroQuest Participants: Snowden, Brand_Robins, KingOfFarPoint, Invain, Bankuei, Mike Holmes, Gelasma, Alan.
12/14/2004 daMoose_Neo: [Hunters] CCG Hyrbid attempt Alrightie-
Work on my Ruxpin game has ALSO yielded a CCG, I really think I'm just stuck in a 'card game meachanics' mode while working on the Twilight expansion.
So,… In Indie Game Design Participants: daMoose_Neo, Troy_Costisick, Stickman, greedo1379, Jeff Boman.
12/14/2004 Simon W: Dreamscape Cover Art Andrew (Navaro) has now finished the cool cover art for Dreamscape - (originally a 24-Hour rpg entry).
Simon W In Publishing Participants: Simon W, matthijs, Andrew Navaro, Bob Goat, TonyLB, ejh.
12/14/2004 geminidomino: Inverse dice probability? (I hope this is the right forum to post this question in. Pardon my newness.)
There are countless tools out there now that you can plug in an XdY+Z formula… In RPG Theory Participants: geminidomino, Akamaru, Eero Tuovinen, Walt Freitag, timfire, ffilz, M. J. Young.
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