Previous Topics 8/24/2005 Clinton R. Nixon: City of Brass (GenCon preview edition) on sale! Peeps,
I have five red-hot awesome copies of City of Brass still available from GenCon. This thing is a slick little one-night competitive RPG. I thought I'd give my Forge… In CRN Games Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, Miskatonic.
8/13/2005 Clinton R. Nixon: [GenCon 2005] Phone list If you have a cell phone and you are part of the Forge GenCon booth in any capacity, you will want to be on the booth phone list.
Send cell… In Conventions Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, timfire, Bob Goat, Blankshield, Matt Gwinn, Paul Czege.
8/12/2005 Clinton R. Nixon: [TSOY] Love and death on the Poison Coast This is somewhat of a follow-up post to Eating the Black. Only somewhat.
Eight lovely sessions, and what do we have?
Last night was session eight of my current The… In Actual Play Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, Ron Edwards, Bankuei, bcook1971, Paka, RedPissLegion.
8/8/2005 Clinton R. Nixon: Easy question: what GenCon booth number are we at? Seriously, the Forge booth - what booth number is it? In Conventions Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, Paul Czege, Gaerik, timfire, Andy Kitkowski, Ron Edwards.
7/26/2005 Clinton R. Nixon: A psychological model of role-playing I've posted this on my weblog before, but it got about as much response as a newspaper boy at the front door. So, here's the "Clinton R. Nixon Real Deal… In RPG Theory Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, Paka, SlurpeeMoney, ewilen, John Kim, Noon, Miskatonic, ethan_greer, ADGBoss, Matt Snyder, Marco, Nathan P., cruciel, cognis.
7/17/2005 Clinton R. Nixon: Do you use RSS? If you do, I've got some good news for you. Look at this:;type=rss2;sa=recent;limit=10
Interesting, huh?
See a detailed discussion on how you can pull RSS feeds from the Forge… In Site Discussion Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, MichaelCurry, immlass, rafial.
7/17/2005 Clinton R. Nixon: Meet the new boss, same as the old boss Everyone,
We've obviously changed the software the Forge runs on. My apologies for the current looks of it. It's all unintegrated and wacko. Give me a day or two to… In Site Discussion Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, Selene Tan, Uzzah, Paul Czege, Andy Kitkowski, Miskatonic, Jason Petrasko, joshua neff, Asrogoth, Gaerik, ethan_greer, Troy_Costisick, Ben Lehman, Rob Carriere, Warren, Nick Brooke, Nathan P., Matt Snyder, abzu, John Harper, Artanis, Jack Aidley, ffilz, Andrew Morris, Shreyas Sampat, Technocrat13, jrs, Lxndr, ephemere, John Burdick, cdr, matthijs, greyorm, Paganini, M. J. Young.
7/10/2005 Clinton R. Nixon: [The Shadow of Yesterday] Eating the Black This post is part Actual Play and part True Confessions.
So, I don't play the games I write. There it is. I play them before-hand, sure. I mean, I playtest,… In Actual Play Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, bcook1971, Sean, Victor Gijsbers.
7/5/2005 Clinton R. Nixon: The Solar System discussion So, I finally let the cat slip and posted the link to my working copy of the new TSOY rules. You can find them here:
I've been playing with… In CRN Games Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, dyjoots, Paul Czege, Bankuei, aplath, Christopher Weeks, bcook1971, Andy Kitkowski, Jasper Polane, pfischer, Thierry Michel, J B Bell, Vaxalon, First Age, Yasha, Andrew Morris, KingOfFarPoint, James_Nostack, demiurgeastaroth, Remko, matthijs.
6/29/2005 Clinton R. Nixon: TSOY owners' survey Hi, all. Between my recent awesome play of The Shadow of Yesterday and some awesome discussion in the forum, my interest in TSOY has been re-sparked to a great degree.… In CRN Games Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, dyjoots, pfischer, joshua neff, Alan, James_Nostack, Jeffrey Straszheim, Trevis Martin, Negilent, bcook1971, KingstonC, Darcy Burgess, Thor Olavsrud, Clay.
6/28/2005 Clinton R. Nixon: TSOY odds generator If you've ever been curious about how odds work in TSOY, check this out:
You can enter two sides of a contest (ability score, bonus/penalty dice) and see what… In CRN Games Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, dyjoots.
5/18/2005 Clinton R. Nixon: Shadow Wars! Yeah, it's not a roleplaying game. It's a war game. But it's from Anvilwerks.
See my personal website ( for more details. It's in playtest. In CRN Games Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, Grover.
5/2/2005 Clinton R. Nixon: Clinton Does Glorantha I'm very excited that I've finally found a group that wants to play HeroQuest. After we finished up our excellent game of Dogs in the Vineyard, we shuffled the group… In Actual Play Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, Eero Tuovinen, Ron Edwards, paulkdad, Mike Holmes, Ian Cooper, Christopher Weeks.
4/12/2005 Clinton R. Nixon: [Dust Devils] Narration results question I've just re-read the Dust Devils rules, as I might be running it soon. One question: does only one player need to win the deal for all the players to… In Chimera Creative Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, Matt Snyder, jburneko.
4/5/2005 Clinton R. Nixon: What do you do besides role-playing? So, here's my "gettin-to-know-ya" topic?
What are your hobbies and passions?
Mine - I read like most people sleep. Six hours a day, probably. The last book I read was… In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, Chris Goodwin, TonyLB, Shreyas Sampat, Paka, Andy Kitkowski, Matt Wilson, Jason Newquist, Alan, JamesNostack, Brand_Robins, Ben Lehman, hix, Andrew Morris, joshua neff, abzu, Trevis Martin, Frank T, Bankuei, Tobias, Jack Aidley, James Holloway, J. Tuomas Harviainen, sirogit, Rich Forest, pete_darby, Doug Ruff, Eero Tuovinen, beingfrank, GB Steve, Sean, Domhnall, Gaerik, Bob Goat, xenopulse, Emily Care, Lee Short, C. Edwards, J B Bell, Mike Holmes, inthisstyle, Eva Deinum, Jeph, Lxndr, ethan_greer, Meguey, Leningrad, Danny_K, ScottM, zephyr.cirrus, bcook1971, John Harper, nellist, Victor Gijsbers, Scripty, Jason L Blair, Thierry Michel.
3/10/2005 Clinton R. Nixon: Hack attack - officially back up We're officially back up from our hack attack. The explanation:
When searching on the version of phpBB that was running, the highlight= field in the URL allowed you to run… In Site Discussion Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, Ron Edwards, Miskatonic.
3/3/2005 Clinton R. Nixon: [DitV] Miscegenation and female Stewards [b]Note:[/b] This post details play started in [url=]Wisdom's Ghost[/url], [url=]Whores and Flapjacks[/url], and [url=]A Chinese Ghost Story[/url].
The fourth and fifth sessions of Dogs in the Vineyard with my group… In Actual Play Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, Paka, lumpley.
2/18/2005 Clinton R. Nixon: The 'favorites' section, tags, and the future Hey! Have you ever used the "Favorites" feature on the Forge? There's a link up top that says "Favorites" and a link at the bottom of every topic that says… In Site Discussion Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, Paka, Bob Goat, clehrich, joshua neff, Christopher Weeks, LordSmerf, Ben Lehman, ffilz, bcook1971.
2/14/2005 Clinton R. Nixon: [The Mountain Witch] Standing on Giants Long ago, in a magical place called Seattle, I ran a weekly one-shot that got so popular that tens of people would come and lots of us would run one-shots… In Actual Play Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, Ron Edwards, Bob Goat, timfire.
2/9/2005 Clinton R. Nixon: Interview with Clinton R. Nixon I got interviewed over at Primeval Press. If you're interested it's at:
Feel free to discuss here. In CRN Games Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, GaryTP, Bob Goat, Matt Snyder, Bankuei, sirogit, Jonathan Walton, Mike Holmes.
<< more previous topics | | Subsequent Topics 9/2/2005 Clinton R. Nixon: The Shadow of Yesterday revised on sale! Seriously, it's available now from my Lulu store. So, if you like crazy goblins and sweet lovin' on the corner of Full Moon Drive and Blade-Edge Avenue, get you a… In CRN Games Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, coffeestain, Tymen, Matt-M-McElroy, David Bapst, Victor Gijsbers, krs, Clay, Roger Eberhart, Andrew Norris, tzunder, jjspackle, Brand_Robins, Twobirds, pfischer, Michael S. Miller, Ragnar Deerslayer, Frank T, First Age.
9/29/2005 Clinton R. Nixon: Workaround for Apple's Pages software to generate non-crap PDFs Apple's Pages software is getting used more and more to generate print-ready PDFs. It's a decent piece of software, but its PDF generation is for crap and can result in… In Publishing Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, pfischer, Nathan P..
10/4/2005 Clinton R. Nixon: [DitV] All Dogs Go to Heaven This last Sunday, Andy Kitkowski, who you may know from the Indie RPG Awards, hosted the second YukiCon, his house-convention. We had quite a bit of good play, and I… In Actual Play Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, bcook1971, jasonm, Bob Goat, Technocrat13, urbanpagan, Mike Holmes, lumpley, ptikachu.
10/15/2005 Clinton R. Nixon: FindPlay - a new tool to find other gamers in your area Last Tuesday, I got this itch to write a tool to help people find people in their area that like the same games they do. I released it this morning,… In Connections Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, beingfrank, jasonm, Bankuei, Blankshield, matthijs, immlass, Matt Snyder, Wolfen, foucalt, Jason L Blair, Dave Panchyk, Paka, Dev, Andrew Morris, Meguey, demiurgeastaroth, RobNJ, thelostgm, rafial, M. J. Young, Karl, Ben Lehman, Matt, jrs, Christopher Weeks, Dumirik, Samael, Nev the Deranged, Parsolamew, Roland.of.Gilead, okiran.
11/30/2005 Clinton R. Nixon: [The Face of Angels] A Georgian Hurricane I just had my second playtest of The Face of Angels, my newest game, and it was good. Before I even talk about it too much, a quick side-note on… In Actual Play Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, inthisstyle, Emily Care, Technocrat13, Rob MacDougall, Thor Olavsrud, Aman the Rejected.
11/30/2005 Clinton R. Nixon: Playtest opens - The Face of Angels Howdy!
The Face of Angels is a new short-form role-playing game from me. It is way more drama and seriousness than most of my games. Also, it is about teens… In CRN Games Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, Aman the Rejected, Victor Gijsbers.
1/11/2006 Clinton R. Nixon: Red Prophet, Black Prophet - tying game sessions to the real world [color=red][b]Serious warning:[/b] Seriously, if you're easily upset or offended about modern-day events, especially those involving Islamic jihad and September 11, this isn't the thread for you.[/color]
I've been running my… In Actual Play Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, Ben Lehman, Noon, jasonm, LeSingeSavant, TheTris, gains.
1/23/2006 Clinton R. Nixon: [Dreamation, The Princes' Kingdom] The Island of Lo Pang I ran The Princes' Kingdom at Dreamation for seven players - which is insane, but great! I will tell you right now that it was one of the most fun… In Actual Play Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, RobNJ, nikola, Lisa Padol, jasonm, Sydney Freedberg, Andrew Morris, inthisstyle.
2/28/2006 Clinton R. Nixon: [Steel Shadows] The Power 19 [b]Intro[/b]
So, hey, I'm posting about a game I'm designing on the Forge. I was talking with a friend recently, who pointed out I hadn't posted in Indie Game Design… In First Thoughts Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, Andrew Morris, Technocrat13, Bryan Hansel, Ben Lehman, jasonm, Troy_Costisick, dindenver, xenopulse, John Harper, Blake T. Deakin, Jack Aidley, Sydney Freedberg, rafial, Matt, CLawrence, CommonDialog, gains.
4/11/2006 Clinton R. Nixon: [Mouse Guard] Yes-play and no-game I played last night in the first real session of Mouse Guard, a quick RPG I made based on the excellent comics of the same name. It was my standard… In Actual Play Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, Ron Edwards, jasonm, Thunder_God, Alex Fradera.
4/13/2006 Clinton R. Nixon: ConCarolinas indie game track I've secured an indie game track at ConCarolinas, a largeish sci-fi/gaming convention in Charlotte, NC on June 2 - 4. We've got some good games that are going to be… In Conventions Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, seawolf69.
4/16/2006 Clinton R. Nixon: [AG&G] The Wyrm and the Witch We played Vincent's newest game, Art, Grace, and Guts at our monthly local roleplayers' meetup today, and it was plenty fun.
The game, if you haven't seen it, is predicated… In Playtesting Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, jasonm, lumpley, Marhault.
4/19/2006 Clinton R. Nixon: [AG&G] The life and death of Rama, bandit-king So, we played Vincent's new game, Art, Grace, and Guts again. It's officially my game I'd take to a desert island, not only because it's more fun than anything I've… In Playtesting Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, jasonm, lumpley, LeSingeSavant, Jeph.
6/19/2006 Clinton R. Nixon: [TSOY] Starting a new game; asking about BDTP RedPissLegion wrote:
I get (i think... hope) the idea of BDTP, zoom in on the conflit and get your hands dirty with the bloody mess of the conflict.
What's… In CRN Games Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, RedPissLegion, Clay, Thunder_God, Gaerik, John Harper, Frank T.
7/20/2006 Clinton R. Nixon: Preorders for The Princes' Kingdom The Princes' Kingdom is off to press, and man, it looks good! Between that and a big reprint of The Shadow of Yesterday, whew, what a week!
You want to… In CRN Games Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, greyorm, Zabieru, coffeestain, joshua neff, oliof.
8/6/2006 Clinton R. Nixon: Forge news - Aug 5 2006 Two administrator notes:
1) After the recent spam, I am taking a hard line against spam on here. If a post smells like spam, and the author has not posted… In Site Discussion Participants: Clinton R. Nixon.
8/8/2006 Clinton R. Nixon: GenCon demo fest Wednesday night Peoples of the Forge,
Wednesday night, I will be organizing a demo-fest. I'm sure you've got a 10-minute demo of your game, right? I'd like to help you get better… In Conventions Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, Justin D. Jacobson, JohnU, TonyLB, Michael S. Miller, Nathan P., John Harper, Ben Lehman, Blankshield, joepub, Yokiboy, Lxndr, Paka, Meguey.
8/18/2006 Clinton R. Nixon: Forge @ GenCon SoCal 2006 People,
I will be at GenCon SoCal again this year. The deadline for the booth getting is September 26. Lest you think GenCon SoCal is no GenCon at all, know… In Conventions Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, abzu, Justin D. Jacobson, Nathan P., Albert of Feh, joepub, Malcolm, Joshua BishopRoby, Iskander, Jake Richmond, Gordon C. Landis, okiran, Ron Edwards, MarktheAnimator.
8/22/2006 Clinton R. Nixon: [Mortal Coil] Frozen Alaska and serious rules questions Brennan and all,
My group played Mortal Coil last night in an awesome setting (the Klondike gold rush + necromancy), and I want to say that the setting-building part of… In Galileo Games Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, inthisstyle, boredoom, Doyce, coffeestain, jasonm, Nathan P., Andy Kitkowski.
8/22/2006 Clinton R. Nixon: Planned downtime 8/27 The Forge will be down for maintenance, and hopefully, spam prevention on Aug 27, 2006 all day. In Site Discussion Participants: Clinton R. Nixon.
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