The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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From Day One

Previous Topics

1/18/2006 Sydney Freedberg: [apocalypse girl] - getting unsafe, with safewords
[i]apocalypse girl[/i] is my November 2006 Ronnies submission, which I'm now revising (slowly) in light of the excellent suggestions from many people in various threads (listed below), especially Unco Lober,…
In Endeavor
Participants: Sydney Freedberg, Mark Woodhouse, Joshua BishopRoby, dindenver, Unco Lober, Andy Kitkowski, Ron Edwards.

1/18/2006 Neros Boot: [Sorcerer] The mini-supplements
What can y'all tell me 'bout the Sorcerer mini-supplements?  As preparation for writing my own mini-supplement, I have decided to buy all six currently available e-sourcebooks.  I am particularly interested…
In Adept Press
Participants: Neros Boot, Bret Gillan, Peter Nordstrand, Eero Tuovinen, Hisho, Jasper Polane.

1/18/2006 Bret Gillan: [TSOY] Buyoff XP Amount
Wouldn't it be better to make a Key's Buyoff equal to two Advances of XP rather than a flat 10 XP? In a 5XP Advance game, buying off a Key…
In CRN Games
Participants: Bret Gillan, Clinton R. Nixon, Tancred, Eero Tuovinen.

1/18/2006 Neros Boot: Indie Press Revolution
How long does it typically take IPR to send out dead-tree-format books once you've ordered them? --I ordered Sorcerer and Sword and Sex and Sorcery off them, and am curious…
In Adept Press
Participants: Neros Boot, Justin A Hamilton.

1/18/2006 Vaxalon: Not sure what to do if...
So there's this girl in a town I'm working up that has a crippled hand.  It's crippled as a result of the actions of one of the other NPC's. The…
In lumpley games
Participants: Vaxalon, Andrew Morris, Levi Kornelsen, TheHappyAnarchist, Pol Jackson.

1/18/2006 LeSingeSavant: [Shab-al-Hiri Roach] One, Two, Three . . . Roach!
I played The Shab-al-Hiri Roach with a bunch of non-gamer friends this past weekend at the tail-end of a business trip to DC this weekend. We only had 2 and…
In Actual Play
Participants: LeSingeSavant, jasonm, Ron Edwards.

1/18/2006 dancross: A deal with a publisher
I've worked out a deal with a publisher where I get 40% of profits on all things sold in relation to my RPG system. I thought I had worked out…
In Publishing
Participants: dancross, dindenver, Ron Edwards, Joshua BishopRoby.

1/18/2006 Storn: Character Prompting Sheet
{pardon if this double post} This thread prompted this in conjunction to something our group was exploring: Linked below is a pdf to my RPGnet thread on art.  The…
In Actual Play
Participants: Storn, dunlaing, Warren, RDU Neil, Sydney Freedberg, Kintara, Nuadha, zornwil.

1/18/2006 Doc Blue: A Modest Proposal for an Origins Event....
I early-bird registered for Origins earlier this month. At the time, I largely figured I wouldn't be running any events. Naturally, because I made a conscious decision, my subconscious decided…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: Doc Blue.

1/18/2006 Neros Boot: Sorcerer in Spaaaaaaaaace!
I have an idea for a Sorcerer adaptation, which I've already emailed to Mr. Edwards as a potential mini-supplement.  Essentially, the mini-supplement would be about human pilots in the near…
In Adept Press
Participants: Neros Boot, Justin A Hamilton, Sydney Freedberg, ubergeek2012, Bret Gillan, cpeterso, IMAGinES, Peter Nordstrand.

1/18/2006 IMAGinES: [RPGnet Forum / Wiki] Sorcerer: A Menu
As the RPGnet forums are no longer searchable, Paka set up a forum thread called A Menu with the intent of collecting all the best RPGnet threads relating to…
In Adept Press
Participants: IMAGinES, Ron Edwards.

1/18/2006 Adam Biltcliffe: useless relationships?
So, one of my players' characters has a relationship with her dead brother. She reckons this is important, and it certainly seems right to me that it should be down…
In lumpley games
Participants: Adam Biltcliffe, Vaxalon, demiurgeastaroth, Matt, jasonm, Andrew Morris, lumpley, daHob.

1/18/2006 Justin A Hamilton: [Sorcerer] Preparing for a pitch, King in Yellow
Hello again, let me apologize in advance if this post has a lot of jargon, please ask. So my roleplaying group has a kind of round-robin GM format.  We all…
In Adept Press
Participants: Justin A Hamilton, Neros Boot, TickTock Man, IMAGinES, Mister Six.

1/18/2006 Bankuei: [KueiCon] Aftermath report
Hi folks, KueiCon was teh awesome, and I wanted to thank everyone who came and played with us.  Though we only set up for 2 days and 3 time slots…
In Conventions
Participants: Bankuei, ptevis, Albert of Feh, jasonm, faerieloch.

1/18/2006 Bankuei: [KueiCon] Dog Eat Dog
Hi folks, On Sunday morning, we got to play the very awesome Dog Eat Dog, a game in development by William Burke.  Dog Eat Dog is a game about colonialism,…
In Actual Play
Participants: Bankuei.

1/17/2006 Bankuei: [KueiCon] Capes
Hi folks, Towards the end of the first night, we had 3 extra people show up, and wanted to get them into play ASAP.  In hindsight, Capes is not the…
In Actual Play
Participants: Bankuei.

1/17/2006 Anna B: The Sim Nar Blur
So I get Sim - but then I'm the kind of person who watched The Matrix and thought "wait that volates the second law of thermodynamics! What are the computers…
In Actual Play
Participants: Anna B, Ron Edwards, nikola, Supplanter, Sydney Freedberg, Joshua BishopRoby, Silmenume.

1/17/2006 Bankuei: [KueiCon] Falling Leaves
Hi folks, First- Wow.  What a brutally simple and elegant game. I got to play this with Albert & William, and our game quickly turned into something worthy of rivalling…
In Actual Play
Participants: Bankuei, William Burke, Albert of Feh, TheTris, Sydney Freedberg.

1/17/2006 Bankuei: [KueiCon] Galactic
Hi folks, So first thing off on Saturday, we got into Matt Wilson's developing space opera game, Galactic, run by Albert Anderson. Galactic normally involves building a map with different…
In Actual Play
Participants: Bankuei, ptevis, Albert of Feh.

1/17/2006 Ben Lehman: [KueiCon] Falling Leaves w/ Ion
As it turns out <a href="">KueiCon</a> was a massively playtest-heavy con, with playtests of Galactic, Falling Leaves (twice!), Drifter's Escape, Dog eat Dog (twice!), and General Mud, plus serious discussion…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ben Lehman, TheTris, Piers Brown, GreatWolf.

<< more previous topics


Subsequent Topics

1/19/2006 Jaochai: My game: Vigilance
Those who haunt may, distantly, remember me from many aeons ago, when I submitted a few details about my dream RPG, which I tentatively entitled Vigilance.  Anyway, long story…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Jaochai, TonyPace, dindenver, Adam Dray.

1/19/2006 guildofblades: 2005 Guild of Blades Unit Volumes
Hi All, I see some other companies have been posting their 2005 sales figures and thought I would offer up the Guild's 2005 numbers as well. Since our accountant laid…
In Publishing
Participants: guildofblades, abzu, MatrixGamer, Paul Czege.

1/19/2006 Maitete: Ron's "A toolbox for playing Hero Wars"
In the thread Where to begin? Ron made a mention of providing a document he wrote called "A toolbox for playing Hero Wars" to the poster.  Does anyone (specifically Ron)…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Maitete, Ian Cooper, Lamorak33, Tim Ellis, Ron Edwards.

1/19/2006 Maitete: [Sorcerer] First time play
Hello all, We played our first game ever of Sorcerer this last weekend, and I thought it would be interesting to discuss in Actual Play, both in terms of what…
In Actual Play
Participants: Maitete, Jason Leigh, Ron Edwards.

1/19/2006 Certified: Getting ready for a con: What does a good demo look like?
In the past I’ve run four hour short stories for demos. Sometimes connected with an overall arc, this has had mixed results at conventions. Some advice I got last year…
In Actual Play
Participants: Certified, Ron Edwards, timfire, TonyLB, Lamorak33, daemonchild.

1/19/2006 sayter: [Realm] New Changes
Allright, heres a breakdown of the design decisions ive made in the last while. I think I am pretty firm on them for the most part. First, I redid the…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: sayter, Bill Masek, dindenver.

1/19/2006 Rusty: [Space Rat] Femme Babe karate chop - THWACK!
Played a series of Space Rat games leading into the silly season (never a more appropriate time to get involved in the hi-jinx of Jack Cosmos!), and everyone involved had…
In Playtesting
Participants: Rusty, Ron Edwards, demiurgeastaroth.

1/19/2006 demiurgeastaroth: Stunning display of honesty - a tale of dysfunctional gamers?
This isn't so much an Actual Play, as a Dysfunction Between Play tale. Something happened recently which left me feeling stunned and a bit betrayed. You tell me if this…
In Actual Play
Participants: demiurgeastaroth, Paka, Bankuei, Joshua BishopRoby, cpeterso, Frank T, Elindryn, Ron Edwards.

1/19/2006 amel: pdf?
Hi Micheal, I am curious about the game since I first heard of it. But as I live overseas, I waiting for the pdf. Is there any chance, that it…
In Incarnadine Press
Participants: amel, Michael S. Miller, DainXB, inthisstyle, Nathan P., Thor Olavsrud.

1/19/2006 johnmarron: Trying to elicit Flags in game prep, an actual attempt
Last night I met with a new group of players that have expressed interest in doing some role-playing to plan a new game.  I have only met these guys a…
In Actual Play
Participants: johnmarron, Warren, Supplanter, Ron Edwards, Storn, Marhault, Marco, David Chunn, Everspinner.

1/19/2006 CSBone: How do you reduce Sim prep
I was following the thread on Lost that Spark, a Lost Gm seeks advice. And realized that I feel very strongly that people keep asking the wrong questions…
In Actual Play
Participants: CSBone, Supplanter, Ron Edwards, John Kim, Nathan P., Joshua BishopRoby, Tommi Brander, Noon, Silmenume.

1/19/2006 Jonathan Hastings: [The Shab-al-Hiri Roach] At Recess
Last Saturday, I ran a Shab-al-Hiri Roach game at Recess,'s quarterly gaming event.  By "run" I mean I taught the rules, facilitated the game, and also played.  This represented…
In Actual Play
Participants: Jonathan Hastings, jasonm.

1/19/2006 lumpley: Shock: 0.???.0 Playtest
I very briefly summarize my own PC's story and then go into theory, here. -Vincent
In glyphpress
Participants: lumpley, nikola.

1/19/2006 WhiteRat: [D&D 3.5] Adjust my CA for this game!
Last year I sat down as a player at a D&D 3.5 game of Midnight, a fantasy setting in which evil won. In the very first session, one player’s gnome…
In Actual Play
Participants: WhiteRat, Bankuei, James_Nostack, Roger, Ron Edwards, Eero Tuovinen, John Kim, Valamir, Nathan P., Kintara, TheTris.

1/19/2006 clayton_mcfarland: [Canindar: Primordial Saga] First post for a New Member
Greetings Forumites! My name is Clayton McFarland, and I am just starting out in the Indie Game Design adventure.  I’m working on a Gamist / Simulationist system which covers life…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: clayton_mcfarland, xenopulse, Ron Edwards, Troy_Costisick, dindenver.

1/19/2006 JMendes: [Project Senate] Central Thread
Hello, folks, :) Some of you may remember me. I've been a forgite on and off for a number of years, and the theory developped here has been mulling in…
In First Thoughts
Participants: JMendes.

1/19/2006 pfischer: [Sorcerer] Las Cruces Onesheet
Hi, I set up this game to present Sorcerer to a group I haven't played with before. The ideas were bounced forth and back during an evening, and I put…
In Adept Press
Participants: pfischer, Yokiboy.

1/19/2006 Matthew Glover: How do you sell Capes to a simulationist?
So I've got a friend who's unabashedly Sim.  I've been talking to him about Capes and he'd like to give it a try, but he and I are both pretty…
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: Matthew Glover, Vaxalon, dunlaing.

1/19/2006 Matthew Glover: Be my Exemplar!
Can I create a character and take your character as an Exemplar?  Against your will?  The rules say Any character with Drives may choose or create one Exemplar for…
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: Matthew Glover, Vaxalon, TheCzech, Bret Gillan.

1/19/2006 phredd: Has this happened to you?
So, I ran a 3.5 hour Capes! demo that was fun for everyone involved at Recess VII over the weekend.  However, unlike the previous times I've demoed it, not everyone…
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: phredd, Vaxalon, Matthew Glover, Bret Gillan, demiurgeastaroth, Gaerik, drnuncheon.

more subsequent topics >>